
Nature, Nurture




5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
07-11-2020, 04:16 PM
Spring is in full bloom as Meadow moves through the unfamiliar land. Flowers are unfurling, the sun shines brightly and a cool breeze ruffles her fur every now and again. The small female has wandered to the east in search of a specific herb that is said to grow near the falls. If all goes well, she can fill her bag with the precious herb for the Armada. A smile rests on her lips at the thought of bring Io something she might not have.

The walk is beautiful and breathtaking. She often finds herself stopping to smell flowers or listen to birds as they sing their sweet songs. By the time she reaches the falls, it is well past midday however Meadow does not mind. The thought of camping near the falls for the night and starting her journey home the next day is very appealing. A night under the stars might do her some good.

Prone to daydreaming, the wolf finds her mind retreating to the clouds. She is so wrapped up in her thoughts that Meadow does not realize the falls are right in front of her. Finally, when her eyes adjust and find the sight of the falls, she finds herself stopping dead in her tracks. Mouth parts and a soft, “Wow” falls out.

It is magnificent.

She stands there, enthralled with the way the water cascades down each level, leaving behind pools in its wake. This place holds so much beauty and Meadow is truly glad she came here. After several minutes, the small female tears herself away from the scene and moves toward the edge of the water. This is where an herb she seeks can be found, in the sandy soil. Horsetail is what she seeks and with her eyes downcast, oblivious to almost everything around her, Meadow starts to hunt for the plant.



Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Intermediate Intellectual (55)

Intermediate Healer (50)

7 Years

Pride - Gay (MLM)The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-16-2020, 11:48 AM
Spirit hadn't really left Abaven since coming back here, just months ago, though it felt like he'd just barely arrived. Most of his early memories had been of wandering with his mother, though not because they'd had much of a choice. He didn't want a life like that again - one of nervous uncertainty, of wondering where he'd spend each night. Though he was still adjusting to life here, at a remarkably slow pace, he preferred the safety and security that Abaven provided him. Now that he was beginning to become more accustomed to things, he thought that exploring the lands beyond Abaven's borders would be a good idea. Fearing life outside the comfort of his home was one of many things he knew he had to work to overcome.

It was a beautiful spring day, which was encouraging for the shy yearling. The lands, as he headed west, seemed even more luscious than he'd expected; with the warmth brought on by spring, flowers were blooming plentifully, and his senses were delightfully overrun. So much so that he hardly noticed the scent of a stranger as he neared the falls, at least not until it was too late to shy away from them without being noticed. Spirit nearly flinched when he saw a stranger enter his vision, but he took a deep breath and steadied himself. His mind had been wandering, drifting to the clouds that floated sparsely above his head, but suddenly he was jerked back to reality.. and after a few more steps closer, he found himself frozen entirely, probably looking as stunned as he felt.

Spirit has a female strawberry Finch companion named Strawberry, who is almost always nearby.
He also is usually wearing a saddlebag if he's away from home.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
07-18-2020, 10:36 PM
The search for the Horsetail herb has been, so far, unsuccessful and Meadow finds herself becoming more and more discouraged. Eyes look over the land, trying to spy the telltale signs for the plant. Yet, they do not spy the green treasure. A sigh is pulled from her lips as the frustrated wolf shakes her head in annoyance.

However, when she looks up from her task she spies a young wolf of brown and white coloring coming into view. When the young male stops and looks stunned at the searching Meadow, a great pang of sympathy resounds with the small wolf and she finds herself wanting to put the younger wolf at ease.

A soft smile gently tugs her lips up and she calls out, in a kind, friendly tone, “Hello there.” Her words are gentle and slow, not wanting to overwhelm or frighten the young one. She notices that the scent of a pack, unfamiliar to her, hangs on the younger wolf. The smile slowly grows as she bows her head slightly in greeting and says, “My name is Meadow. I promise you, I mean no harm.”

It is the truth. Meadow never means any harm those she meets. Motioning a paw toward the sandy soil that she has been searching, the older wolf says, “I was just looking for a special herb that grows around here. It is… proving difficult to find.” A small chuckle is released as she thinks about how rotten her luck has been so far. She adds, “I hope I did not startle you.”

Another kind smile appears and she hopes, against all hope, that the other wolf will not be afraid of her.



Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Intermediate Intellectual (55)

Intermediate Healer (50)

7 Years

Pride - Gay (MLM)The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-20-2020, 07:07 PM
Initially stunned by the sudden sight of a stranger, the smile she offered him did wonders to ease his nerves. He knew, deep down, that not everyone was nice and kind - he knew wolves could wear masks that made them seem far less threatening than they were - but part of him was naive enough to hope that he might be lucky enough to never meet wolves like that. Spirit had a feeling her kindness was genuine, especially when she started to speak. "H-hello," Spirit stammered out quietly, trying to find his voice and simultaneously marveling at how difficult it felt. How did wolves do this all the time, he wondered? It felt so impossibly difficult. "I-I'm S-Spirit, Destruction," he added after he found some strength to speak up. His voice was quiet - likely not audible from anything more than the short distance they stood apart.

Cautiously he drew closer, curious about what she was looking for. She explained she was looking for a special herb that grew here. Despite his wariness, his eyes lit up with interest. The plants that he and his mother had found on his journey home had interested him quite a bit, but he wasn't sure where to begin learning about them... or even if it was a worthwhile pursuit to begin with. "W-what kind of herb?" Spirit finally asked after a short pause. While small talk was hardly easy for him, when it came to things like this - things he was interested in, or wanted to learn about - it was easier for him to focus on the present, and keep his head out of the clouds. "N-not that I'd k-know what it even is.. b-but plants.. interest me," he explained softly, his eyes still wide and curious.

Spirit has a female strawberry Finch companion named Strawberry, who is almost always nearby.
He also is usually wearing a saddlebag if he's away from home.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
07-24-2020, 08:22 PM
The younger wolf’s quiet voice reaches her ears and Meadow almost has to strain to hear him. Her smile grows and she bows her head in greeting when he offers his name. The way Spirit stammers and his stunned appearance when they first met, has Meadow feeling great empathy for him. She decides to take it slow and to try not to be too overly cheerful with him.

When she speaks of her search and Spirit asks what kind herb, her smile grows even more. Eyes brighten with joy at the prospect of sharing her limited knowledge of the herb. Still, being respectful of the other wolf’s seemingly shy disposition, Meadow does not rush her words or move to quickly. “Well Spirit, I am looking for Horsetail. It is a very beneficial herb. The plant can often be mistaken for weeds and go unnoticed. It grows on stalks with small tube-like pointed leaves that branch off the main stalk”

Pausing to allow the information to sink in, Meadow takes one paw and makes a small drawing in the dirt. It is not the best but it conveys what the plant looks like. Looking up from the drawing and back to Spirit she says, “Horsetail likes to grow in wet, sandy soil or even submerged slightly in water. That is why I am here.” With the last words she indicates the waterfalls. With a bright smile she asks, “So Spirit, have you seen anything like this?” She motions back toward the simple drawing in the ground. Maybe they can find the plant together and she will get to teach Spirit a little about the herb along the way.



Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Intermediate Intellectual (55)

Intermediate Healer (50)

7 Years

Pride - Gay (MLM)The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-27-2020, 04:44 PM
He liked Meadow so far, Spirit had already decided. Maybe he was being too hopeful, but she struck him as someone he could potentially get along with... if only he could overcome his crippling shyness. Spirit was hardly oblivious to the things he needed to work on, but it was far easier to imagine change than it was to enact it. He wished so badly he was more like everyone else, that he was better - that he was stronger, that he was more useful, that he was just different. The thought was a painful one, and one he tried not to dwell on for very long. Instead, he'd dive head-first into considering the little lesson she was suddenly giving him.

Spirit wished that he could recognize the plant she was describing, but it struck him then that he hadn't really paid much attention to any plants in particular, except for certain flowers he'd come across. "I... d-don't think I've n-noticed it," he admitted tentatively. His eyes widened further when she demonstrated vaguely what it looked like by drawing in the soil. Though he wasn't sure if he'd ever come across it, he thought he was bright enough to get the idea. A small smile twitched at his lips at her words. "B-but I c-could help!" He felt like he lacked much usefulness within Abaven as he tried to figure out where he really belonged; even the possibility of helping a stranger seemed to infinitely brighten his mood.

Spirit has a female strawberry Finch companion named Strawberry, who is almost always nearby.
He also is usually wearing a saddlebag if he's away from home.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
07-27-2020, 09:58 PM
Meadow watches Spirit with a smile on her lips, kindness in her eyes and empathy in her heart. He is so shy it almost painful for her. If only she could give him some of her self-confidence. Not a lot because she would still need some too. She really wants to help him feel comfortable around her and all she can do is offer a friendly ear to him. In this situation, Meadow finds that taking it slowly and allowing him the opportunity to talk is the best approach.

When Spirit looks at the drawing and mentions that he hasn’t noticed it, Meadow nods slowly, a thoughtful expression on her face. She really wants to find the herb but now she is presented with a chance she has not had before. If Spirit will let her, she could teach him. Eyes brighten and the smile reappears as Spirit says he could help.

With a dip of her head in agreement, Meadow says, “I would really appreciate your help Spirit. What do you say, should we start our search near the water’s edge over there? Or over there?” With that statement she points a little way off to the left and then to the right. Ultimately, she wants to leave the decision up to Spirit in the hopes that this will give him some confidence. She adds, “I will go wherever you think is best.” and gives him a warm smile.

There is no urgency to the search and there is no risk of making a bad choice with Meadow. She knows that they will find the herb no matter what direction is chosen but this is a valuable moment. Maybe this will help Spirit find a little part of his voice. So, Meadow readies herself to follow Spirit’s lead.



Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Intermediate Intellectual (55)

Intermediate Healer (50)

7 Years

Pride - Gay (MLM)The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-31-2020, 07:38 PM
He tried to memorize the shape she'd both drawn as well as described to him. Tall with tube-like stalks. That was easy enough to remember, even if it wasn't totally confident that he'd be able to accurate point it out if they happened to come across it. But Meadow seemed to be willing to let him tag along, even if he didn't necessarily know what he was doing. Oh, he was so thrilled! He looked far less hesitant now, a small smile touching his lips as the near-stranger invited him along. "T-that sounds g-good," he accepted her invitation without thinking for a second on it. The thought of being useful was weirdly intoxicating, and he definitely felt a slight bit of confidence from the thought.

But... leading was up to him? He had no idea where to begin. Maybe away from the falls.. though she'd said the plant liked wet soil. He paused to get a good look around them, trying to figure out the best spot. Spirit started to veer slightly away from the falls, glancing back at her as if to make sure he was making the right decision. "W-what.. does horsetail do?" He finally asked, truly curious what she might be using it for. Or maybe nothing at all - he supposed just wanting to collect some would be a valid reason in itself. He realized all at once just how much he had to learn, if he hoped to ever know a thing at all about plants or healing. Not only where they grew, or what they looked like, but also what they were useful for.

Spirit has a female strawberry Finch companion named Strawberry, who is almost always nearby.
He also is usually wearing a saddlebag if he's away from home.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
07-31-2020, 10:09 PM
A smile rests easily on her lips as Meadow watches the tentative quality in Spirit start to melt away. When a small smile appears on his lips, she finds her own growing brighter. Her invitation is accepted and she bobs her head in welcoming acceptance. When Spirit weighs his options, Meadow waits patiently to hear where they are going. He decides to turn slightly away from the falls and Meadow follows him. “Great choice Spirit.” The words are warm and filled with approval. He took a big step in making the decision for them and Meadow is extremely proud of him. She is quickly becoming very protective of Spirit and wants to let him know he is doing wonderful in all he does.

As they walk, she stays close enough to him that she can hear when he speaks and if he needs help. However, she is far enough back that it will show him that he is definitely leading. When he asks what Horsetail does, Meadow finds herself getting excited at the prospect of teaching. While still keeping an eye out for the plant, she speaks slowly as she begins her small lesson, “Horsetail can be used to bind open wounds. If you crush the leaves into a paste and apply it directly to, say, a cut, it will help stop the bleeding and act as a clot. The body will then close the wound quicker. However, that is not all you can do with it.”

Pausing for moment to allow him time to absorb the information she goes on to say, “The leaves can also be brewed into a tea to help with urinary issues. It is a valuable plant and, when we find it, you will have some to take home too. I don’t know if you want to be a healer or if have any herbs yet, but Horsetail is a good one to have in any case.” Her smile is cheerful and Meadow walks happily along, while still slightly behind Spirit. If he does want to learn to be a healer and does not have many herbs, she will show him some of the more common ones in the area before she leaves, that way he will be well on his way to starting his own collection.



Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Intermediate Intellectual (55)

Intermediate Healer (50)

7 Years

Pride - Gay (MLM)The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-06-2020, 06:56 PM
Meadow was suddenly like a ray of sunshine in the stifling darkness - he knew there were good wolves out there, he knew his family was good, but he knew little of the world beyond. And suddenly she was reaching out to help him, offering him some reassurance and direction, despite being a stranger who owed nothing to him. Spirit was intuitive enough to know what she was doing, even if he wasn't outwardly acknowledging it. She was being kind for the sake of it, seeing that he was struggling, and he appreciated her for that even if he had little way of saying it himself. He just hoped he could be some help to her, even if merely by being company for a short while - he doubted his herb-hunting skills were up to par with her own, and he was more than okay with that.

He led the way, moving away from the springs, and Meadow followed him. She kept her distance - something that he appreciated, given his wariness around strangers in general. Though he was still quite thin for a yearling, he was confident that he could at least outrun any potential threats. Meadow was proving quickly to be someone he didn't have to fear, but it was impossible for him to let his guard down completely anyway. He tilted his head back toward her as they walked together, listening to her little lesson, one he quite appreciated. So horsetail was good for binding wounds. That sounded useful. Spirit knew his mother had helped with the raid, and though the injuries hadn't been too extreme, he knew he could've been useful nonetheless for even small injuries. "T-that sounds.. useful!" Spirit concluded. Apparently horsetail had some others uses to, but he had a feeling its usefulness for cuts was by far the most useful, though he'd try to remember its other uses just in case.

"I- don't really know, w-what I.. w-want to be," Spirit said weakly. "My m-mother is a healer," he added after a short pause. He wasn't entirely sure how well he'd do actually seeing injuries up close but he supposed that was something he'd get used to. Something was just calming about being around flowers and trees, more than anything else he'd dabbled in so far. Which... admittedly wasn't much. But this was certainly something he was finding himself interested in, even with his minimal knowledge.

Spirit has a female strawberry Finch companion named Strawberry, who is almost always nearby.
He also is usually wearing a saddlebag if he's away from home.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
08-10-2020, 12:02 AM
There is something about Spirit that speaks to Meadow of a gentle soul. His shy, nervous demeanor is slowly starting to melt away and Meadow sees a brilliant, kind wolf underneath. Maybe she is just being optimistic but she senses that he might be starting to become comfortable around her. The smaller wolf feels like Spirit is relaxing so she tries remember to keep praising him often. She hopes that, with the positive energy and kindness she is giving, he will start to come out of his shell more.

As she follows him and, speaks of Horsetail, Spirit mentions how it sounds useful. Still keeping her distance and walking behind him, Meadow absentmindedly nods her agreement and says, “Oh yes, it is very useful. There are many herbs that have can help heal different ailments. I would be happy to tell you about some of them. If you would like.” A smile rests easily on her lips as she offers to teach and the excitement at the prospect has her tail wagging slowly behind her.

As he speaks of not knowing what he wants to be and that his mother is a healer, Meadow nods slowly and says, “It is okay Spirit. You don’t need to know what you want to do right now. Just know that you are doing enough by being here.” For some reason, she thinks he needs those words. He needs to know that is enough and that, no matter what, he is a wolf worthy of every good thing that comes his way. Her words are clumsy but she hopes he understands her awkward attempt at voicing what she feels.

Besides, he is young and still has many years ahead of him. Spirit has plenty of time to decide what he wants to be. The world might try pressure him to deciding quickly what to do but she hopes that he will take his time and discover more about himself and the world first. The world is big and there are many wonderful things to see. Spirit deserves to see them all before a figuring out what he wants to become.

Mulling over his interest in plants but not knowing what he wants to be, Meadow suddenly comes up with a potential solution. “How about this; I will teach you about some common plants and herbs and, if you enjoy learning about them, I can always come back and teach you more. It does not mean you have to become a healer. It only means you are interested in plants. Does that sound like a plan?” Proposing a deal, she smiles brightly as they walk and hopes he agrees with it.



Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Intermediate Intellectual (55)

Intermediate Healer (50)

7 Years

Pride - Gay (MLM)The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-15-2020, 06:39 PM
Spirit had little idea what to expect when he first encountered Meadow, but he'd quickly been surprised to learn just how kind she was. She was going out of her way to include him, to teach him about what she was doing as well as letting him tag along in her search for the herb she was looking for. "I-I'd love that," he spoke meekly, but with that same bubbling of eager interest and enthusiasm, even in the quiet tones of his voice. His mother would be so proud! He could already picture the delight on her face when he came home and told her everything he'd learned today with Meadow. Maybe he could even grow to be a healer alongside her, helping the rest of his pack whenever he could. He knew that was likely a distant dream, but he couldn't help but wonder if he was capable of ever attaining such a goal...

He found himself grinning slightly at her encouragement. Maybe speaking to his mother about his interest in herbs would help him decide if it was a goal worth pursuing. Either way, he wouldn't figure it out right now, no matter how hard he might try. "T-thank you," Spirit added after a moment of thought. He appreciated her time quite a bit. Her company alone was quite kind to effort him, let alone have the patience to actually teach him. He was infinitely grateful for her kindness.

She went on, explaining she'd teach him about some common plants, and if he was interested then she'd teach him more. His eyes widened, obviously interested. "H-how would I find you?" He asked after a beat. He only knew her name, nothing else about where she lived or.. well, anything else about her. "I-if I wanted l-lessons," he clarified, his stammer softening but not quite fully disappearing. Originally they'd just been on the search for some horsetail, but now this! "I'd.. love to l-learn some. After we find some.. h-horsetail?"

Spirit has a female strawberry Finch companion named Strawberry, who is almost always nearby.
He also is usually wearing a saddlebag if he's away from home.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
08-17-2020, 06:04 PM
The smile that rests easily on her lips is genuine and warm as they walk. When Spirit speaks, his voice still holds some meekness in it but Meadow also finds it filled with eagerness and enthusiasm. Her smile grows and heart swells with happiness for him. In the short amount of time that she has known Spirit, she is seeing him grow. For just having met, Meadow feels such a sense of pride and joy for him. He is stronger than he thinks and the fact that he is eager about something shows her that he really wants to learn. The thought of having the chance to teach Spirit brings her such happiness that her tail starts to wag slowly while she listens to him.

When he offers his thanks, Meadow dips her head in acknowledgement and says, “Of course! I am always happy to teach. Especially to one as eager to learn as you!” Her smile is wide as they continue to slowly walk along. The offer for lessons is quickly accepted as he asks how to find her. Spirit’s stammer softens and she finds herself feeling even more proud of him. He is talking more and that is such a big step for him. Speaking with the same gentle tone, Meadow says, “Well, I live in a place called Tall Grass Plains. It is to the Southwest of here. I don’t know how you feel about traveling but, if that is too far, we could meet here. I would gladly bring herbs to show you and we could explore the area to find plants that we can identify.”

She offers to travel to him, if he is willing to meet here. If the student is willing, the teacher will appear. Since the teacher lives some distance away, she does not want to deter him because of the space between them. In fact, she is so excited that Meadow is already thinking of what herbs she would bring to show him. Dipping her head at his statement about learning and his question about finding horsetail. She nods her agreement to finding the herb and chuckles softly. He really is becoming eager and that makes her very happy.

After a moment she says, “That sounds like a plan. After the horsetail, I will show you some other, more common plants. Also, I have decided that I will stay here for the night so, if you would like, I can show you some things before you have to leave. Do you live near here?” Ears perk forward to listen. Meadow is curious if this will be a trek for him when she comes to visit. If she needs to, she would travel to a place closer to his home. Looking toward Spirit, Meadow suddenly stops and points a paw toward a weed that peaks out of the ground a short distance to his right. “Spirit look! Is that horsetail?” she wants him to identify if it is or isn’t. This is not a trick question, she just wants to give him the opportunity to find the plant. This is his lesson after all.



Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Intermediate Intellectual (55)

Intermediate Healer (50)

7 Years

Pride - Gay (MLM)The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-26-2020, 06:13 PM
Oh, she was so nice! With each moment that passed he felt more certain of himself and the fact that he could trust her to teach him, despite his audible stutter that seemed reluctant to fully calm. "I-I can come," he started slowly. "I'd love that!" He'd bring Strawberry with him when he came to find her, deciding that he'd feel much safer that way. If he got lost, he had no doubt she would lead him home. The thought of lessons excited him; though he knew he could learn from his mother, as well as from other members of Abaven, he was excited to have something of his own to work on and hopefully surprise his packmates with. All he wanted since his return was to be useful to his family.. maybe this was a way for him to do just that.

He was elated, even if his excitement was well-contained. It was evident in his bright eyes and the way his tail now swayed freely behind him, unrestrained now. "I l-live.. just east of here. A-abaven is my pack," he explained, though quickly wondered if he'd revealed too much. He decided he hadn't though - this woman was trustworthy, and Abaven was a large pack, no doubt known among their neighbors, right? He didn't know enough to be completely certain, but he had to try to trust his own thoughts and beliefs.. or else how would anyone else?

He nearly gasped with interest when she noticed something that could be horsetail, and he went bounding toward it, trying to examine it. Was it horsetail? He squinted, tilting his head and examining it and recalling what she'd taught him. It did look like the stalk was tube-shaped, but the leaves were not pointed. "I-I don't think so," he said, tentative but trying to be certain even in the face of wild uncertainty.

Spirit has a female strawberry Finch companion named Strawberry, who is almost always nearby.
He also is usually wearing a saddlebag if he's away from home.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
08-29-2020, 01:00 AM
As she explains about where she lives and offers to travel to him, Spirit tells her he can come and adds that he would love that. A bright, happy smile rests easily on Meadow’s lips and her tail wags faster as she thinks of him traveling to see her. One day Spirit will show up on the border of the Armada and she will greet him and show him around. Oh, how fun it will be! Maybe she will make him a present for making the journey… plans start to form in her mind as they walk and she cannot keep the happy smile that grows on her lips.

Spirit shares that he lives to the east in a pack called Abaven and she dips her head in understanding. She offers, “Well, we could always trade off. One time you could travel to me and the next I could come to you! That way we don’t get burned out on traveling.” Truthfully, Meadow hopes she will be seeing Spirit a lot more now. She feels protective of him and wants to nurture his interest in herbs. While the thought of him traveling to meet her does worry her slightly, she knows it can do wonders of one’s confidence.

When she points out the plant that looks like horsetail, Spirit bounds over to it and she follows him smiling. Instead of looking at the plant, Meadow watches the way he carefully inspects it, tilting his head and squinting. When he concludes that it is not the herb, she nods and takes a few moments to examine the plant. A huge, bright smile appears on her lips as she nods and says, “Wow, you have a great eye Spirit! You are correct, this little plant is only pretending to be horsetail. How rude of it to confuse me.” She laughs softly and adds, “You sure you have not done this before?”

Again, she feels proud of him. Spirit’s keen eye spotted Meadow’s mistake and she is grateful that he told her. With another smile, she moves to back to follow him if he wants to move on. After a few moments, she asks, “Do you have any questions for me Spirit? Maybe about herbs or… well anything. I cannot promise to know everything but I will try to answer the best I can.” Offering up not only her knowledge on herbs, Meadow is ready and willing to tell him anything. She is an open book and all he has to do is ask.



Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Intermediate Intellectual (55)

Intermediate Healer (50)

7 Years

Pride - Gay (MLM)The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
09-07-2020, 12:04 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2020, 12:05 PM by Spirit.)
Ah, Meadow truly was a breath of fresh air in his life! Not that things were the least bit bad - he couldn't complain, not at all - but he was beginning to feel like he might have a chance at actually being a productive, valuable pack member. It might take time, a lot of time, but this was a fresh start for him and he was beyond elated at the endless possibilities that lay ahead of him. Meadow seemed happy to help teach him, and he was forever grateful for her kindness. She suggested maybe he could visit sometimes, and she could visit the next trip; he nodded in agreement, deciding that was probably the best plan anyway. He could even introduce Meadow to his mother! He had no doubt that Eulogy would get along wonderfully with Meadow, and likewise his bird companion would grow fond of her too, he was certain of it.

"Good idea," he agreed quickly, the stutter slowly but surely beginning to lift. Generally it wasn't noticeable anyway when he spoke just a few words, but it grew increasingly hard to understand him the more nervous he could. It was a tic that would likely never leave him completely, but being comfortable seemed to ease it considerably. Being correct in his assessment of horsetail only bolstered his confidence even more. He was right, which surprised him slightly, his eyes widening as he turned to face her. "I p-promise," he assured her. "B-but my mother - is a h-healer. M-maybe I've noticed s-some things f-from her." But then again, he hadn't directly engaged in the act of collecting herbs nor healing with her - he was just acutely focused on Meadow's lessons and what she was teaching him.

Did he have any other questions? Honestly he was getting a bit tired already, and he wasn't sure how much more learning he could take today. Not from the physical walking, though truthfully he wasn't used to wandering so far from home, but just from interacting. It wasn't often he spoke to others, especially those who weren't family or at least fellow pack members. "N-not this time. This... is plenty. T-thank you, for teaching me all this," he spoke genuinely, offering her a shaky smile. He seemed to notice something, and bounded forward at a faster pace, nearing a plant that looked peculiarly like the last... only different. This had to be horsetail, right? He sniffed at it, then pulled back to examine it for a moment before glancing to Meadow to see her reaction.

Spirit has a female strawberry Finch companion named Strawberry, who is almost always nearby.
He also is usually wearing a saddlebag if he's away from home.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-29-2020, 05:53 PM
It is so easy to speak and be herself with Spirit. The innate mothering instinct Meadow has comes out around the shy, kind wolf. Honestly, if he didn’t have a pack and a mother who would probably kill her if she did, Meadow would steal him away with her to teach all that she knows. The thought, while fleeting and silly still manages to bring a playful smile to her face. Listening as he agrees to trade off with the travel, she dips her head in acknowledgement and already starts planning her next trip. A bright smile rests easily on her lips as they walk and the thought of coming back soon keeps her heart light.

The horsetail pretending herb diverts her attention but Spirit knows that it is an imposter. The praise flows from her and he promises he has not done this before. A playful wink is tossed his way and he speaks of his mother being a healer. Nodding, she says, “Well, it seems you were born with a great eye for herbs! You are very lucky. It took me many years to learn that ability.” It really had. Most of her life had been spent learning a flower from an herb and what each one did. Her praise might be given easily but it is genuine and heartfelt.

As their time together goes on, Meadow finds herself growing tired. It is not from being with Spirit but from her teaching. It can be exhausting. She wants to make sure every detail is correct and that she is not giving any misinformation. So, when she asks if he has any questions and he says not at this time, the small healer agrees, wondering if he is also getting tired. Sometimes, the earthen hued wolf can try to cram too much into too short a time. It might be a good idea to give them both a rest. He gives his thanks with a shaky smile and it makes her own smile grow even bigger as she tells him, “Thank you, Spirit. For being such a great student.”

When Spirit bounds forward toward a plant, Meadow follows closely behind him. He sniffs the plant before pulling back to examine it. He really is good at finding herbs. The smell and shape immediately tell her that he has found the elusive plant and she moves to his side to say, “You really do have a gift Spirit! This is horsetail. See the tubular leaves and that distinctive smell? This is the plant we have been searching for. And look…” her paw moves to point nearby where a small cluster of the plants are growing. Quickly she counts the horsetail plants and notes that there are eight plants altogether.

Smiling at Spirit, she shrugs off her saddlebag and takes out two strips of leather to bundle the plants in. Putting one next to Spirit, Meadow says, “Okay, I count eight of the plants, so we each get four. Why don’t you watch how I harvest it and then you can go collect yours? After that we should probably call it a day. I am getting tired and I bet you are too.” Offering him another smile, she moves forward to the plant. Carefully, making sure not block his view, she gently reaches down to pluck the herb with her teeth. She snaps the plant off at the base, near the ground, leaving the roots behind. Placing the herb on her strip of leather, Meadow nods to him to show he can go collect his.

Working quickly, she moves off to collect her other three plants before returning back to place them in the leather. Once all the herbs are in their home, she takes a small piece of cloth and ties the leather closed, insuring that the plants are safe and will not spill out on their journey home. Offering Spirit a piece of cloth to do the same to his, Meadow then places her bundle in her bag and puts the saddlebag back over her shoulder. Looking to her new-found friend, she asks, “Spirit, you did such a great job today. I will be happy to teach you again soon. I should head back to my pack before it gets much later. Are you going to be okay if I leave now or would you like me to walk you to the border of your pack?”



Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Intermediate Intellectual (55)

Intermediate Healer (50)

7 Years

Pride - Gay (MLM)The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-20-2020, 07:03 PM
Spirit was definitely tired, and though some of it was mental, another portion was definitely physical too. His little trip had been a meager one but it was farther than he was used to traveling, and soon he'd have to be heading back home. All this learning and socializing, even if just with one wolf, was also quite exhausting. He trusted she was being honest when she praised his abilities, and he felt his confidence creeping up by the moment. He wouldn't let himself be too proud, though. He knew luck had likely had something to do with his identification of the imposter plant as well as the true one, and that next time- whenever that might be - he might not be quite so lucky. Though the thought of failure isn't pleasant to him, he knew that it was a possibility and hoped he would only learn from those mistakes.

"I-I am," he agreed quietly. Despite his exhaustion he found himself growing a bit sad at the prospect of saying goodbye to Meadow as he imagined it. He moved to watch carefully as she harvested her half of the herbs, and he carefully moved to collect his own afterward. One snapped a bit too short but he collected it anyway without complain, certain that this tactic would get better with time. Mirroring her again, he tried to bundle his little collection together, clearly pleased with himself with the grin on his face. Carrying it home won't be a big deal even without a bag of his own. "T-thank you!" He offered again, though he was well aware he'd already thanked her plenty. He truly was grateful for her time. "I s-should be fine. I'll s-see you s-soon?" A rhetorical question for most, but for Spirit it felt necessary. He waited for her answer before turning and heading back toward Abaven's territories, feeling infinitely better than when he'd first come this way.

-exit Spirit!-

Spirit has a female strawberry Finch companion named Strawberry, who is almost always nearby.
He also is usually wearing a saddlebag if he's away from home.