
No More Bee Puns, Just No



6 Years

Double Master
08-20-2020, 08:17 PM
Káti strolled around the lake, basking in the late evening light and the perfect temperature brought on by the lowering sun. The day had been hot but the moment the sun started to go down it slowly cooled, bit by bit, to an absolutely luscious temperature. Now if he could just get away from the mosquitos. He lifted up a hind leg and scratched at his shoulder. Birds were still singing right along with the crickets and all the bugs, though nothing could compare to the loud chorus of frogs. Every so often he heard a little splash that could've been a frog or a fish, it was hard to tell for sure. He thought about going fishing but after just having a meal of turkey he was pretty well full. This land was nice and lush with a readily available source of water but Káti would've much preferred a river or creak rather than the stagnant lake that seemed to attract quite a few mosquitos. He thought about resting in the grass but he was wary of ticks.

Káti continued his walk, just taking in the atmosphere. There was a gentle, warm breeze and the sky was crisp and blue except for a small band of clouds that streaked across the sky. The setting sun stained their undersides a rich orange color. Káti could've just at there and admired the sky but he knew he needed to find a place to stay for the night. Spring could be difficult to predict and while it might be nice one day the next day could bring storms that came up out of nowhere so it was always wise to know where ones shelter would be for the night or the day if it became necessary. Káti worked his way farther south but wasn't quite sure how to feel about the land waiting for him on the horizon. It was dry and he could see that the trees were far more sparse down in the steppe. Hmm… maybe he should change his path to go farther to the east. He preferred more forested areas though perhaps he'd just never given the prairie a real shot. He had to admit it was nice to be able to see the horizon and what was going on around him.

Káti debated about which way he wanted to go and where he could make a nice den site when he caught a sweet smell on the breeze. It was accompanied by buzzing and for a moment he thought it might be a swarm of mosquitos but as he moved closer to follow the sound he realized that it was the sound of bees. Curious Káti crept forward. Bees weren't a good sound but he figured they were far enough away that he would be fine. He wanted to creep closer and get a better look. Besides, as a healer he had an appreciation for the healing properties of honey and the uses of beeswax. It was a shame it was so difficult to gather. Káti also took a moment to check the air for the scent of bear. Bears waking up from hibernation would love to have some honey with a side of wolf.

He moved close and then immediately regretted it. At first the bees were mostly just sticking around the hive apart from some that were going to and fro from the hive with their gatherings. Then they seemed to get agitated and form a small cloud that then started heading right toward him. Aw shit! He hadn't even done anything. It wasn't like he'd gotten that close. With a startled cry Káti turned tail and ran. He wasn't interested in fighting a swarm of bees but they seemed intent on going after him. His head lashed out to the side grabbing a branch which he then let go after pulling it back. The branch slammed into the middle of the swarm, slaying some bees and scattering the rest but they were quick to regroup.

Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! He wasn't sure he could fight them so the only option was to outrun them or maybe… Káti eyed the lake and without a second thought he leapt into the water. Holding his breath he held his head under the surface for a few moments before carefully peeking up out of the water. The frogs had snatched a few of the bees and the water claimed some more. He looked carefully but didn't see the swarm at first til he noticed it heading off in the distance and the sound of their buzzing getting quieter and quieter. Phew! Káti climbed out the lake and shook out his coat, sending water and muck flying. That was a close call. Now that he thought about it maybe he'd find a good place to dig a den where the steppe bordered the lake region. Far enough away from the bees but not so far he'd have to walk for miles to get a drink in the morning.