
I like you



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
07-12-2020, 08:05 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2020, 02:24 PM by Tamsyn.)

The spring weather was in full swing and the mild weather had her in a particularly cheery mood. She was finally feeling like she was making a bit of progress with her position as General, but there was still a lot of work she could be doing. She wanted to do so much more, but for today she wanted to just enjoy this lovely weather and try to just relax for a moment. She left her bracers in her den and was laying on the bank of the river that ran near her home, letting the sun warm her dark fur. As much as she was enjoying the quiet and the sound of the running water, it certainly didn't keep her mind from wandering and whenever her mind wandered it always left her thinking about her work.

Relaxing on her own wasn't working at all. She needed company and there was really only one wolf that she ever wanted as company these days. She pulled herself to her paws and gave her coat a quick shake before she turned away from the water and started to make her way toward Resin's den. Ever since she got her new position she hadn't felt like she could really spare the time to do anything other than work for the pack, but that was something she wanted to change. She missed all the time she would spend with Resin when she first joined the Armada and before she really dove into her training.

Tam slowed to an easy walk once she got closer to Resin's den and she began to scan the area with her mint gaze for the scarred warrior that she had such a special affection for. She didn't see her right away, but she knew Resin was always out patrolling so she wasn't particularly surprised. She smiled a little and decided to settle on her stomach just outside her friend's den to wait for her, finding a soft patch of grass in the sunlight to rest in.

"Talk" Think



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
07-13-2020, 02:35 AM

A yawn pulled from the scarred woman as she ended her nightly patrols. The walks were getting longer, but they needed to be done. She was glad to be back home though and was looking forward to taking a much needed nap. She'd more than earned it. As of late, she'd rid the territory of attacking dogs, killed a bear that had attacked a pack member and had been training those in need of it. Maybe she would take the rest of the day off as her reward.

Coming upon her den, Resin was surprised to see Tamsyn there waiting for her. With her new title, the small, dark lady had been quite busy. Pair that with Resin being constantly busy and neither of them had time for the other. Coming forward, Resin snuffled the fur between Tamsyn's ears before flopping unceremoniously onto the soft grass beside her. The big fae sprawled out on her side, thankful that the long grass behind her acted as a sort of sun shade.

"What's new in the world of Tamsyn?" Growling tones were released. The cheek with her only working eye rested against the cool earth and so she could only see her friend through a paper thin slit. The dark fae seemed to be in a good mood and the corner of Resin's maw pulled up in a smile.


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
07-14-2020, 02:01 AM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2020, 02:24 PM by Tamsyn.)

Tamsyn was happy to wait as long as it took for Resin to return. The only other alternative she had was to return to her den and resume the lonely lounging she had been doing moments before. At least now she had the excitement of knowing she could see Resin sooner or later to focus on and ease her anxious mind. Her self delegated day off was really only teaching her that she was her best when she was busy or had a task to focus on. It was something she knew about herself, but was just reminded of it as she went about finding something to do with her free time. When left to her own devices her mind wandered and her memories crept up on her - neither of which she seemed to enjoy. Maybe that's why she had been so dedicated to her training. It had kept her busy and made her feel like she was accomplishing something.

Eventually her mint eyes finally found Resin as the woman she had come to see walked into view. Even just the sight of her made Tam smile and her tail wag gently against the grass behind her. Perhaps days off weren't her thing, but that didn't mean she couldn't make more time to spend with Resin... There had to be a balance somewhere, she just had to find it. Her soft smile turned to a full grin when Resin nuzzled the top of her head, pulling a soft, feminine giggle from her. Ever since she became General she had been actively trying to make herself behave with more confidence and authority. At least in her mind she felt that she needed to since she still wasn't the most experienced fighter of the group and didn't have the same natural, physical prowess that some of them had... But when she was alone with Resin that facade immediately melted.

"Nothing much," she replied after Resin had joined her in the grass and questioned what was new with her, the ever present smile lingering on her lips. "I was trying to take a day off, but it turns out I'm not very good at it and I'm not sure I enjoy it that much." She chuckled a little and shifted how she was laying so her hind legs could stretch out more comfortably. "I've missed seeing you. I thought our paths would cross more after I got this position, but I guess that was a bit too hopeful," she added sincerely after a beat of silence. She had never felt comfortable being so bold with her words before, but maybe a bit of her new found confidence had finally begun to bleed into other areas of her life as well. "What about you? Anything new?"

"Talk" Think



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
07-19-2020, 01:29 PM

Resin liked that Tamsyn felt as though she could be herself around her. She, in turn, felt at ease around the small, dark woman. That showed by how easily her simply affection had come to mind and was delivered. It was a curious thing but she tried not to think too much into it. Not now, at least.

Ears perked and she cracked that golden eye even more as Tam began to speak. A low chuckle was released as the smaller fae expressed her dashed hopes of rest. She wasn't very good with taking days off either. Sometimes it was the plan, but it seemed as though her body and mind began to work involuntarily. "Pack life is busy. Even more so when you hold a high rank. If you wish though, we could make more time for one another." A slight invitation, but nothing set in stone. The offer was there if she wanted it to be.

Being asked about her own life, the big dame grunted. "Training. Trying to get my leg and shoulder stronger. Defending the pack lands. Trying to turn the Fatalis children into productive members of the pack." She had been extremely busy as of late. This little break was nice for her, though she knew that it wouldn't last long. Breaks never did and she was fine with it. She could rest when she was dead.


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
07-22-2020, 01:12 AM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2020, 02:24 PM by Tamsyn.)

She couldn't help the pleased smile that crossed her face when Resin insisted that they could make more time for each other. "I'd like that," she replied as her tail brushed the ground behind her and gave away how much that meant to her. She knew Resin wasn't usually as emotional as she tended to be so she had learned that even a small sign of affection or an invitation to seek her out more meant a lot. She didn't care how busy being a General got - from now on she was going to make more time to be with Resin, even if she had to do patrols with her to get that time in. She liked how she felt around the scarred warrior and enjoyed how she could relax and be herself when they were together.

She nodded quietly and listened as Resin listed off the things she had been doing since the last time they had spoken. "I'm glad you're feeling better," she said genuinely, the relief noticeable in her expression. Seeing Resin hurt had certainly given her a different perspective and motivation. It was a sight she hoped she wouldn't have to experience again for a very long time - if ever. She kind of wished Resin would be more careful and conservative with her actions, but that felt like asking water to not be wet.

"The children are certainly an interesting bunch," she added with a chuckle and a slight grin. "I sparred with Azure recently. Skilled boy, but a bit... brash perhaps." That was maybe putting it lightly, but he was young. They all were. She hadn't had the liberty and freedom to fully be herself at their age, but she supposed she couldn't fault them for being spirited young wolves. She just hoped that time, training, and experience would round them out into the strong force that she knew they could be. She wondered what it must be like to be Zee and have such boisterous boys to deal with - especially when they were all so much larger than Zee was.

"What was Iolaire like as a child? Are all pups this rambunctious?" she asked curiously, her head tipping slightly to the side with thought. She wasn't sure being a mother was ever going to be in the cards for her so she could only lean on the experiences of others for reference, but it made her curious all the same.

"Talk" Think



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
07-27-2020, 11:38 AM

Tamsyn seemed to like the idea of spending more time together. Resin could see the smile on her face and could almost feel the pleasure radiating off of the smaller woman. Just like the black fae, the scarred dame felt at ease when they were together. She felt calm as though she could remove her warriors title at least for a short time. It was like taking a breath. A much needed breath.

After being wished well, Resin released a deep rumble from her chest. "My shoulder will never be the same. I fear that my warrior days are drawing to an end." There had been a ton of damage to her shoulder before she'd joined the Armada. She'd been feeling it for years. The initial injury had been the results of a bear attack. The re-injury was also caused by a bear. It almost made one wonder whether or not the gods were real and, if they were, whether or not they thought this sort of bullshit was funny. Not being able to fight... she believed she would go mad.

Azure was brought up and Resin released a soft snort. "He wants to take his father's place badly, but he needs balance. I've tried to teach him a sense of honor here and there, but he's in the stage where he knows everything." Mort was silly. Indigo was soft. Asla was a ball of emotion. They all had their flaws. It was part of being a child, however. As they grew, they would learn how to deal with those flaws or they would be consumed by them. The woman had tried to impart her knowledge and experience upon them when she could. Thankfully they all seemed to like their 'Grandma' and visited often.

Tam asked what Iolaire had been like as a child and again, Resin snorted. "She was a spoiled little brat. I thought about drowning her more than once." That wasn't a lie. Iolaire had been so very small that Resin thought there was something wrong with her. Wouldn't it have been better to put a broken child out of its misery? But she'd let her live and was glad that she had. Io had grown into a wolf that Resin was exceptionally proud of. She was also her only living child. "Iolaire's father was a king. Since he was a king, she was surely a princess. Princesses get whatever they want. They're better than everyone. She learned quickly that this wasn't the case." Gods, she was glad that motherhood was over for her. She lacked patience now, but she'd had so much less back then.

"My boys..." she began. "My boys were much sweeter. My second litter as well seemed to be more mellow than Iolaire. She was just something else. A bright flame from the very start." The woman brought her gaze to rest upon Tamsyn's lounging form. "Do you think there will be children in your future? Is that something that you want?" A lot of females felt that pull towards motherhood eventually. She wondered if Tam might feel it as well.


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
07-30-2020, 06:14 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2020, 02:24 PM by Tamsyn.)

She wasn't sure what she had been expecting Resin to say when she spoke of how Iolaire was as a pup, but hearing that she had been a spoiled brat certainly caught her off guard. She grinned and gave a snort of laughter at the description, immediately trying to imagine how Resin would have felt with a small, spunky pup like that. She liked to think that her threats of drowning the girl were made in jest, but knowing Resin there could have been just a sliver of truth there. Either way she didn't question it, instead just smiling as she listened to Resin describe the frame of mind Iolaire had grown up in and the differences she had experienced with her son. She loved listening to Resin talk - it wasn't something she got to experience all that often so any time Resin opened up a bit and shared more about herself felt like a treat. It felt like she was slowly getting to know more and more about what made her into the warrior she was now and it was absolutely fascinating to her.

Surprise crossed her expression when the topic of motherhood was turned back toward her and at first she didn't know how to respond. She hummed thoughtfully and glanced off into the distance as she tried to form what she was thinking into words, her ears flicking uncertainly. "I'm... not sure. I don't think I'd know the first thing about being a good parent." Of course she had a prime example from her parents for what not to do, but did that mean she could be a good mother? She was just now beginning to figure out how to live confidently on her own and be comfortable in her own skin... how could she possibly raise a family as well? Maybe with time she would change her mind, but for now she just couldn't see herself in that kind of position.

"Besides, I'd probably only consider it if I was with someone I loved and..." Her words trailed off, unsure of how she wanted them to end. She dared to glance toward Resin a bit uncertainly before quickly looking away shyly. She had really grown to have an appreciation for her dark colored fur and how it was able to hide when her face flushed when she was around Resin. "And what if that's not possible or they're not interested in being a parent? I definitely wouldn't want to be a mother then." How could she ever consider having pups one day if she couldn't even make herself tell Resin how she really felt? She sighed softly and looked at her own paws as she added, "Oh well, who knows what the future will bring, hm?"

"Talk" Think



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
08-08-2020, 03:42 PM

The question of being a mother seemed to catch Tamsyn off guard, much to Resin's amusement. The various expressions that flitted across the woman's face brought her enjoyment. She quite liked looking at Tamsyn. As the black fae spoke of not knowing how to be a parent, Resin chuckled. "I don't think anyone does at first. I certainly didn't." Children hadn't been in the plans. Resin had wanted to be a warrior first and everything else second. "At least you'll have the choice, I hope." Resin had not had a choice.

Tam went on to talk about having children with someone that she loved and then only if they were of the same mindset on the matter. Resin pretended to not notice the shy glance simply to spare her companion any embarrassment. She put herself in the mindset of Tamsyn's counterpart. A contemplative sound rumbled up from the woman's chest. "I would like to believe that one would meet their partner half way. My previous mate, for example. He wanted children. I did not. The passion within him and the utter desire to share children with me finally swayed my opinion." She gave a light shrug from her place upon the ground. "In a true relationship, you realize that it's not all about you. It's a compromise."

The woman's tail thumped on the earth and she closed her sulfur eye. "There's time for you to decide." Though her eye was closed, she arched one brow. Resin decided to dig a little bit. "Has anyone caught your eye as a potential partner?" Anyone that she might like to have children with. Anyone that she felt attracted to. The maned fae found that she wanted the answer and didn't want the answer. It was a strange mash of emotions.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-11-2020, 11:29 PM

Hearing that Resin hadn't really known what to do as a mother did give her a little bit comfort just in case somehow her life did manage to lead her down that path. At this point she wasn't sure how it possibly could, but the fact that someone that she viewed as highly as Resin had to figure things out as she went to made her feel a little better about her uncertainty on the subject. She wanted to ask what she meant by not having a choice with her children, but she got a bit of an answer soon enough when she explained how she had given in to her former mate since he had wanted children with her so badly.

There was clearly so much she didn't know about being in a real relationship, but that was to be expected since she had never had the chance to be in one herself. She hadn't imagined that there would be debates and compromises about something as life changing as having pups, but of course there was - she just had never thought of it. She had no idea what to expect out of it if she was being honest. The only example of a relationship she had never experienced before coming to Boreas and joining the Armada had been her parents and the other mated pairs in their pack. There was never any compromise with them - it was only ever what the man wanted. The women had never had any say. At the very least she knew that she didn't want that for her life... but other than that she was just going with whatever made her happiest.

Tamsyn smiled a little when Resin insisted that she still had time to decide. "I suppose so," she replied with a chuckle as she glanced away from the warrior. The truth was she had already made up her mind in a way, she just hadn't had the courage to say so. As if reading her mind, the question came around who might have caught her attention. It made her ears fall back against her head and for a moment she couldn't respond. She looked back to Resin uncertainly and was silently grateful that her eye was closed as she opened her mouth to respond and then simply closed it again.

Did she tell the truth? Did she lie? If she did lie, would that ruin any chance she had in the future of telling the truth? But was she ready to face the rejection that she felt was sure to come from finally speaking what was in her heart? Endless uncertain questions swirled in her head and the seconds of silence felt like hours stretched on while she scrambled to make a decision. She thought of how much time had passed already since she joined the Armada and how much had happened in that time. It felt like that time had passed in the blink of an eye... Did she really want to waste any more time beating around the bush and trying to hide her feelings?

"There... there is someone," she finally admitted, nervously looking down at her front paws again while her heart pounded hard against her ribcage. Her claws scratched anxiously at the dirt under her paws, fidgeting with the grass while she gathered up every ounce of courage she had. "It's... Well... I..." Her cheeks burned furiously under her dark fur and she huffed a sigh of frustration with herself while she still continued to avoid Resin's gaze. "I-It's you. I like you," she finally blurted out, feeling everything go still around her as she waited for some kind of reaction - bracing herself for the polite rejection that she was so incredibly positive was going to come next.

"Talk" Think



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
08-15-2020, 03:08 PM

A plethora of emotions riddled the prone woman as Tamsyn admitted that there was indeed someone that she'd had her eye on. Who could it be? Were they worthy of her? Anger and protectiveness surged to the forefront but were soon replaced by uncertainty and suspicion. Was there sadness in there? Anxiety? Emotions were silly things. No matter what flashed through her mind, the woman's expression stayed in that same relaxed state.

Resin's eye cracked to a golden slit as Tam seemed to stammer over her wording. That was interesting. She could almost feel the woman's chest hammering from where she lay. Part of her wanted to rise and reassure her friend, but the other part wanted to stay where she was until Tamsyn uttered the name of the one that had interested her. The huff of frustration even brought a small smile to her lips. Who on earth could get her so flustered?


That scarred brow arched as slight shock struck. She had hoped that Tam was talking about her, but she hadn't really thought that it could be true. Gender didn't mean much to Resin, but it meant a lot to others. While she was attracted to Tamsyn, she wasn't sure if the smaller woman would admit any attraction to her in return. It seemed that her worries had been for naught.

Calm as always, Resin hefted herself up from the ground. She gave her thick form a shake to rid her fur of clinging grass and debris. Moving forward towards Tamsyn, the scarred lady raised one big paw. She placed that paw gently upon one smooth black cheek, applying a bit of pressure to tilt Tam's muzzle upward. Lowering her own muzzle, she bestowed a kiss upon the other woman with a gentleness that was very unlike her. Warmth filled that golden eye. Her growling tones came out in a soft purr. "I'm glad to hear it."


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-16-2020, 11:37 AM

Tamsyn felt as if she had been running a marathon with the way her heart was pounding nervously against her ribs. Her emotions and nerves made her paws fidget nervously with the grass under her toes while she waited for a response, but she didn't get one right away. She wanted Resin to say something, anything, even if it was a rejection of some kind. Instead there was just a long moment of silence. It was absolutely maddening and it sent her stomach flip flopping with anxiety. She still refused to look up to see what Resin's expression was, instead fixing her mint gaze on her paws as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. There was no chance of her being able to sort through the mixed emotions she was feeling. It was the first time she had never let herself fully feel all these emotions around Resin and they were completely overwhelming. Although, if she was being honest, any emotion other than the sadness and depression she had been living in for years still felt a bit overwhelming for her. The idea of love and happiness were things that she didn't quite understand or know how to identify so when she did feel them they felt foreign.

Her ear twitched toward Resin when she heard the larger woman get to her paws and shake out her coat. Was she not going to answer? Was she just going to walk away? Tamsyn's heart sank while her mind continued to refuse the idea that Resin might feel the same. It wasn't until she saw Resin's paws appear toward the upper portion of her field of view and she felt Resin lift her muzzle that she finally let her gaze lift to the other woman's scarred face. She looked up at Resin from where she was laying in the grass, confusion and wonder mixed in her expression while her heart continued to beat in a way that made her think it might just burst its way out of her chest. She still didn't quite comprehend what was happening until Resin's muzzle leaned down to hers. Her eyes widened with surprise and her ears folded back against her head as relief and joy washed over her, wiping out any of the anxiety she had been feeling moments before. It was the first real affection she had ever felt and it nearly short circuited her.

"I'm glad to hear it." That sentence replayed in her mind several times while she just looked up at Resin with the biggest, goofiest grin spreading across her muzzle. Her tail wagged wildly behind her as she tried to comprehend what had just happened with pure disbelief. "Really? You mean it?" she breathed even though she knew Resin wouldn't just do something like that for the hell of it. An estatic giggle left her as she scrambled to her paws and finally let herself feel all of the feelings she had been trying to suppress and hide for so long now. She was practically wiggling with happiness as she hopped up to wrap her front legs around Resin's neck and nuzzled her face into the woman's thick fur. Never in a million years would she have believed that Resin would feel the same as she did or even that she would find someone that she truly felt so strongly about. She had no idea where they would go from here, but she was exited to find out.

"Talk" Think



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
08-18-2020, 04:20 PM

Tamsyn's disbelief was evident as she sat there speechless for a time. The words seemed to hit home eventually and the smaller woman leaped up, wiggling uncontrollably like a pup. Suddenly, she was ambushed, legs wrapping around her neck in an excited embrace. The sudden action pushed the scarred woman back a step and she released a soft laugh before wrapping one foreleg around Tamsyn in return. She was content to stay that way for as long as the other woman wished, but eventually they would have to discuss.

It had be a long time since she'd been attracted to another. Not since the father of her second litter of deceased children. It was odd to have those feelings again. Nowhere near as deeply, of course. She and Tamsyn hadn't known one another that long. She saw potential for those feelings though. A lot of potential. It wasn't her first time with a woman either, so she knew what to expect. She imagined that Tam didn't know what to expect. Not with the way that she was raised. It was fine though. They could take it slow. She would be gentle with her; a side that not many got to see.

Eventually she pulled back enough so that one gold eye could meet two mint. "And what will we do now, hmm?" Now that they'd both admitted to their attraction and seemed to be happy about the reciprocation. Resin was fine with showing her affection for Tamsyn in public, but would Tamsyn feel the same?


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-18-2020, 09:35 PM

Tamsyn would be lying if she said that she completely understood what she was feeling. She'd never experienced this type of happiness before and it very clearly showed. Even just the littlest kiss and Resin saying she was happy to hear how Tamsyn felt made her completely lose control of herself. She wriggled like a pup and held onto Resin like it was the last thing she would ever do. She realized how silly she must look to someone like Resin that had been in relationships and had experienced all of these things before, but she also trusted Resin to not tease her about it... at least not in a mean spirited way. It took several moments for her to calm down enough to loosen her grip around Resin's neck and pull back so that their gazes could meet again. Then came the first of what would probably be the first of many questions that she wouldn't have an answer to. What now?

A goofy grin still lingered on her muzzle, her cheeks sore from how big and how long she had been smiling. She eased herself back down onto her haunches, but let herself still stay within very close proximity to the larger woman. "I.... I don't know," she admitted with a giggle, her ears folding back against her head shyly. "I didn't think I'd ever actually get this far." She'd prepared herself countless times for rejection, but never for reciprocation. There was probably something deeper there that she needed to process regarding her self confidence and how she viewed her self worth, but that was all far too deep and heavy for her to consider now. For now her entire system was just short circuited with affection and joy and now her brain was trying to catch back up with her heart.

"I know I want to be with you," she offered after a moment of thinking and she started to feel a bit more sure of her self as she spoke. She'd never really considered being with a woman as an option before meeting Resin so she really had no idea how any of this was supposed to work. Even what she knew of relationships between a man and woman was pretty limited to just having pups so all of the details of how to have a relationship or what should come with that sort of thing were pretty far beyond her. "I know that... I'd like another kiss," she added with a shy grin, her ears flicking again as her tail brushed against the grass.

"Talk" Think



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
08-18-2020, 10:49 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2020, 03:03 AM by Resin.)

Tamsyn's enthusiasm was contagious. Resin was even smiling. Just a bit anyway. It took a little while, but eventually the smaller black wolf released her hold on the other woman's neck. After her question, Tam seated herself, but couldn't stop wagging or smiling. She admitted that she didn't know what they should do and that she hadn't thought that her feelings would be reciprocated. A soft chuckle was released and Resin arched the scarred brow above her missing eye. "And why not?" She knew why, she just thought it might be a bit of fun to tease the woman a smidge.

As Tam thought about it, Resin waited patiently, simply staring down into the thoughtful, mint colored eyes of what could potentially be her lover. Finally, the little she-wolf admitted that she wanted to be with her. She also added that she would like another kiss. A gentle laugh drifted past scarred lips as the dames golden eye glinted mischievously. "As you wish." Leaning forward, Resin extended one leg and pulled Tamsyn against her so that their chests were touching. Gently she brushed her lips against those of the other woman, barely touching at first. Just a few soft swipes. Eventually, after a bit of teasing, she graced Tam with a genuine, passionate kiss. It was a good feeling and she realized in that moment just how lonely she'd been, though she'd never admit it.

She pulled back, though their chests were still touching and spoke softly since they were so very close. "Do you want to hide what we are?" Resin didn't give a damn what anyone else thought of her. She dared anyone to criticize her way of living to her face. Tamsyn, on the other paw, held a higher rank. She was a general. If she believed that it was easier to hide that she was in a relationship with a woman, then Resin would do her best to meet those expectations.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-19-2020, 10:38 AM

Resin questioned why she thought she wouldn't get to this point and Tamsyn gave her a playful glare. If anyone in the entire pack would know why she wouldn't think that she would actually get the nerve to express her feelings or believe that she and Resin could actually be together then it would be Resin. Resin knew her better than anyone else she had ever had in her life. She didn't feel the need to actually give her an answer to that question other than to grin and bump Resin's chin with her nose for teasing her about it. Even though she hadn't believed that she would actually get to this point, she was incredibly happy that she had. Even just being able to be this close to her and to share gentle kisses was wildly beyond her dreams. She was already thinking of where they could possibly go from here and she was overly excited and eager about the possibilities.

When Resin granted her wish and then some she thought her heart might actually explode out of her chest. The way Resin pulled her tighter to her till their chests were pressed together pulled a small, surprised gasp from her and every light, gentle kiss she received made her entire world feel like it was spinning around her. She lifted her front paws to wrap them around Resin's neck again - mostly just from feeling like if she didn't then she would fall apart without something solid to hold on to. That last deeper, more passionate kiss made her feel like she was just going to melt away into a puddle on the ground. She was certain that Resin would be able to feel the jumping jacks that she was making her heart do with their chests pressed so close together, but perhaps it was just her perception of it with how the blood was rushing through her ears.

A tiny pang of disappointment hit her when Resin pulled back a bit, but thankfully she didn't try to move away from her more than just to be able to speak. Her ears lifted to catch the scarred woman's soft words and immediately Tamsyn's brows pulled together with confusion. Hide what they were? Why would she want to do that? She quickly gave a small shake of her head and when she replied her tone was just as soft if not a bit breathless from the kisses she had just received. "No... No, of course not. I'd rather yell it from the mountain tops than hide it." As she spoke her grin returned and her tail began to wag again - until she remembered what Resin had said before about relationships being about compromising. She stopped and gave Resin a more serious look. "Do you want to hide what we are?" Even if she was over the moon about this new step for them and wanted to share it with everyone around them that didn't mean that Resin was quite as willing to share as she was and she needed to remember that.

"Talk" Think



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
08-19-2020, 02:15 PM

After a bit of teasing, Tamsyn received her kisses well. If they decided to be fully together, there would be a lot more where that came from. Paws around her neck again, Resin nuzzled into the soft fur of Tam's cheek, inhaling the scent of her up close. Scents were different in such close proximity and she was finally getting to file away the scent of the smaller, dark woman.

Tamsyn's fervent refusal to hide what they were brought internal relief. She didn't want to have to hide anything. It wasn't her natural state. When the question was redirected at herself, the ash and onyx dame scoffed lightly. "I've never hidden anything about my true nature. Why would I start with this?" She placed a soft kiss upon Tam's forehead. There were many things in Resin's life where it may have been easier to just keep the information to herself, but she didn't. She wasn't ashamed of anything and she damn well wasn't ashamed of her affection for Tamsyn.

With one eye, she scanned the smaller woman's face. "What are you thinking?" It was an open question. A way for Tamsyn to tell her any fears or worries that she might have in regards to them. Black ears swiveled forward, waiting to see if she had anything else to say.


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-19-2020, 04:42 PM

It was a huge relief when Resin confirmed that she wouldn't want to hide their relationship either. That brought the smile back to her face and she giggled from the kiss that Resin left on her forehead. She really hadn't expected her to want to hide things when she was so blunt and open about every other part of her life, but she was trying to get into the mindset of being in a relationship and knowing that things needed to be decided on together. It was a change of mindset that she would have to be very mindful of until she learned to do it more automatically. Even still, she was so glad that she wasn't going to have to try and hold herself back since she was quickly realizing that she was going to be addicted to all of this affection she was getting from Resin. Every nuzzle, kiss, and squeeze blew her away and she was so happy that she was able to have her first experiences of these things with Resin.

Being this close to the woman that she had been secretly feeling so many feelings about for so long was intoxicating and she struggled to pick up the pieces of her scrambled brain in order to form some sort of coherent thought. The one and only thing that did come to mind made her blush and pulled a shy giggle from her. She grinned up at Resin and dared to reach up to place a soft kiss of her own at the end of Resin's muzzle. She was terribly afraid that she was going to be awful at actually giving the kisses she loved so much, but receiving them had been easy enough so she at least had a little hope. Perhaps if Tamsyn did have a worry about being with Resin it was only the fact that Resin had been with others before so she knew the ins and outs of how things went and had the confidence to do things like scoop her up and hold her against her chest while they kissed. It was all stuff that Tamsyn was very much going to be a beginner at and she had no idea where to start - especially when them both being women.

When Resin opened the floor for her to say what was on her mind, Tamsyn wasn't even sure where to begin. "I'm thinking that I wish I had told you sooner," she replied after a moment of consideration, a little grin pulling at her lips while her toes flexed against the back of Resin's neck and she felt the dark fur there slip between her claws. "I'm... a little worried about not knowing what to do with... you know..." she admitted even though she was too shy to fully admit what it was out loud. "I've never even kissed someone before now... so..." It was actually a bit embarrassing to admit, but that was part of being in a relationship, right? Being honest with each other even when it's uncomfortable? But she couldn't just think about the fun part of being lovers, there was other fine print details she wanted to know too. "Also... What do we call each other now? How officially official are we?"

"Talk" Think



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
08-22-2020, 03:24 AM

When Resin opened the floor for Tamsyn to speak, the woman shared regret first. The older wolf frowned. "Everything happened as it should. You cant change the past anyway, only the present. Besides," extracting herself from Tam's grasp, she slid to lay down on her stomach, taking the weight off of her bad leg. "We both know now, so there's no harm done, right?" There was no place in her life for regret. Each decision was made and had to be live with. Not telling one another hadn't been a bad thing. They simply hadn't been prepared until now. There was no shame in it.

Tamsyn worried about her lack of knowledge in the areas of affection and Resin arched one brow. "If you think I'm worried about that, I'm not. Everyone is at different levels in life. Just think about how fun it will be to learn." For Resin it was less about sex and things these days. Not to say that she didn't enjoy it, or at least the thought of it. She would be content to fall asleep with Tam each night and wake up with her each day. It would be nice to have someone to care for and to simply be with.

The last concern to come out of Tamsyn was just what they would call themselves. Resin didn't like labels or titles. She had called White Timber her mate to others simply so they knew where he stood. If that was what Tam wished, they could call one another the same. "Whatever you'd like to call us is fine. We can take things slow so you can feel it out and decide if this is a course that you wish to take." And speaking of taking it slow, this wasn't taking it slow at all. Black ears swiveled forward and she fixed her gaze on Tam's face. "Would you... like to move into my den with me? It would be nice to end and start my days with you by my side." There was more than enough room in her spacious den for Tamsyn and her things. "Meadow lives there as well, but she has her own chamber." She waited to see what her new companion would say.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-22-2020, 10:08 PM

Of course she knew Resin was right. There was no reason to have any regret over how things had happened for them. However, she couldn't help but feel like so much of her life had been wasted and now she didn't want to lose a single minute more of it. The first four and a half years of her life felt like a different life time and like time she would never be able to get back. It had cut into this life that she was living now and now she had a sense that she was racing against time to learn and do everything she could have started when she was younger. When Resin eased away from her to lay down, Tamsyn did the same. She laid in front of her and smiled a little when she rested her smaller paw over top of Resin's. Her solid black paw felt dwarfed on top of Resin's gray limb, but she kind of liked that fact about them. Resin always made her feel protected and safe.

Admittedly, she was a bit relieved when she heard Resin assure her that she didn't worry about her lack of knowledge in certain areas. Perhaps it was just the fact that she had never experienced any of these affections or sexual activities that Resin already had that made her more intrigued by it all. It was all new and exciting for her and made her feel like a young wolf that was getting their first little teasing tastes of it. Of course, she was mostly just excited to have someone to be with in general, but all of those other things were heart racingly exciting. The same went for whatever title they might be to each other. Having a mate or partner of any kind had been something she had given up hope on having so the idea that maybe that could be a possibility for her again made her giddy and excited. At the end of the day though, she was happy to call Resin anything as long as they were together and she got to kiss on her as much as she wanted. Partner, lover, whatever. She'd think of something.

Her brows lifted with a bit of surprise when Resin made her an offer that she most certainly wasn't going to be able to refuse. Even just hearing her say that she would like to start and end their days together brought a huge, touched smile to her face and her tail began to wag happily at the thought. She didn't mind the fact that Meadow lived in the den as well, especially not if she had a section to herself. Meadow was a sweet wolf that Tamsyn liked very much. "I would love to!" she replied easily, an over joyed giggle escaping her. "I could go grab my things now," she offered, obviously very eager to make the move. It wasn't like she had much to move in besides herself - just the few things that Resin had given her when she moved into her small den originally. Even though they were only a few small things, they were still sentimental to her since Resin had been the one that gave them to her. Either way, she was thrilled to be moving in with Resin and spending any of their down time together. Having to work time to spend together into their schedules wasn't going to be a concern now.

"Talk" Think



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
08-23-2020, 10:22 PM

Tam seemed eager to move in with her and offered immediately to go collect her things. Resin smiled and rose, prompting the woman to rise with her. Again the scarred woman kissed her companion before shooing her off to start the move. "I'll see you at home then." Stepping close to Tamsyn, the maned woman pressed their foreheads lightly together. Where she came from this was a sign of affection and respect. After a few moments, she reluctantly pulled away and began to make her way back towards the den so that she could make sure it was prepared for Tamsyn's arrival.

This had all gone so smoothly. It felt a bit strange, actually. Nothing was ever easy in the life of a warrior. There was always some sort of danger or tragedy right around the corner. She could only hope that, this time, the fates would leave her be.

Entering the den, Resin made her way through the spacious main chamber and into her own smaller one. She was a big wolf and she liked a lot of space, so there was more than enough room for two wolves and their things within. She'd dug divots in the dirt walls for shelving and had lined them with clay that had dried and hardened. The floor was strewn with a plethora of soft furs. Iolaire had been nice enough to build her one of the raised sleeping platforms which was also loaded with furs. As always, things were neat and tiny. She simply pushed her own possessions aside to make room for those of Tamsyn.

As she waited for the woman, she mused over the whole thing. She hadn't been with anyone since White Timber. Though she may seem outwardly cold, Resin was a forest fire in the bedroom. It would be nice to love and be loved once more. Even if Tam was a female and lacked the proper gear, there were ways around it. She was looking forward to teaching her future lover those ways.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]