
Saying Goodbye



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-28-2013, 10:23 PM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2013, 10:38 PM by Erani.)


Of This Land by Clannad on Grooveshark

Snowy haunches parked on the snowy ground as deep blue pools studied the expanse of snow before her. She sought something here, in the north. It was a risk coming this far north, but her heart had tugged at her, and deep down, she knew she needed to do this. To find the place where a dear friend slept eternally. Was it peaceful? Where did one go when they died? When they were ripped apart by a heartless stranger for no reason other than they were there at the wrong time. Haunches rose as she stepped forward, listening. She used, not her ears, but her heart, listening to the world around her, until her eyes landed on a spot that marked itself as a slight, circular dip in the snow. There. She approached the place, haunches sinking to the snow again. Deep blue pools gazed at the place for the longest time, before she spoke softly.

?Would that you were here today, my dear friend and sister. Would that you could meet the children you helped me birth. They?d have loved you as and aunt. You didn?t deserve this, my friend. None of them did, either.? She raised a paw and laid it gently in the depression where a friend slept. ?I should never have let you leave without an escort, Asheni. I could have stopped this.? Her head bowed, she closed her eyes, ears folding back. A soft hum thrummed in her chords, before it became a softly sung song. Her voice was a haunting thing to hear when lifted in song. To a listener, it was almost as though, in this song, she wasn?t quite the only voice that sang. The wind, the rustle of trees. It was her chorus, and accompaniment.

The song ended and she lifted her head to look up at the sky, before deep blue gaze lowered to the depression. Softly, she whispered, ?Goodbye, my Friend. May we meet on the other side.? Rising, she turned, ready to head home.



5 Years
Extra large
08-28-2013, 11:19 PM

He had come across a stranger in these parts before; Cross. The young man whose family used to rule Glaciem but was now the Snow Rogues. It had been a pretty civilized meeting, after the initial tension and all. He rather liked Cross and wondered at times if he was ever going to run into the large youth again. Today was another day, but he was back at the same spot. Why? He wasn't quite sure today. He didn't have the excuse of exploring to fall back on since he'd been to this place, the Snowfalls as Cross had called them, before. So why was he here? He didn't really know. Something told him to come here today. And as he padded quietly through the forestry, a haunting voice caught his attention. Taurig halted in his tracks, ears pricked with full attention, turning this way and that way, trying to locate the direction from which the voice came. It sounded like it came from a wolf, but then it didn't. How was that possible?

The song began to fade and the Knight wanted to know who the voice belonged to. Bounding forward, icy gaze searched frantically for a figure belonging to a wolf. There. Turning away was the silhouette of a pale wolf, a female by the scent. The young Knight came to a screeching halt, snow flying up around his paws. Was that you singing? He called out to the elder woman, hoping she would turn around and be able to explain just how she'd been able to do that.

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11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-28-2013, 11:41 PM

Bounding pawsteps approached her, and she whirled on her hocks to come out of the spin, stance balanced and even before all emotion and posture was wiped from her form, body relaxing into loose relaxation deep blue pools chilled to ice as she stared at the one who approached. The stranger, a male, skidded to a halt, asking a question. She allowed a trace of amusement to thaw her eyes a fraction. ?Do you see anyone other than yourself and me?? It was a gentle bantering tone she gave him. Inside, she was still ready to fight if she must, but outside, she seemed as casual as if this were a friend she trusted completely. Older though she was, she was still fit. Even fitter lately due to the rigorous training Cormalin had been putting her through during her free time.

?What brings you to Old Glaciem lands?? An idle question as she assessed him blandly, taking in the grey, silver and lack that made up his oat, and the ice blue eyes that were set in a handsome young face. Young. His scent told her he was two, healthy, and a pack member. The scents he carried on his fur told her that the pack was mainly made up of females. Glaciem. Cormalin had told her the scent of Glaciem was mostly made up of many, many females, and maybe one to three males. ?You hail from Sparse Pines Glaciem.? It wasn?t a question, but an acknowledgement. Yet she didn?t attack him. Only sank slowly to her haunches, hind legs squarely underneath her, in case she needed to spring.



5 Years
Extra large
08-29-2013, 12:11 AM

It was a rhetorical question. Of course she'd been the one singing. She was the only one in the area and there was no hint of any other wolf having been here before her or having recently departed. But he felt like he had to ask the question anyway, just to hear the confirmation. Her voice had his nape bristling, keeping him on edge. It had been haunting and unlike any other sound he had ever heard in his life. He watched as his words reached her ears, causing the white woman to turn towards him, her eyes nearly the same icy shade as his, though a bit more blue than his. Do you see anyone other than yourself and me? Obviously not. The tone she used to ask the question made it seem like she was scolding a young pup who knew better. And perhaps in comparison to her, he was a pup. No ma'am, but I just wanted to make sure it was really coming from you and I wasn't imaging it.

He could the masked wariness beneath her seemingly calm demeanor. The subtle readiness of one who always expected to be attacked by a stranger. He could see it all beneath the woman's relaxed exterior. He was a warrior himself after all. What brings you to Old Glaciem lands? Old Glaciem lands. So she knew about Cross' family and how they used to inhabit this land? Clearly she was a lot more wise than she appeared. An unknown feeling ma'am, something I'm not to sure how to put into words. That was really the best way to put why he was here today again. How else could he word it where it didn't sound more ridiculous than it already did? You hail from Sparse Pines Glaciem. Clearly wise or at least familiar with all the packs of Alacritis. Speaking of packs, her scent was familiar. It was just like Seraphine's. Valhalla. This woman belonged to Sera's pack. The pack where his father had challenged for Liberty. Oh boy. Indeed I am ma'am. And you must be from Valhalla. His words were a statement, just like hers, confirming what they already knew.

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11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-29-2013, 12:34 AM

His words brought a soft chuckle, hushed velvet rippling from her throat. ?Sometimes, it feels as though I am not the only one singing when those songs are sung. They are one of my Birth pack?s songs.? Perhaps that feeling of not being alone was the Redwood members raising their voices to sing. She didn?t voice this. She pondered his reply to her question, tail neatly curling about her haunches. ?Sixth sense, or your paws are on a path that led you here in your life?s Journey.? Her gaze lifted to the sky a moment, before dropping to the young fellow again. ?I came here to find a friend lost last year. To say good bye.? One ear pulled toward the depression.

After she acknowledged his pack placement he confirmed it. His own statement made her smile. ?Yes. I am. I am Erani, Lead Healer of Valhalla.? Deep blue pools rested on him studying him quietly. ?Your King is causing Valhalla a great deal of trouble. The lass he wants, has just lost her mother, and now risks losing the rest of her family. Valhalla is a family, as well as a strong group of warriors. How can anyone justify tearing a girl away from her family?? The words came from deep down in her heart. Sadness was in her eyes.



5 Years
Extra large
08-29-2013, 12:56 AM (This post was last modified: 08-29-2013, 12:58 AM by Taurig.)

Sometimes, it feels as though I am not the only one singing when those songs are sung. They are one of my Birth pack?s songs. Songs. He never had songs in his birth pack. Only war cries. Well, there were some songs, but none like the woman had just sung. The ones back home were meant to get the blood pumping, to put warriors into their fighting zone, get them concentrated and ready for battle. To praise warriors past and instill courage in the newer generations. It's quite enchanting. Certainly something I've never heard before in my life. He was no stranger to speaking with elders, but usually the elders he'd spoke too were warriors and what they had to say to him usually pertained to war tactics or how to become a better warrior. This elder spoke philosophy, something the Knight wasn't accustomed to. Sixth sense? Life journey? Ink tinted crown was cocked questioningly towards the ivory woman, watching as she raised her head to the sky before allowing to fall back, disclosing her reasons for having come to the old Glaciem. A deceased loved on. Taurig became solemn, his features becoming serious as he dipped his head in condolence to the elder woman. My condolences for your loss ma'am. It was the least he could offer.

She confirmed his statement, introducing herself as Erani, the lead Healer of Valhalla. A second dip of the head was given, this one a bow of greeting. Pleasure to meet your Erani. I am Taurig, the son of the King of the current Glaciem. And then came the bad stuff. The challenge. Of course she would bring it up, it was probably the only thing circling around all Valhallan's heads these days. Your King is causing Valhalla a great deal of trouble. The lass he wants, has just lost her mother, and now risks losing the rest of her family. Valhalla is a family, as well as a strong group of warriors. How can anyone justify tearing a girl away from her family? He figured she would've brought it up, but he didn't think she would bring it up so soon. If I may, I do not condone in the slightest what my father is doing. Not in the least. Now I don't know what exactly the situation behind my father's challenging for the girl is, but I can say that if she was the one to provoke the situation, then certainly she wasn't aware what kind of wolf she was dealing with exactly. Regardless of whether she provoked this whole thing or not, my father really doesn't have a right to challenge for her, more so now that you tell me about her family. Were I able to change my father's opinion and get him to leave this be, I would, but unfortunately my father isn't one to be swayed once he sets his sights on something.

I have met another pack member of yours, a girl by the name of Seraphine Are you familiar with her? She's an amazing young woman and from what I've seen from her, your pack seems like a good pack. Were I king instead of my father, I would not want to bring war between us, but an alliance instead. Alas, my loyalties lie with my father, but I do pray that this challenge does not lead to war. I would hate to have to meet again in the battlefield as enemies miss Erani. He took a deep breath, not realizing that he'd been talking so much, powerful haunches folding beneath the young man as he sat, trying to regain his breath as he watched Erani, wondering what she would think about his words.

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11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-29-2013, 01:33 AM (This post was last modified: 08-29-2013, 01:37 AM by Erani.)

Erani listened quietly, smiling faintly at his compliment of her song. ?There is always another lesson to learn, and another experience to live.? She truly did smile at the pup-like tilt of the young male?s head at her words of Sixth Senses and Journeys. She supplied for him. ?In a battle, have you ever felt the hackles at the back of your neck, tingle and spun, in time to deflect an attack from another opponent? That is your sixth sense.? She searched for words. ?My birth pack, especially the Alphas and my parents, the Lead Healers, had a way of listening to the land, with more than their ears, and seeing with more than their eyes.? That would probably confuse him more, she supposed.

His condolences were received with a gentle bow of her head. ?You?ve a good heart, if you can sorrow for the loss of a stranger.? Her introduction was met with one of his own, and she gave her head a light nod. Even if his Father was a pompous ass, this fellow had a good heart, and she could feel the honor he held. And as she spoke her piece on he Challenge, she thought she could see the barest wince in his eyes. His reply was long, and she listened to him intently, drinking every word. His meeting another member was news, to her. Seraphine. If the girl weren?t burned, she would look exactly like Gabriel. ?I know of her. From afar. She?s an intelligent girl. My niece Claire adores her. And I have a feeling Sera?s father might just take in with Claire. As for our pack, Valhalla is based strongly off of family, honor, loyalty and love. Children are cherished above all else, and we will fight to the last breath to protect them.

?We had an Alliance with Old Glaciem, when they resided here. A good pack, with much the same values as Valhalla. Their original Chief came from Valhalla as a matter of fact. Valhalla is a great deal like my Birth pack, Redwood, was.?
Deep blue pools dropped to the snow between them. ?When I was a yearling, my entire pack was murdered by our enemy, the Blackmoons. I thought I had lost all my family, until a little over a year ago. My brother had survived the assault, due to our Ally?s arrival the evening of the attack. He is now our Beta. Cormalin. You might see him at the Challenge. Large, black, with a four point star on his brow and mismatched blue and gold eyes.?

She studied him intently. Then asked him gently. ?How much more of your father?s actions will you be able to take, young Taurig? If he endangers your pack, does Loyalty mean anything? There are two kinds of Loyalty. One is true, and you never have to wonder if your soul will weep at the orders you must carry out. Another is a trap, A vine wrapped about your legs. What kind of Loyalty to you have??



5 Years
Extra large
08-29-2013, 02:26 PM

He listened with care as the elder woman continued speaking, nodding to her words, his attention growing as she mentioned battle tactics. This was more his kind of talk. In a battle, have you ever felt the hackles at the back of your neck, tingle and spun, in time to deflect an attack from another opponent? That is your sixth sense. My birth pack, especially the Alphas and my parents, the Lead Healers, had a way of listening to the land, with more than their ears, and seeing with more than their eyes. His face took on a look of concentration, thinking back to the countless training sessions he'd had growing up. Erani was right. That feeling to predict where his opponents next move was going to come from had happened to him before. Did all wolves have this sixth sense, or was it just warriors? The seed of curiosity had been planted in the young Knight but he would add nourishment today, at least not for the moment, now that the elder vixen was speaking once more, remarking that only those with a good heart could sorrow for the loss of a stranger. He smiled at the ivory dame, shrugging his shoulders modestly. It was what his mother had taught him to do.

I know of her. From afar. She?s an intelligent girl. My niece Claire adores her. And I have a feeling Sera?s father might just take in with Claire. As for our pack, Valhalla is based strongly off of family, honor, loyalty and love. Children are cherished above all else, and we will fight to the last breath to protect them. We had an Alliance with Old Glaciem, when they resided here. A good pack, with much the same values as Valhalla. Their original Chief came from Valhalla as a matter of fact. Valhalla is a great deal like my Birth pack, Redwood, was. When I was a yearling, my entire pack was murdered by our enemy, the Blackmoons. I thought I had lost all my family, until a little over a year ago. My brother had survived the assault, due to our Ally?s arrival the evening of the attack. He is now our Beta. Cormalin. You might see him at the Challenge. Large, black, with a four point star on his brow and mismatched blue and gold eyes. How much more of your father?s actions will you be able to take, young Taurig? If he endangers your pack, does Loyalty mean anything? There are two kinds of Loyalty. One is true, and you never have to wonder if your soul will weep at the orders you must carry out. Another is a trap, A vine wrapped about your legs. What kind of Loyalty to you have? Now it was her turn for a long bout of speech and the young Knight sat attentive, icy gaze never leaving her deeper azure one, listening and drinking in each word that she had to offer. She spoke of Seraphine, and her father, and her niece and how Valhalla had had an alliance with the old Glaciem when they resided in the SnowFalls. She spoke of her birthbpack and how most of it had been slaughtered, except for her brother Cormalin whom he sure to see at the challenge. He thought she'd been don there, but he wasn't off the hook that easily.

His father. How much more of his father's wishes would he be able to comply with until he hit his breaking point? I'm...I'm not sure Erani. I swore my loyalty to my father when he brought me back from my birthpack to live here with him. To me, everything he does is for his self-ish gain, and never for the benefit of anyone else. If the pack I swore to protect comes under danger because of my father's actions...I would have to defy him and do what is best to keep the pack safe. Those women count on me to keep them safe and free of harm. If my father can't do it himself, then I will have to step in and do it for him...even if he ends up hating me for the rest of his life. At his last words his icy eyes became even frostier, his stance becoming rigid. If his father every crossed the line...Taurig wouldn't hesitate to cross the line and defy the pale king. He just hoped it would never come to that.

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11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-29-2013, 08:03 PM

Erani listened to what he had to say, a faint smile of approval crossing her muzzle. This fellow, if he had been born in her Birth pack when she had been born, might well have been a choice to be an heir to take the place of Alpha male. Haunches rose and she gestured a suggestion to walk with her, head tilting to the fore, before she took a few steps. ?You?ve the heart of a Leader, yourself. A true Leader puts the pack before himself. He sacrifices things, like your loyalty for your father, for the pack. I have a feeling that that line you speak of, is something he may cross soon. If you were my son, I would be proud beyond words that you would set something you see as important aside for the good of the pack.? She cast him a smile. He may have been a stranger she?d only met, and in a pack that could possibly become an enemy if he Challenge went badly or wasn?t the last challenge they would hear, but she was proud anyways.

She walked for a moment, thinking of her family, how many their were after so long of thinking she was alone. Cormalin, Nova, her niece and nephews, her own children. Gabriel? Where was he now? And Nova? She shoved the thought away. The absence of her younger son and mate weighed on her. Castiel had been distant as well. And Lyric. Even Arella was often off on adventures. Only Surreal was ever present, working hard in her training, determined to become a strong member of the pack so that she could serve Valhalla. Just like her Uncle. Erani knew her eldest born daughter wanted more siblings. Sadly, that time was past. She was too old now, and Nova was gone.



5 Years
Extra large
08-29-2013, 11:42 PM

He could see the smile of approval that lingered on Erani's ivory lips, causing the young Knight to raise his head with pride. He liked receiving approval from an elder, even if that elder was a complete stranger. The elder woman rose, motioning for him to follow. The grey-blue brute complied easily enough, powerful limbs pulling him forward to walk alongside the elder healer, his hulking frame easily towering over hers. But ever the respectful man, Taurig kept his head down, ears attentive to the woman's next set of words. You?ve the heart of a Leader, yourself. A true Leader puts the pack before himself. He sacrifices things, like your loyalty for your father, for the pack. I have a feeling that that line you speak of, is something he may cross soon. If you were my son, I would be proud beyond words that you would set something you see as important aside for the good of the pack. If he'd been her color of fur, she would've easily been able to see the hot blush that seeped into his cheeks, but lucky for him his dark fur kept it hidden beneath the surface. He hadn't expected such kind words from a stranger.

That means a lot Miss Erani, coming from a practical stranger. I knew there was a reason why I'd come here today and I believe it was because I was meant to cross paths with you... He trailed off, allowing his icy gaze to dance to the far horizon, his mind moving backwards in time. You know, you remind me a lot of my mom. She was very much like you, except that she was a warrior, not a healer. You would've liked her. He turned back towards Erani, a smile gracing his inky jowl. Could Erani become his second Valhallan friend?

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11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-30-2013, 06:33 PM

Erani noted his continuing respectful manners as he walked alongside her, his head low, attentive to her words. She could see the pride her words previously had given him, but there was no arrogance in that pride. And she sensed the heat rising in his face to her words now, before he replied. She smiled, listening to what he said, and the trailing off, seeing the distance in his eyes as his thoughts trailed. When he continued, her eyes twinkled softly. ?Well, had my birth pack not been wiped out, I would have become it?s Alpha, according to a source. The Alpha female, also my aunt, was barren, unable to bring heirs. My brother Cormalin had been chosen to become Beta and I was chosen to be trained as an Alpha, though I leaned toward my mother?s Craft. Still, I went through the rigorous training of a warrior, as all wolves in the pack were required, and the Alpha took me out to see the land, and to teach me the finer points of honor and leadership.?

Her gaze lifted to the sky, soft smile tugging on her muzzle. ?I think my birth Alpha would have liked you. You?re a promising young wolf, and it seems you might just have a big role to play in averting disaster, even at the cost of a father. The fact that you?d be willing to break that vow to protect your pack proves your potential.? She lowered her gaze to Taurig, studying the large male. Paws stopped and haunches settled into the snow. ?So, what do you think of Valhalla, from what all you've heard??



5 Years
Extra large
08-31-2013, 01:07 PM

Well, had my birth pack not been wiped out, I would have become it?s Alpha, according to a source. The Alpha female, also my aunt, was barren, unable to bring heirs. My brother Cormalin had been chosen to become Beta and I was chosen to be trained as an Alpha, though I leaned toward my mother?s Craft. Still, I went through the rigorous training of a warrior, as all wolves in the pack were required, and the Alpha took me out to see the land, and to teach me the finer points of honor and leadership. His icy eyes widened in surprise. Erani had been trained as a warrior? No wonder they were able to connect so easily. She was an elder healer and warrior. Who would've thought. I think my birth Alpha would have liked you. You?re a promising young wolf, and it seems you might just have a big role to play in averting disaster, even at the cost of a father. The fact that you?d be willing to break that vow to protect your pack proves your potential. The smile that had curled his inky jowls suddenly disappeared, his features becoming serious and unreadable. Yes, he would sacrifice his loyalty to his father to ensure that the wolves who had come under his care would not be affected by his self-ish choices. He just sincerely hoped that it would never come to that. He had come here to live with his father because he wanted to give the pale ghost a chance, to try and get to know him, but if his father continued doing what he was doing, he feared that wouldn't be able to happen.

So, what do you think of Valhalla, from what all you've heard? Erani had stopped walking, having settled down in the snow once again. Taurig imitated her, bringing his larger mass to halt before hers, haunches folding beneath him as he settled down in the snow, icy gaze riveted her azure one. From meeting you and Seraphine, I would have to say that Valhalla has to be a very well respected pack among these lands. Were I a simple rogue with no family or home, I would've come to your borders to ask for acceptance. Your pack reminds me so much of my birth pack, and you of my mother miss Erani.... He trailed off, his thoughts revolving around his mother for the moment. How was she fairing? Right in this moment, he was beginning to think that coming to Alacritis perhaps hadn't been such a good idea. But it was too late now. There wasn't really a going back now. He would have to stick through it and see that he kept his word.

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11 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-01-2013, 02:59 PM

Erani chuckled at the surprised look on his face. ?Have you ever heard of the Nomads? I don?t think it?s likely; so far as I know, they only travel Calarada. They had an Alliance with Redwood that every Spring, they would come to stay for a month, to learn defense maneuvers. A great deal of my lineage comes from them. They are a peaceful band of healers that never stay in one territory for long. My grandmother was said to be so experienced her mere touch would heal any wound, but I doubt that was true.? She winked gently, chuckling. ?She was a deep red color, and my mother said that when the sun hit her fur it was like a flame had come to life. I have their eyes. But my coloring of fur comes from my mother. In any case, you don?t want to try to attack the Nomads. They are efficient. They never kill, but they do disable.?

As her other words made the smile vanish, she noted the sad determination in those icy pools of his. She gently reached out, brushing her muzzle against his shoulder. A touch of reassurance. And as they sat and he answered her question in regard to his thoughts on Valhalla, she listened quietly. ?And we would have been glad to have you.? The words were sincere. She very much liked this fellow; he pulled at her maternal side, the side that wanted to mother him, and help him grow and dig his claws into the path his paws were taking. She wished she could have met his mother. ?What did your mother look like??



5 Years
Extra large
09-06-2013, 04:09 PM

Have you ever heard of the Nomads? He would shake his head no at her first question, ears pricking forward with rapt attention as she continued on with her story. I don?t think it?s likely; so far as I know, they only travel Calarada. They had an Alliance with Redwood that every Spring, they would come to stay for a month, to learn defense maneuvers. A great deal of my lineage comes from them. They are a peaceful band of healers that never stay in one territory for long. My grandmother was said to be so experienced her mere touch would heal any wound, but I doubt that was true. She was a deep red color, and my mother said that when the sun hit her fur it was like a flame had come to life. I have their eyes. But my coloring of fur comes from my mother. In any case, you don?t want to try to attack the Nomads. They are efficient. They never kill, but they do disable. The Knight would become serious, nodding to Erani's words. The nomads. He had never heard of this pack before, but they seemed like a respectful pack of wolves. Certainly much more peaceful than his own people. Then again, his birth pack wasn't a band of murderers, but if they were attacked, there was no mercy shown to the attackers.

His thought seemed to be easily reflected in his icy pools as Erani leaned forward, brushing her muzzle against her shoulder, reassurance flooding his system with the touch. And we would have been glad to have you. A small smile crept its way onto his inky jowls, ebony tail wagging gently behind him. I would've been honored to be a part of such a noble pack. And then she would ask about his mother. His mom. How he missed her sometimes. She was much like me in coloring, though her pelt was complete ebony with just a brush of grey flecks across her spine and dotted around her icy eyes. She was quite beautiful. There was a sadness in his voice as he spoke about his mother, often times wishing that he could back to his birth pack.

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