
all a matter of perspective


08-29-2013, 08:06 AM


She had given a small measure of her soul in that pouring out of words, but at first the wolf's only response was to keep 'lack-a-day'ing his current state. Silly. He had no choice in the matter. His life had already changed. And if he was too dense to see that it had changed for the better - then he had best just keep that mouth shut. Hmmmm. Perhaps she would shut it for him.

She shifted a paw, taking a baby step closer.

But his next words were far more satisfactory. They actually had some sense and depth. As he met her eyes, she let her inner fire soften a little so that he would not be scorched when he matched her gaze. Such a pretty little thing, he was. And she liked the way he said her name. His words were a tad grave - a tad hard to read in all their completeness, but it was no matter. The she-cat smiled slightly, amusement still dancing just behind her eyes, at the secret thought that - if he did not he could be the first male alive to resist her. Even the brutish minds of wolves could recognize true beauty when they saw it. The siren had already charmed several with her spell, and in time he would find himself more comfortable in her presence. "In time..." was all she murmured gently.

Yes she would wait. She would give him time to adjust. "I will leave you now, and hunt" she murmured. She would give him the space that he needed to come to terms with things. Besides, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Looking from afar, one would have thought they say a sheet of liquid silver slipping soundless down the stone wall - so unearthly and perfect were her movements. Soon enough she was at the bottom of the great cliff and then she was disappearing into the northern forests in search of other, more edible prey.

