
Where chains will never bind you


09-01-2013, 11:16 AM
The night is young, the darkness envelopes him. He walks with an easy gait, boredom etched on his features. Ears twitch to the melody running through his mind, he is so unbearably bored. It tears at his very soul and a sigh escapes from parted jaws, the weight of such tedium forces his usually proud shoulders toward the ground. Fed up, that's what he is. Gods why can't something happen, anything at all.

Wind grabs at his fur and pulls him but still it isn't interesting, it isn't special or different. There's nothing fun in this place. His ears droop. His lips peel back and he grunts with frustration, the night birds chat amongst themselves and he feels left out. Won't they talk to him? He'd even accept their nonsensical ramblings and song, yet they remain so far away keeping secrets and spreading pointless rumours. He envies them even if it is only for a moment, wishes for his siblings even though they are so tedious themselves. He sighs again.

"Urgh." He allows his legs to give out, he is unentertained. He flops comically sideways and crashes to the ground in a groaning, sighing, grunting mass of boredom. His tail is the last thing to collide with the dry Earth and dust flutters around him, he snorts. "Stupid birds." One of his teeth slips out over his lip so upon closing his mouth, it protrudes idiotically. He glares at the sky, then in turn at the ground. Neither provides him with an answer to his current state of mind and discouraged he rolls onto his back, paws kicking stones as he thrusts them skyward. No sooner do they hit the sky than drop back toward him and fold inward, he rolls his eyes ? vibrant green against a shadowy coat ? and rolls sideways pushing his paws into the dirt and rising.



2 Years
09-01-2013, 01:02 PM

She had wandered pretty far from home. Like, really, really, really far from home. She hadn't meant to be so far from home, it was just that it was getting boring at home. Her poppa Cherokee had already taken her out around the whole place that they called home many times along with her siblings. But she hadn't met anyone else from her home. And Lakota wanted to meet people. She wanted to explore and see the rest of the world, but her parents were still convinced that she was much too young to go out exploring the rest of the land.
Too little! Hmm. I'm not too little. I'm a big girl. I can go exploring and be just fine. She thought to herself haughtily, tiny pups beating against the earth as she crossed into what was the battlefield, though the pup was much too young to understand what it was.

What she could understand though was this place smelled really bad. It smelled like blood, like when she would play with her sisters and brother and someone got a cut. But it smelled like a lot of wolves got cuts here. Speaking of wolves, a new scent tickled the babe's nostrils, catching her attention, topaz and ruby toned eyes searching for the figure of the new wolf. She spotted him not too far away, a large black mass. She reminded him of poppa, even though he didn't have the white ear like poppa. He was friendly right? With no sense of precaution the babe bounded up to the man, getting right in his face, her tiny head craning over his upside down one, tail wagging eagerly behind her as she looked down at him. Hiya mista! Why awe you laying down? Her speech was getting better. Somewhat she supposed. It would get better with time.



09-01-2013, 01:15 PM

ooc - hover for translation.

Suddenly there is a massive of pure white excitement forcing itself upon his face, the little creature is upside which is odd. Why is it standing on the... oh right, he's lying on his back. The big wolf yawns, massive jaws parting to flash his fangs made whiter by his ebony coat. He snaps his jaws shut leisurely and rolls sideways, his paws sliding on the dirt as he does so, head twisting until he's lying on his belly and staring at her, head tilted and green eyes curious.

She speaks poorly, not the worst eh has ever heard but it's still lacking. He quirks an invisible brow, for now his boredom subsides. Ears tip backward until his look is contemplative, she smells of family. Somewhere beyond this battleground are her parents, he wonders if they're worried about her. She is like him in a way, he ran away from home to adventure without a single thought toward the feelings of his pack. Mind you, his running away eventually became permanent and that only lead to boredom.

"I'm searching for ghosts." His ears flicked forward now and he grinned at her, in terms of making friends and enemies Beelzebub had always been very simple. He takes the first impression and ingrains it deep in his mind, and until proven otherwise that is how he perceives the world. His lips peel upward and he laughs, "Do you believe in ghosts chavi?" He isn't trying to frighten her, but to instead have some fun and perhaps play a game. The pup has already gained his favour, all she has to do now is keep it lest he grow bored and simply wander off.



2 Years
09-01-2013, 01:33 PM (This post was last modified: 09-01-2013, 01:34 PM by Lakota.)

He looked funny lying down. Lakota threw her head up, trying to see what the big man was seeing. But she didn't see anything. Just the sky. What was so interesting about the sky? He didn't stay staring at the sky long after she'd spoke, his ginormous body rolling back onto his paws, allowing the babe to get a good look at him. His eyes were kind like poppa's, except that they were both green instead of the silver one like poppa's. He didn't smell of pack like poppa, so did that mean he didn't have a family? The tiny babe stood staring at the big man curiously, tail wagging behind her, topaz and ruby gaze intent on his figure as he spoke up. I'm searching for ghosts. Eyes widened to an impossible size. Ghosts? What were ghosts? She couldn't remember momma or poppa ever telling her about ghosts. The big man smiled at her, chasing away the surprise as she allowed herself to sit in front of him, head tilted curiously to the side at his next question. Do you believe in ghosts chavi?

What's a gh-gh- that thingy you said? And what's a ch-chavi? She struggled to pronounce the first word he'd said, wondering what that avi word meant. This man was already pretty interesting. He was going to tell her about ghosts and chavis! Whatever those things were.



09-01-2013, 02:09 PM

ooc - sorry for shortness

The male chuckles, what else can he do? She's curious and it amuses him. His eyes close for a moment before opening again to stare down at her, what is a ghost? He flicks his ears thoughtfully, "When a wolf dies his spirit leaves his body and he enters another world, so that he can look down on his pack. Though I suppose not all wolves have that intention after death." he laughs again, this time it is at himself, imagining himself after death sitting up on a cloud and watching over his family. He knows such an after life would not suit him but it's a suitable explanation for a pup. "A ghost is a spirit which lives in our world." He shrugs and grins down at her, "Some wolves say they exist, and I want some proof."

Her next question makes his grin broaden, this is abetter question than the first and he pulls himself up into a sitting position. "Chavi is what my birth pack call a female pup, if you were a boy I would have called you chava." He stretches his forepaws and then lowers his upper body, his rump rising into the air and his tail lashing back and forth. "Do you want to play ghost hunters with me chavi?" His fangs flash playfully as he grins at her, will she accept his proposition? He hopes so, it certainly will beat the boredom of wandering alone.



2 Years
09-01-2013, 02:28 PM

He was closing his eyes and for a second Lakota worried that he would fall asleep on her. He couldn't fall asleep on her now, he hadn't explained what those thingies were! To her relief his emeralds came back into view as he chuckled softly, beginning his explanation of the go thingies. When a wolf dies his spirit leaves his body and he enters another world, so that he can look down on his pack. Though I suppose not all wolves have that intention after death. His spirit? This was getting even more confusing. So wolves had spiwit thingies inside of them? The young babe tilted her head down to look at her chest, wondering of she could see the spiwit thingy that the man was talking about. She didn't see anything though, only her chest and white fur. Were those spiwit thingies even visible?

A ghost is a spirit which lives in our world. Some wolves say they exist, and I want some proof. The young pup gazed up at the now sitting man, her dual toned gaze full of wonder. Those go things lived here? She glanced around, trying to see if she could spot one, but seeing nothing but the empty landscape. How did he know all of these things? Chavi is what my birth pack call a female pup, if you were a boy I would have called you chava. Lakota nodded in understand. Ohhhh. So Chavi is another word for girl? Came her half question, half statement, trying to make sense of what he was saying. And then the big man was standing up, stretching his front legs out as his butt stuck up in the air, tail wagging as he asked her if she wanted to play go hunter with him. She pup bounced onto her paws, tail waving madly behind her, barking excitedly. Yeah! She was so caught up in her excitement that she missed something, the realization hitting her a moment later, causing her to go serious for a second. do you play go hunter? She looked up quizzically at the man, hoping he would explain.



09-04-2013, 12:01 PM

ooc - Sorry for slowness trying to get everything ready for Ireland

His ears twitch as he watches her, his position still low to the ground, chest picking up dust and dirt as he waits. She's excited to play his game, and he's glad. A quick play date will be just what he needs to take the edge off his boredom, he's looking forward to it. Lifting his chest finally he looks around, its as though he's trying to find some ghosts himself. His ears dip back for a moment, how do you play ghost hunters? He hadn't really thought about the rules of the game, flicking his tail he looks back at the young wolf a smile finding its way on to his muzzle.

"Well first, you have to pretend you're a ghostbuster." He puffs out his chest and shifts his stance until his tail is erect and he looks like he's just defeated the strongest alpha of all time. "Ghostbusters are the strongest warrior wolves you'll ever meet." He gives a determined nod of his head and then continues his explanation. "Once you've done that you just go exploring, you have to look in all the most exciting places like inside caves and behind waterfalls." There's a flash of excitement in his eyes, this game is getting better and better. Diving head long into dangerous locations is what he lives for, and he can't wait to start playing. If he were a bit older, or a bit more mature he might realise how dangerous his game is for the little wolf, but as it is he's head strong and unreliable. Bee doesn't see his game as being potentially deadly and there is no malicious intent in his asking her to play, it is just simply a case of him being incredibly thoughtless and immature.

In one swift movement he moves over the puppy, his head dipping and turning back to look at her, "Are you coming?"



2 Years
09-04-2013, 02:49 PM

OOC: no worries, I've been kind of MIA these past two days because of a really bad headache

She liked this big man. He knew a lot of big words and even knew a fun new game! She still didn't quite understand what kind of game it was or even how it was played, but the man who looked like poppa was so nice and he was inviting her to play with him. Lakota hadn't played with anyone else except for her own family, so the tiny babe was excited about being able to play with a new stranger. Could this big man become her friend? Well first, you have to pretend you're a ghostbuster. The young girl snapped herself from her thoughts, dual-toned gaze flickering up to his massive frame, watching intently as he puffed himself up, making himself look even bigger and stronger than he already did. Ghostbusters are the strongest warrior wolves you'll ever meet. The child's ruby and gold eyes lit up at the word warrior. She wanted to be a big strong warrior! The tiny pup tried her best to imitate the big man, puffing her little chest out as much as she could, the tiny banner of hers sticking straight up over her hips just like his. Once you've done that you just go exploring, you have to look in all the most exciting places like inside caves and behind waterfalls.

That sounded like the best adventure ever! A tiny smirk worked its way onto her tiny pale jaws. Her sisters and brothers were missing out! Here she was with this really cool stranger who was going to teach her how to the play the go game. Maybe after he showed her how she could go back and show her siblings! The man's words caught the child's attention once more, his gargantuan frame easily stepping over hers as he moved on, stopping only to turn back to ask if she was coming. Yeah! She exclaimed, rushing over to pad beside him, looking up at the giant as they walked. Hey mister, what's your name anyways? I'm Lakota. She beamed up at the man, very proud of the name her parents had given her.
