It's 5 O' Clock Somewhere
07-22-2020, 02:19 AM
She hadn't been beyond Lirim's lands much since Zell had passed. He had been her only real friend since she had joined them. that was an elder, like her. She felt much more ancient, however, and there were likely few who matched her in age. Though she did wonder if any of her former Ancoran playmates still lived...or perhaps she was the last Glaciem born wolf. She supposed she'd never know the answer to that. Turning her mind away from that, the ancient woman searched for the one other friend she had beyond Lirim's lands. She had met Tornach sometime ago, and the pair often spent time together when they weren't busy. But since Lirim seemed to nearly come to a standstill, she seemed to have more time on her paws nowadays. She wondered what Tornach had been up to the in the last week or that they'd not seen each other, and she was eager to find the old man to pester him a bit with her old lady exchanging news and perhaps talking about any new innovations he had made with the herds he raised.