
Say Something... Please

Asla and Naiche Healing



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-03-2020, 01:08 AM
It is a peaceful day, nothing seemingly out of the ordinary is in the air. Meadow had been in Indigo’s garden, tending the flowers, toiling away as the time slipped away from her. When she had sat back on her haunches and taken note of how much time had passed, the small wolf’s stomach had begun to rumble. After washing her paws off, she had decided to head back to the den she shares with Resin and Tamsyn. A happy smile rests on her lips as Rigel glides silently above her.

She is close to her den, holding onto the thought of catching some food quickly or seeing if Resin had any when Meadow smells something on the wind. Blood. Testing the scent, she recognizes Asla mixed in with the iron smell. Picking up her pace, Rigel gives a warning woot as her den comes into view. There, on a fur by the entrance is the prone figure of Asla, her shoulder a bloody mess. Az leaves the young wolf in Meadow care and she quickly gets to work. Running inside, she hastily gathers the needed supplies and reappears next the hurt wolf.

Asla has lost a lot of blood and the wound needs to be bound quickly in order to slow the flow of lifegiving blood. Shrugging off her bag and picking up piece of cloth, Meadow quickly and efficiently cleans away the excess blood to see the extent of the wound. Wincing in sympathy, she notes the shredded flesh and claw marks. Taking a fresh piece of cloth, she places it on the wound and presses down, hoping to stem the flow of bleeding while she readies her next course of action. With one paw pressing firmly onto the cloth, she directs Rigel as what herb she needs.

Horsetail is placed in her paw and Meadow removes the cloth to apply the herb. It will help the wound start to clot and give her a little more time to work. With furrowed burrows, she cleans the edges of the wound first before moving deeper into the gashes, removing any dirt and debris that has entered the deep lacerations. All Meadow can think is that it is lucky that Asla has passed out, this part would hurt. Once the wounds ae clean, she readies the herbs for the next step.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
09-03-2020, 01:35 AM
She was conscious here and there as the trio made their trek back to the Armada. It was hard not to wake up when being jostled about so. She'd lost a lot of blood. The wounds in her shoulder were jagged tears that would need to be stitched. She didn't know who was healing her, but they had a lot of work ahead of them.

As Meadow began working on her, Aslas lashes fluttered. She released a groan, mumbled something unintelligible and cracked her purple eyes. She saw the blurry form of the healer but her first clear thought was, "did anyone tell my dad?" Then she was drifting off again, eyes closing.

Sirius would have to be told about her injury. She didn't want Naiche to get in trouble. Plus she wanted to brag about how she'd saved his life despite suffering a harrowing injury. Smug little jerk that she was.
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-03-2020, 02:26 AM
Meadow works, rubbing herbs into the wound and making soothing sounds to Asla. The wounded warrior stirs and groans and the healer comfortingly shushes her and says, “He will be here soon. Sleep now.” Before continuing her ministrations. Looking to Rigel, Meadow nods her head and the owl takes flight to let Sirius know of what has happened. She does not watch her companion fly away, instead turning her attention back to the hurt wolf.

Pulling a balm made of myrrh toward her, Meadow places some of the waxy resin in the wound to help it heal and prevent infection. When Asla awakens, a tea of echinacea and honey will be prescribed for her to take daily until the wound is well on its way to healing properly. Moving on, Meadow waits for the bleeding to slow enough for her to stitch the wounds closed, she takes the time to prepare a mixture of honey and myrrh to place over the closed sites.

Unwrapping a large piece of cloth that houses a long thin piece of bone, she looks around to make sure everything is ready. Now comes the tricky part. Meadow picks up a bone needle that has been threaded with sinew for her. The sinew had been soaked in water infused with herbs to prevent infections. Garlic, myrrh, thyme and even chamomile were placed in the water. With a deep, steadying breath, Meadow leans over Asla and her torn shoulder. She readies herself to stitch the lacerations closed.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
09-03-2020, 02:28 AM
His eyes had failed him today. Marshal had not been on Asla’s tail, perhaps assuming Naiche had some megure amount of common sense. Enough not to take his daughter hunting something ten times out of her weight class. He was, however, informed when she was found stumbling around the territory in Azure’s grip, and into Meadow’s arms injured.

He approached quietly, his concern greater than his anger… at least for the moment. He had been slowly and steadily training Asla in how to take on predators, but he would not have called her ready to take on anything overly large, and the scent of the lion about her made her ‘prey’ abundantly obvious.

He had, unbeknownst to him, beaten Meadow’s bird here. “You can tell him yourself” he said dryly to Asla’s words. His eyes however moved to Meadows, in an attempt to gouge her thoughts on his daughters injuries.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
09-03-2020, 02:36 AM
As Meadow mashed things into her wound, a little of Aslas fire returned. She growled, lips curling back. "That hurts." She wasn't growing at Meadow, just at the pain. She knew that Meadow was doing her best. It was when the healer began stitching the wounds together that she really got huffing and puffing. Naiches discomfort wasn't worth this. Next time she'd drag him along to kill something smaller.

Her father soon arrived and she could see his displeasure. "We got attacked by a lion," she said. Same thing she had told Az and no one would know otherwise. "We're okay though. I got it good. It won't be coming back." She was sure of that.

Looking over to Meadow, she asked, "Is there water? I'm really thirsty." She was also dizzy and all kinds of sore, but thirst was a problem that was easily solved.
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-03-2020, 03:09 AM
With a growl, Asla announces that what the healer is doing hurts. A sympathetic nod and Meadow says, “I know, I know. It will be over quickly. Now lay still or it will hurt worse.” It is not a threat just a statement of facts. If the small fighter chooses to move while the healer stitches, it will cause more pain and take longer to close. With a soft smile, she aims a soft pat on the paw of Asla’s unwounded shoulder and sets to work.

As Meadow starts to stitch, she works fervently but as gently as possible. With quick, steady strokes she closes the wounds. With each pinch of the bone and pull of the thread tugging at the jagged, hurt flesh, the healer feels great sympathy for Asla. She knows it hurts but the small warrior is doing well. As Sirius appears, Meadow nearly drops her needle in surprise. Well, at least Rigel will be back soon to help. Focusing on the task, she almost misses the talk of a lion. If she was not stitching back together the shoulder of Asla, she would have shaken her head in awe. Instead, she works to repair the damage.

A question is posed to her about water as Meadow places one final stitch. Cutting the sinew and looking at the closed wounds, she nods and moves to a container of water she had brought out. Using the container to rinse her bloody paws first, the healer then retrieves a bowl from her bag. Setting it before Asla, Meadow pours her a huge bowl of water. Returning to the shoulder, Meadow informs them, “You are lucky. You had lost a lot of blood. Now I am going to put some balms on the closed wounds and they will help prevent infection.” Looking to Sirius she instructs, “You will need to change the bandage I put on every day for the next week and reapply the balm when you change it. Make sure she drinks a lot of water and I will give you a tea to make for her.”

Meadow is all business and directions, when it comes to doing her job as a healer, she takes it very seriously. Returning her gaze to Asla, she offers a gentle smile and says, “You, my dear, will be on light exercise for the next week. No running, jumping or playing. Stick close to home and please, don’t rip the stitches open.” Paws gently apply the balm of myrrh and honey, Meadow then cleans her sticky paws and wraps the wounded shoulder in a thick wad of cloth. Casting a glance and smile to Sirius she says, “Asla will be fine. Just do as I have said and she will heal quickly. Drinking lots of water is key in the next few days. Also, raw meat and liver will help.”

With one final inspection of her work, Meadow nods to herself and moves to clean up the mess she has made.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-03-2020, 07:43 AM

Naiche hadn't traveled as fast as Asla to get to the healer, for one thing no one was carrying him and the other reason was not to walk next to Az.  Naiche imagined Az and him were a dangerous mix until both of them had cooled off.  Realistically a lot more dangerous for Naiche than Az.

Once he had gotten back to the packlands he had to stop and ask another wolf where to even find the healer.  Naiche knew he wouldn't die from this but it was the worst injury he'd had it and it hurt and the situation still agitated him.  Between pain and irritated he was in a lousy mood.  The tail bone hurt enough to take away from the pain of the torn flesh where the claw had cut in, but the pounding of the tail bone reverberated to his spine every step he took.  Anger helped ease pain.

Once he found the healers den he moved to step in, pausing a stride when he got a good whiff of the air, Asla and her blood were no surprises and the wolf he hadn't met would be their healer.  Sirius was in there also.  Damn Asla!  She had lied about serious telling them to do it and thus Sirius even knowing.  Naiche realized the stupidity in buying the lie now but, ah man.  He was so damn embaressed by his idiocy.  

His tail wouldn't be denied and his pride wouldn't let him leave as some coward wanting to avoid an unpleasant situation.  Naiche peeked into the den, spotting the cluster of wolves, "may I come in?" a hesitant pause before adding "how is she?"  Would he experience another pack mate dying because of a job gone bad?  Could he really not blame himself this time?"



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-04-2020, 12:36 AM
While Meadow works to clean up her supplies, a new face appears and she nods to their question, beckoning him forward. Looking to Asla, a weary sigh escapes and the healer says, “She will be fine. Lost a lot of blood but the wounds are closed now. She will hurt for some time and need to be less active. But she will make a full recovery.” Gaze turns back the male and she adds, “My name is Meadow. I take it you were there?” The concern for Asla and the knowledge that she was hurt was enough for the small wolf to deduce that he had been at the lion attack. Well, that and the smell of blood on him. Granted, it is a lot less than Asla and she grateful for that.

Patting a pile of furs, Meadow directs to him to lay down and gathers a bowl of water for him to drink, placing it in front of the furs. Once more collecting herbs and cloth for bandages, she prepares to treat the wolf. Waiting for him to get settled, the healer places the needed objects close by and turns her attention to him.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
09-05-2020, 02:36 PM
He frowned, considering his daughters words, even as the healer worked. He hadn’t seen Meadow operate before, but she seemed skilled and certain as she did so. Sirius, who’s knowledge was only limited to required field dressing that kept a wolf alive until a medic arrived, kept silent.

“Then you did well fending it off” he said, angry that the creature would dare attack his daughter. “I’m proud of you” he told her, even as he stepped back to give Meadow more room to work. Meadow promised she would be okay, and Sirius trusted her opinion.

Naiche appeared, and Sirius knew that if he hadn’t been with Asla at the time, things would have gone much, much worse. “Thank you, for looking out for her.” he said, clapping Naiche on the shoulder with a meaty paw.



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-06-2020, 09:09 PM

Sirius thanked him and Naiche inwardly sighed, it wasn’t the thing he wanted to hear.  Though he had no concern of anyone realizing that, considering his injury and Asla’s there were other pressing matters for a sigh.  Yah, it was easy to forget the comment and make his way over to the pile of furs.  The tail certainly had a number of reasons to be important but it wasn’t really a part of him that Naiche had worried much about in a fight.

“I was there.  She put up a great fight and was the real reason it fled.” Acknowledging Meadow’s question.  Naiche rather wished he hadn’t been there, the sane part of him wished that.  The part of him that was in pain and feeling guilty part of the reason for Asla being injured was his fault for not fighting better.  It was her fault they were there, but Naiche should have done better.  The wheat-coated wolf needed to get better fast if he was to survive in this pack.  He’d already had to deal with a large bear and now a lion, what was next? There was another part of Naiche though that was thrilled that he had fought and survived against a lion.  How many wolves could claim to have risked doing that?  

Naiche had been worried for the pack’s little irritating princess so it was good hearing she would be well.  Of course, he had no intention of ever giving Asla any indication of his worry for her.  It wasn’t that he cared much personally for her, but anyone he fought alongside was partially his responsibility, and anyone that was pack was his responsibility.  



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-23-2020, 12:48 AM
As the wheat colored wolf lays down on the pile of furs, Meadow moves to the wound on his hind quarters. With a small sigh, she palpates the area around the open wound first, making sure that no infection has set in. Nodding to herself, she looks at his tail and notes the kink in it. Definitely broken and might need to be reset. Moving the bowl of clean water closer, she grabs a clean rag and wets it before cleaning the gash on the male’s rear. Working as quickly and gently as possible, she puts the cloth down and inspects the cleaned area.

She informs him, “Well this will need a few stitches and your tail is broken. It will need to be reset. Unfortunately, it will hurt and you will have to avoid moving your tail for a bit. I am going to stitch this closed first then work on your tail. Okay?” Without waiting for his confirmation, Meadow moves around and prepares the herbs she will need. First, she prepares some Meadowsweet for him to ingest to help with the pain. Offering him the herb and instructing him, “Eat this.” Before moving to ready the needle.

Like before, the sinew has been steeped in water and herbs to promote healing. The needle is already threaded and Meadow lays out the needle, sinew and the balm made of myrrh. Settling near her tools, she asks, “Are you ready?” and waits for him to answer before beginning.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-23-2020, 10:39 PM

The gratitude from Sirius really wasn’t earned, but this was no time to debate it.  Asla was injured and of more importance to Sirius currently than Naiche would be.  Now was no time to speak of how things had truly gone down.  So Naiche summed up energy for a formal nod and small smile, “no problem.” Ignore the wounds, it was no problem! Naiche’s pride wouldn’t call any fight with a packmate a problem.  After all, they had only fought a lion.

Naiche was tired enough that lying down didn’t seem like a bad idea at all.  He had a notion of keeping a constant eye on what she was up to and between Meadow, Sirius, and Asla all there it made sense to keep a good ear and eye peeled on what was going on. The furs were comfortable and welcoming, getting off his paws, and laying his head down was a relief.  Letting out a sigh for just a few moments Naiche decided he could close his eyes.  The contact of whatever was put on his hind end, and then the washing wasn’t pleasant, and while the wolf didn’t complain it was enough to make his eyes slide back open, senses quite sharp to feeling everything she was doing.

At her explaining what she was doing Naiche let out a soft laugh, “It already hurts.  Adding more won’t make much of a difference, and if it helps it heal faster than by all means.  How long can’t I use my tail for?” Naiche hadn’t planned on moving it for a bit simply from pain warning him, but if it was by a healer’s order also, how long would he have to deal with it? A tail wasn’t a live or die type thing but it was still had very useful functions that could confuse some to not see it moving appropriately.
Naiche ate the whatever-it-was as told, then nodded at her question, “Sure, go for it.”  How bad could it be?

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-26-2020, 10:08 PM
A sympathy grimace crosses her face as the wheat colored wolf tells her it already hurts. Meadow gives a short nod and, when he asks about his tail, she says, “No movement for one week. After that just try to not to do anything that could harm it further.” When she presents him with the Meadowsweet and he eats wit without question, the healer offers him a smile before moving to take up the sinew and needle. With a look to him for confirmation, she pauses until she hears his voice.

With his permission given, the small healer starts the task of working stitches into torn flesh. With quick, efficient strokes she closes the wound on his rear. It does not take as long as Asla’s shoulder but she still tries to be as quick as possible. She knows that this is not the most pleasant situation to be in and, while she tries to be gentle, Meadow knows that this will hurt no matter what she does. The flesh is tender and to poke a needle through it and pull it together… well, let’s just say, it sucks.

The sinew is tied and cut and the stitches finished. Placing the bloody needle on a piece of cloth to be cleaned later, the earthen hued wolf picks up a clean piece of cloth and cleans off any blood that remains in the wolf’s fur. Next, she puts some of the balm of myrrh on her paw and carefully, softly places the substance on the closed wound. It will aid in the healing process. Once done, she nods to herself and Meadow cleans off the rest of the resin from her paw before looking to his tail.

She tells him, “You are doing great. That herb I had you eat, Meadowsweet, should be kicking in to help with the pain by now. Just in time too. This part is going to be very… unpleasant. Let me know when you are ready.” Looking at the tail, Meadow feels a pang of sympathy at the thought of resetting the broken bones. Basically, she is going to rebreak it but in the right spot so it will heal back properly. If she does it right, he will not have a kink after it heals. She really hopes that Meadowsweet is making him feel better by now.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-28-2020, 01:44 AM

No moving his tail for a week? Oh, that should be easy.  The dry thought of at first finding the idea difficult quickly had the realization it would likely be easy just from the pain reminding him.  “Sure,” his response both to not moving his tail and an ok for her to get to work on the stitches.  The sooner it got started the sooner it would be finished.

Naiche felt his skin crawl at the needle going in and out.  His head had raised up and he put it back down, looking ahead at nothing in particular, but focusing on that nothing. He stayed that way through the stitches and the feeling of the cream being added on.

Unpleasant sounded like he wouldn’t enjoy it.  Oh well, if he was going to keep training and fighting he better get used to it.  The food did seem to be helping with the pain he had already been feeling.  The pain was still there certainly but the sharpness of the pain’s bite had faded.  “Go ahead, lets just get it over with.  It’s not that bad now.” How bad was it going to hurt if she had to make it known? Well, he wasn’t a weakling and with Sirius in there, and in case Asla woke up Naiche was determined to not show any sign of it bothering him.

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-28-2020, 10:54 PM
The wolf seems to be relaxing from the Meadowsweet and the small healer moves to fix his tail. Meadow maneuvers her small frame to trap the hurt wolf’s tail with her body. Basically, she sits on his tail, slightly below the kinked part. When he tells her to go ahead, she nods and places her paws on either side of his tail, one being near the break and the other slightly above. She tells him, “Okay, breathe out and then take a deep breath in.” and waits for him to do as instructed.

When she hears him pull in a deep lungful of air, Meadow pushes her paws toward each other, hard. There is the loud pop of bones being put back into place and the nauseating sound seems to fill the air for a moment. Wincing in sympathy, she quickly palpates the break to make sure the bones have realigned properly. Satisfied, she nods to herself and removes her weight from his tail. She says, “There. All done. Now, you need to rest. You can both stay here for the night.”

As she speaks, Meadow bustles about, gathering her supplies and cleaning up. With both wounded parties tended to, the healer tries to make herself go unnoticed so the two can rest and heal. Truthfully, with the adrenaline rush ebbing, she finds herself growing tired herself. Checking one more time on Asla and her friend, Meadow then tucks her small frame into a corner to be close by in case they need her. It is going to be a long night.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
10-03-2020, 12:10 PM

Her sitting on the tail would have likely been enough to cause a decent amount of pain but the herb was helping so that it was more of a dull ache.  The concern being she wasn’t touching the injured part and he still felt it. Whatever, Naiche was going to be a mighty warrior, something as small as fixing a bone wouldn’t bother him.  Naiche reminded himself that pride demanded he take the whole thing in stride he would not whimper, cry out or show any sign of the pain effecting him.

Naiche let out a breath then as directed took a death breath.  He had turned his head to watch her as he did so.  Despite how it wasn’t going to effect him there had been some tension in his legs as he attempted to ready himself for what she was doing.  

She put her paws together, and for a moment the world seemed to fracture into a swirl pattern as pain erupted.  When in the battle adrenaline had been the pain killer, telling his brain to ignore everything but the thrill of the fight.  Here, lying down with no threat before him was a different matter, the herb not nearly so powerful as adrenaline.  He didn’t cry out but there was still a refused whine that came out.  Embarrassing! Naiche let his head drop down as he let his suddenly heightened heart rate calm itself.

“Thanks,” Naiche wasn’t generally one for resting but the herb seemed to have dulled him out a bit, which was a damn good thing for how there was pain radiating from his tail.  So the herb and pain together told him that for once it would be a good idea to rest a bit.  His eyes went from him to the sleeping Asla.  He didn’t give a damn about Asla, but he didn’t want her dying because of him.

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]