
Echos in the silence




5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

07-30-2020, 07:11 PM

The dark man's large paws carried him through the metal shell of the ship that acted as a large focal point in Winterfell's territory. He had more or less settled in now that he had chosen a portion of the ship to use as his den for the time being. At some point he'd go out and hunt to collect a few furs to use as bedding since the metal flooring was quite unforgiving, but a home was a home all the same. It was the first time since he returned to Boreas that he would have a permanent place to call home. It was somehow comforting and confining all at the same time.

He made his way up to the top level of the ship where he could walk across the deck till he reached the railing that overlooked much of their territory. It was quiet around the pack today so it added to the slightly unsettling silence that lingered over the chilled tundra. He took a step closer to the edge so he could look straight down over the sheer drop and was actually a bit surprised at how high up he was. It was hard to have some kind of perspective of how far he had climbed when he was moving his way up through the inside of the ship.

A soreness had settled into his scarred shoulder over night and as he looked back out over the horizon he rolled it several times with a slight wince. Perhaps finding more comfortable bedding should be higher on his priority list.

"Perhaps if you had been a better fighter you wouldn't have that injury and then you wouldn't have to worry about having furs to sleep on. I suppose you'd rather have remedies than solutions though, wouldn't you?"

His neutral expression barely wavered as the condescending voice filled his head save for a slight tightening of his jaw and one ear flicking irritably. He was always so torn between wanting to be alone and the fact that his demons were always more vocal when he was by himself. The silence gave them room to speak and he despised it.

"Talk" Think



4 Years

Promptober 2019
07-30-2020, 08:18 PM

The white female wanted to take a walk today,once again her mind was troubled by the memories,by the pain and desire to just be gone from the existence. She knew this wasnt okay,she couldn't be facing this with her new responsibilities,but she just couldn't do anything to remove it.She was trapped by the ghost of her past,by the heavy chains of a broken heart by a childhood without the love of a warm home,of a mother and father who cared for her.But no,she didnt have any of that.

She shook her head to try cleaning her mind from those bad thoughts,and there as she walked,Aki her cat rested over her back.Since they both met the cat found a comfortable bed on the wolf's fluffy back and well Yurei didnt complain she just let her be.

After a few minutes, she arrived to the ship she sometimes used as place to find time alone for herself,to think and sometimes rest. She just loved the silence and peace she could always find in her visits. But she didnt know someone now used it as den.she just was coming after a while,and no one told her of the new arrival so as every time she came she didnt think of that situation. Slowly she would take her way inside the ship but when she went out to the top she froze in her place,a large male stood there where she always sat.

For once she wished to just turn away and leave but fear took control over her muscles, making her unable t move or speak. Aki jumped down and attempted to push the wolf's legs to make her real from the shock.


[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

07-30-2020, 10:44 PM

If it wasn't for the sound of claws clicking against the metal he may have never noticed that someone else had joined him on the ship's deck. One of his ears twitched back to listen, but otherwise he made no motion to show that he had noticed the sound. At first he just ignored it since he assumed other wolves in the pack also used this ship for various things, but when the sound of paws suddenly stopped somewhere behind him and left a long stretch of silence in their wake he decided he might be better off giving it a bit of his attention. What else was he doing anyway? Fighting with his own mind while he stared off into space?

Casso turned his head and looked back over his shoulder till his ruby and aquamarine gaze locked onto the frightened face of a pale, green eyed woman. He was quiet for a moment while he looked over her plush coat that very clearly was made to live in this sort of climate and the lovely shade of striking green that stood out against her otherwise simple frame. Green eyes were not a feature he saw that often which was probably what made them so interesting to him. He had grown used the the reds, blues, and golds of his family and the only time he had really experienced such a vibrant green was the male that his older sister Daelos had taken.

"Come, there's plenty of room around the railing for both of us," he rumbled, giving a small nod of his head to motion toward a spot beside him. It didn't quite click in his mind that he had been the reason for the fearful look on her face until after he had beaconed her over and he immediately felt a bit guilty for his intimidating, scarred appearance even though there was little he could do about it. "I didn't mean to frighten you," he added as he peered down at her, a soft smile pulling at his lips.

"Talk" Think



4 Years

Promptober 2019
08-03-2020, 06:39 PM

She wasnt able to move,she couldn't,no limb responded to her wish to move away,to get lost in the distance.It feel like if a huge force was unabling her to have control over her body and features. Her most primal instincts of running from danger danced within even if there wasnt danger at all.This was just her nature making it all. Her eyes were stuck on the male who noticed her presence. A cold breeze crawled up on her spine,and a heavy sensation of discomfort took form in her increased heart beat.

Her cat's attempts to move her were all in vain.She was frozen and nothing seemed to be able to get her out of her stage. "Come, there's plenty of room around the railing for both of us," "I...I am sorry if i...disturbed you...I didnt know someone was here..." She lowered her gaze down to her feet like someone ready to be eaten. "Are.. you sure?..." 'Sure for me to stay?...' she ended up the phrase within her head, all was so stressful that she feared to say anything she shouldn't.

But finally, she managed to take her body out of the trance it went through. And in the company of Aki she dared to come closer but taking her distance once reaching closer to his place.She sat down looking away in fear. No words came, for now,she didnt know if she had the right to unless she was told to otherwise. "I didn't mean to frighten you," "It's's not your fault..." 'It's mine...' She thought.


[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

08-03-2020, 07:57 PM

The fear in her seemed to be much more deep seated than he had expected. If anything he had just thought that his unexpected presence had been the cause of it, but no, even with his invitation to join him and his purposefully calm demeanor she seemed just as startled and nervous. His two toned gaze lingered on her curiously all the same. He'd never met someone who was so meek and soft spoken. All of the women in his life had all been strong, independent figures in all their endeavors. Even his mother had been able to stand up to his father and subdue him at times in her own way and by all intents and purposes he still pictured his father as the most intimidating wolf he had ever come across. To see this woman so afraid to even approach him told him that there was something much deeper going on than just his slightly off putting appearance.

"I'm sure," he assured her when she questioned his invitation, motioning again with his muzzle to the spot beside him. Even once she complied and approached him, she still kept her distance and her eyes remained turned down and away from him. She had his full attention, the landscape now dulled in comparison. Something about how she continued to hide her striking gaze from him sparked a small sadness and something that bordered on irritation deep in his gut. They were captivating and he hated how she seemed to feel like she had to keep them averted from him. Quietly, he stood and padded closer to her, closing that gap that she had left between them. He lifted his left forepaw and used it to gently lift her chin, turning her head to face him till he was able to look down into her eyes again. "Don't hide your eyes like that... it's a waste of their beauty," he told her before letting his paw slip away. He eased himself back onto his haunches while he assessed her again. "What's your name?"

"Talk" Think



4 Years

Promptober 2019
08-04-2020, 07:11 PM

As she sat there her legs and everything felt rigid like still,baing unable to move.Ear flatt and tail tucked under her stood to make it clear how she was feeling, Feeling unsure and that distrustful nature of hers made her unable to speak or even dar to look at the male next to her. She always had this issue with strangers and even those she already knew. It seemed that her memories still had a big influence in how she saw others,in how she approached them and in the way she interacted.Fear always held a tight hold on her heart,on her words and actions.Fear made her lose chances to make friends,to grow and to be the adult she should be. But getting free from the chains of anxiety and nervousness has been a battle,a fight she had yet to win and even with the intense effort she had put to this,it seemed the fight would never be over.

As the cool breeze collided with her white coat,she remained with her eyes placed on her paws,not having the courage to stare at the male. Not wanting to disrespect. But the surprise became huge when she felt how he approached and with his paw lifted her chin to look at his eyes. She stood there for a few moments as he spoke. "Don't hide your eyes like that... it's a waste of their beauty," She flattened her ears as she heard that,she had never heard something like that in her whole life. She had only meet words of hate and insults. Monster, freak, ugly, worthless shit. Never anything in a good light and it felt weird. "T...thank you...i..." Her words drown before she ended her phrase she just couldn't take the courage to talk without feeling bad. "I...never thought my that way...." She admitted with sincere light.

"I am...Yurei...just Yurei..."  She responded shyly as she looked away to the side. "You?..."


[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

08-05-2020, 12:17 AM (This post was last modified: 08-05-2020, 12:21 AM by Casso.)

The larger man considered her for a moment with his head tilted slightly to the side when he heard that she had never thought of her eyes as beautiful. It was painfully obvious that complements of any kind were not a common thing for her and that saddened him greatly. As terrible as his father had been at the end, he had at least worshiped his mother and treated all the women in their family well as far as he could remember. It was something that had stuck with him and that he had taken to heart. This was even more strongly reinforced by the fact that his mother had practically raised him on her own for a large portion of his childhood and all of the wolves that had helped him with his mental issues had been women as well.

Yurei. If nothing else that was a name that was going to stick with him for quite a while. He wasn't sure how one wolf could make such an impression on him in the span of only a few minutes, but she had managed it. She looked away from him again, her shyness seeming to make it impossible for her to look him in the eye for longer than a moment. It made his ear flick with a flash of completely irrational irritation and disappointment. He was certain that her behavior was not entirely her fault, but now it would be his personal mission to bring her out of this shell... if she had any desire to be around him again. "Casso Praetor," he replied with a small, polite dip of his head. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Yurei."

Lifting his paw to her chin once again, he turned her gaze up toward his again. This time he held her there for a moment, giving her a firm, meaningful look. He tried his best to get his point across without scaring her, but with as easily spooked as she was it might be impossible. "Don't look away so much. Confidence is far more attractive and appealing than meekness." Now that he was able to see her unique, vibrant gaze again he let his paw fall away from her lower jaw as a slight smile found its way onto his lips again. It was such a striking and unusual color that it felt like such a shame to hide it from the world. "Isn't this better? To be able to see others when they're talking to you?"

"What's so special about her, hm? Why are you suddenly so invested in making sure she breaks those bad habits? She's not blood, she's not part of us. You won't even make her one of us would you?" His expression remained unchanged as the demons stirring in his mind decided to rear their heads, filling his mind with their voices. Only a slight flick of his ear showed that he gave them any attention or reaction. He had grown so used to them now that he could usually listen to their quips and criticisms without letting it show when he was around someone else. Sometimes he slipped... but not today.

"What happened to make you so fearful?" he asked, refocusing his entire attention on the snowy woman in front of him so he could shove the voices to the furthest reaches of his mind. It was perhaps a deep and loaded question for a first meeting, but it something that was nagging at him and something he just had to know.

"Talk" Think



4 Years

Promptober 2019
08-05-2020, 07:06 PM

"Casso Praetor," The male responded to which she nodded with shyness,she hated this side of hers,she hated to be this way but she saw no way in which she could change,she tried everything and all failed.And thus,she just gave up,she stopped trying. Her past was too heavy for her to lift it from her shoulders,and sometimes it was soo hard that she ended up losing her mind,losing any sanity.And dangerous thoughts had sometimes find nest in her consciousness. But her coward side always stopped her from such decision,fearing death itself."It's a pleasure to meet you, Yurei." "The mine Mr.Casso..." She responded giving him a small bow in respect.

And again his paw took position under her chin and once again their eyes connected,and again she just stared at them but feeling unsure if she was being disrespectful. "Sorry..." She said as he removed his touch. Altho she felt quiet scared she decided to dont allow her thoughts to escape her mouth."Isn't this better? To be able to see others when they're talking to you? "Sure...i just...dont want to disturb..." She admitted with ears flat. 'I dont wish to bother you aswell...'

"What happened to make you so fearful?" The question came heavy to her chest,she shallowed dry. "I....i just fear to...keep bothering others with my presence..." She started to say. "Neither my mom nor my dad...wanted me to one ver wanted me to...lve...i was not like them...i was a heathen due to my pelt...i was called a shit..." She responded. "They considered white wolves...sign of destruction...fear and death...and none in the pack loved me...and i was raised just from pity..." She looked down as she felt a knot in her throat.

"I...left when i could...and even after...i kept facing hate from others...and i am afraid that that will happen again...if my own family hated me...i guess i am just ...i am just..." Tears started to come down her face,feeling no desire to keep talking. "I may be the problem...i am a failure Mr.Casso...i try not to be...but it always seems like i just cause trouble to others...i dont want to...i dont..." She closed her eyes.


[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

08-05-2020, 08:00 PM

The scarred man was quiet as he listened to Yurei begin to explain what had brought her to this point. The tale she told of a family that didn't want her, that hated her for something she had no control over, that had kept her alive simply out of pity for her... It formed a knot in his stomach that grew into a seething anger. His jaw tightened with clenched teeth as he tried to keep himself sitting still as she went on and on about the horrible condition she had been born into and the terrible way they had treated her. He wanted to find them, the wolves that ruined her self confidence, and destroy each and every one of them. He wanted to take the vengeance that she clearly didn't have the strength to take for herself.

By the time she reached the point in her story where she had escaped when she had been able to he was furious to a point that he had never reached before. He was always so calm and logical in his emotions that this sort of blind rage was something that he didn't understand and wasn't sure how to comprehend. If he had any way of finding her family he would have seen to their deaths personally, but now all he could do was witness the broken woman they had caused. It wasn't until he saw the tears falling from her eyes that the anger was overshadowed by the worry and concern he felt for her. His ears fell back against his head as he discovered the one thing that would always break him - the sight of a woman crying.

"Please don't cry..." he said softly, a waver in his tone giving away how much it had affected him. He brought his paw toward her again, but this time he didn't try to lift her chin. This time he carefully brushed her cheek as he attempted to wipe away the tears under her eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry." He wasn't entirely sure it was necessarily his fault that she was so upset, but he had been the one to question her on it so he felt at least a bit of blame. He wanted to shield her and protect her from anything like this ever happening again. He silently made it his personal mission to make sure that she never felt unwanted or hated again.

"You're not a problem or a failure. They had no right to make you feel that way." His tone was firm, making sure she knew that there was no doubt in that statement. He wasn't typically one to make any grand shows of affection - especially not with someone outside of his family - but he felt like he needed to. His whole body ached with the need to comfort her and it wasn't something that was going to go away until he was certain she was okay. He shifted closer to her till she was easily within reach and then wrapped his foreleg around her shoulders to pull her against his chest. He held her tightly there and carefully tucked his head over hers to completely block her off from the rest of the world for at least a brief moment. "Your fur is beautiful. You are beautiful. Don't let anyone tell you any differently. Your worth should never be determined by the opinions and beliefs of others."

"Talk" Think



4 Years

Promptober 2019
08-06-2020, 07:11 PM

Her body started to shake in response to the sadness that started to grow within her soul,heavy she felt as she tried to calm down and dont act a stupid before him,she didnt want to cry in front  of him. 'No' She told herself as she felt how her body shivered due to the anxiety. She felt like an idiot,like the dumb wolf she was. Why couldn't she be braver? But she couldn't,she couldn't stand by herself without fearing everything. "I am sorry...didnt mean to cry..." She said like if crying was such a crime,such an offense.

"Please don't cry..." Soon his paw made contact with her cheek,wiping the tears away. She felt guilty of making him feel this way because of her tears,she was an stupid. "It wasnt your fault Mr.Casso...I am the dumb who cries for everything...i am a mess..." She admitted as she lowered her eyes in defeat.

"You're not a problem or a failure. They had no right to make you feel that way." "I guess...i just dont want to bother...that's why i became a get myself out...but sometimes it is not enough..." She looked up to the sky. But as she did she felt how she was dragged against his chest. His paw around her shoulder and head over hers.She lowered her ears,no one ever made such act of affection,no one ever treated her like this. But as this was new and so sudden she didnt move or say a word as she tried to figure out what to do.

"Your fur is beautiful. You are beautiful. Don't let anyone tell you any differently. Your worth should never be determined by the opinions and beliefs of others."

She felt sadness but not because of his words,but because of how hard for her is to think that way. "I try to be positive...i try to move on but i cant...everytime i close my eyes... every time see others being happy... every time i see the joy in others,happy families...caring mothers... i feel sad, without the desire to live...nightmares haunt my mind at nights, every time i walk i can see their faces...faces of disgust...i can forget anything...i can't forget the laughs...them saying i should had never be born...and sometimes i try to stay afloat but...sometimes i wonder if it is right for me to live..." Her tears came down faster and heavier.


[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

08-06-2020, 08:01 PM (This post was last modified: 08-06-2020, 08:01 PM by Casso.)

Her fears and anxieties rolled out into the air and he continued to hold her as he listened to each and every one. He felt helpless and powerless to fix the things that plagued her and he hated it. He wanted to fix everything, to make it so she never had a reason to cry, but he didn't know how. All he could do was hold her quietly against his chest and listen as she described how the sight of others living happy lives hurt her and how the memories of others tormenting her still gave her nightmares. His embrace tightened around her as her tears came again in full force and only got more intense as her feelings built upon themselves. His ears fell back against his skull while his mind searched desperately for a solution to give her. This wasn't a physical being that he could hunt and kill. This was emotional trauma that fully escaped the realm of what he was capable of dealing with.

"Just support her. Support her and help her heal." A voice in his mind, a different voice from the one that usually taunted and belittled him. A voice that reminded him of his mother. The voice that had to constantly push past the shouts and violent jabs of everyone else that stirred in his mind.

But how?! A question that would get no answer. The voices shouted what they wanted at him, but there was no conversation there. It never mattered how much he wanted answers from them, they never gave them to him. He was quiet for a while, simply letting her cry while he searched for something to say. Eventually he lifted his head from where it was resting over hers so that he could peer down at her with thoughtful concern. Nothing he could say felt right. In reality he knew there was nothing he could say to fix all of the hurt she had gone through, at least not right away, but that didn't stop him from wanting to protect her. That didn't stop him from wanting to do everything he could to repair the broken woman he was currently holding possessively against his chest.

"Let me help you," he said when he finally spoke. His voice was quiet and thick with emotion - emotion that he wasn't used to letting himself feel. "You can stay with me at night so that I can make sure the nightmares don't bother you any more. I can be with you during the day so that whenever you feel sad I can help you smile again. I can protect you so you don't feel afraid." There was no logical reason for him to want to do all of these things. He had only ever cared about his family - no one else had ever mattered. She had somehow changed that in an instant. He brought his paw to her cheek again to wipe away more of the tears that had collected there with a surprising amount of gentleness. "You could be mine. I can make you part of my family."

"Talk" Think



4 Years

Promptober 2019
08-07-2020, 12:37 PM (This post was last modified: 08-07-2020, 12:40 PM by Yurei.)

She stood there motionless as Casso hugged her more,she had never felt warm from others like this.It felt weird but somehow comfortable. For once she felt safe,she felt accompanied.Yes she had all the pack with her but sometimes she felt lonely either way,she felt an emptiness in her soul.And there when she slept,there when she did her duties,her activities she felt alone.But what if he left too?What if she ended up bothering him aswell? All this time she had blamed herself for others abandoning her.Heloise was one.She offered her coany but at the end she left,she left for never coming back. What if it happened again?

"Let me help you," She looked up to him taking advantage of he being taller than her. "You can stay with me at night so that I can make sure the nightmares don't bother you any more. I can be with you during the day so that whenever you feel sad I can help you smile again. I can protect you so you don't feel afraid."

She took some moments to think about what he just said.It was an unexpected offering, something no one ever offered her. She didnt know what to do or say,she was afraid of this being a joke or something he could retract if he knew her more. "Are you sure?...I dont want you to bother you...I made someone sleep somewhere else before in the pack...a female who offered me her den...but she left...and i don't want to scare you away from me aswell..." She said but not finished yet. "But...i dont want to be alone anymore...are you really sure you want me to stay with you?" She asked again with ears flat.

"You could be mine. I can make you part of my family." The last offer was even more surprising than the last one,this time it was to be on his family. " I don't want to be a burden for you Mr.Casso..I am a mess...i cry for anything...i am one ever offered me what you just did..and I am not sure if i deserve this...thank you...for this...for offering me all of this..." She wasnt even paying attention to her words or to see if she was talking with sense at all.She was just shocked by this. She hided her face into his chest crying. Not because she didnt like the offers,she cried because she was suffering a weird sensation she wasnt able to give a name to.


[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

08-07-2020, 08:53 PM

The uncomfortable buzz in the back of his mind from the demons and their displeasure at his offers to help this clearly broken woman only helped to solidify his decision to do so. "I'm sure," he assured her when she questioned if he was sure about the offers he had made. There was an odd amount of defiance he felt toward them and the lessons that had been burned into his brain as a child. He knew what qualities fit well in his bloodline and his family, the qualities that he theoretically should be looking for in a partner, and thus far Yurei had shown the opposite of those things. He saw no strength within her. There was no self confidence of any kind. She was tortured and broken. Even though his mother hadn't been physically strong, she had mentally and emotionally been exceptionally strong and had carried a brilliant mind. Logically, he shouldn't want her - but that's exactly why he did. He wanted to go against what those values had taught him. He saw the potential of what she could be if given enough care and love and was taught how to hold herself. He saw a lot of himself in her.

The moment that the offer to make her a part of his family left his lips that humming buzz in his skull was whipped into an all out frenzy. From the outside it looked like he was calmly listening to her concerns and thankfulness with his ruby and aquamarine gaze lingering on hers and his ears perked forward to listen to every word. Inside, he was fighting a loosing battle with his own demons who were screaming at the tops of their lungs. Some demanded that if he was going to do such a thing that he do it properly as his ancestors had. Some cursed him for even offering such a thing to begin with. Some demanded her blood. He ignored them all as best as he could. As soon as her head dipped down to hide her face in his chest he finally let his jaw clench and eyes squeeze shut as he struggled against his own thoughts. He lowered his head down on top of hers, acting as if he was simply cradling her against his chest when he was really ensuring that she wouldn't be able to see him struggle.

After several moments he was able to open his eyes again and relax a bit as the tormenting waves of voices finally began to subside. His expression was tired and a soft sigh passed his lips. "We're both broken," he told her softly, still keeping her tucked against his chest as he regained his composure. His voice was thick with emotion and rough from the physical exhaustion his mental condition caused him. Part of him knew that he would have to be honest with her about what was wrong with him eventually if he was serious about being with her, but now wasn't the time. "Everyone has their own issues - some are just more visible than others. Don't feel like you're alone in this. You deserve this and so much more. You deserve the world."

After taking another breath to steady himself he finally lifted his head and let her slip away from him if she wished to. Their chance meeting had permanently entwined their lives. Even if she had denied his offers he would have still gone out of his way to protect and help her as they lived together in the pack, but she hadn't done that. She had accepted them and now he felt like his soul was bound to hers. Perhaps one day there would be a real love like he had seen with his parents or how Daelos had been with her mate, but for now she was his and that satisfied the protective, possessive nature in his heart. He watched her for a moment before he leaned his muzzle down to hers to place a gentle lick across her nose. "My Yurei," he said quietly with a certain finality as a small smile pulled at his lips.

"Talk" Think



4 Years

Promptober 2019
08-08-2020, 09:56 PM

"We're both broken," She looked back up to him,she was surprised for the confession.He seemed so solid,so strong that she didnt think about anything wrong with he,but there she realized that maybe not everyone showed their emotions as clear as she, maybe he wasnt as weak as her.She admired that,she admired how he managed to stay calm.And the desire to ask about his own demons lurked in her mind,but the shy side of hers stopped her from doing so, fearing to disturb him with questions.She didnt want to make him uncomfortable. She decided to let him share as he wanted. "I see...i dont want to bother you by asking why...but..." She said but at the end, she lost. "But you listened me despite how stupid i tend to talk as...i wanna hear help you aswell...but only if you want..." She said lowering her ears unsure if she had the right to say what she said.

"Everyone has their own issues - some are just more visible than others. Don't feel like you're alone in this. You deserve this and so much more. You deserve the world." "You are right..." She said,she knew other had their own issues,and he confirmed her thoughts about others not showing their troubles as open as she. "Thank you again...for this...i hope i dont end up disappointing you as well...please tell me i am ever a burden...ill understand..." She assured him as she remained hidden within his chest.

"My Yurei," A lick on her nose was received,and that made her feel weird but not in a wrong manner.She looked at his eyes. She didnt know if she could call him hers, did she had the right to? What if he disliked it? And deep inside her heart, she hopped her pessimism and negativeness wasnt going to annoy him later. "I like it here..." Referring to where she was hiding herself in,beside him.


[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

08-09-2020, 08:04 PM

His ears flicked uncomfortably when she mentioned how she wished to hear what his problems were so she could help him as well. He knew that if he was going to keep her in his life she would need to know, sooner rather than later, but the thought of revealing that part of himself felt too vulnerable. He had just vowed to protect her and help her through her issues... telling her how fractured his mental state was felt like he would just be proving himself incapable of doing those things. Feeling as if he looked strong in her eyes was important to him. He wanted her to believe she could lean on him through anything as she healed and overcame her own problems. "I'll tell you one day..." he assured her, glancing away from her for a moment as he looked over the railing at the empty tundra around the ship. "I just... need more time."

Perhaps it was hypocritical of him to want her to tell him about her life and her problems without sharing some of his own in return, but his were problems that couldn't be fixed - only dealt with. At least they seemed that way. Acere had told him that he had been able to silence those voices... but it just felt like a mountain he wasn't sure he'd be able to climb. Her voice telling him how she liked where she was pulled his gaze back down to hers and the moment that he saw her vibrant gaze the worries that had begun to build in his head started to dissipate. Having her to focus on felt right and it felt like a way out. Only time would tell if this was true or not, but it gave him a bit of hope and maybe that was exactly what he needed right now. "I'm glad," he replied, a rare smile falling onto his lips. "I like you being here as well." He gently traced the spot between her shoulder blades several times, letting her snowy fur slip through his claws as they lightly traced her skin.

"Let me show you where I've decided to live," he said after a pause, nodding his head toward the entrance that would lead them back into the interior of the ship. He let his hold around her loosen so that she could stand before doing the same himself. It was the first time that he let his attention stray from her long enough to notice the gray feline that was lingering near by and he gave it a curious glance. "Is this a friend of yours?" he asked, looking back to Yurei curiously. He offered the cat a small nod once he was introduced before leading them back into the heart of the ship.

He lead them down one of the flights of stairs into a hallway that was lined with rooms. He led her to the one at the end and stepped inside. There was a moderately large window at one side that overlooked the chilled lands of the north. The pine forests were visible in the distance and from this side of the ship they would be able to see the sun set, allowing the warm hues of orange and purple to fill the room once it was late enough in the day for it to do so. "I'm going to go hunting within the next few days to get some furs to make a bed over to this side," he said as he walked over to the side of the room that was opposite the window. "It's not the most comfortable place to sleep as is, but it'll be just fine soon enough." He nodded toward the wall under the window and added, "I thought I might figure out a way to store some pelts and meats I bring in from hunts over there."

With his small tour complete, he turned to look at Yuri with a slight smile. "You're more than welcome to stay here as often as you like." A part of him craved to tell her that she should move here permanently right away, but he resisted. As much as she was now his in his mind, he wanted to make her feel welcomed and be able to come to her own conclusions for herself. "If you have anything that you like to keep like herbs or such we can certainly make a place for you to store them here as well."

"Talk" Think