
Bee There or Bee Square!



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8 Years

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08-08-2020, 11:20 AM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2020, 11:23 AM by Jynn.)
Who the hell can see forever?

"Wow, isn't it lovely Tahmores!" Jynn bounded into the gully that was blossoming with spring plant life. Flowers of a dozen colors or more bloomed all around her. The birds were singing and the sky above was a crisp, clean blue with only a few streaks of white clouds in the  sky. All in all it was looking like it was going to be a nice day, a perfect day for exploring. She had been wary of the weather since spring had moved in. The last thing she wanted to do was get caught in a strange land when a storm rolled in. It would make it harder to find shelter and make injury far more likely.

Next to her side trotted her companion, Tahmores, who nodded along at her words. They'd had a good test run of spars in the Battlefield but now it was time to get out and enjoy a little exploration, and maybe dinner. Dinner was definitely important. Especially with all the energy they had been burning lately and Jynn did intend to do some heavy traveling. They' would need to keep up on their nutrition. Jynn personally wanted a nice, fat rat or rabbit. She could just imagine tearing into the tender fur right now. Though really, what would be a super special treat would be some wolf apples! She was certain there had to be some in this new territory some where. They could not elude her forever.

Jynn's long legs carried her swiftly across the land as she took in the sights around her. There was an incredible variety of plants. She did not have a mind for herbs and had never really studied to be a healer, but she could easily see this place being a healer's paradise. One plant in particular caught her eye. It stood about a foot heigh with beautiful, dull purple flowers. The whole plant was covered in fine, silky hairs and she leaned in to smell the flower. It was not a terrible scent though it was not the nicest thing she’d ever smelled. Maybe she could pick some and… nah. She did not have anything to carry flowers in and she was not a healer so what could she possibly do with the flowers anyway? If she had a den maybe she could decorate it, but she did not have a den so there was no point in this. Jynn sighed.

While she was engrossed in literally smelling the flowers, her companion Tahmores was making a bee line for an interesting form hanging from one of the trees. He'd found a bee hive but he just could not resist investigating.

The little Ethiopian wolf sat directly below the bee hive, the buzzing bees around did not bother him for he did not realize they would sting, and anyway he wasn't really doing anything, just looking. However, there came a time when he decided he wanted to know what was in the hive. Tahmores trotted over to a nearby stick, took it in his mouth and proceeded to give the bee hive a solid whack. The bees were not amused and they quickly descended on the little wolf. He yelped as he was swiftly stung.

Jynn jerked her head up at her friends cry. "What did you do?!"

"It was an accident, I swe- ow!"

Jynn grabbed a bunch of ferns in her mouth and darted toward Tahmores, swinging her head wildly as she tried to swat the bees away. The leaves of the ferns were getting some of them and the air generated from her swings helped to deter others but ultimately they were embarrassingly out numbered.  Jynn yelped as one stung her hip and she bolted, her long legs eating up ground as she yelled for Tahmores to run… only to find he was well ahead of her. Jynn leapt easily over a fallen tree, her head swooping gracefully down as she snatched a short tree branch with several leaves still attached. She turned and swung again, eager to get the bees to go back but they were persistent. Ok, so running it was!

Jynn dropped her branch and took off running, her long legs ate up the distance as she caught up with Tahmores. They raced down the gulley, the plants seeming to rush past them in a whirl of color. "How far do you think they'll follow us?" She glanced at her companion who shrugged. "I don't want to test that out. Let's just run til we can't run any more." Jynn wanted to argue but she had to admit it wasn't a terrible idea. They should at least run until they got out of the gulley. There were plenty of lands to explore anyway.  No need to over stay their welcome!

Tahmores was running alongside her until suddenly he wasn't. She heard a yell and turned to see he had slipped in a mud puddle and was now flailing to get up. "Hey! This is no time to go playing in the mud," she yelled as she grabbed him by his scruff and hauled him to his feet.

"I'm not playing, the mud grabbed me!" Jynn released his scruff and the duo took off again, racing right out of the gulley and to the edge of the territory where they finally slowed down. Jynn looked behind her, waiting for a moment in silence as her large, bat like ears rotated like radar, fearfully searching for the sound of buzzing. She sighed in relief and sat down heavily as only the sound of the wind and birds greeted her ears. She squinted at Tahmores who was looking off in the sky absently. He could pretend like it was an accident all he wanted but Jynn had a feeling he'd gone and poked a bear, so to speak. Oh well, nothing could be done about it now.

Jynn got back to her feet. "Come on, let's go see if theres anything good to eat in the prairie."