
buffalo soldier, look its like i told ya



4 Years
05-19-2020, 09:09 AM
The red and white stallion had awoken before the sun to do some scouting before Acacia was brought to wakefulness. She was safe where he’d left her and he was confident she wouldn’t wander too far if she woke up before he returned. Thick sturdy legs carried the young horse over boring terrain, he was alert and ready but danger was scarce and didn’t make an obvious appearance. Canyon let himself be lulled into a false sense of security as he returned to the base camp at the oasis.

Panic filled him when he realized that his friend was gone. Canyon raced from one end of the oasis to the other, ears alert and eyes searching for any sign of her. Eventually he found her tiny hoof prints leading away from the water. Canyon curse under his breath, worried for the shimmering filly as he galloped after her. If anything happened to Acacia the stallion would never be able to forgive himself. She had followed after him and now it was his responsibility to keep her safe. How was he going to do that if she wandered away?

Mane and tail flying the stallion raced through the desert, praying Acacia was unharmed.



4 Years
Other species
Sylvia 1

06-02-2020, 12:39 PM

Just south from her familiar territory, past a roaring gorge of an inlet coming form the sea, Kamilah stumbled upon an interesting sight that she didn't quite know what to make of. In the swirls of the sand was left a familiar looking print, though what confused Kamilah was the fact she had no idea who it was. Her horned stallion was known to roam but she was almost sure he was not in this area... and the golden dun stallion was far east of these lands. The roan mare, who had been through several of the terrains around this area, had not run into another equine. Interested, Kamilah let her snout drop to the ground for a moment, sniffing and snorting at the sand to try and pick up a sent, attempting to understand who and how long ago this creature had passed. As her ultimate goal was to bring the scattered horses of this land together into a single herd, she felt it was her sworn duty to investigate.

But only mere minutes would pass before another approached, from a different direction than the prints would indicate. This caused the woman's brows to arch in surprise, as she would call out to the stranger with a short whinny. It was miraculous to even come across one other horse, but if what Kamilah thought was happening was true, then she was about to catch two. She would call out to the stranger, hopeful that he would be of intelligent origins. "Excuse me, may I speak with you for but a moment?" Her voice would carry quickly, but only time would tell if this creature was one with intelligence. Taliesyn and Balian both warned her that some of the horses in this land reverted back to primitive states, but Kamilah had yet to experience such creatures.


Art by Ulfeid3. Table from Ardent.



4 Years
06-05-2020, 08:32 AM
Canyon galloped so fast that he hardly noticed the seeking whinny of the eager mare. His icy blue eyes caught sight of her in the flat lands and even though his concern for Acacia was through the roof he couldn’t help but stop for a pretty face. Maybe she’d even be able to help point him in the right direction. He tossed his head as his massive hooves brought him to a skidding halt. His man was a mess and his tail flicked in annoyance at his pale hips.

With great heaves of his chet Canyon focused on the white marked filly. She was about the same size as the stallion, but Canyon boasted much thicker limbs. Born and bred for years to be sturdy and stout for a harsh world. Always the flirt he couldn’t help his greeting. ”Anything for a glorious mare like you.” He offered with a wink as he tossed his head again, still not cooled from his run. ”I’m looking for someone,” he added, figuring if she could ask for a moment so could he. ”A tiny gray and white mare with shimmering fur.” He added Acacia’s description, hoping that maybe this woman had seen his companion.
As his companion Acacia may enter any of his threads



4 Years
Other species
Sylvia 1

06-05-2020, 09:11 AM

To say Kamilah was shocked by the stallion's bold flirtations would be an understatement, as her eyes would widen and her lips would part slightly. She had met other stallions in these lands and they both seemed to be of a refined and dignified breed but this ruby roan male seemed to be of a much more forward lineage. She couldn't say that she was offended however, as it had been quite some time since a stallion had attempted a courtship with the mare, but surprised would definitely be fitting. So caught off guard by his greeting, Kamilah was unable to find the words before he would speak again, but perhaps that was for the better. He spoke of a mare, missing and judging by his urgency, he was rather quite worried for her safety. But that seemed to slip passed the old queen, for she couldn't help the joyful feeling spreading in her chest. "A mare? Truly?" She would all but whisper, still surprised to hear of another female in these lands. Out of all the traveling Kamilah had done in search of other intelligent horses to join her future herd, she had not met a single mare. Every one of them had been stallions of one breed or another, locating them in various points around Boreas. This, was surely her luckiest day yet!

Shaking her excitement from her thoughts and focusing more on the task at hand, Kamilah would bob her head towards the ground where the dainty tracks still laid. "Apologies, I have not actually seen this mare of yours, but could these be her prints?" Though the track carried a foreign smell on them, faint as it may be, perhaps the stallion would recognize it as his lost herd member. Bringing her gaze back up to the male, she would tilt her head to the side as she carefully chose her next words. "Tell me, do you have many mare's in your charge?" She wanted to seem like she was simply a curious mare, but in reality she was dying to know the lengths of the treasure she had found. Not only had she successfully found a new stallion, but with the prospects of this missing mare, perhaps she would have hit the mother-load and found an already functioning herd to join. That would take half the work off of her plate as Kamilah worked towards building a better herd for these lands. Hardly patient for an answer, Kamilah would quickly add on; "I would be happy to help you find her, if you'd like."


Art by Ulfeid3. Table from Ardent.



4 Years
06-05-2020, 09:34 AM
She was surprised but receptive as he shamelessly flirted with the mare, causing his lips to pull back into a dashing grin. Even more she seemed surprised that he’d mentioned another mare. Dark ears perked forward and his hooves jostled with nervous energy as she found her focus, admitting that she had not seen Acacia, but that she had found dainty little hoof prints. even without taking a smell, which he lowered his head to do anyway, he could tell these were made by his childhood friend. She was alive and he was mostly on the right path.

He shook his head of his light embarrassment as she asked about the other horses under his charge. The truth was not to his liking, but the time line was true. The number of horses, mares especially, in these lands was slim to none. Meeting this beauty here seemed like a fluke in and of itself. ”Only Acacia. She followed me from my home herd. To my father’s chagrin.” He added with a slight chuckle. ”I want to bring more fillies under my wing though, so I might take up my own herd and surname.” In the culture he came from, a stallion could not take his last name until he’d established his own herd.

He was quite receptive to her help as well. ”I could never tell you no.” Unable to stray far from his unabashed flirting. ”My name is Canyon, it’s a pleasure to meet such a lovely mare.” He lowered his head, though he was shameless he still wanted to show her the respect he held for a fellow equine and lady.
As his companion Acacia may enter any of his threads



4 Years
Other species
Sylvia 1

06-05-2020, 09:56 AM

So her name was Acacia. Kamilah would commit the name to her memory so their search could be more efficient, but even if they were not able to find the filly today, the sabino woman would make sure to spend every day that followed, tracking her down. One lost mare, is an entire lineage lost, so the severity of her disappearance was not lost on the strangers mind. Kamilah had been a queen dedicated to the strengthening of her herd and it all began with proper breeding and pairing. This Acacia would be a crucial member in the upcoming herd and Kamilah was determined to have her. Turning her attention back to the stallion she would simply nod her head in understanding, for while she was disappointed that there were not more of their kind hidden away somewhere, she couldn't blame the stallion. To even steal one mare from a lead stallion was surely a great feat in itself, if he were to bring any more, it would be disastrous to the very function of both groups. Even knowing this, the mare could not help the feeling of disappointment in her heart. "I see. It is important we equine band together in these lands. I have found too few and too far spread, it is unnatural and I wish to unite us all before the thriving wolf population takes us." She would ramble, her eyes drifting towards the fleeting trail left behind by this Acacia mare.

His flirtatious behavior would strike a cord once more, causing her to bring her focus back to his features, a small smile begging to tug at the corner of her lips. It was bold and untimely but Kamilah could not help the joy she took in his words. As if he wanted to get on her good side, the stallion would bow as he introduced himself, making the mare want to giggle with glee. She would simply offer a kind smile to Canyon, dipping her head in return, causing the tendrils of her mane to fall wildly over her face. "The pleasure is mine, Canyon. You may call me Kamilah." She would greet before slowly lifting her crown once more. While she wanted nothing more than to stand her and discuss with the male further, she was also itching to meet this new mare, her attention turning back to the trail and the task at hand. Bobbing her head down the path, she would grin softly to Canyon as she took a slow step in the right direction. "Shall we be off then? I'm dying to meet another lady." She would add, her honesty dripping from her lips as she moved to begin a slow trot.


Art by Ulfeid3. Table from Ardent.



4 Years
06-05-2020, 11:53 AM
His main goal was finding Acacia, when she wasn’t with him Canyon felt nervous, flighty, and worried. She wasn’t the strongest at heart, and he took up the duty to protect her without complaint. She was his best friend, his companion, his charge. It was in his very nature to look out for her safety, and any that made it into his circle. Kamilah was quick to mention the need to come together, and Canyon couldn’t deny her logic. He didn’t know about the other horses that called this place their home, but it seemed they were truly far and few inbetween. The way she spoke, it seemed like with very little persuasion his little herd of two would become three.

He caught her smile before offering a bow and his efforts were met with the delightful sound of her giggle. His grin grew, but he settled as he brought his massive neck upwards. Icy blue eyes admired her beautiful features as her dark mane trailed over her forehead. He savored her name and the sound of his own on her lips as both of them came to realize the whole of their interaction was now to find Acacia. His worry quickly returned, until he set eyes on her again he wouldn’t be at ease. Canyon wasn’t about to let Acacia go a full day without returning her to his side. No matter what he had to do.

”Lady Kamilah.” He said her name once with another quick bow of his head as she directed him where to go. They needed to find Acacia, and if he had a second set of eyes hopefully the task would be easy. ”Yes, the sooner the better.” He wondered for a moment if he should divulge his companion’s weakness yet. ”Acacia is special.” Canyon started softly as his massive hooves carried him after the strong mare. ”She shouldn’t be on her own for so long. I should have stayed around until she woke up this morning..” If anything happened to her...
As his companion Acacia may enter any of his threads



4 Years
Other species
Sylvia 1

06-05-2020, 01:46 PM

Lady Kamilah, it was a name she had not heard in some time, and yet it brought her right back to the very beginning, right back to her original herd. She could remember the way her friends and family spoke it, and she could remember the power it held, the way the horses would bow gracefully in her presence. It was a great achievement in her earliest years, to be born a high lady and to rise to queen, the leader of her herd and the most respected mare. It brought such pride to her heart to be called it once again, but it also shot a pang of guilt and shame. How she so desperately wanted to redeem herself, to do it better, to be better. But Kamilah would need to start with a herd if she was going to have any chance. Once Canyon agreed they were well on their way, crossing the dry lake bed with ease. Thankfully, it seemed this Acacia mare left a fairly decent trail, and Kamilah was hopeful they would find her soon. Suddenly Canyon began to speak about the mare, and the way he described the illusive creature, made her realize just how involved he was with her.

This brought several different feelings to the surface, for Kamilah adored the way he spoke of her, but the way his fear and worry for her safety rubbed roughly against her beliefs. Acacia was a horse, filly or mare, she was an equine and built for survival. If she failed at spending just a few hours away from the stallion, than the herd would be better off without such weak genetics. Trying her best to bite down on her tongue, Kamilah would shake her head roughly at the matter. "You need not worry so much. I'm sure she could manage on her own, she is a horse after all, we are built for survival." She would point out, her voice an attempt at reassuring but her beliefs were firm. Something was bothering her though, something about his worry made her curious to if there was a reason behind it. Throwing a glance in the direction of the stallion, she would add; "Unless there is something wrong with her? Is she injured? Debilitated in some way?" She would question, a single brow raised in concern. If there was something wrong, Kamilah had ever right to know, so she could be more useful in their search for the missing mare.


Art by Ulfeid3. Table from Ardent.



4 Years
06-05-2020, 02:02 PM
The sun beat down on them fiercly even through the winter as the two horses followed Acacia’s trail. He hoped further that she had just gone off for a little exploring, that they would find her any minute trying to return to their camp. What if she got spooked though? What if she grew too excited and she fell? There were so many possibilities racing through his mind that the flighty stallion jumped as Kamilah spoke back up. He hid it with a shake of his head as he trotted onwards.

She tried to comfort him, telling him that his mare would be fine. She was a horse and should have been able to see after herself, but Kamilah didn’t know the shimmering mare. On the outside she looked like the elegant equine she was, but when her emotions ran too high.. Canyon calmed himself as he would have done for Acacia, he evened his breathing and focused on his feet. Kamilah picked up on his worry though and she questioned him further, seeking everything to know about his tiny mare.

”No, nothing like that.” So far her issues had not shown themselves to be life threatening, only if it happened at the wrong time. That was why they needed to stay together, he watched over her and kept her from the white light. ”When she gets too emotional she goes down.” Usually a down horse was a dead horse, all equine knew that fact. ”That’s why I’m so worried about being away from her. If I can keep her calm, she’s perfect.” He shook his head in disgust with himself before raising his might features to the sky. He whinnied with great spirit, hoping against hope that Acacia would hear his voice and return to him.
As his companion Acacia may enter any of his threads



4 Years
Other species
Sylvia 1

06-08-2020, 01:15 PM

Something in the way he spoke about her.. issues... had Kamilah concerned for the capability of the mare. Suddenly she was understanding why Canyon was worried with her disappearance, but that wasn't what concerned her the most. The roan lady was uncertain if these emotional downfalls were just an emotional weakness.. or if there was a disease she needed to watch out for. She had known of defective horses in the past, some were genetic abnormalities that nature simply dealt with, while others were contagious diseases that needed a more personal touch. Kamilah could flash back to such gruesome days and shuttered at the thought of having to repeat such measures. But as she cast her cerulean blue gaze towards the stallion, she saw no sign of weakness, she saw no alarming faults or defects. So perhaps.. perhaps there would be hope yet.

"I see.... well, I'm sorry, that sounds horrible." She would sigh, shaking her head in disappointment. Was it so much to ask fate to bring her a strong, healthy mare? Perhaps one who could bare foals and help bring life to these lands? But Kamilah would have to remain optimistic on the matter, reminding herself that in a single day she had the opportunity to bring together both a stallion and a mare into her growing numbers. "Perhaps, when she is around more of our kind, she will do even better." Kamilah would offer a smile, trying to be reassuring on the matter. Suddenly Canyon would release a call into the wind, causing the roan woman to flinch slightly at the sound, ears flattening onto her crown for a moment before she would turn her gaze to the terrain in front of her. Blue orbs squinted against the sun as they tried to see farther into the distance, hoping to catch a glimpse of their missing mare.


Art by Ulfeid3. Table from Ardent.



5 Years
Other species
06-08-2020, 04:07 PM
[Image: UkdLFxJ.png?3]

From where they stood, the young mare would be naught but a flash of light; a speck on the horizon as her metallic silver coat reflected the sunlight. She had just left the side of the stallion Taliesyn and was on her way back to the Oasis when she heard the panicked call come from her companion. With a snort, the incredibly slender lady threw speed into her steps and tore across the lakeside to meet Canyon, worried that something may be amiss.

Before she even arrived at his side, she could see that he wasn't alone. There was another horse with him. A mare. A big mare. Bigger than she was, anyway. Mismatched ears tucked back against her skull as the first flares of anxiety touched the woman's mind. Acacia slowed, hooves holding firm to the dirt and muck of the dry lake bed. Canyon was running fast towards her, so she slowed just enough so that they might meet at an easy pace. She was leery about meeting two horses in one day. Her past made her rather distrustful of outside equines, but... out in the wild as a lone pair, every equine was an outside equine, now wasn't it?

Tossing her head, the leggy lady's mane glinted in the light. She was careful to come around the side of Canyon, placing him between herself and this new mare. She touched noses with her friend, nostrils flaring as she did so. A shudder went through her body as she spoke, her tones smooth and pleasing, musical to the ear. "Canyon, I see you've met someone new, as have I." She tried not to let her anxiety show.

-*As her protector, Canyon may infiltrate any of Acacia's threads.*-
[Image: UkdLFxJ.png?3]



4 Years
06-08-2020, 06:49 PM
He wouldn’t be able to rest until he found her again, that much he knew for sure. With each passing moment that he wasn’t in her presence was another moment that she might have gotten in trouble. If she wasn’t conscious she couldn’t hear his whinney… Canyon calmed his mind as best as he could, but he still moved quickly. He didn’t put much thought into Kami’s disappointment, for now it was mistaken as pity. Though he would never doubt Acacia’s abilities. because she’d surprised him time and time again.

Kamilah didn’t seem to lose hope, and Canyon wouldn’t either, she offered him a reassuring smile and he returned a dashing grin. ”I hope you’re right.” The words were honest, maybe once she was in a herd again Acacia would blossom once more. They raced onwards even after he called out to his friend, when he saw the flash of light on the horizon he knew she’d returned to him.

Letting out a call of joy as she came into view Canyon helped to close the distance between them. He wasn’t surprised when she approached from his side, protecting herself from Kamilah by placing him between them. Canyon quieted easily, suddenly becoming a much softer version of himself as relief swept through his strawberries and cream coat. He hummed lightly as her nose touched his. Her beautiful voice greeted him lightly, but he knew her nerves were roughed. Surprise hit him too, she’d met another horse?

He kept her sheltered and smiled lightly, ”What luck? I’m glad you’re safe, my morning song.” He nosed her cheek affectionately before he turned his icy blue gaze back to Kamilah, ”Acacia, meet Kamilah. Kamilah, Acacia.” He didn’t press Acacia any further than that, she could face her or not. ”Who did you find?”
As his companion Acacia may enter any of his threads



4 Years
Other species
Sylvia 1

06-08-2020, 07:26 PM

Canyon would seem to recognize the distant glint as something worth sprinting towards, though Kamilah seemed lost on the matter, she was determined not to fall behind and quickly picked up her steps. When an actual mare came into view, the roan woman could not help but drink in her form, admiring the way her coat seemed to shimmer and the intricate patterns it was covered in. She was beautiful, if not a bit small, but the way her form glided across the dried lake bed with long slender legs, she hardly noticed until the mare seemed to slink behind Canyon. It was a tad awkward for Kamilah, to stand idly by while the pair rejoiced in their union. Though the old queen was happy to see the pair united once again, and was touched to see just how deeply they seemed to care about each other. Suddenly she realized that the two might very well be a bonded pair, and so she would take a few steps back, trying to give them a polite buffer since there was no place to give them privacy.

Hearing that she had come in contact with another horse, Kamilah would perk at the thought of even more new comers for her to meet and gather up. This was her hope, though a part of her wanted to recognize it could have very well been one of the other stallions she had already come into contact with. Shaking her head softly, Kamilah would straighten herself before being introduced to the missing mare, trying her best to put on a gentle smile as she attempted to get another glimpse. "Glad we found you, Miss Acacia. Canyon was beside himself for a moment there." She would playfully tease, trying to make ease of the conversation and hope to have Acacia's favor. Afterall, the roan mare was simply a tolerated trespasser on the meeting, a stranger among friends. If there was any hope of building a future together, Kamilah would need to be friends with the little mare, and from there she can figure out the severity of her condition. When Canyon asked about who the mare had run off and met, Kamilah would tilt her head slightly, interested in the details herself.


Art by Ulfeid3. Table from Ardent.



5 Years
Other species
06-08-2020, 08:22 PM

When Canyon called her by her nickname, the dainty woman grinned, blue eyes sparkling with mirth. He'd called her that for as long as she could remember. It seemed as though he'd been worried about her. A soft little chuckle was released and she nudged her friend lightly. "Quite alright. Nothing's managed to eat me yet." A joke, but a slightly serious one. She'd never be able to make it in the world on her own. Perhaps when Canyon formed his herd, she would be less afraid all of the time.

Being introduced to the roan woman, Acacia gave a nod and a smile. "Good to meet you, and please... just Acacia." Formalities were silly things. The charcoal and snow mare was very polite, but she never stood on ceremony. Perhaps that was why it had been so easy to leave her birth herd to travel the world with her best friend. Though timid and skittish, Acacia didn't really like to conform.

Kamilah professed that Canyon had been frightened about her absence and the smaller mare tucked her ears for a moment, brow furrowing in concern. "Sorry to worry you. When I woke, you were gone. I assumed you'd gone exploring, so I went exploring as well." She was trying very hard to not be so afraid all of the time. It was terribly difficult, but she believed that practice would help her in the end.

Canyon asked who she'd met and the speckled mare tossed her head lightly, pointing her nose in the direction from which she'd come. "A stallion named Taliesyn. He was very nice. There was a puma nearby. We could hear its wails. He helped to keep me calm." She wouldn't mind meeting the man again. Perhaps Canyon would like to meet him as well. If so, she would gladly introduce them.

Bringing her sky gaze to the new mare, mismatched ears flicked forward. Are you from a nearby herd? We've recently left our own." The idea of jealousy hadn't risen within Acacia. She didn't see Canyon in a romantic light. They were best friends. He was more like a brother than a potential mate. Now that she felt a bit more at ease, Acacia stepped forward on her long legs and extended her neck in an attempt to touch noses with the larger mare. A typical equine greeting.


-*As her protector, Canyon may infiltrate any of Acacia's threads.*-
[Image: UkdLFxJ.png?3]



4 Years
06-09-2020, 08:27 PM
Canyon was unashamed in the affection he offered to Acacia, and he didn’t realize the bigger mare might be uncomfortable until his gaze returned. He couldn’t help but grin amusedly but wouldn’t argue with her words as she welcomed Acacia back into the fold. He needed her as much as she needed him. He was glad she was safe, even though she joked lightly about their time apart.

He couldn’t begrudge her doing her own thing, she was her own mare. He worried about her though, with everything that could go wrong he preferred her in his sights. He had been gone before she woke. It was true, he’d been scouting the perimeter before their day, but he wouldn’t offer any excuses. He had to keep better tabs.

”Give me a heads up next time, don’t let me hold you back but at least let me prepare.” He lamented with amusement as he aimed a good natured bite to her withers. Hearing that another stallion comforted her caused his body to go still and his tail to twitch in agitation. The meeting sounded innocent, but if he caught him even looking at Acacia the wrong way..

He’d keep his opinions to himself. They were stronger together, even if Canyon hated being around other stallions long term. ”I’m just glad you’re safe.” He offered quietly as Acacia built up her courage and approached the regal mare Kamilah. Seeing them touch noses warmed his heart, seeing Acacia open up to another mare was what he needed to see most.
As his companion Acacia may enter any of his threads