
Oh he's not the only one


08-23-2013, 04:07 PM

This place had seemed more creepy when he came across it then he thought he would have. A giant ship, something and an object he had never seen before. Oddity was tempted to enter it even though he knew he could easily get trapped or lost in that thing. There were holes ripped in the side of the harsh metal. Or perhaps it was like a weird misshape tree. No, he wasn't stupid enough to believe it was a tree. He had heard about it from his father before but couldn't quiet remember the words that had been placed into his brain. So oddity decided to wander on the outside of the thing. Examining the blood stains and other various marking across it. Oddity would remember this scent for a long time as well. Though his adventure was short lived when he heard a noise not far from where he was. Sparking up his sense he let out a deep growl pulling down his head in a defensive stance.
"I can tear your throat out if you show me any harm stranger." Oddity's monotone voice hit the air. Though he was pissed off today, it didn't mean he'd change his voice habits. As his feet were spread equally apart for balance. Tail flicking upwards, he lifted his head showing off his scar. His gray and blue eye looking out for the source of the noise. It smelt like a wolf, but with the blood mixed in with it, it could have been anything. Though Oddity wasn't one to take chances in the first place.




08-25-2013, 01:29 PM

She laid idly within her cold den. The numbing feeling of the hard material beneath her felt odd after a while. Her fur protected her from any health issues. One should not really be within such extreme conditions for so long, but she was tough. He body was packed with muscle and thick fur. The woman was made of raw bulk. Her (metal) den was covered in various bones, guts, tufts of fur, and crimson blood. She loved the deathening look of her home. It warded off strangers and potential threats.

Mahogany auds perked as she head the voice of a male. He shouted from the outside of the large unnatural thing. Her home was much like her. Large and very unnatural. He threatened her, yet she let forth a maniac chuckle. Her tongue curled from her mouth and slithered across a jagged maw. The tip of her tongue with thinner and jagged due to the fact it got torn off. She rose from her icey throne and shook of dust and snow. The woman slithered from her crimson painted lair and stared at the inky male. She sneered, he was nothing to her. The woman slowly edged closer to him, but she stayed within seven feet of him. Canttina let her head raise, as well as her tail. Though a smile cracked upon her ebony lips. She nodded to him before her sickening vocals filled the brisk air. "Why hello there my sexy little thing."



08-25-2013, 02:09 PM

With a twist to the tail Renesme would glide along the solid earth, moving each ligament in a continuous beat to the earths beat as her emerald orbs soak in the rather plain atmosphere, it was only moments later until she would she the sight of two others, one male and the other female. The scent of glaciem would linger on the ebony man where as the other was plain not a wiff of a rival pack or enemy, the smell of blood and guts wouldn't go unnoticed and the snowy dame would be kept on high alert.

Watching, would she see the confidance they both hold, each one had there weaknesses, even there strengths yet it would seem that the woman had a way with her words, and had the salmon tounge slightly torn of. Where as the man would show a scar, even wearing it with pride, which would turn out to be a good thing. Scars tell a story- they can be victorious, or even defeat. Silence would be Renesme's answer, her only answer as of yet, staying a few meters away before joining there little meeting; with there tension building it could only bring a smirk to the rosy lips."Speech."


08-27-2013, 05:16 PM

Oddity tilted his head as she came out. So that thing was her den, he wasn't amazed or surprised being so close to death himself. Or it could have been that he was so different from the rest. The two year old male's bi colored orbs relaxed against hers. She was a female trying to upset her place in front of him. Unless they showed an interest in Glaciem, or were glaciem, then he didn't wish to play all nice. Not if they intended to treat him in such a way. At least she knew her place in the world, reproduction. Yet, the things decorated around her den said also another story about her habits. It looks to be as she did not belong to any of the packs. So perhaps she was simply a lost cause. His eyes looked slightly not amused as he tilted his head. What was the meaning of that word, sexy. Did she mean to say he was attractive. He didn't seem to think he was very attractive, not with a plain coat and two different colored eyes. Along with the scar on his chest and his mental illness.
"I don't know what you are implying but, I see this is your home so I shall leave." He could smell another Glaciem woman nearby. She didn't have to help him, if she felt like it anyway. That's what the back of his head was telling him. Though a flick of his tail as he looked over at the girl. He did say he wanted a bit of entertainment, but that was not the way he wished things to be anymore.




09-01-2013, 12:11 PM

She could smell the other but her eyes stayed on the black male before her. Her sunny orbs eyed his raven locks. She admired his form and his casual state. Maybe he was not trying to seize her estate? The demoness still stood with a state of dominance. Her tail rose and her ears flicked back only slightly. Her hackles swelled slightly, though a wicked smile cracked onto her onyx lips. He spoke and she giggled softly. "Oh you do not have to leave. I could give you a tour of my lovely home." She grinned and stepped closer to him. Heat flowed through her wicked body. Lust poured from her sunny orbs. The woman was bursting with sinning emotions. Yet, she did not care. She was attracted to anything with a heart beat and fur. Though, Moose weren't really her type. She stepped closer again and laughed, "Come on." She turned to walk up on the strange contraption, she waited for him to follow.
