
A trip down memory Lane




3 Years
Extra large
07-06-2020, 08:55 PM
ooc note: This thread is after he returns, but before the trade fair happens

He had taken the time to find a spot and for the first couple of days he had slept under one of the willows instead of in a den. Resting and regaining his strength, all while letting his wound fully heal up on his face. The willow he had chosen reminded him a bit of his birth den, it was a big willow that was located near one of the small patches of water. The difference was on the side of the river there was a patch in the willows where the draping looked cut away, almost like a window opening, while the rest of it was enclosed in the draping willow branches. At night it was the most relaxing to lay and look out to the water, to hear the frogs and the crickets sing thier songs.

After those couple of days of rest, then he began to dig and build his own den, while continuing to sleep outside at night. His work didn't leave him much room to go around and interact with others, but it was something that needed to be done. It took him two days to have it fully dug and smoothed out, and another day to gather some temporary bedding. Over time he would get some pelts from his hunts to make a proper bedding, one like his father had made for them as pups. Then one final day of rest before he would begin his final task, one that would take a lot from him.

He had woken up early, taken his first morning run that would hopefully help to whip his lanky butt back into shape. After his run he grabbed some breakfast before his paw steps would fall into a familiar path, the path that led to his birth den. Once he hit the path he slowed down, trying to focus on remaining collected. He was in the only child left to make their den site a proper memorial site for his father and he knew he had to do it. He had to keep his mind focused, but when he reached the entrance of the den under the willow he couldn't help but collapse his haunches to the ground.

For all the time that had gone by the old entrance still remained, grass had covered the once packed ground that made the trail in and out of the den. The den entrance was partly covered by a branch that had fallen from the willow, one that was large enough that it would take time to move. The fact that it was still there made a flood of memories rush back to him from being a puppy, the happiness he had at romping around with his siblings in the grass while thier large father watched over them. Dropping his head he sighed before getting up and moving over to the branch, eyeing it up before he attempted to grab one of the smaller branches off of it. He gave a few jerks, growling that it only moved maybe and inch. There was no way his tall form could crawl into the den with this branch in the way. Letting go he circled around before he placed his right shoulder into the branch and attempting to push it.

Disclaimer: Eurus' family is allowed in any of his threads



3 Years

Trick 2019
07-07-2020, 08:58 AM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2020, 09:21 AM by Eir.)

Eir walked through the pack lands with her confident walk,eyes of cyan were cold as always as she had the duty of checking on the pack, making sure all was fine ,that all was safe for her alpha and her packmates.She was ready to end with any threat or at least try to. She would surely end with whoever dared to intrude,no one will do so,not while she lived.

She has been awake for a few hours now,from the moments before the first lights of sun. Her tail remained neutral,not high or low.And as she walked she took her time to observe the surroundings,her nose worked to detect any suspicious scents that didn't belong to Lirim.Her posture was held without insecurity, without fear,she was raised to stand tall and fight her challenges,not to escape them.

And as she kept going she turned up to a large willow,and as she walked past it she detected movement.She stopped and in silence, she evaluated the situation.A male was attempting to remove a branch from the entrance of the den.And there without hesitation, she darted herself forward. And saying nothing she attempted to get herself next to him.

And there she would try to push with all of her forces, wanting to help him remove the branch.She will always help a packmate, and not just for being her duty as she wished to aid without a second thought.


[Image: pixel_eir.png]

Eir wears a Santa Claus' coat that has the typical red,white and black colors. She wears it all the time.



3 Years
Extra large
07-08-2020, 07:20 PM
He pushed and shoved, but was still only moving it in small bits and pieces. What he wasn't expecting was the sudden appearance of another pack member, let alone jumping right in to help him out. He was indeed grateful though and began to once again push with all his might with the other wolf. It took a little bit of time before the branch budged and rolled away from the entrance of the old den. Once it was moved enough he stopped and panted lightly for a few moments, catching his breath while his silver eyes looked at the entrance. Once he settled a little bit he turned his gaze to the female and dipped his head to her.

"Thank you for the help, that thing would have taken me all day to move on my own," he stated with a thankful smile.

He had briefly recognized seeing her once or twice back when the pack was forced to move due to the volcano. He had never had any personal interactions with her, but he had seen her around. He knew he had work to do, but he didn't want to be rude to his fellow pack mate either. She had taken time out of her day to help him, he could definitely push his work back a bit.

"I'm Eurus Wreckage," he said properly introducing himself.

Disclaimer: Eurus' family is allowed in any of his threads



3 Years

Trick 2019
07-08-2020, 07:42 PM

And there the two of them did their best to remove the log.Herself using all of her strength to push it out of the way.And like always she wasnt one to give up,no , she always did her best to the end and until her last forces.A packmate needed this,and she didnt mind using part of her time to aid,it was her duty to do so,and her way to return what she was given the day she joined as a child seeking for help.

And now here she was, doing her best to give her best.And finally, the wood was taken away as it rolled away. With the tension released from her muscles, she shook her coat a bit for then look at the male she just helped."Thank you for the help, that thing would have taken me all day to move on my own," "It's not a problem, pleased to help." She said calmly trying to sound polite as she always pretended to be.

The male was someone she could barely recall to know.She hasn't see him around enough to get notice of his presence.It was always good to discover new faces,to get to know who else she will defend, defend as the Armigeri she was. "I'm Eurus Wreckage," "Eir Ragnarok, pleased to be meeting you." She dipped her head a bit in respect.


[Image: pixel_eir.png]

Eir wears a Santa Claus' coat that has the typical red,white and black colors. She wears it all the time.