

Healing Skill Prompt!



2 Years
06-27-2020, 06:45 PM
With Sirius' words in mind, about the pleasantries of the south, Rhen found herself slowly traveling that way, turning her back on the heaven's-spire in search of her next grandeur endeavor. She was sad to see it's ice-tipped apex slowly disappearing into the horizon at her backside, but she solemnly promised the place it had not yet seen the last of her. No, her curiosity and awe alone would surely drag her back someday; she had decided, after all, until she discovered all she could, this new, strange land was her temporary home. Already, in such short time, had she found the gnawing hunger satiated daily, only to return the next. The only cure, she had found, was to never stop moving; and so with haste and eagerness did Rhen travel, alone but not lonely. She had grown used to none's company but her own, and seldom did she desire a companion.

Her breath was stolen by the sight that now lay before her; slate grey cliffs reaching towards the heavens in a similar manner that the spire had done. It looked impossibly tall, impossibly far away, and still she felt that familiar tug. It pulled on her leylines, were such a thing real- the heights above dared Rhen to ascend, despite the foreboding and disastrous consequences if she placed a single step out of place. While contemplating the hike from the base of the bluffs which she now stood, brows furrowed over feminine features across her face. "Mmm," Rhen hummed to herself. Just as she took the next step forward, though, her paws scraped against something beneath the snow. Lifting the offending limb, Rhen bent her muzzle down to investigate- and her eyes lit when she saw what was there. "Oh," she murmured, smiling softly. "Agrimony," she whispered. It was mostly dead beneath the weight of the snow, and it's temperature; but she had always known herbs to be fickle and enduring. She was sure, if she searched hard enough, she'd find her newfound treasure.

collect an herb