
Seven days in the sun



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
08-10-2020, 09:22 AM

Askan knew that she could do it, she just had to put her horsey brain to the task. The way he saw it, it was just a mind over matter thing, if she acted all tough and strong well enough then she'd soon convince herself. It's what Askan did and the results were...fine. It worked well enough and he got by with no real complaints, but that was neither here nor there. When Acacia went onto insist that Canyon wasn't her man, the Selwyn shot her a dubious look with raised brows and all. She seemed to find it all rather funny but the joke was lost on him, he thought it was natural to assume that they were together but he'd gotten it all wrong. Apparently. He wasn't sure if he fully believed her but didn't care enough to push the issue.

The Selwyn grunted in acknowledgement. As much as he appreciated her company he wasn't selfish enough to keep her from where she needed to be. If she wanted to gallop off into the sunset with her fellow horses then by all means she should.

"Yeah yeah." His ear flicked at the pressure against his forehead but he didn't pull away. "Go run and be horse stuff. I'll see you around."

He hoped he'd seen her again one day but the world had a funny way of going against his wishes, or twisting them into something else entirely. Askan watched her go for a long moment, plodding off into the distance before he turned and eyed the trail of blood the cat had left in it's wake. He figured he ought to follow it, for a little while, just to make sure it didn't get any funny ideas....

askan exit

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