
Exploration started on a rumor


08-13-2013, 09:36 PM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2013, 11:56 AM by Pepper.)

Emerald Island had never been on the peppered lass' to do list. She had heard rumor of the place and that was all. She had been told of the sands stained green and that there was very little plant life. She had heard no stories of anything she could catch...only fish. The woman had never been taught how to catch a fish, she tried once on her own. It took her all day and still all she got was piece on ones tail. She gave up after that.

The swim however long and drawn out it was was a nice one. She had gotten exercise that was needed and the water felt nice in the hot summer air. But the rumor and the swim weren't the only reasons she decided to travel so far from her pack. One it gave her time away from all of the drooling females and two it gave her some time to think on how she was going to get Isardis to make her his Duchess. With so many other women and no men around the task only seemed to become more difficult.

All those thoughts disappeared the moment she could reach bottom. All the stories she had ever heard about the green sand had just been proven true. She had never before believed it until she saw it with her own eyes. The green sand, if nothing else, was pretty to look at...but sadly it was just like all other sands and a pain to get off of wet fur. The woman shook until she was sure she would have to wait till she was dry to get the rest off.

After a while the sand lost interest and she began exploring the rest of the island. Who knew, maybe she would run into someone who wasn't drooling over her king.



08-18-2013, 10:39 PM
A peppered, almost grey, figure caught the white woman's sapphire gaze. She was a smaller woman yet didn't collapse on the green sands after her swim. May watched as the slim, but muscular, lass seemed to be completely surprised by the color of the sand. She debated silently on stalking the woman until she could attack and murder her for fun, but decided she would have her fun another day.

It was maybe twenty minuets before the girl finally decided the sand was no longer interesting and that she would explore the rest of the island. May found herself thinking that this was probably the dumbest wolf she had ever met as sand had never interested anyone she had been friends with.

The ivory woman moved from her hiding place, making no attempt to be silent as she wanted the girl to know she was there. The gems on her golden necklace clinked together gently and gleamed in the sun. The large woman's intent was only one to make herself known for the time being and then later, depending on how the girl acted they may become allies of sorts.


08-29-2013, 07:37 PM
The ivory woman had only been on the island a few hours when the two scents got her attention. One familiar and the other compleately strange and unkown to her. The known one belonged to none other than her daughter Pepper, only she no longer smelled like a Valhallin wolf. Then again her pelt wasn't valhalin anymore either.

Icy blue eyes scanned the area but she saw no one. She didn't hear them either so they were only close enough for the wind to bring their scents to her. She was sure that both women knew she was there as well. She made no attempt to move toward them, but she made no attempt to run and hide either.

She wasn't in the mood to fight with her daughter, or the stranger for that matter but she wasn't about to run from them either. If they found her she would talk to them...but she hadn't even spoken to her mate in a few days as she was trying to find a way to tell him she couldn't have pups as her past had finally caught up to her. Nothing bothered her more than the fact that she couldn't have a family with the man she loved. But she knew he would love her regardless.

Morgan lay in the open, waiting silently, to see how the day would pan out.


08-29-2013, 07:39 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2013, 05:32 PM by Pepper.)

Her paws no more that touched the land where the grass met the sand when the white woman stepped into view. Ears lay against her skill and teeth were bared for only a moment in warning. No interest was held in the jewelry that hung from the over sized woman. The only thing she wanted was for the woman to go away as the last thing she needed was for another wolf to be in her way.

She was unaware of the fact that her mother was near by, or she would have left already. She stood there for a long moment, trying to decide on leaving the island to the broad or to actually stay and talk. When it was evident that the ivory woman wasn't going to leave Pepper spoke up "well don't just stand there like you've lost your damn mind."



09-08-2013, 06:13 PM
The ivory woman couldn't help but smile as the young girl gave a show of her teeth. But nothing was said, nor did she make any move toward her until the demand to not stand there like she had lost her mind had been given. "Alright, but remember you are the one who told me not to stand here child."

She moved forward quickly in an attempt to frighten the younger woman. A snarl ripped from her throat and her jaws snapped closed mere centimeters from her face. If the girl didn't run, she would be worthy enough to live...however if she did run this would become the white devil's game.


09-08-2013, 06:15 PM (This post was last modified: 09-26-2013, 10:29 AM by Pepper.)
"Is that a threat?" her voice came out even more irritated than in had before. Seconds later the white woman shot forward and an exceptional speed for her size. Pepper did not move. A snarl came and then sharp white teeth snapped together in her face, yet still she did not move. She was completely unimpressed with the ivory broad and was more bored then intimidated. In fact she wasn't intimidated at all.

Her tail lashed out to the right and her ears lay back against her skull before perking back up. The jewel around the woman's neck caught her eye causing her to raise her brow at the woman. Her haunches met the ground and her tail wrapped around her before she spoke again. "Are you done fooling around now, or are you just going to continue wasting my time?"

The peppered woman continued to watch the ivory wolf with nothing more than a look of boredom on her face. hmmm, if she manages to impress me, maybe I could use this woman to help me get what I want the thought went through her mind as she sat in silence and waited on an answer.