
Honey, Honey

Solo Seasonal prompt AW


07-16-2020, 05:05 PM
This Orchard was an interesting place to the man. The large trees in the spring were beginning to grow back their leaves from when the winter had taken them. Not yet bearing fruit but they did house some nests of bees. Darius may have been a large wolf but he was not going to test his luck with bee's. However, the idea of honey had his mind whirling. A sweet treat to eat, medicine, or even something he could trade seemed like a good idea. The spartan had always tried to be on the more crafty side of things, thinking outside of the box when he could. To get to the honey he would have to extract the bees unless he wanted to be stung. Darius wasn’t sure if he was entirely in the mood to get stung today therefore he would have to pick a hive and decide on a course of action.

His attention turned a decent sized nest away from the others. The large apple tree it seemed towered over the others, the branches budding with small leaves and the looks of the starting of apples. The nest was promptly secured to a high branch between a fork in the wood. Darius was large so at least to his advantage he would be able to reach the nest in his state. He watched the bees leaving peacefully and moving to the blooming flowers in order to do their job. The male never really admitted it, but he loved nature and the creatures within it. His gods created such things for them to observe and learn from after all.
Darius looked around for a quick moment, it was not his first time dealing with bees. He had often watched the Harlots try to gather honey back home. It was a good treat for their pups and in times of need it was a good to have in bartering situations. From what he remembered if he could somehow conjure up a fire, then the smoke would sedate the bees enough for him to extract the nest. Although he had no tools to extract the honey and then replant the nest so his best bet would be to grab the honey and run. It nearly felt like a shame to rid the world of such a large nest but in this world it was the survival of the fittest that he lived by. That was the gods will.

Carefully he began to collect thin sticks to place underneath the nest. Grass for tinder and the twigs to catch. Once a substantial pile had been built he looked for a rock to push against one of the strange metal sticks he had found while travelling through old human ruins on his way here. While he was limited on the function of his limbs it wasn’t hard to stick the metal rod in his mouth and strike it along the rock to create sparks. Taking a few tries it finally lit the tinder he had created. Using his mouth to lightly blow the blaze began as he threw more grass and sticks upon it. Darius grinned, yes!

The smoke began to rise up Darius took a few steps back as he watched it reach the bees. His ears twitched after a few more minutes it seemed like the bees had gone quiet. Darius wanted to make sure before he hopped his front limbs onto the tree trunk. He could just reach the nest, his teeth grabbing onto it before he gave it a tug. Opening up the bottom he could see the honey dripping from the nest. Coming from the tiny holes that were lined across its edges. With that being said the bees looked sleepy but a few agitated ones landed directly on his nose and stung him a few times.

“Ahhck” he yelped pawing at his nose to get the bees off. He hadn’t thought of what to collect the honey in! Quickly climbing down he fashioned a few leaves that had luckily bloomed from a nearby tree. Making small cups with his teeth and then taking them to the combs where the honey dripped down into them. Taking any stings from the nearby bees that had been angered by his actions. Which was a dozen in the least - it was painful but he believed it would be well worth the pay off.

Once the honey had filled his cups he began to drag them away, to a pool of water that sat away from the nest. Surely the bees would not follow him to the water? He took a few trips putting out the fire and looking up at the nest. Darius felt a bit of happiness that he had left enough of the nest so that should nature do it they would recover. Nothing had been destroyed as he moved back to the pool of water and crawled inside. Soaking his nose as he let the coolness of it calm the irritated stings on his body. Now he had five cups of honey…. There just had to be a way for him to store them he thought to himself.

Word count: 862

Kestrel I


12 Years
Dragon Mod

Treat 2019
07-22-2020, 03:43 AM
Ah the Orchard...she had passed through here a time or two. The smell of the fruits and flowers when they were in bloom was a soothing scent, though they had yet to fully bud and bloom what with Spring having just barely graced the lands. Even though she was ancient by now, she still tried to remain sprightly so that she wouldn't just fall over dead. Or at the very least, get stuck in such a position that might take her forever to get out of if she let her old bones rest too long. While she was still mobile, it was harder now without her old companion Zell to help her walk. For now, she just kept moving when she could and rested in between when she started to hurt. It was one such occasion shortly after arriving into the Orchard did she choose a place to rest in the shade of a tree, and...of course, she found a show at the same time! She watched with interest as another wolf seemed to investigate a beehive, likely with the intent of getting some honey out of there. She remained quiet as he figured out what to do, started his fire...and pretty much the entire process. When he was done, that's when she decided to speak. "In a bit of a pickle are you, boy?" She teased of course, the way old women tended to do. But she wondered how he intended to take all of that honey with him...if that was what he wanted to do in the first place.


07-27-2020, 12:30 PM
While trying to figure out how he was going to store the honey a small thing approached him. An Elderly woman who was much smaller than he was the large striped male taking a look at her as she teased him. Normally he wouldn't take kindly to such things but a creature as old as she was must have some sort of wisdom in her. At least he was a gentleman enough to respect others like that. He forced a small smile looking at the five cups of honey that he had fashioned for himself. "It would seem that way wouldn't it?" he chuckled. "I have too much honey and not sure where to put it." Darius perhaps coud strike a trade after all that's essentially why he had wanted to collect the honey to begin with.

"I do plan on keeping one for myself, either for consumption or otherwise." Darius would stand then pushing a cup of thick honey closer to the old woman. "You could also take one if you wanted. My name is Darius." the striped male finally introduced himself. He wasn't sure what would come out of this interaction, from the scent of it she came from a pack and he disliked this. However, the gods worked in strange ways after all.