
lady lady lovely



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
05-13-2020, 03:54 PM
Roan stole Iolaire away from her work for the day after the ceremony shamelessly. They watched the rest of the sunrise together before Roan grabbed up his own bundle of supplies and carted the two of them north. He’d been planning this even before he’d killed the bear, and was eager to see everything to fruition. While he was recovering he’d found a cozy cave north of the pack. North enough that he knew it would be noticeably colder so he’d stocked it with thick furs he’d harvested from some of the fluffier animals he’d hunted in the previous weeks. Everything he would need besides food was waiting.

He’d wrapped his darling wife in some fur and led them to isolation. Their beach vows wouldn’t be his only surprise to her today. ”Watch your step.” He warned while leading them up the slope of the mountain. There was a game trail, but it had to have been made by mountain goats. ”Almost there.” He assured her as he hopped lightly to adjust the load on his back. He nearly slipped, but his huge paws managed to keep him upright. Roan needed to take a bit of his own advice.

The newly married man continued to ride on the high that such a momentous morning brought. He’d eagerly pledged his life to Iolaire and he would eagerly prove them day after day. Starting with the first one. His heart raced and not just because of the incline. Butterflies lived in his belly and his grin wouldn’t be banished.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-16-2020, 12:52 PM
Curiosity ate at the newly married woman when her husband said that he had yet another surprise for her. She went with him willingly, of course and she couldn't wait to see what he had in store. As the pair walked along, she made a point to brush her side against his. They were married now. They were going to have married sex. It wouldn't be any different than unmarried sex, but it would have a different name.

Roan led her to a mountain and proceeded to lead her up it. She still had no idea what was in store. He draped a fur over her and for that she was glad. It was getting rather cold and the wind didn't help much. After telling her to watch her step, Roan slipped a little and Io chuckled. "Take your own advice, please. We were just married. Can't have you falling off of a mountain so soon."
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
05-17-2020, 06:06 AM
Roan walked happily, excitement racing through him every time Iolaire brushed against him suggestively. The weather was cold, and even more so on the side of the mountain. This was the main reason he hadn’t post poned his surprise to ravish her on the trail. Her little looks and touches told him her train of thinking was similar, and he was eager to arrive at the destination. Anticipation built between them, and Roan reveled in it.

He felt his cheeks flush as she called him out on his own misstep. He grinned back at her. ”Alright, but just for you.” Roan chuckled as he continued, careful to keep his paws on the trail. He couldn’t scare her to death before showing her what he’d prepared for her. He hoped all the excitement didn’t lead to disappointment, being together was the real treasure, but he wanted her to feel special and doted upon. He’d done all of this for her, his wife.

”We’re here.” He told her as the crested a small ridge. There a few meters ahead was the small entrance to the cave he’d found. Roan had been careful to mark off a boundary and as he sniffed the air cautiously he was sure it had worked. They were completely alone. Roan led the way, pulling back a thick piece of hide he’d put over the door to keep the snow and cold out. Like a gentleman he held it open for her to enter.

Inside he’d lined the cozy space with thick buffalo and large ungulate pelts. Over top of those were the softer smaller animals. Rabbits mostly, but he’d managed to find a couple few chinchillas to add to the collection. He had no intentions of letting her get cold, but there was plenty of blankets if they needed. To further the layering of their love den he’d been saving up roses from before the winter started. Maybe they were a little crunchy by now but they were still there. Red, white, and pink petals were scattered about and in the corner a dried bouquet was on display. A small shelf lined the edges of the cave and Roan placed odd little objects called candles. He wouldn’t have ever figured them out, but he’d run into a small band of traders while he’d been out here. For a bison calf hide he’d managed to bargain for 5 beeswax candles.

Unfortunately he hadn’t been able to light them before they arrived, so they stood dark. Roan grinned, watching Iolaire as she took in the surprise love nest.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-17-2020, 06:56 AM

Up, up, up the mountain they went. Each step seemed to make the journey even colder and soon there was a healthy dose of snow littering the treacherous crags. Io wasn't worried, however. She knew that Roan wouldn't lead her into danger. Well... too much danger. She trusted the man explicitly. Her life was his and his was hers. They were bound to one another. So much so, that when they arrived back at the cottage, she would take the cord that she'd used to bind their paws and would craft it into a hard, wax coated circle which she would then hang over their front door. It would bring them a happy home and would always remind them of their vows.

As the incline ended and the mountainside flattened out, Io cast a curious gaze around. Ahead of them was a hole in the mountainside with a fur hanging over it. My, he definitely had been planning this if he'd managed to close off the cave. The married woman sent him a glittering, mischievous glance before being ushered forward and through the doorway, which he held open for her.

Inside of the cave was more than she had imagined. The small woman's jaw dropped open in wonder. Roan had prepared for this with a lush pile of furs and blankets, petals and flowers and, once her eyes adjusted to the darkness within, candles. She couldn't help herself. Tears sprang to her eyes as a wave of emotion struck. He had done all of this for her. She was the only one on his mind when he snuck away to prepare this lovely surprise.

In an effort to get herself together, Iolaire removed her back and placed it by the doorway. It was a heavy thing with all of the supplies that she'd packed in last minute. Digging her flint and steel out of the pack, Iolaire moved about the space, lighting the beeswax candles that Roan had procured from somewhere. Only when that was done and her teary eyes had absorbed that moisture once more, did she move to the man that she loved. Reaching up on tiptoe, she placed one chaste kiss upon his chin. "Thank you for this. Thank you for everything." Her next kiss wasn't quite as chaste as her lips moved over his own. "Thank you for being mine."

Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
05-17-2020, 10:21 AM
He could tell that she was curious, and that she trusted him as they walked. This was a treacherous land, but he wouldn’t allow anything to happen to her. Especially today of all days. He focused on his new wife as he opened the flap to the cave and watched as she took in the scene he offered. She was struck speechless for a long moment. Roan watched as her green gold gaze shifted from the rose petals on the furs to the displayed flowers and he took pride in her expression as she realized he had found candles.

Roan watched as tears welled up in her eyes and emotions spread over her features. She was just as surprised as he’d hoped she would be. He wanted her to feel like the queen she was, and it seemed like he’d done a half decent job. Roan moved forward as Iolaire went to light the candles, the hide covered the entrance to help trap the heat of them. He grinned from ear to ear. She reached up to kiss him, innocently at first before telling him verbally how much she appreciated his efforts.

Iolaire pressed her lips to his and he returned the affection passionately. ”Yours forever.”Roan didn’t waste his time in getting closer, as the candle light bathed them Roan shifted ever so slightly, aiming to wrap his arms around his tiny wife and pull her closer to him. Gently he slid the fur off her shoulders as he closed his eyes in bliss. Quietly, in his rugged deep voice, Roan began to sing to her.

He didn’t know how he knew the tune or lyrics but they were perfect. He whispered into her ear, his chest rumbling as he filled the den with the song of his love. ”I'll sweep out your chimney. Yes and, I will bring you flowers.” Roan breathed the words softly, filling them with all of the love he felt for his little wife. ”Yes and, I will do for you Most anything you want me to. We live in a cottage, You will feel like it's a castle By the royal way you're treated
And attention shown to you.”
He sang quietly, holding her close and rocking her gently in his arms.
”I'll be there beside you
If you need a cryin' shoulder
Yes, and I'll be there to listen
When you need to talk to me
When you wake up in the darkness
I will put my arms around you
And hold you 'til the mornin' sun
Comes shinin' through the trees
I'll be right beside you
No matter where you travel
I'll be there to cheer you
'Til the sun comes shinin through

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-17-2020, 04:28 PM

The joy between the pair was palpable. Neither could stop the smiles that pulled at their maws. When she kissed him, he kissed her right back. Roan wrapped his arms around her, pulled her close and... he began to sing. The small woman's two-toned eyes widened as his deep baritones began their serenade. He wasn't the best, nor was he the worst, but he was hers. To Iolaire, Roan had the most beautiful voice on the planet. His song was for her alone and she reveled in every note.

Tears had filled Iolaire's eyes again and her heart swelled with love for Roan; her husband. Thought they'd both known that the day would come, she loved the fact that she could finally call him her husband. When his song ended, Io wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him as close as possible. "That was beautiful." She gave him a squeeze before continuing in soft, whispering tones. "All of this is beautiful. Thank you so much." Tears fell, wetting his coat, but they were tears of utter and complete joy.

Pulling back, she searched his face, a smile on her damp face. "Words can't express my happiness, Roan. They simply can't." She kissed him gently. "We were meant to be together and here we are." All of their trials in life had led them to this very moment. She would not take it for granted, nor would she take the man before her for granted. Ever.

After one more lingering kiss, she motioned towards her pack at the door. "I brought us a little something. A surprise that I've been saving." She wouldn't get him drunk. Not like she had her brother. There was no chance of that with her surprise, but it would be delicious. Leaving his side for but a moment, she flipped open her pack and brought a jar back with her. "They're a little sweet, but they're delicious." Peeling off the sealed, oiled skin over top, she revealed strawberries floating in honey and mead. Plucking one out with her digits, she offered one up to her husband.

Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
05-18-2020, 05:28 PM
Unending emotion sounded in his deep voice as he poured his heart out for his dear wife. He brushed her muzzle and shifted to whisper the quiet lyrics into her ear as he held her tight. Roan wouldn’t ever let her go. She beamed up at him, surprised and joyful about his song at the same time. He kissed away her tears, his heart thrumming along with the rhythm in excited beats. The silver marked warrior would have sang to her forever, but as his song came to and end he let Iolaire pull him closer.

Roan held her gently and squeezed back lovingly as she thanked him for everything that he’d done. ”You can feel how much I love you, but I wanted you to be able to see it too.” Roan confessed lightly as she pulled back to meet his forest green gaze and tell him how happy she was in those moments. Of every moment of the rest of their lives that they would spend together. ”We were meant to be together. I feel it. I’m complete when i have you beside me.” He told her softly as she slipped from his grasp to fetch a surprise of her own.

The massive dark furred wolf leaned back to get more comfortable on the furs. The den was beginning to warm, and the edge was taken off the snowy chill. Anticipation built, and soon enough they would make the air even warmer. Roan watched her curiously, unable to take his eyes off of her as she returned with a jar. His dark ears perked as she offered him the tempting fruit. Roan adopted a wicked grin and ever so carefully took the strawberry from her claws with his tongue. ”mmm” He muttered as he licked his lips, never losing eye contact with his dainty love. ”Not as sweet as you are…” He told her suggestively as he aimed to steal a kiss.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-21-2020, 07:47 PM

Roan was perfection. This whole day was perfection. She loved that he had put so much time and thought into their day. He sprung it on her, but the ceremony had been everything that they needed. Now, tonight, they would both make it something to remember. Of that, she was sure.

As Roan took the strawberry from her claws, the small woman grinned. She then popped one of the berries into her own mouth. She really was a sucker for strawberries and made a noise of appreciation. They were the perfect fruit. The only fruit that she really liked and could eat any time. She was sad when they were gone during the colder months, so she'd come up with this solution. Genius, she was.

A dark little chuckle escaped Iolaire as her husband leaned in for a kiss. She gave it to him. Sitting the jar of strawberries aside, she wrapped her forelegs around his neck once again, laying down beside him. Dropping her head to the furs, she looked up at him with smoky, suggestive eyes. "What did you have in mind for the rest of our night, love?" She knew the answer, but she wanted to hear him say it.

"Iolaire" --"Roan"

Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
05-22-2020, 06:40 AM

Roan wasn’t sure that he had ever felt bliss like this before, his wife was perfect and they were more perfect together. He savored his strawberry as she placed one on her tongue as well. The flavor was sweet but also held the warmth of the mead. Iolaire submitted to his kiss and reclined with him onto the fluffy furs beneath them. After so much work and care he was finally able to provide the romantic setting they enjoyed right now. It was even more complete when she offered up the strawberries.

A deep rumble sounded in his chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck and brought them closer. The smile still hadn’t left his features as they kissed, his mind was solely on her and he could feel the excitement build in his bones. She pulled away slightly and as though she didn’t know asked what he had planned for their night. He grinned wickedly. ”I thought you’d never ask.” Teasing her, Roan leaned forward and stole away another kiss, this one much more suggestive than the last. He lingered softly before releasing her to answer more fully. ”It’s our wedding night,” Roan spoke as though she hadn’t been beside him since early that day. ”I’m going to make love to you until the sun peeks over the horizon.” He pulled her closer and added, ”I might keep going even after that.”

He pressed his forehead against hers and held onto her tightly, listening for a moment as their hearts seemed to beat in sync. Roan breathed her in, and enjoyed every moment he had with her. Roan’s skin prickled with electricity at every point their bodies met, with slow careful movements the silver marked warrior doted on his wife. He placed teasing nibbles on her neck as his huge paw caressed the small of her back. Roan pressed his belly to hers and moved up her neck to her jaw and finally to her soft ears.

”I love you, Iolaire.” He felt the weight of those words deep in his soul, she was his other half and his partner. Their lives were intertwined as much as the rope that had bound their paws together. She was his and he was hers.

"Iolaire" --"Roan"

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-25-2020, 08:06 AM

The kisses that they shared were sublime and she closed her eyes for every once, reveling in their love for one another. She didn't want them to end, but she had asked him a question and he, of course, had to answer. That answer brought a wicked grin over the dark woman's features and she kissed him anew, tasting the strawberries on both of their tongues. Io pulled back just enough to speak. "It seems that our plans coincide." She gave him another quick kiss. "Both the plan of love making and the time frame." She planned to love him well into tomorrow. If their bodies would allow, she would perform her wifely duties every single day for the rest of eternity if he wished it. Eventually their lovemaking would have to prove fruitful, right? Wishful thinking...

Roan pressed his forehead to hers and held her close. She held him equally as close. They were one entity now. No longer were they Iolaire and Roan. They were Iolaire and Roan. One and the same. Two halves of a whole. She felt as though her heart had grown three sizes that day simply from the love that they shared together. She looked forward to many, many years together. It didn't matter what the future held. As long as they were together, they could accomplish anything. They could beat anything. They could withstand everything. Together.

When the teasing nibbles and caresses began, the small lady groaned aloud, her flesh alight with delectable tingles. Anticipation ate at her and she almost threw him down and forced herself on him then and there. It was only the soft words from her husband that cooled her lust. Iolaire smiled, bringing both paws to rest on either of Roan's silver flecked cheeks. "I love you too. So... so much, Roan. I never thought that I would have something... someone... like this." She kissed him again, soft lips dancing across his muzzle slowly and gently. "Make love to me, Roan. Our first time as husband and wife."

"Iolaire" --"Roan"

Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
05-27-2020, 03:54 PM
He reveled in her mischievous grin as he told her the plans he had for her, but she didn’t voice any disagreement. They wanted the very same thing: each other. All night and into the next day. He was thankful that he’d allowed himself to heal after the fight with the bear. Roan was going to need every bit of his strength, he wanted to bring Iolaire just as much bliss as she offered him. Starting in these first few moments as they kissed passionately. The time for words was coming to an end and he could feel his eager urges threaten to consume him as much as sthey took control of his wife.

Her wordless voice excited him further as a heat blossomed within him, Roan’s heart beat heavily in his chest as he barely restrained himself. She was beautiful, perfect, and all his. The silver marked warrior knew how much he had been blessed when Io came into his life. She saved him and he had saved her, and now their lives were one. The pair of them reached a peak of anticipation as Roan pressed their bodies together. Iolaire spoke once more, describing her wonder and finally she would tell him what to do.

”Your wish is my command, my lovely wife.” He returned while taking control of her, she could squirm and squeal but he wasn’t letting her out of his grasp. He was gentle and with careful movements Roan would show her exactly how much he loved her. Soft nibbles and teasing bites were placed down her neck as he lifted himself above her dainty body. Roan focused all of his efforts on her pleasure, every movement, caress, or flick of his tongue. He’d love her fully and wasn’t prepared to cease until his body collapsed from exhaustion.


As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-30-2020, 04:16 AM

All night. Over and over and over the pair made love to one another. There even came a time when Iolaire felt as though she couldn't handle any more, but... they kept going. It was exquisite. Though they'd been sleeping together the entire time they'd known one another, there was something different in it now. A new intent of sorts. Now that vows had been spoken and promises had been made between them, things felt a little different. It was no longer some fling that they could back out of. Now it was a commitment. They were together, for better or worse.

-Time skip-

It was the whistling of the wind outside of the cave that pulled Iolaire from her well earned slumber. One golden eye, rimmed in green, peeled open and she glanced at the doorway. The light of mid-day was filtering through as the wind jostled the skin over the door. Still partially lodged beneath her husband, Iolaire gently worked her way free, careful not to wake him. Once released of his sleepy grasp, the small woman stretched and yawned. She felt all of the aches and pains in her body, but they were well worth it.

Moving to the skin, she slipped outside, relieved herself away from the mouth of the cave, then settled down on her stomach in the snow. They'd heated up the cave significantly and so the chilliness of the snow was a welcome change. The whistling breeze ruffled her fur and Io closed her eyes, inhaling the crisp mountain air. She wasn't ready to go back yet, but they would need to eventually. She was still training healers to take her place while they traveled, but they weren't quite ready yet. Just her luck, someone would break a leg while she was away. It wouldn't be the first time.

"Iolaire" --"Roan"

Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
06-05-2020, 01:13 PM
The sun rose before Roan was finished with his dear wife, although at one point he was afraid he’d gone too far the pair continued on blissfully until neither could move any longer and sleep was quick to find them. The silver marked warrior wasn’t sure he had ever felt so satisfied or complete as he did that first night of their marriage. He would have slept all through the next day if he was allowed, but even with Iolaire’s careful wiggling he was awake when she pulled back the skin at the door of the den and slipped out.

The huge wolf yawned with wide jaws, his own body protesting as he stretched the sleep away. Hopefully Io wouldn’t be in a great hurry to return to the Armada. He wasn’t sure that he could make the trip after the night they had. He lay alone in the cave for a moment, missing her presence keenly as past events unfolded in his mind. He wore the hint of a grin, an expression that he felt would never leave him. He was so much more complete now.

With great effort he rolled over, feeling the heat of the cave himself. Carefully he slipped under the fur to find his maiden relaxed and watching the vastness of the landscapes below. Quietly he made his way next to her, offering a sweet nuzzle as he lowered himself to the ground beside her. Surely she felt similarly to him, and he knew he’d limped outside. ”Good morning,” he’d rumble as he aimed to steal a kiss from her sweet lips. No matter how many he got, they would never be enough. ”You can still walk,” he joked lightly. ”I did my best to prevent that.” He chuckled lightly at his own humor.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
06-09-2020, 05:27 AM
Though she'd been careful not to wake him, Roan had felt her absence and had come out into the snow not long after to lay beside her. His words brought a chuckle from the small woman as she returned the kiss."Why do you think I'm laying in the snow?" Io flashed him a mischievous grin before leaning against his big body, one foreleg crossing over his own. Their night together had been a hot, heavy thing. She didn't mind the aches and pains one bit. The price of their love and she would gladly pay it again.

"What would you like to do today?" She was loathe to leave their hideaway so quickly. Though she was too sore for a repeat performance, she wasn't ready to go back just yet. She was rather excited to share the news with her brother, however. Sirius would now have himself a brother and her mother would have a son. The thought brought a smile to Io's face and she leaned up, placing a soft kiss upon Roan's black and silver cheek.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.