
Walker Family



08-25-2013, 11:21 PM

So hiiiiii ^w^. This is Seimei here and I roleplay this lovley girl Rivaxorus Walker. She has two surviving relative that don't have roleplayers. And since well it'd be boring for me to rp them xD I'm putting an adoption thread up for them. Yes they already have names but I give freedom to mostly....mostly.....some things. I'll give you their parents info, and yeah xD.

[Image: 213axj.png]

So since I don't have another pic of her at the moment this is a manip of riv(her patch is on the wrong side so just ignore that) She takes after her mother in colors, ending up with her fathers stripes but with brown instead of the black that he had. You can read about her by clicking my profile name.

Let's start with Allen.

Allen Walker, He's four years old and comes from the same litter as Riv. His parents are Zeref and Mary. Mary is a brown colored wolf with light blue eyes(I would like him to have her eyes but you don't have to.) she also has a pure black tail. Zeref on the other hand is a gray wolf with darker gray stripes on his back and stomach along with his paws and ears. He has pure red eyes. While I did want him to be the loving brother type....he did run off with his sisters son believing that he would leave him to a new world(he often calls Hajime king). I'll give you his parents personalities and the environment he grew up in. You can see more info about him in Riv's history. Zeref, Zeref was a nasty man with a very dirty mind. Anything he wanted he went for, he was a killer and a rapist. Riv his daughter killed him after he tortured her and abused her. Zeref was a fairly wrong wolf in his head and viscous standing at 40 inches in height. He mated with many females so Allen and Riv probably have more half siblings but where, no clue. Mary, mary was a kind and sweet wolf who believed she could bring out some good in Zeref. She was his main female, and she had a sense of justice to her while having a bit of a temper. Though she was seen as nothing in Zeref's eyes after dying giving birth to Riv and Allen. Allen after separated at birth grew up with a single male foster father. Who one day vanished and he went to meet up with his birth sister.

Sorry if that's like a lot of information O.o On to Hajime and then I will give you a form. Roleplayers will be picked on Thursday.

Hajime Walker, Hajime walker is a year of age and Riv's only surviving son. Of course you know Riv's appearance, his father's name was Izaya who died before he was born. Izaya was a black wolf with red eyes, he had gray sleeves on each of his paws. Izaya was a very interesting wolf, he was intrigued with every other wolves life. While a very frisky player at things, he wasn't all evil even though he himself didn't with to be a wolf. He was a con artist to simply put until he died. Hajime before running off with Allen as a "king" since of their royal heritage, killed his older adopted son Tanner. Who was plotting to kill Riv though no one knows that besides him. While only a year old, he's supposed to be a bit smarter than average.

So there you have them.


Who are you adopting?:;

Appearance:; 150 words

Personality:; 150 words

Roleplay sample:;

That's all I need. If you want to switch their names around try to convince me, but I'd like it if they stay the same. BLA BAM. I feel like this will never work -.-. You can pay for whatever you like on them, like if you want them to have stripes ect, but that's all on you.

NOTE :; Riv is my girl who is going into Seracia but will be creating her own pack with a royal family. So when she gets enough posts Hajime and Allen are free to join the pack and will have high ranks. Also makes it so Riv only has to find three more wolves to make it official.


08-26-2013, 12:37 AM
Name:; Keno

Who are you adopting?:; Allen

Appearance:; Allen is a striking wolf, with light blue eyes and shiny, smooth coat. His head and chest are tan, while brown blankets across his back and down slightly towards each leg and along the top of his tail. His tail tip is tan, along with his front right paw and back left sock. Reddish brown caps his front left paw and back right sock. His left ear is reddish brown, as well as a patch of fur over his right eye. His nose and his paw pads are pink. Allen is a large wolf, standing at 36'' and weighing in at 156lbs.

Personality:; When it comes to describing Allen most would say he is a gentleman. His words are kind and carefully spoken, keeping a tone of respect in his voice towards each wolf he talks to. He is seen as kind, with a big heart towards everyone -- especially his nephew, Hajime. He treats Hajime like royalty and would do absolutely anything for him. Allen is a deeply loyal wolf, and stands by those he cares about through thick and thin. While Allen does not mind getting his paws dirty and fighting, he does prefer to keep things more civil and take things out. Allen is typically a merciful wolf, though when it comes to wolves like his father he does not hesitate to say that they should die. He is sometimes seen as a fatherly type to those younger than him and is a natural leader, though he follows the wishes of his nephew. Overall Allen is a kindly wolf but will not take abuse from those with evil hearts.

Roleplay sample:;

It was a fine summer morning, bright with sun and filled with birdsong. The brown and tan brute rose, stretching out his limbs before he looked to his King. Hajime was in a deep sleep, possibly dreaming about days past. Allen's light blue orbs rested on him for a long moment, love and respect for the younger wolf shining in his eyes. Since his sister left Hajime had been his whole world. Allen loved and protected his nephew, his King, with all he had.

The four year old male turned to the entrance of the den and slipped outside. The two had been traveling for quite some time now, not that Allen minded much. The travels were exciting to him. They had met all kinds of wolves, some good, and some bad. He didn't regret any of their travels, though he had to admit he was a bit sad any time that they met someone kind and had to move on. But Allen knew one thing... He had to find his sister... he was sure that Hajime would want to see her again.

Allen padded over to the small pool of water that was near their den, lowering his head so that he may take a drink. The water was cool and felt good going down his throat. The summer months could be rather dry... and Allen had never really liked them much. He padded back to the den, softly calling out to his King. "King Hajime we must begin traveling again. The sun is nearing its peak." He then bowed after his words, waiting for his king to rise.


08-26-2013, 01:18 AM
Ok time to apply lol I should have it finished by the end of the day, I don't have a computer so imma try and do this by phone ~_~

Name:; Dragon
Who are you adopting?:; Hajime
Appearance:; Hajime is a handsome black and white wolf with striking features. Though young, he has already taken on an appearance that strikes many as beautiful.
Personality:; 150 words
Roleplay sample:;




08-26-2013, 03:02 PM
Name:; Azaya
Who are you adopting?:; Hajime Walker
Roleplay sample:;



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
08-30-2013, 02:51 PM
Name:; Azaya
Who are you adopting?:; Hajime
Appearance:; Hajime is a beautiful wolf, with not just his mother's or father's pelt alone, but a little bit of both. Sure, Hajime will look more like his mother, but still. He is the color of his mother's eye patch, with one darker brown eye patch over one eye and a lighter brown eye patch over the other eye, making him look odd. One of his paws is the normal white color, which doesn't strike any of the others as odd. But the other three are the lighter brown, no matter how much brown Hajime has on him, he won't care about it too much. One of his ears is the light brown, while his other ear is his mother's dark gray, the color that covers her tail, and makes tiny little speckles all over his body. Hajime's tail is the light brown color, with the very tip fading out into the white. Finally, for his father's colors, Hajime has some black speckles on him, clustered slightly all over his body. The gray his father had is speckled close to it, making pairs of the two colors. As for his eyes, he has the light blue color of his grandmother Mary, the only trait inherited by his grandmother.
Personality:; Hajime is a very smart wolf, even though he is only a young yearling wolf, too young to be very smart. Hajime is kinda loyal to his mother, but not loyal enough to risk his life all the time. He is always studying plants, because it is the only thing that interests him besides wolves that are evil or neutral or overly good or not his family. Hajime is also very quiet, and very sweet around wolves who has gained his overly eager to leave trust. That is right; Hajime is untrusting of stranger wolves, even if they turn out to be nice to everyone in the world, Hajime always thinks that wolves that are strangers are not worth trusting. Hajime is always annoyed by his uncle calling him his King, and has told him this, but his uncle does not seem to care, so he eventually stopped clomplaining about his uncle calling him King and finally let him, even though he wants to point out that his uncle should be the king instead of him, because he is older.
Roleplay sample:; Hajime shook his multicolored fur as his uncle woke him up with a soft murmur. My King. My King. We need to wake up, My king. The male said softly, and Hajime let out a soft mutter, Allen away with a paw. Uncle. I told you, DON'T call me your King. You should be King. You are older. Allen payed him no attention and pushed at him again. My King! Quick! My- Allen's cries were quickly broke off, and Hajime scrambled to his paws, only to find his uncle sitting there unharmed or dead.

UNCLE! YOU SCARED ME! Hajime growled, but his uncle shrugged him off and replied with glittering blue eyes. King, you had needed to get up, so I faked being hurt. He answered. Hajime sighed and glared at him. Fine. Let's get going.
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


08-30-2013, 03:01 PM
Definitely more odd then I thought it'd turn out to be xD The original designs of Allen and Hajime were, Allen was basically a monochrome version of riv with a gray base and black markings. And Hajime was light brown with darker brown markings down over his chest with red eyes. Considering both his parents have red eyes. But blue eyes work as well. Anyway I'm sure they are beautiful either way xD.

Keno, will play Allen

And Azaya will play Hajime ^w^ Both their last names are Walker. And I look forward to seeing them interact with Riv.



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
08-30-2013, 03:02 PM
Thank you!
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!