
Ice Battle




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
06-15-2020, 08:53 AM

It had been decided that she would meet Eraithus in the north for their spar. It sounded like a good idea to the girl. If she could learn to fight in the ice and snow, then she could fight anywhere, right? Without telling her family where she was going, Aslatiel made her way to the far reaches of the north. Her nose led her out onto a treacherously icy walkway that, in turn, led her to an amazing place where the center was entirely made of ice. "Whoaaaaaa!" She said aloud, steam trailing from her dropped jaw. The young wolf was thoroughly impressed with the place.

As she waited for her friend to show, the girl played on the ice, sliding around and batting other chunks of ice and rocks across its vast expanse just to see how far she could make them go. She was pretty cold, and was extra glad that she'd brought a thick caribou coat with her. After a time, smacking ice around got a little boring. Curling up on a protruding rock, the girl wrapped the cloak around herself tightly and waited for her friend to show. She really hoped he didn't take too long.


WC- 200
Total- 200
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Beginner Intellectual (5)

Master Fighter (245)

10 Years

Pride - PolysexualHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
06-16-2020, 03:27 AM
Deep snow. Eraithus hadn't ever encountered such a thing stumbling about in an attempt to gain his bearings. Though it really wasn't long until he was able to deduce what he had to do in order to walk and even run in the stuff. Yet to fight well that was going to be a different story entirely. He knew he had offered Aslatiel a fighting lesson but he was plagued by anxiety by this. The last thing he needed was another pack on his tail and he knew it. Worst of all.... he rather liked the pup and with his addiction in the back of his head something about the thought of tasting her blood revulted him. For once in his life he wasn't excited while he had many friends back home that he had enjoyed sparring with(or rather taking the chance to drink their blood) it wasn't as if they had been under a year nor from a different pack. Eraithus tried to let the thought pass. She was nearly a yearling and he had enough self control to deal with that. Besides how hard could it be to spar with someone so young? He was supposed to be teaching her how to fight and he couldn't go easy on her just because he was afraid he'd thouroughly enjoy it. The blue male tried to let it pass... it was a spar nothing more.

All these thoughts seemed to fade away though when he found her. He smiled and even wagged his tail a bit, a friend in this foreign land was the first thing he needed to get away from the memory of his brother and sister. "Sorry if I kept you waiting Aslatiel I seem to have forgotten how to walk in the snow." he chuckled lightly. This would be a learning experience for the both of them highly considering that fighting in extreme conditions was likely to make her a better fighter when she grew older. "I'm excited for the spar today, I hope you are ready as well! I want you to know that I'm going to try my best." he was a bit of a playful gesture. He was hoping she would do the same. They had only talked once so it was not as if he knew her well - but he did know she enjoyed playing with dead things so surely a spar would not be out of the question for her.

Wc- 411
Total - 611



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
06-22-2020, 07:31 PM

Eventually the familiar sound of paws on crunchy snow brought the girls dark ears lifting. Turning her head, the child grinned as the blue man, Eraithus, made his way towards her. The ice covered ground made her slide a bit as she rose to move towards him, but she kept her footing thanks to the little claws embedded in her paws. He apologized as he came closer and she gave her little head a shake. "It's okay." She wasn't too worried about waiting now that he was here.

Eraithus admitted that he was excited and said that he would try his best. Aslatiel grinned, little teeth flashing. "Don't go easy on me because I'm little. I need to learn, okay?" She knew that Indigo and Mort took it easy on her because of her size. Indy especially since he'd hurt her during their first spar. She wasn't worried about getting hurt. It was all part of the process. If she didn't learn how to deal with the bumps and bruises of battle now, how would she fare when she was in an actual battle?

Asla took a little jump towards the man, legs splayed a bit as she slid towards him. It was difficult, to say the least. She was rethinking her idea of an ice battle, but... if she could do this, then other fights would definitely be easier, right? "Are you ready?"

The cream and grey girl slid easily into a battle stance. Her head lowered to sit level with her spine. She tucked her ears, flexed her toes, narrowed her eyes and her tail stood out ramrod straight. She was ready and would leave it up to Eraithus to make the first move. Not only was she being nice, but she wanted to see how well he could move on the ice. They were both likely to end up with scraped and bruises, but boy, would it be fun!


Total- 933
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Beginner Intellectual (5)

Master Fighter (245)

10 Years

Pride - PolysexualHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
06-29-2020, 10:48 PM
Eraithus wasn't exactly sure how this was going to go. He knew that the girl was an inexperienced fighter compared to him, but they were fighting in the middle of an ice field. The snow was piled on all sides of them and it reached up his ankles. The wolf had a hard time even finding his defenses. Eraithus chuckled though when she admitted he shouldn't go easy on her just because she was small. Oh well, when he got into the jist of things it would almost seem like he was a completely different wolf that much was true. She asked if he was ready and he would nod his head. "I am, I'll try my best considering." he laughed pointing his head towards the weather. Still though that's why this was a practice run but getting a few bruises and bumps wouldn't matter he definitely wanted to try not to go any further than that. Save for his sanity.

He pulled his legs apart - situating his tail behind him for more balance. The snow tugged against his body as he tried to weight himself. Stomach muscles tightened and he pulled his lips back in a snarl. Each movement was a bit slower than usual partially because the snow and because he wanted to make sure she was seeing what he was doing. The male closed his eyes to slits and his ears would pin against the back of his skull. Eraithus hackles raised, his shoulders rolling forward and his scruff tigthening up. These were the more common defenses as he growled and then made his attempts.

Eraithus would try to run forward the snow pulled him back with such force that he was surprised. Almost tripping the male would attempt to step to his right his left shoulder aiming to slam into Aslatiel's face. He opened his jaws and went to bite towards the side of her left ribs. She said not to go easy but he couldn't help himself from trying to only graze to get fur. His back legs nearly slipped in the snow making it so his attempted slam was slipping forward. His tail moved off to the side as he watched snow fly upwards. This was going to be far harder than he thought.

Word count: 381



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
06-30-2020, 05:43 PM
As Eraithus prepared himself, Asla did too. She planted her feet, tucked her ears, leveled her head with her spine and waited. She didn't growl as her opponent did. She only grinned. This was terribly exciting to her. She was going to spar with an adult! He had promised not to take it easy on her, and for that, she was even more excited. The girl would have to use all of her skills and know-how in order to do her best in this fight.

Her opponent dove for her, his shoulder coming for her face. His mouth was wide with the intent to bite. Well, Asla had intentions too. She intended to dive forward to meet Eraithus with an attack of her own. Hind paws planted, Asla began to run... in place. The ice below didn't give good traction at all. She fought to sink her claws into the ground, but only one set of hind claws managed. This threw her trajectory off by a lot. Three out of four paws slid out from beneath her. The last with its claws sunk into the ice, managed to push the girl out and away. She hit the ground hard and began spinning like a top, round and round in a circle. The fall had been so sudden that she'd had no time to prepare for the impact, and thus, she bit her tongue.

A little yelp was given when the bite happened, but it wasn't something that she could worry about. Spinning had made the girl feel a little nauseous. By the time she stopped spinning, the world seemed to wobble in her vision. She vomited. Yep... Right into a puff of snow that rested on the treacherous ice. So much for her breakfast.

Looking weakly back towards Eraithus, Asla frowned. "You win." He had at least kept his footing. Maybe she would start out on something a little less difficult than ice, though she was determined some day to have a successful ice fight. "Thanks for trying, Eraithus." Shakily, Asla got to her paws. She spit a bit of blood onto the ice and gingerly made her way back to the solid, snow covered land.

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Beginner Intellectual (5)

Master Fighter (245)

10 Years

Pride - PolysexualHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
07-14-2020, 08:53 PM
Eraithus almost laughed at the fact that they were swirling around in the snow. It definitely wasn't his element to be fighting in either - still he felt guilty when she hurled into the snow. In her embarassment she left to more sturdy land. Thanking him though it didn't seem like she was very happy about the outcome. Quickly he would jump to the snow beside her trying to get his own bearings as he smiled. "Don't be so discouraged, I can barely stand my ground on ice as well." he said, though he was kind of happy even if she had gotten an injury on him. He hadn't gotten to taste her blood and he didn't know what would've happened if he had.

"Maybe we should practice against some other day when the weather is better." he offered as he looked at the cloudy sky above them. Hopefully spring came swiftly and he knew it would. Feeling it in his fur as he shook off the snow from his body. "You've got a lot of innate potential." she seemed like she had a good head on her shoulders after all. Eraithus licked his fur a little the blue markings shining in the white light of the snows reflection.