
Hello Echo

Happy Funtime



6 Years
Extra large
07-11-2020, 09:11 PM
The mead was beginning to take hold on the woman, he could tell. Not wanting her to get too inebriated on her first try, Sparhawk corked the skin and nonchalantly slid it out of reach after her latest sip. He didn't want her to get sloppy and have a morning full of regrets. That wouldn't be very gentlemanly of him, now would it?

Poem placed a paw gently upon his cheek and a few little birds began to flutter in his stomach. And interesting reaction that she brought upon him, he thought. At her admittance that she wished to sing and her request to learn a song from him, the red man smiled and nodded "Of course I teach. I sing slow so you learn, yeah? You listen first, then we go one line at a time, you repeatink me."

Clearing his throat, Sparhawk chose a song and began to sing, but slowly. She wouldn't know it, but she might be able to tell simply by the tempo and intent in the words. Sparhawk was teaching Poem a love song.

"YA, ya tak vlyublen v tebya
Vse, chto vy khotite sdelat'
So mnoy vse v poryadke
Potomu chto ty zastavlyayesh' menya chuvstvovat' sebya takim novym
I ya khochu provesti svoyu zhizn' s toboy"

His words were slow and rich. When the verse ended, he brought his red gaze to meet the woman's eyes and prompted her to sing along as he went line by line. "YA, ya tak vlyublen v tebyaaaaa..." His head bobbed gently as if to keep the beat.
Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
07-12-2020, 05:31 AM
Poem was inebriated enough that she didn’t notice the pushing aside of the mead skin. Her focus was on Sparhawk but not of his paws as he pushed the alcohol away. She was consumed by his warmth, his closeness, and the sound of the beat of his heart. Unfortunately she wouldn’t fully appreciate his kindness and awareness of her current state, and what he’d potentially prevented with that one small movement.

She brought a smile to his features as she confessed her desire to sing and be taught by him. The expression was infectious, especially in her current state, and the girl beamed back up at him. Too much time had passed since she’d carried that joyous spark in her eye, but it shone like magic under his gentle care. He explained softly and cleared his throat as she nodded and then the cave was filled with song again.

Or at least her head was. They were so close and she was feeling the full effects of the alcohol. Her body was alight, especially where they remained touching. His chest rumbled deeply and coursed through her as he sang slow and low. Indeed she couldn’t understand what each word ment, but she could feel in her bones the meaning behind them. The magic they created between the two of them. Poem felt an odd anxiety build in her chest, but it wasn’t the unpleasant feeling it normally would be.

She felt nervous and confident at the same time, uncertain and sure. The warring emotions didn’t help the confusing feelings. They did show her what she wanted to focus on, the man who held her and sang to her sweetly. The fluttering emotions in her heart and the tickle of flame that built in her belly. She let all of them out as he began the verse anew and she sang with him.

Her accent was atrocious, but the emotion behind the words was real and intense. Her sweet voice rose up softly to dance with his deeper tones. She followed his path and joined their voices in a perfect harmony that filled the cave with a deeper meaning. ”YA, ya tak vlyublen v tebyaaaaa” She sang with him, her blue and lavender eyes shyly finding his gaze as the lyrics fell from her dark lips. Her heart felt like it was soaring as the whole world fell away and it was just the two of them. Her sadness was forgotten, and Sparhawk consumed the whole of her thoughts.

Poem had never felt like this before, but with the mix of mead, their beautiful love song, and his proximity she was overwhelmed. In a good way. She didn’t want to let him go, and felt the need to have him closer. Unthinking she gently pressed herself more tightly to him as she continued to learn the verses he sang.



6 Years
Extra large
07-20-2020, 12:51 PM
With Poem pressed so tightly against him, it was a little difficult to think. The woman, whether she knew it or not, had curves in all the right places. Her coat was soft and clean. She smelled so nice... Though a little giddy inside, Sparhawk did his best to hold the feelings at bay so he could continue teaching.

As she did her best to sing along in his foreign tongue, the red man couldn't help but giggle a bit. Her pronunciation was indeed terrible, but that was to be expected. His language could be considered harsh sounding, but he loved it. Still giggling a bit, he complimented her all the same. "Is good. Is good. Like a little song bird you are, Poem." Though she couldn't speak the words well, the intent was there and her tones were lovely.

On to the next verse, Sparhawk did as before, singing clearly and slowly so that she could learn the pronunciation and the tones. "Vse, chto vy khotite sdelat" He then proceeded to sing them at the intended tempo, tapping out the beat with one paw on the closest surface which just so happened to be her hip since they were so very, very close. The realization altered the cheerful mans expression, pulling down the corners of his mouth for a moment. He brought his scarlet gaze down to meet her own lovely eyes and for a moment he forgot what he was doing.

Bringing his head downwards, Sparhawk stole a kiss. His lips brushed over hers with a quick, but not too quick, motion. He could feel the warmth of her through his lips as well as everywhere else and things were starting to get a little uncomfortable in the downstairs regions. Just great. He was supposed to be a gentleman.

Clearing his throat, the now embarrassed man continued his song, pretending that he hadn't kissed her at all. "Next verse, we are singink. You go, do this one. Then we move on."
Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
07-22-2020, 06:07 PM
Poem felt like she was doing a horrendous job, but as she went on Sparhawk then congratulated her efforts. He assured her that she was doing well, and he wouldn’t let her stop yet. This lesson wasn’t done, but Poem felt like she was learning so much more than a song. There were deep meanings in the words she repeated, and as he gazed at her she could feel the weight of them on her chest and the way they heated her body as much as his touch.

She didn’t notice his paws moving the wine skin but she couldn’t ignore them as he tapped the beat on her hip. Weird waves rippled from where he touched her and Poem hid the sensations he caused as she repeated the next verse in her softer tones. She slowed as she caught his eyes again, and was disrupted by his expression. Her breathing stopped for a moment as electricity built between them and he leaned forward and kissed her.

Her heart felt like it would beat out of her chest as she lost her breath and ignored the pleading feelings building within her body. Bright blue and lavender eyes fluttered open in surprise before relaxing into his touch. Too soon he pulled away and began to sing once more. As though nothing had happened. But something had, and Poem felt warm and uncomfortable because of it. This was too much,she needed to pull away or go out into the snow and cool off… Or just keep singing with him.

She started again softly, eyes unable to move from his own as her voice squeaked out at first. Audible proof of the turmoil within. ”, chto vy khotite sdelat.” She sang slowly, sure that the beat he’d rapt across her hips would remain forever ingrained.



6 Years
Extra large
07-28-2020, 10:27 AM
Dammit. Now they were both tense. He could feel it as she lay there with him. Frankly, Sparhawk was shocked that Poem had such an effect on him. These days he was the king of control. Must have lost his crown somewhere in the cave while they were singing. That was the only explanation.

Poem sang along and Sparhawk continued to keep beat by tapping on her hip with one big paw. He couldn't help the instant grin that popped onto his features when she squeaked. Ah, it was time to lighten the mood. Rather than sing the next line, he joked with the woman. "You know I make this song up? You just sing 'Sparhawk is greatest. Sparhawk is best. Oh so handsome and stronk.'" Lips pulled back to flash a toothy smile. It was obvious that he was full of shit.

The man gave his head a shake and lightly extracted himself from their embrace. Sparhawk moved away to unroll a big grizzly fur that had been holding his supplies. He sat the various items aside, nonchalantly adding the bladder of mead to the pile. Sparhawk then spread the fur out on the ground over the lush moss. It would be a very comfortable bed, he thought.

"Comink, Miss Po-em?" Sparhawk patted the big fur as he moved to lay himself atop it. She would need sleep if she wanted to be alive in the morning. Had she drank the whole skin of mead... Well he'd stopped her from regretting the morning too much. Curling up on the fur, he waited to see if she would stay or go. While he waited, he continued humming the same song, amusement in his garnet gaze.
Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
07-29-2020, 12:15 PM
Sparhawk was a gentleman indeed because when he felt the mood change he seemed to lighten. Poem could ignore the waves of emotions washing over her as he grinned mischievously and told her what she’d been singing. Her brows knit and the ice broke as she laughed amusedly. ”You act like I’d be disappointed in that.” She chuckled at her own teasing, but there was a little bit of truth. He was pretty great, and very handsome, and his arms felt so strong… She couldn’t describe the conflict of relief and disappointment as he stood up.

Poem took her time in finding her feet as he worked to lay out a thick bear skin over a bed of moss. As she reached her full height she realized how inebriated she actually was and felt a blush of embarrassment as the long day caught up with her. She was distracted from the light spinning as Sparhawk spoke to her softly, inviting her over to lay down beside him. Poem smiled as her belly warmed again and her eyes drooped from her exhaustion. He hummed softly as her icy paws carried her to his side once more. She curled up close to him, her own tired humm sifting from her lips softly.

The young woman lay her head on her paws and leaned against Sparhawk’s red tinged frame as she closed her eyes. A heavy sigh fell from her lips as she snuggled into his warm fur and before she even knew it was fast asleep.