
in the bleek midwinter




6 Years
04-28-2020, 12:00 AM

Recovering from her various spars Banshee decided to take a few days to focus on the pack lands. Paws hit the earth as the tall fae walked along the borders. Her eyes scanned the region as she consumed the various sights and smells. Her pace was easy as her mouth opened to taste the air. An autumn breeze carried the taste of prey and pack Wolves towards the Fatalis. The scent of prey caused her belly to twinge with mild hunger but she figured a meal could wait until after the patrol. There was no use of getting side tracked and missing any sort of vital signs of danger up ahead. Thus, she continued on without thinking much more on the matter.

Her tail flicked gently as she thought of the competition. Everyone competing for the Reaper rank seemed to be kicking their duties into high gear. Banshee had always done her duties well and routinely. But, she could admit she was a bit more enthusiastic with a high rank waved over her head. Something just out of reach that she could snap at. Banshee couldn't help but to grin at the prospect of obtaining her own rank rather then it being gifted to her for no reason. Working for something felt much more rewarding in the end.




3 Years
04-28-2020, 01:30 PM (This post was last modified: 05-11-2020, 04:12 PM by Skyfire.)

OOC: Navigation Skill post: One of Three

Skyfire had taken the time to go explore her surroundings and wonder when exactly her first day of training would be. Besides crying a whole lot into the pelts she was allowed to take, the self-proclaimed queen was over with the hurt and wanted to move on. She was here now, and there was no use crying over things she couldn't control. Skyfire on this day found herself by the ocean in Sea's Plain and the smell of the salt was intense. The waves splashed at her feet as the river met into the bay which turned into the sea just beyond their territory. This was officially the first time that Sky had seen saltwater. The gray and black wolfess felt the sand beneath her toes, and she quite liked it. It was a different texture than the hard ground, and running through it proved to be difficult unless she was on hard packed sand.

The ocean seemed to extend from her left and right sides for quite some distance. The tree line halted a couple hundred feet or more from the ocean. The smell of salt filled the air, and Skyfire couldn't help but notice how truly beautiful this place was. The further east she traveled, the more she could smell fresh water in that direction. Did a river run into the ocean from here? As she looked to the east, Skyfire noticed in the distance large, rocky structures and a couple of islands where the ocean formed around them to create some sort of bay. The smell of fresh water was not as strong, though she had hints of it depending on the direction of the weather. The shores faced toward the south where three other islands were visible. They almost looked as if through they were in swimming distance from the shore.

As Skyfire explored, she noticed another wolf who smelled of the same pack down the way. She looked different than Sirius, but the woman bore saberteeth. The woman was of the same height as Sky - thank the gods - and was sporting a darker coat. Sky caught up to get a closer look at her, but to also introduce herself. If this princess was to be a part of something and earn her name, well then people better learn it! "Hello. My name is Skyfire Turner. I'm new to the pack!" The princess boasted proudly, her apple green eyes shining. "Sirius brought me in the other day and I am going to start training to fight!"




6 Years
05-01-2020, 06:16 PM

Sturdy paws carried the yearling along the border as the scent of an opposing femme filled her nose. Banshee raised her head gently as brilliant blue eyes scanned the area. Landing upon a greyscale fae bounding her way the Fatalis seemed to eye her for a moment. By the scent it was clear she was of the Armada but Banshee reckoned it was a new addition. As the distance between them closed she offered a small grin. Her new pack mate seemed to radiate energy that Banshee did not. Could I even muster that amount of positivity? The yearling thought on it for a moment before allowing the thought to fly away.

With proud vocals the woman announced her name to be Skyfire Turner. Banshee offered a firm nod of approval before hearing out the rest of Sky's words. Sirius seemed to have brought her in as a potential soldier. It seemed their Warlord had been doing a lot of that as of late. Ban figured at this rate she'd never had the chance to recruit anyone herself. Nevertheless, as Skyfire ceased her speaking Banshee lifted her own much less chipper, but neutral tones, into the air. "It is nice to know the Armada is expanding." A pause as her paws continued to carry her form down the border. "Welcome to the pack, Skyfire. I am Banshee." Leaving off the surname she claimed. "Well, if you would like you could join me on my patrol. It is a nice way to get to know the territory." A toothy smirk flicked across the taller fae's lips. "Maybe if we encounter anything exciting you can put those fighting skills of yours to the test."

As she continued Banshee flicked a glance to her comrade, "Have you always been a fighter?"




3 Years
05-02-2020, 01:22 PM

Banshee offered to have Skyfire follow her on a patrol, and the girl was happy to follow. Skyfire was in a rather good mood today. The idea of becoming a warrior princess was quite in her line of interest. Plus, it would make her feel rather bad ass. Did Skyfire have any fighting skills? Not really. As Banshee asked her about it, Skyfire had to think a moment. "Well, I've never really fought before..." she started to say. "But Sirius seems to think I have potential, with my stubbornness and dedication and all." Skyfire continued to mention that she was a princess from her old pack, and that she would continue to fight and restore her name.

Skyfire walked the beach with Banshee during their conversation. "What kind of monsters do you think we will encounter?" she asked, unsure of what actually lived on the beaches. "Sharks can't come on the beach, so..." Skyfire was aware of what lived in the sea, and why it wasn't smart to venture out too far when swimming. She had seen seals get taken on some of the beach trips her parents took her on. But the sands and all - that was another story. When she was smaller, eagles would take away baby sea turtles and fly away with them. Now that she was full size, it was much less of a threat, but who knew if anything much bigger would arrive to check out the beaches also.

Skyfire thinks. Skyfire listens.

"Skyfire speaks."



6 Years
05-03-2020, 07:33 PM

Banshee walked with confident steps and flicking ears. She listened to her surroundings as well as the femme at her side speak. Amusement glistened within those vibrant blue eyes. Skyfire let it be known that she had little to no fighting experience. That seemed to cause Banshee to raise a curious brow. Though, as she explained that Sirius saw potential in her the fanged gal offered a quick nod. Sirius was a good judge of character and if he saw something in the fae then Banshee would trust his judgement. "Stubborn and dedicated... Two good traits of a fighter to-be. I wish you luck in your training, Skyfire. "

As they moved along the beach Skyfire asked aboutt what is to be expected on their patrol. Banshee couldn't help but to let forth a small laugh at the comment about Sharks. "Predators can be blinded by their thirst for prey. Some are so bold as to waltz into our territory without a care in the world to hunt in our grounds." A grave threat to the pups. "As we moved along the beach we will move up the border of the plains and the weeping woods. The weeping woods is home to a lot of predator and prey activity, as well as other Wolves. As we patrol we must look for any signs of movement across the border and take note of the scents."

[Image: Banshee-icon.png][Image: Cairn-Icon.png][Image: incubus-icon.png][Image: rhysand-icon.png][Image: thyri-icon.png][Image: Vaella-icon.png][Image: verity-icon.png]



3 Years
05-11-2020, 02:11 PM (This post was last modified: 05-11-2020, 02:12 PM by Skyfire.)

Banshee seemed to be a very confident woman. Skyfire examined her lightly as she spoke, taking in all of her potential abilities and strengths. Sirius had told Skyfire very little about Banshee, except for her rank and her healing capabilities. Skyfire remembered the skill that medics possessed as well as the ability to handle any situation. Injuries could be some gruesome things, and death could utterly change someone. Skyfire didn't know how they could handle it. Needless to say, Skyfire wouldn't be ready to see something like that quite yet.

Banshee wished Sky luck in her training and it caused the teenager to grin proudly. "It's going to be fun!" she exclaimed. After her conversation with Aurielle recently, Skyfire was more than ready to prove herself worthy amongst her peers and to make a name for herself. That way, she could break the chains of her past regarding those who thought she was so fragile that she needed protected.

The pair continued to walk through the sands, occasionally Sky would be distracted by the ocean surf revealing a shell or two that was pretty in color, but she would immediately go back to the side of Banshee as if nothing happened. It couldn't be helped if she was still an energetic pup that could easily be distracted. That would be changed in training, of course. Banshee continued to talk about predators and their thirst for food. Skyfire's expression changed from joy to focus as she absorbed the message. What predator would come all the way out to the beach looking for food? "Well if a bear comes around, I will be the first to take out his eyes!" she exclaimed loudly, not really getting the fact that she would be way too small to fight a bear. It would probably eat her in one bite. Still - her ambition and optimism could have been notable.

Banshee went on to discuss where they would be walking on patrol and the descriptions of it. She mentioned there was a risk of meeting prey, predator, and other wolves nearby. Skyfire would be ready. "Bring 'em." Then Skyfire got to thinking somewhat about encountering other wolves. "What do you do if another wolf that isn't part of your pack is inside the borders?"
