
Children of the Moon and Sun [Aurielle x Red children!]



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
05-15-2020, 03:53 PM (This post was last modified: 08-07-2020, 09:19 PM by Aurielle.)
Children of the Moon and Sun

·         Activity:
By applying for one of these kids, you hereby agree to maintain activity with your adopted puppy. We will both be watching closely for consistent activity.

The bare minimum we expect is a post per week. That is only 3 posts a month. Keep in mind, this is a bare minimum. This is the activity we expect if you’re running a little scarce but are still able to post. Exceptions will be had if you inform us prior to an absence or lull in activity.

We have full rights to reclaim the pup should your activity be lacking, or you have not posted with the pup for a full month from your last post.

Burst sprees seen only when you’re in danger of having the pup reclaimed is as bad as ghosting and never playing the pup, yet being heavily active with your other characters. I can understand a muse-lag, I’ve been there myself, but do your best to at least get the minimum three out there, spread out rather than spree’d, preferably.

If your pup is reclaimed, you will not be getting it back. Whining and pestering either of us to reconsider will have you barred from ever getting any of ours or my future litters or adoptions.

I will be taking into account your history when considering your applications.

If you have a history of only posting with an adopted character when you’re about to lose that character due to lack of activity, I will not be adopting out to you. If you love that character so much, prove it by giving it the activity it deserves.
I adore Cairo, and as soon as I was able, Cairo’s activity skyrocketed. He jumped from 14-20 posts to 50 or 60 in a few months after I got my internet back.

·         Skills: In the past, I didn’t really care about skills and getting them up. Now? I expect each pup to be gathering skill points, attending lessons, learning to do whatever their skills are to gain points. Valhalla may be veering toward being strongly Skill-driven for ranks and promotions.

I’d like to see these guys at least Intermediate in their skill levels by the time they hit yearling-hood.

·         Alignments: These kids have two very strongly Lawful Good parents with steadfast values in the merits of hard work, team work, learning, and doing good things. Red is a scholarly type who is a semi-pacifist. Valhalla is a primarily lawful good pack, though it accepts darker alignments so long as that darker wolf doesn’t cause trouble within the pack or with other packs, and pulls their weight.

There is no logical reason in nature or in nurture that these kids will end up being born straight into being a psychotic chaotic evil little bastard who murders and rapes for the luls. Aurielle is not above killing her own child if that child is a true threat to others. It’ll kill her heart to do it, but if it saves countless future victims, she will do as she must.

The darkest I will accept for an initial Alignment is Neutral Good. These pups must have valid IC influence to become any darker in nature.

·         Mental Health: Aurielle’s family is not known for having any major mental issues or autisms. Maybe a slight case of obliviousness to romance in some cases (-Stares at Regulus-) but there are no mental illnesses.

·         Sexuality: I, personally, have no issue with what you pick for your kid. Gay, Straight, Both, Pan, Demi, whatever, Aurielle will love her children for themselves, even if she, personally, might not understand the attraction. As long as they’re happy in their choice.

Incest will be frowned upon and addressed, however. She has stories passed down about Syrinx and Eos and their children, and the case solves itself that there seem to be none of their descendants remaining in Boreas or Auster. It can only be assumed that those children died out.
Underage romance will be stamped down upon. The wolf trying to romance her under-two child will get ripped open if they don’t take the hint to wait a year or so. Crushes are fine. Sex is a big hell no.

·         Religion: I don’t often touch on this, mostly because I can never fully settle on a set of deities and stick with them. You’ll probably have seen reference to Mother Night, Gods above and Below, Gods, Luna… It’s all over the place. HOWEVER. What follows is canon and slap me if I deviate from it again.

Aurielle’s family loosely believes in a small set of deities that I am unabashedly stealing from a different world of my own creation. There are two versions of them, Aurielle’s and the Nomads. (Which would be Serenia’s and the Lycanic version respectively in the other world.)

The most obvious is Luneil (Luna), Goddess of the Moon. I’ll type out a full religion reference for an Ardent specific version at some point. xD

Red has a loose belief in spirits and the connected nature of the world and its beings.

·         Assumptions of Upbringing: Under no circumstances will Aurielle or Red be neglecting to teach their pups all the things. Aurielle will be hammering the Old Tongue (Irish Gaelic) into their heads from the moment they’re able to learn both Common and OT.

They will be drilled (lovingly and patiently) in manners, integrity, honor, really early fighting and hunting lessons, pack borders, history of both Aurielle and Red’s family, cultures, the Nomads, and pack relations, even though only Ardyn will rise to be Spirit one day.

They will be fully informed in the religion of Aurielle’s family and Red’s beliefs as well.

Despite being both high-ranking wolves, they will always be there for their kids. They will be utterly smothered in love, especially after Aurielle having spent the majority of her life without a mother’s full presence.

Regardless of posting activity and thread amounts, I will not tolerate players having their pups be played as though their parents do not spend time with them or take time out of their days to give each their individual attention. Rest assured I will set you straight in a heartbeat.

Boundaries: Until they leave the rank of hope to be marked as Promise, these kids will not be allowed to go beyond the Plains unless they are with their parents or a trusted escort from the pack (Domari, Justice, etc).

Until they are a full year old, they are not allowed to leave the pack lands unless they have an escort in the form of their parents or an adult friend.

·         Mutations: I am not against mutations in these litters. Know that you will have to field your own donations, however, I am willing to pay for the extra pup passes to get to our full five!

o    Most likely mutations:
Long Upper Canines/Sabers: Both Red and Aurielle bear this mutation, as will Ardyn.
Stiff Bristles: Red carries this mutation. They’re hard enough to rattle if he shakes his scruff. Tea: they are hedgehog bristles set in a ridge of stiff fur
Manes, Long Tail hair: Aurielle bears this set of mutations. Her family have historically always had slightly longer tail hair and neck fur (like a ruff on a border collie), but at acceptable (aka, non-mutation donation) lengths.

o    Height: As yet, I’m only planning on having Ardyn reach 45”, this litter. Future litters may not be allowed to reach dire height. As he is so large from birth onward, it’s quite unlikely, especially if it’s a full five-pup litter, that his siblings will get enough nutrition in the womb to grow over 36”. Really, really good applications may convince me otherwise, though. ?
Tea: Aoife will be 18” so keep that in mind while planning your apps.

Any future litters may be considered to reach 42”, but for my girl’s sake, not the whole litter @.@

o    Bio-luminescence: I plan for only Ardyn to receive this mutation from his mother. Yes I’m a selfish lady.

Character Pass traits:

Shimmering fur in more than one color.

·         Designs: I have loads of designs made, and have bought lotsof litter designs off others. Any designs must stay on Ardent only. Once a pup is adopted into a design, that design will not be changed regardless of adopters.

I’ve personally never really approved the designs of children being changed upon re-adoption, when they have spent time as this wolf with these markings and colors, and then suddenly they’re black with yellow ears. (Just an example lol)

Aurielle is based in a pure, snow white, but shimmers moonstone colors in every hair. Ardyn will be black but bear the same kind of shimmer, in fire tones. Aurielle’s twin Aramis is pure black with blue shimmer in his fur, the same way Aurielle does.

There’s a wide range of possibilities for coat colors, from black, to white, to grey, brown timber, tawny timber, to unnatural colors and unnatural colored markings. Solveiga, Aurielle’s mother, was a creamy, pinkish tan with white and darker tan markings, and dappling over the hips (if I remember rightly). Regulus is bright RGB Scale red with deep sapphire eyes.

Blue eyes will be very common. Gold, Amethyst, Green, and Silver will all be likely. I have no idea what Red carries from his own family history. Heterochromia, Bichromia and Polychromia are common in Aurielle’s family, and likely in Red’s, as he also has eyes with two colors.

Red brings natural scale gold brindling to the table, as well as malar stripes by the outer corners of each eye. Designs color-picked from Red's design will be free! :D

·         Extra Pup Passes: I have plenty of gems to cover extra pups, so no need to worry about paying for your puppy ^^

·         Character Slots: For those who really stand out with their applications, and also have shown wonderful activity with their other characters, I’m happy to pay for an extra character slot.

·         Names:
Irish Gaelic are common themes in the name-pool of this family. Tea’s little darlin’ will be named Aoife (Eefa or Eeva in pronunciation, if I remember rightly) My boy will be named Ardyn (Was originally going to be Aedyn, but my phone kept auto-correcting to Ardyn, so I decided to just go with that.) pronounced Ar-din.

Multiple middle names could be a thing. *Also, here's an old list from the Surralk (SurrealxFalk) Litters that also have links to various name sites that should help :) The list actually came from that random name generator (The Seventh Sanctum sites. So much fun seeing what pops up lol)

Names List!

, Aroron, Tobiel, Zarsiel, Thaidon, Adrein, Aletholr, Ilarios,

Aeusonus, Xeus, Erdaur, Altan, Eraboniel, Isedus.
Aziel, Otiel, Sutilon, Daciel, Obiel, Araner, Saret, Athier, Lisiel,

Zamaretiel, Azerael, Arepediel, Ahael, Caled, Itanis, Isitael.
Asenian, Nerrued, Falu, Aelymo, Sius, Zelys, Useos, Krysum,

Faerte, Isilon, Siasi, Faelel, Olithod, Thon, Pheusus.
Jolus, Sylth, Jolion, Farauseno, Erolia, Esilu, Adoressu, Usiar,

Usias, Sanus, Enari, Taurien, Vithero, Manurael, Lazael,
Fameari, Vidaeli, Zemaus, Jociar, Zersano, Aliel, Arunatiel,

Ninserein, Usael, Sunniel, Alei, Joeus, Zenoran, Sepiel, Zerones,
Anthemis, Artemisia, Tarragon, Anrothin,
Aconite, Acorus, Veneris, Adiantum

Likes: Lots of angelic sounding names, names to do with some plants, names that are strong. Celtic, pagan, Gaelic names are a plus.

Good places to find names:

20000 names
Celtic names
Irish names
Greek names
More names

Have some Links to the family! *Keep in mind: Your pups could have Somnium threads with any in this list who are deceased, as long as the player remains and is willing to have a Somnium thread (Erani would be thrilled to meet her great-great grandkids)

Mother: Aurielle
Father: Red
Regulus: Grandfather (Present, and will have much influence)
Solveiga: Grandmother (Deceased)
Surreal: Great Grandmother (Deceased)
Falk: Great Grandfather (Deceased)
Erani: Great Great Grandmother (Deceased)
Aramis: Uncle (Currently Missing)!
Baine: Great Aunt (Present currently)
Tornach: Great Uncle (Present-ish)
Laisren: Great Uncle (Missing)
Faite: Great Aunt (Deceased)
Zuriel: Great Aunt (Deceased Offsite)
Aoife: Sister!

Now, to the really fun stuff!


·         Designs By Lyra (Thank yooou!)
[Image: aurielle_x_red_1.png]

[Image: Aurielle_x_red_2.png]

[Image: bri_design_1.png]

[Image: bri_design_2.png]

[Image: bri_design_3.png]

[Image: bri_design_4.png]

[Image: bri_design_5.png]

[Image: bri_design_6.png]

[Image: bri_design_7.png]

[Image: bri_design_8.png]

[Image: bri_design_9.png]

[Image: bri_design_10.png]

[Image: bri_design_11.png]


·         Designs By KatG6 (Thank you darliiiiin'!!):

[Image: one.png]

[Image: two.png]

[Image: three.png]

[Image: four.png]

[Image: five.png]

·         By Me!

[Image: 3xO6MwW.png]

[Image: TkGIoYc.png]

[Image: DyOPXsI.png]

[Image: mFsmpiK.png]

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[Image: Oaul7v6.png]

[Image: 79g6rzY.png]

And now, we toss the ball in your court. Please fill in the form below. Please do not center the form, as I have a difficult time reading centered format. Applications not completed within two weeks will be considered as you lost interest.

*Just added to the form, what mutations do the carry, if any?

[b]OOC Name:[/b]

[b]Physical Sex:[/b]
[b]Design Choice(s) & Physical Description:[/b] 150 words please (Since there are several people contributing to the designs, note by whom your pick is by :P
[b]Personality:[/b] 150 words please.
[b]Plans and Plots and Rank Aspirations?:[/b] Be very aware that rape plots with your character as the victim will have heavy consequences that do include death-matching the rapist.There are better avenues for drama. Trust me.
[Image: bkRAV4d.png]

At first glance, Aurielle's coat is pure white.. Her fur has an iridescent quality (like moonstones) where the fur shimmers different colors under various angles of light: in this case, the colors shown by rainbow moonstones. Not one hair on her hide is a solid unnatural color, but, ya know, it's really hard to convey that in still art :P
Aurielle's English is heavily laden with an Irish, Swedish mixed accent.
Her family is allowed to crash all her threads, Private and Open.
As of Autumn Year 14, Aurielle glows with a bright blue-white bio-luminescence in her fur, and bears a marking over her left eye - see profile and reference.


Missing from Armada

2 Years
05-17-2020, 01:57 AM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2020, 02:12 PM by Malalia.)

OOC Name: Lala

Name: Amorielle Rhiannon Adravendi
Gender: Woman
Physical Sex: Female
Design Choice(s) & Physical Description:

[Image: 4BwPQUZ.png]

34 inches, Medium Build

One might take a glance at the she-wolf and mistake her for a simple gray wolf caught in a patch of sunlight. They wouldn’t be far from the truth. A base of deep gray that coats her legs and underbelly, much in the way of her father’s patterning, is overlaid with shifting strokes of silver, white, and gold, the palette of a pale winter sky. Her coat, in contrast with her blue eyes, lends a subtle sense of etherealness to the woman, caught between sky and shadow. Like her maternal family, her fur will be longer and bushier about her scruff and tail, although not unnaturally so. She will inherit the long legs of her mother and stockier build of her father, including a hefty set of paws that will take some time getting used to. A gangly and awkward kid, she will eventually grow into a well-proportioned adult that bears the same grace of her mother, and a near-equal balance of agility and strength.

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Skills: Healing, Navigation
*Mutations: Long upper canines none

Like her mother and father before her, she will be incredibly interested in crafting and building, spending as much of her free time as possible messing around with increasingly complex articles, or taking apart and putting together those of her parents. She will also develop an affinity for the healing arts, harboring a fascination for the fine tunings of the body and the startling effect of plant life within it, an early fuel to her connection with nature. As the daughter of two high-ranking, hard-working parents, she is industrious and attentive — when she wants to be. To the bane of her mentors, she just can’t sit still if the subject at hand doesn’t interest her, or if she is distracted, or gods forbid, she has a dull teacher who will drone on and on and on and on…. Still, while she is not exactly the most patient or disciplined of the bunch, she will excel in the areas she’s passionate about.

The girl is a free agent, above everything else. Her mind flits from idea to idea, causing for an easily distracted and excitedly babbling bundle of fur in her puppyhood. She’ll often simply ignore any rule or constraint that doesn’t make sense to her. It’s not that she wants to disobey her parents, much less that she thinks the deed is that bad to begin with. (And after all, it’s easier to ask forgiveness than permission). She will be very much in the way of “I’m grown enough so I can do what I please!” And with her self-declared autonomy, what will she do? Probably skip lessons to tinker around with the projects she’s working on, or watch the clouds, or follow a cool looking frog she saw the other day. Her first instinct is to follow her own inclinations, but those are generally harmless. Though they might get her in a bit of trouble, especially as she grows and is expected to take more responsibility.

Like her mother and grandmother before her, she will be a sweet, but terribly shy kid. Her siblings will probably get sick of her whining and tattling when they’re just trying to play with her. She’ll hate roughhousing, and she will absolutely bawl when someone takes teasing too far. Poor girl can’t help it, and this sensitivity, coupled with the time spent exploring or working on her projects, may cause her to be a little withdrawn. Her tendency to babble will inevitably subside. As a yearling, she’s definitely a bit moody, and easily upset, perhaps developing a bit of an edge when she’s feeling insecure. Hopefully she’ll learn a little patience and gain a tougher skin as she matures. On the other side of the coin lies a deep empathy for others. Girl doesn’t have a mean bone in her body.

—One With The Universe
The dreamy girl will absolutely lean towards her father’s disposition and views on spirituality, living each day as it comes and taking refuge in the beauty and connectedness of the world. While not religiously worshipful, she holds a great amount of respect for the spirits as well as life in general. She’s a peacekeeper to a fault with a fountain of caution, and much like her mother she tends to think through a situation rather than diving in headfirst. She steers away from conflict, and just wishes that everyone would get along. Ever the optimist, she strongly believes in the power of goodness, and that everything will all work out in the end.

Plans and Plots and Rank Aspirations?:

-Probably get into shenanigans as a yearling, trying to go places unaccompanied and whatnot. Definitely the “ugh mooooom daaaaad you’re cramping my styyyyle” type so she and the rents might butt heads.
-be an annoying, whiny sister XD
-Possibly will take an interest in alcohol/hallucinogenic plants to enhance spiritual experiences, things to that effect
-I also saw on the pack page that agriculture might be a thing in Valhalla, so she might get into that?
-She will probably want to explore life outside of Valhalla and travel extensively. She will absolutely be connected to her family and will ultimately live with them at Valhalla in the end, but I’m thinking she might take a couple of years to just explore the world on her own
-Probably a Meteor as the highest rank. I don’t see her gunning for a lot of prestige or power, really



1 Year
05-17-2020, 07:40 AM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2020, 06:53 AM by Rayios.)
Sorry if I'm cluttering this thread but I would just like to say how absolutely beautiful those designs look and how envious I am because I can't apply with any of the ones that require gems xD

5/26 Edit: Well I changed my mind about applying xD I was gonna hopefully leave it to those with more gems but it's been a little quiet so I figured I'd add something in here .3.

OOC Name: KittyKookiez
Name: Niall (nye-al; "passionate, a cloud") or Quinlan ("gently shaped, athletic") -- you can decide. Unpicked name will be middle name
Gender: Male
Physical Sex: Male
Design Choice(s) & Physical Description: (33", Medium build)

The boy harbors soft features and colors. He is not overly muscular or lanky, rather exhibits a fair mix of both. This means he can do moderately well in a fight of brute force, or a test of agility--with lots of practice, that is. His snout is round and smooth, each curve possessing soft angles and ends. His eyes, similarly, have a soft kindness to them. They are lively and bright, starting from the top being at first like the deep blue expanse of the sea, rising in light the farther down you look, ending then in a violet hue not unlike a sunset.

The base of his pelt sports the soft, saturated colors of greys and steel blue. For the most part, these colors peacefully coexist intermingled with each other, some areas of his pelt more grey, other areas more steel. However, this steel blue calls claim to each of his limbs, the color growing more prominent the farther away it is from his torso and chest. But greys and steel blues are not the only color inhabiting his pelt. At the very tips of his paws, ears--even his hackles and muzzle--are blurred dapples of white. One could equate them to being like little plumes of clouds. Or, it is as if he had just walked out of snow, for no one would know the difference if they didn't know any better. There is also a small patch of white dapples on his back.

Alignment: Lawful Good
Skills: Healing, Intellect
*Mutations: None
Personality: Playful, goofball, lighthearted, loyal, honorable, brave, protective
Right from the start, Name will be a playful and lively child. He will enjoy spending time with his family and making new friends, though the boy will stick especially close to his littermates. He will be, at first, easily influenced, mimicking the actions, words, and mannerisms of those he is fond for, as if he is experimenting what fits best for him. In truth, he mimics as a form of flattery, for this child will be naive to those he considers his best friends, doing whatever it is they ask of him, even if it is dangerous. It must not be dangerous if his best friends are doing them; they can do no wrong.

He is not completely oblivious, however; the teachings of his parents and other tutors will not be for naught. He will be understandably wary of strangers, foreign animals, and certain plants. Perhaps he is more wary of these things than an average pup would be. Unless someone he is naive to tells him that something is not dangerous, the boy will put on a brave face and keep his siblings or friends from its harm. This behavior will become more common as he grows. To call him protective will not be far from the truth. Though he will not smother those he loves with 'just in case' precautions and safety gear he's just now learned about, he will surely stick around--or even accompany--his friends and family in case they need help. It is also not above him to occassionally snoop into aspects of their lives he probably shouldn't be in, to assess for himself whether it is good for them or not. This snooping would not be commonplace, nor will it be done to the detriment of their private life. He only wants to know if they're okay.

Name enjoys pleasing people, even sometimes whipping out a quick joke to cause a smile. He is lighthearted by nature, rarely ever talking about serious or deep talk. When it does happen, it doesn't feel that way; he sprinkles in a quip here and there, talks in a casual and nonchalant voice, and always carries a light tone. He is a friendly relief to people who might be having a bad day, or for those who recently experienced some loss and need a moment to stop thinking about it. Being so lighthearted, any rivals he might have might be tempted to not take him so seriously. After all, he doesn't ever seem to put off an intimidating or aggressive aura, so why should they?

His family and tutors have taught him the meaning of respect, honor, integrity, and valor. The boy will not back down from a challenge, nor will he ever leave his close allies to fight a battle alone, be it physically or mentally. He is not afraid to harm someone if there is justified reason behind it, but he will not start battles off impulse or emotion (unless it is a really tense situation). If he can fight, he will fight, and he will stick to his allies whether they win or lose.

Plans and Plots and Rank Aspirations?:
-Name wants to become the best god-damn chief Valhalla has ever known >:o Other than that, I don't see him wanting any high ranks or something.
-Am also making it a goal that Name stays close to his siblings and form a good bond with his immediate family, at least. Anything that happens to him, he'll know about it, and rest assured if it's bad he'll do something about it
-I wrote the personality in a way that, the farther down you read, the older he is, up to like, 2 years. All of the personality mentioned with an 'older' perspective were pretty much there since he was a pup; they just become more pronounced as he ages.
Adopt one today!



8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Witches HutSilver Medal 20201K
06-01-2020, 08:02 PM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2020, 02:27 AM by Magnus.)
oops my bad D:



3 Years

Gold Medal 2020
06-15-2020, 04:57 PM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2020, 12:47 AM by Shika.)
OOC Name: Electra

Name: Coran Ruarc Adravendi
Gender: Male
Physical Sex: Male
Design Choice(s) & Physical Description:
[Image: P4GvkdF.png]
Coran’s build will take after his father. He will grow up to be well-muscled, fit mostly for battle if anything. Though he won’t nearly be as tall as his father, instead he will end up standing around 36 inches once he grows up completely. The color of his pelt will remain greyscale, a mixture of white, greys, and black all painting his pelt. It will look as his base coat will be a soft grey that tapers off into darker shades of grey. His body will almost shift to a snowy white, and what is prominent are the onyx markings across his body. His limbs and tail will be an inky black, and the markings will shift into a deep grey. One line going from his elbows and across towards his hips, another going up from his flank and towards the base of his tail. Both markings going against the white fur that adorns his torso. His eye color will be similar to his father’s, mostly an icy blue that ends up shifting into an amethyst nearing the bottom of the iris.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Skills: Fighting & Hunting
*Mutations: None.
Personality: Coran will grow to be good-natured, and he will have a strong sense of family. Being the son of the alphas, he will definitely be a hardworking wolf as well. He will make sure to live up to his name, and he will always have some sort of determination to be the best that he can be. He will learn a strong sense of morals thanks to his parents, and he will overall be a generous and helpful wolf to Valhalla.

Though, he will end up being rather protective of his family and his pack as well. He will train until he is strong and able-bodied enough to defend those that he loves and holds dear to his heart. He doesn’t actively seek out violence, but like his mother, he will also have a strong sense of justice. Anyone who causes harm to his loved ones will have to deal with the consequences, and he will definitely make sure of it once he grows older.

Other than the need to protect his family, Coran will be an easy-going male, and rather friendly too. He will end up being quite sociable and most likely meeting plenty of new faces. Like his father, he does seek out conversation with any and all who surround him, and he will lend a paw as much as possible. He will end up being a great listener and helper to those who he considers close.

He will be extremely loyal to his family most of all, and he would never turn his back on them. Therefore he will definitely be reliable to any of his family or packmates if they ever needed anything. Any sort of support or assistance, he will be there in a heartbeat, and he will always try his best to be a key part in the survival of Valhalla. He won’t necessarily seek out the power that his parents hold, but he will definitely try to prove himself as their son, and somehow make a name for himself.
Plans and Plots and Rank Aspirations?: I've been reading up on the Valhalla pack page and I definitely think Coran would be interested in working his way through the war circle, and eventually, he would for sure try and gain the rank as a Dauntless. I don't think he'd necessarily want too much power and that's why he'd want the rank of Dauntless. He'd leave up all the leadership responsibility to his other siblings, but as a protector, he will definitely want to be one of the best warriors within Valhalla.



2 Years
06-20-2020, 10:15 PM (This post was last modified: 06-24-2020, 05:01 PM by Rhen.)
imma step back from this, don't want to overwhelm myself ;w; VERY SORRY but will be stalking these guys like MAD



1 Year
06-21-2020, 02:35 AM
OOC Name: Chilly ( hi! im pretty new but I just had to try with all of these beautiful designs ! )

Name: Laoise "Radiant Girl" ( id love to have her middle name as any of the ones you've listed C: )
Gender: Woman
Physical Sex: Female
Design Choice(s) & Physical Description: id love to have the #10 red design with light facial marking and black legs, but instead with the eye marking of the second #2 that's black with red brindle ( its simply easier for me to recreate in drawings if that makes sense )

Laoise will take after her father, heavily built and proud of it. She will stand shorter than some of her kin, at 35 inches. She will grow to have sharp, angular features, leading to her often being regarded as a male. Laoise isn't bothered by this, as she wants nothing more than to be as great as her father. The woman will have a thick mane, and likely a few scars will be collected over the years she lives as a warrior. Though her fur will not be as beautiful as some of her relatives, the mane that lines her neck and tapers into her spine is one she is proud of. Her tail is ironically short, making the woman appear unbalanced. Her eyes are deep-set in strong cheekbones, a mismatched grin always present on her lips. Her voice will be smooth and thick, dripping the warmth of Hell's River, but the blazing fire as well.

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Skills: Fighting, Healing
*Mutations: N/A

Personality: Laoise will not grow to be the smartest of her siblings. As a pup, often resorting to playful brawls or calling one of her parents when she feels confused. However, with her softer siblings, Laoise is very gentle and consoling. She will deter those that try to do her siblings harm, and has no fear when it comes to other pack members or littermates. She will commonly say "Who runs this place? MY MOM." The woman is extremely passionate, but her impulsiveness leads her to devote herself to those who don't deserve it. As a pup, Laoise will be curious and well mannered, always seeking to please. She regularly romps with her siblings, often trying to pick fights with warriors of Valhalla. However, the girl is easily distracted by bugs and flowers, so she can easily forget what's happening around her. This trait will carry into her young adulthood, often leaving her missing minor points to lessons and instructions. Luckily, Laoise isn't afraid to ask her parents to repeat, as she values their wisdom and wants to do right by them. While Laoise will claim to love her parents equally, she shines brightest when with her father. Laoise is brash and easily angered, but tries to remain calm so as to not invoke a fight. While Laoise is not normally an instigator to fights, she is not afraid to involve herself if needed. Her siblings are important to her, and she believes that since she was blessed with a strong body, she will use it to protect those she loves. Laoise, like her grandfather, will be absolutely clueless when it comes to romantic encounters. She often gives smooches to her siblings and friends alike but tries to be respectful of their space when asked.

Later in her life, Laoise will become much more stern, the importance of her family name and their honor will take hold. Laoise strives to bring honor to her family, and those who disrespect it will often face her wrath. Laoise will only ever formally challenge someone to a fight, believing it immoral and cowardly to attack someone without warning. She will never kill, unless during war or in a dire situation. She will have a fierce, but friendly, competition with her siblings, often sparring and rattling their nerves just to be a nuisance. Laoise will offer to help wherever she can, even if her skill set is lacking. Need some mushrooms? She'll try to find them. Need a bison coat? She'll take one down for you. However, she will love her family unconditionally, checking in on her mother regularly. Laoise is sure-footed in fights and around camp but is rather clumsy around her family. Though she will never show it, she is jealous of her more beautiful siblings, but also jealous of those with more blessings than she. Laoise will likely compensate by earning battle armor and weapons, to fight the feelings of inferiority. Laoise, in the beginning, wanted to be both a warrior and a huntress. However, the girl realized saving her family's lives on the battlefield was more important to her than being a superb hunter. With her sheer mass, Laoise hopes to excel in carrying the injured to safety and shielding them from further harm.

Plans and Plots and Rank Aspirations?: -- Laoise is not one to wish for great power, only to protect those that keep the peace. Laoise will hope to climb the ladder of the War Cycle and eventually work her way towards becoming Rescue.

For plots, I hope Laoise can develop a strong relationship with her older brother, as she will hold him in high regard. She understands his place as heir and wishes nothing more than to see him succeed. Laoise will also probably form negative relationships with wolves too close to the borders, as she is quick to assume the worst, so that will be an interesting dynamic to explore.

I also just really want her to have a really cute significant other that she shows of to her family 24/7

"This is chicken tender. Did you know she healed SEVEN warriors all on her own? yeah i know right "



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
06-23-2020, 10:25 PM
We have a due date! July 2nd. Once I speak with Tealah, we'll choose players.
[Image: bkRAV4d.png]

At first glance, Aurielle's coat is pure white.. Her fur has an iridescent quality (like moonstones) where the fur shimmers different colors under various angles of light: in this case, the colors shown by rainbow moonstones. Not one hair on her hide is a solid unnatural color, but, ya know, it's really hard to convey that in still art :P
Aurielle's English is heavily laden with an Irish, Swedish mixed accent.
Her family is allowed to crash all her threads, Private and Open.
As of Autumn Year 14, Aurielle glows with a bright blue-white bio-luminescence in her fur, and bears a marking over her left eye - see profile and reference.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
06-30-2020, 03:51 PM
Arright! Players have been chosen. Lala, with Amorielle, Electra with Coran, and Chilly with Laoise Helene (PS, if you mean a real mane, that will likely require a donation for a mutation unless I read that part wrong. And, feel free to make the design you mentioned.)

See ya in two days when we're popping pups out. Birthing Order: Ardyn, Coran, Amorielle, Loaise, Aoife!
[Image: bkRAV4d.png]

At first glance, Aurielle's coat is pure white.. Her fur has an iridescent quality (like moonstones) where the fur shimmers different colors under various angles of light: in this case, the colors shown by rainbow moonstones. Not one hair on her hide is a solid unnatural color, but, ya know, it's really hard to convey that in still art :P
Aurielle's English is heavily laden with an Irish, Swedish mixed accent.
Her family is allowed to crash all her threads, Private and Open.
As of Autumn Year 14, Aurielle glows with a bright blue-white bio-luminescence in her fur, and bears a marking over her left eye - see profile and reference.