
this won't hurt a bit


08-11-2013, 11:02 AM


A low, reedy growl shook itself loose from the she-cat's chest as she prowled about the woods that lined the open meadows. The sound was the only sign that anything was there. With enough storm clouds rolling around to bring on a second Great Flood, it was easy enough to say the sky was overcast. The world was deprived of some of it's color and about half of it's light - making this a perfect day for the dangerous hunters to come out and and play.

But Silverback's mood wasn't exactly playful. A part of her was wishing she'd never left her territory in the north. When she'd first left she'd been burning with curiosity, but that itch was nothing compare to the pain of all these disappointments stacked on top of eachother. The bitterness was starting to shred at her soul. What had happened to her people? To all cats for that matter. So far she'd searched all through the north - and even started to come down into the northeast, and still there was nothing but the occasional scent of a stumpy tailed bobcat.

She had grown more irratable now; she'd noticed. In the past month or so, she'd yanked a wolf off's it's feet and pinned it to the ground, ready to kill it for having scared away her prey. She'd stalked and killed a young pup, before realizing her hunger wasn't worth it. Just the other day she'd nearly clawed some male's eyes out for waking her with his stupid howling. She was a proud character who did as she liked, but one thing she valued in herself was control. She might fly off the handle and burn down a forest if she wanted and that was fine - so long as that was what she consciously intended for herself to do. If she didn't start once more becoming master of her own impulses she'd end up no better than the mutts that seemed to clog these godforsaken lands.

When it came to the wolves themselves, she was generally prejudiced, but she'd found a few exceptions to the rules. She'd had intelligent conversation with a black loner and a purple eyed assassin, she'd even found herself attracted to a scarred up male who, in a way, had lost his people too. For the most part, it just depended. Honestly, she was begining to wonder... if there were no other cats out there... might she find at least some sort of solace in the company of a wolf. She wouldn't play it on their terms or anything. She wasn't about to join a pack, and she certainly didn't want some idiot butt-sniffer to be tagging along on all her hunts, but... just so that she would have someone to come back and talk to. Someone to groom. Someone to care for. Someone to keep the mind-numbing lonliness away so that she could once more think clearly.

As of late an idea had been forming in her mind, having taken root after a couple of different encounters involving wolves and cliffsides. They really were such helpless little sacks of bones... Maybe...

But she was distracted now from her thoughts, by the sound and scent of approaching wolf. She hoped it wasn't trying to be quiet or anything, because it sounded like it was trying to snap every twig and brittle stem in the whole treeline. Then again, maybe it was chasing something out into the open meadow just ahead. She'd have to wait and see. Totally hidden by the shadows of the trees and thickets, Silverback waited.



08-11-2013, 08:20 PM

Paws drummed against the ground, a blur of brown moving back and forth. Those copper eyes of Nuka's were trained on the animal before him, a rabbit. He almost had it without the animal noticing, but the crunch of a twig had spooked it, and now here he was. He was already breathing heavily, not use to so much running, but this was because he was trying really hard not to give up.

In a matter of moments though he did give up, slowing down to walk before letting himself drop to the ground in a pile of brown and white fur. He lay there on his side breathing heavily, eyes closed. "Your... mine... next time... rabbit." He managed to squeeze out between breaths.


Awesome image by Canttina <3


08-11-2013, 08:42 PM


(ooc: permission given to power play)

It was like the gods were sending a gift. It was a male wolf, young, but independent and deceny healthy looking, despite his apparent inability to hunt. Silverback wanted through slitted eyes as the boy ran pull mell for the scrap of prey until to lag further and further, and finally just throw the towel in. He slowed down to a walk, and collapsing panting at the edge of the meadow. The summer flowers were quite beautiful despite the ominous grey sky. They seemed to know that with dangerous storms came lots of life giving rain. Columbine, poppies, cornflowers and queen anne's lace all stretched up towards the heavens.

Silverback didn't know their names, honestly she'd never even seen most of them. At first she had just been overwhelmed by all the color here in the south (or northeast rather, but south for her). Every was so bright and smelled so strong. She was used to stone and snow and pine being her backdrop, not a hundred other others. Still, she was a hunter and she was learning to cope. She'd already brought down a brace of coneys here - which perhaps explained why all the other rabbits were extra flighty.

Now though, she was thinking of a very different prey. The wolf was pretty in his own way. He wasn't just a plain black or white - he was a rich brown color with dots of white sprouting here and there on his fur. At least she wouldn't get tired of looking at him in a hurry. She hesitated, calculating, thinking things through as she crouched comfortably in the thicket. A male, particularly a large one as this one would probably be, would mean alot of kills needed to keep him fed. But at the same time, from the looks of his skills it looked like she'd be doing him a favor. Not that his opinions were really involved in the matter. It was just a question of whether this fish was the one she wanted to catch. There were so many wolves around now a days that she could take her time and have her pick.

There was a moment's more pause, and then the sultry hunter departed her post. There was no sound. No noise. Save, of course, for the breeze that hinted strongly of rain. It was blowing towards Silver though, and carried the wolf's scent towards her rather than the other way around. If the boy had opened his eyes and raised his head, he still wouldn't have noticed anything seeming to be off. But behind him came the slow and steady advance of a silver shadow. So perfectly confident was she in her abilities, that she didn't over play a crouch and a stalk, she just padded up quietly. The boy was making it so easy - laying out like that with his back to her. And males could be so adorable when unconscious. Best that he stay that way for now, she decided, and, without hesitation, let launch a knock out blow to the back of his head. Had her claws been unsheathed, they would've dug all the way into his scalp. But she wasn't in a killing or particuarly maiming mood. She just wanted him out cold.

So, to make extra sure he didn't wake up at some point during the climb, she whacked him again.

Her tail tip flicked out behind her as she sighed contentedly. Already the stress was melting away.



08-12-2013, 09:30 PM

Oh how a pain it was, had he been more aware of his surroundings the boy would have seen that twig just in front of him. He couldn't be too upset though, the other day he did manage to catch two, yeah it took awhile but he did get them eventually. He had tried really hard, paying attention to everything around him, taking his time. Perhaps that's why this hunt wasn't too good. HE made a mental note to remember doing that again next time, that way he could aim for something bigger that would fill his stomach faster.

After a few moments he finally was breathing normal, now just laying there and feeling every ache in his limbs. His nose twitched, the smell of water in the air growing stronger with every second. Rain would be coming fast, which made his open his eyes, orbs looking up the the dark sky.

That was when he saw it, felt something, a slight shadow moving across his limbs. Then BAM! Lights out, the boy's body going limp.


Awesome image by Canttina <3


08-13-2013, 05:46 AM


The leopard stalking a hasty circle about her new catch, looking him over. He was still young, but large enough that she'd have to be careful about this. She glanced over his shoulders and back and flanks, looking for any marring scars or wounds. None, just the fawn-spots here and there among the brown fluff. He was quite a cute little thing as far as mutts go. Silverback made a low rumbling sound which could've been a purr or growl, and finally stooped over him to link her teeth about his scruff.

She dragged him through the feild of flowers, leaving a clear trail of bent and broken stems. To the brink of the cliffs she went. But she didn't go straight off the edge of the precipice, no; early she'd gone plenty of exploring and even set up the cave a bit. Along the cliffs, from the top to the narrow white sand shores below, ran a thin, winding trail, never to be used by the faint of heart. But what was an adrenaline junky's climb to a wolf, was a stroll in the park to the silver siren. It made some of her job along easier. Down she came, now dragging the male between her forepaws, now having to bend her head and let him hang in space. She went carefully and never faltered - even when she left the trail.

The cave she'd found, which resembled something of a tunnel or mining shaft stuck deep into the mountain, was a good ways off the beaten path, ensuring that only she could reach it without breaking a neck. Her large senstive paws, with all the claws out, came step by step over the marbled stone, until at last, flat ground was once more hers. She hefted the dog over and into the cave, and then pounced up to join it. There this would do nicely. The tunnel was a good six yards deep, with the cieling growing ever so slightly lower at the back. It had smooth, almost sandy floors and a slanted roof, along which ran an exposed vein of what looked like silver fool's gold. There were similar mineral despots peeking through in other places - and towards the back, where a little pool of ground water had collected, grew a great crop of deep, soft moss which sported little white star-flowers.

An inmate couldn't ask for a better cell - if that was what the male would choose to see it as. Silverback twitched her tail tip and climbed up onto one of the little shelves of stone that dotted the tunnel. She curled up there, waiting for her new arrival to awaken.



08-15-2013, 12:47 PM

He had been thrown into a world of darkness, no matter where he ran nothing would come into sight, just more and more darkness. How log had he been out, a few minutes, an hour, a few hours, days? Slowly his eyelids parted, copper orbs turning in their sockets, taking in his surroundings. It didn't the long before they went wide, realizing he was no longer laying in the meadow he was in. What he was seeing was s rock wall in front of him, he gulped, slowly shifting, front paws underneath him and pushing him up so he was sitting then up so he was standing.

He turned in a full circle, brows coming together ad jaw dropping. He was trapped! His ears fell back against his head, the hole he was in deep below the surface, the ceiling slanted, a small pool of water in the back and moss around it. He desperately looked along the walls, running over to them and standing on his hind-legs, looking for anything for him to jump on and try to get out. After only a few minutes and going in two complete circles the boy finally gave up, taking a few steps back till he was in the center, lifting his head to look at the top. Spotting a mass of grey and black.

Nuka's ears shot up, a look of hope washing over him, tail wagging. ?Hey you! I'm stuck, can you help me?!? He barked, hoping this wolf would be able to help him get out of there somehow. It didn't eve occur to him that maybe this wolf had dragged him down there, that he didn't know what had made him pass out in the first place, the only thing running through his head was trying to get out of here.


Awesome image by Canttina <3


08-15-2013, 01:14 PM


The creature awoke and came back to himself quickly. The cat, from her shrouded perch, watched through slitted eyes as he made a fool of himself. It was like a mouse in a cage - running circles, growing more and more frantic every second it failed to find a door. It even did a little hind leg hop at one point - Oh this was too adorable. Silverback almost broke her cover with wicked chuckle of amusement. These wolves were so limited, it amazed her they had survived so long as to out last her kind. Ridiculous; That was the word.

But it was morbidly endearing. She enjoyed the display of desperation, and then finally, of defeat, as the wolf stood still in the middle of the cave. It was a testament to the cat's stealth that, without even really trying, she had managed to remain totally undetected whilst in a confined space with a frantic mutt. Soon enough though, his eyes became raised to the correct spot - perhaps having been in the middle of some pray to the heavens. He spotted her, but didn't seem to really get a good view in the darkness. He called to her for help.

A fluffy foreleg stepped down from the rock shelf, and then another, and another. A broad, spotted head, rosetted shoulders, and a long, lithe back all came into the view. Then came the little leap as she dropped to the tunnel floor. With regal grace, a feline form emerged from the shades and came to life in the narrow confides of the tunnel, silhouetted by what damp, grey daylight managed to shine through the opening. "Oh I'm afraid you won't be leaving any time soon." a silken, purring voice promised. "There is no escape from this tunnel - at least - not for a canine." Her eyes roved over him, ready to enjoy any more fear that might come to twist though features of his. What a lovely new play thing.



08-15-2013, 02:08 PM

At first his tail rose as he waited for the thing to turn around to help him, but then it started lowering as paws moved out of the shadows, followed by a head he knew wasn't that of a wolf. He backed up a step, then a few more as more of the body was now visible, definitely not a wolf. He would jump back as the creature did, his tail falling to hang between his legs. Copper eyes watched it from where he stood, ears back against his head once again that had lowered. The feline told him he would't be leaving any time soon, his jaws dropped, she continued on telling him that he there was no escape from this tunnel, at least for his kind.

No! That couldn't be! "What..." He mumbled, a look on confusion and fear came over him, shaking his head and turning to the side, looking down at his paws in though. This wasn't happening, what did this cat want with him anyway? Nuka didn't do anything to make her mad! "No, you can't do this!" He barked, turning back to her, a hint of desperation in his voice. He didn't understand, was she trying to get pay back for something? "I did nothing bad!" He whined.


Awesome image by Canttina <3


08-15-2013, 02:50 PM


She enjoyed the display of fear that he put on for her at her entrance, but now that she tolled out the ringings of doom, the little male convulsed. It took a little time - it always did - but eventually the full extent of the meaning was eventually made clear. With his hope obliterated, his desperation returned. His bark that she 'couldn't do this' just made the cat have to bite back more laughter. She already had.

This fawn-spotted little fluff ball was not the first to fall into her webs, nor would he be the last. She was a dragon, and he her captive. There was no real contest of who was in control, but if he dared to challenge that fact, she would oblige him. She did so enjoy a bit of violence - though brutish force quickly lost it's appeal to her - she preferred more subtle, creative means of getting your way - and this elaborate plan was a perfect example.

His next attempt at speech, was bemoaning his innocence. Silverback just flicked an ear. "Oh darling, don't be so self absorbed," she murmured with a laconic blink of those snake-like eyes. "This has nothing to do with you." She spoke quite casually. It was true. The only reason this particular wolf was chosen was because he had been at the right place at the right time - or perhaps, wrong time, from his limited point of view. If he had any responsiblity in the matter, it fell to the fact that he was decent looking as far as mutt's go.

As the cat had spoken though it occurred to her that she could handle this in a more artful way. There were many sides to the silver siren, and she could use any number of them to her advantage. She liked this plan because she had that sadistic complex for power that lurks in the breast of just about all felines, but the idea itself had been born of loneliness and a certain desperation of her own. The constant disappointment of futile searching.... the loss of hope... the growing bitterness and sorrow... It had begun to really eat at her soul.

She let her round, teddy-bear ears droop slightly to the side. Her tail ceased it's twitching and stopped it lowered slowly to the ground. She cocked her head slightly and looked him over with eyes that, though still rather unreadable, were much softer now. "Please," she murmured, in a voice just tinged with concern. "Don't be angry with me." He had backed up upon her appearance, and now, with a ginger step or two she sought to quietly close some of the gap. If he stiffened though, she would halt where she was. The siren's voice tingued upon apologetic - almost a pleading as she let drip words that were half true. "It-it may be a bit lonely and limiting here at first, but then perhaps you'll come to understand why I did this..."



08-15-2013, 04:06 PM

He brought his head back when she spoke up again, a paw lifted off the sandy ground. She told him this had nothing to do with him, her voice casual, definitely not giving a care as to how panicked he would become. Did that mean... he was here for her to eat when she felt the urge to try wolf meat. His eyes only got wider at this idea, tail dropping behind him, jaws clenching, fur bristling in fear rather than anger. Was he really waiting in a death hole? His eyes shot up to the top of the hole, chest starting to rise and fall rapidly, his heart racing.

"Please.... Don't be angry with me."? Her voice made the boy jump, head coming down, copper gaze falling upon the feline who had taken a step towards him, making him take one back. He watched her cautiously, breathing heavily,. He wasn't sure what to thin as she spoke some more, though her voice had come concern and pleading tone in it, he wasn't sure whether he should believe or trust her. "It-it may be a bit lonely and limiting here at first, but then perhaps you'll come to understand why I did this..."

Nuka gulped, not sure if there was a different reason for her keeping here other than to store some fresh meat. What if she was lying, trying to get him comfortable before making the blow, that way his body wouldn't be tough and make eating him undesirable? There was nothing he really could say, but for one thing. ?Will I be here forever?? He whined softly, lowering his head, wanting to know if there was some chance of him being able to leave.


Awesome image by Canttina <3


08-15-2013, 05:31 PM

(continuity note: it said Silverback took him into a tunnel like cave that went straight into the side of the cliffs, not like a well shaft tunnel. Though we could say it slopes downwards a bit from the entrance)


The male was still extremely wary of her and fearful of the situation as a whole. When she'd moved forward he'd taken another step back. He'd best be care however - in the enclosed space there was only so far he could go. It was as though he expected at any moment for her to leap upon him and sink her teeth into his throat. Well, perhaps that was the smart way to see things. She was perfectly capable of doing such a deed - but the truth was, she did not want to. This speckled little bird, she had claimed as her own, and she wished him to stay that way. He was little good to her dead.

"Will I be here forever...?"

Oh dear, this one might just be a bit too cute. The way his whine warbled out - that lowering of his head. Silverback, felt a twitch of her tail as she tried to dismiss any real feelings of pity. None of this was supposed to actually make her feel bad!

"Yes," she told him, not mincing words. "Forever." It seemed as ripe a time as any to explain things. "I do not expect you to understand," she sniffed, "but the fact is that I seem to be one of the last of a dying breed. I am alone in the world, and though my kind is rather solitary - I find myself yearning for company." -There she could not hide the tint of actual longing that fueled her actions, but she did her best to regain composure. "However, I seem to have stumbled upon a way to fix that." She looked at the wolf expectantly - as though the answer was obvious. "You."

She was tempted to keep walking forward. To corner him if need be so that he would have no choice but to submit to touches and licks which she assumed would be soothing and calming. But no no, she would wait. She would restrain herself and give the poor creature time to adjust. To show her good will, she even went as far as to sit down and coil her giant tail twice round her paws. "You'll probably hate me at first," she said with a quiet regret that was actually half genuine, "But I'll take care of you - I'll bring you food and tell you stories and share my life with you. Perhaps..." she blinked, aware that she was beginning to betray just how much she felt. "Perhaps in time you'll accept that."

She glanced at her paws as though suddenly self conscious, then back at the cave walls and finally on the male himself. "If you wish for time to adjust, I'll leave you alone for a bit, or I can stay and answer any other questions." Dang it. Why was she being so helpful? It was one thing to act like she was all nice-nicey, it was another thing to actually start to mean it. She wasn't supposed to be getting attached to these little flea bags right from the start - unless it was only in a possessive, controlling way.



08-15-2013, 06:21 PM

His jaw dropped immediately as she confirmed, he would be here... forever. He swung his head from side to side, thinking this was a dream, that he would wake up anytime now. This couldn't be happening to him! He had turn to the side, his ears twitching as she continued on. He didn't want to hear anymore, didn't want to find out more bad thing that would possibly happen to him while here. She didn't explain that though, explained to him why she had captured and put him here, she was the last of a dying breed, wanted company... ?She's lonely... He thought to himself, feeling bad for her but still feeling upset that she was forcing him to stay here just because of that.

He blinked a few times, coming back to reality, looking over at the woman as she told him she found a way to fix that feeling, with him. ?With me...? He repeated quietly, watching as she sat down, her long tail curling around her body. He wasn't sure how to feel, a bit sick, angry, scared... a bit bad for the lady. When she told him that he would hate her at first he couldn't help but give a small nod of his head, he definitely did feel like it, after all she had knocked him out and brought him here for her selfish desires. She explained that she would take care of him, bring him food, tell her stories and share her life with him and perhaps in time he would accept it. It did sound a bit nice, at least she would be taking care of him and not letting him starve in here. Would she really though, or was she just saying that to get his hopes up?

He didn't answer her though, just watched her look down then around before refocusing her attention back on him. She told him she would leave him alone for a bit so he could adjust, or stay and answer any questions. Nuka gulped, his copper gaze going to the feline's tail. This was probably the craziest thing to happen to him in his whole life besides his family dying off and becoming separated form his sister... he wasn't sure what to say or do.

"Um..." He turned around so his body was facing hers again, his tail and head hanging low. "Why don't you talk to others? Doing this stuff will only make them hate you..." He spoke softly, lifting his head a little to glance up at her nervously. "There are mean wolves but some are nice, like me... if you talked to me I would've been your friend..." He lowered his head again, looking down at his paw that he lifted off the ground to move a small pebble around. He was mad for her doing this but it wasn't enough for her to snarl and snap at the feline, she was just lonely and did what she thought was needed.

The boy was a friendly kid, usually thinking positive and making others smile or laugh. He would have loved to chat with the cat if she had popped up one day, even if she had insulted him. It was just the way he was... he just hoped she wouldn't get angry at his question.


Awesome image by Canttina <3


08-15-2013, 07:14 PM


He didn't ask for her to go, nor did he ask for her to stay. He just voiced a question of his own. Those copper eyes lifted up to glance upon the silver form that was his new master, but they did so with a martyr's pain. He was rather free with the way he spoke to her. Perhaps she ought to stop that right there and nip this sort of thing in the bud. If she didn't instill the proper attitude in her pets at the beginning, she'd grow irritated with goodness knows what sort of steps they'd think they could take later. How dare he say that he 'would've' been something to her. He had no right to speak as though he could withhold anything from her. His life, his breath was her's, and she could withhold that from him any moment she wished.

But she had said he could ask questions, and so, when he finally seemed to be done with his sad little outburst, she replied: "The simplest answer I can give to you is that I am a cat." resisted adding: You sanctimonious sack of fleas. She shook her head gently, as if teaching a sweet, but painfully ignorant student. "The world is my ball of moss, and I do as I please." She could've said more - explaining the vast, cunning thought process that had led her to evaluate her place in the land of the living and come up with this brilliant idea of hers, but no, in his current, agitated state he would not appreciate it.

He had sought to try to say he could've seen her as an equal if she'd spoken with him? It was adorable, but laughable. Who said she ever wanted to be equals? She could humor the dog with good treatment, but in the end, she was in total control. She was a creation who's level was far above his, though his mind perhaps could not understand that. She fixed him with a slanted gaze, choosing to keep her voice even and light. "But yours is not to question why, little bird." He was her's now. He would come when she called, sit when she said, and submit to whatever games she chose, and she would enjoy it emensely. Whether he enjoyed it or not was his own affair.

The stark truth of the matter was - that Silverback hated boredom above all things. She craved the common distraction of another's presence, but she truly didn't care about whatever went on their heads. Down in her very core, she was simply a cold, northern cat, a solitary hunter, and an independent queen in every sense of the word. But... she knew that wasn't all that was in there. As far as cats went, she wasn't as nearly as bad as she could be. There were times when she found it in her heart to feel deep remorse over the death of another creature - or delight in their pleasure. She was twisted, mayhaps, but far from unfeeling.



08-18-2013, 10:35 PM

He should have expected her answer, she was different from him, had her own mind and did what she wanted. The world was her play thing. He sighed lightly, his head lowering further, sitting back, tail curling around him. What could he possibly do now? Nothing, that's what. The male did not have to go to the edge of his hole, he knew this feline had put him someplace where he would not be able to escape so easily. He would have to do as she said until he could leave, whether it was because she grew bored with her toy or decided to feed on him. "I guess since I'm yours now... I should give you my name." He said softly, ears folding back on his head that slowly rose so he could look over at the woman. "I'm Nuka, will I call you Master? Or something else miss?" He asked, if he was going to be here then there had to be a name he would need to call the woman by.


Awesome image by Canttina <3


08-21-2013, 06:38 PM


She didn't quite understand herself. She should've reveled in that first bit of him calling her 'Master'. She had with the mutt Kypsis. Why was this time different? ... Perhaps it was because of how forlorn and hopeless he sounded as he said it- but that didn't make sense, that was supposed to be part of the fun: watching him break down and submit to her will. With another wolf it might've been that clear. But not this time. Silverback twitched an ear dismissively. Why was it that she could be such a softly some times? She hadn't enjoyed his little display of spirit and rebellion earlier, but it had been better than this. If he proved uncomfortable and annoying to talk to, maybe she would just leave him.

Course that was just her spite talking, and it was only rialed up because.... because, well she didn't know. Perhaps she had a real problem. She LOVED to be in control, to dominate, and yet, she also liked to be liked. In a random stranger it would've matter, but her pets were wolves that she wanted to keep for a nice long while. If it proved unpleasant, what point was there to it? She should've been getting some pleasure out of his unhappiness, but she wasn't really.

"My name's Silverback," she muttered dismissively. She was already turning away, tail swishing irritably. She'd deal with this later. He needed time to let things settle in, and she needed something to kill.




08-26-2013, 07:19 PM

All the feline would say was her name before turning and heading down the tunnel. The boy sit there with his ears back, tail around his body. Copper orbs watch her body become small then vanish as she left the entrance. Nuka sighed heavily, a whine quickly following as he turned to the wall, laying down on the ground and curling up into a tight ball. Everything would be different now, he wouldn't be able to do as he pleased, meet people, play, hunt... he had to be a prisoner, be a good little boy for that feline. Another whine would come from him as he closed his eyes, deciding that he would just go to sleep and hopefully get away from here in his dreams.

-exit nuka, end thread-


Awesome image by Canttina <3