
Two worlds collide

Introduce the family



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-21-2020, 05:10 PM

ooc: Just for my own frame of reference for my crazy, mixed up Ulric time line: this is set after Ulric going to Auster with Meme to get Roza and and Nausicaa which is set after their first mangrove lovey thread... so Azariah would theoretically be in the area waiting on them to return I think and maybe her and Meme met the first night Meme was there? Idk man my liquid time got REAL liquid LOL

As they grew closer and closer to the mangroves the more excited and nervous he became. He was absolutely certain that his mother would love Azariah, but there was still that little bit of uncertainty that lingered in the back of his mind all the same. He simply wanted his family to get along with his love so he wouldn't have any reason feel like their family had to remain fragmented. He lead the way with Meme, Nausicaa, and his mother lingering beside or just behind him. The trip had mostly been quiet with just the occasional chatter between Nausicaa and Meme or one of the girls with himself. His mother in particular had been extremely quiet. He hoped that his sister's disappearance wouldn't sour this meeting too much, but he also didn't expect his mother to simply bounce back immediately from losing her daughter again.

He slipped through the mangroves, winding through the trees until he reached the area where he had built his den and would soon help build out even more space for his family to live. He stopped and turned to face the women that he had brought here, giving them all a small smile. "Wait here and rest. It's been a long trip. I'll go find Azariah so you can meet her." With that he turned away and went further into the mangroves, following the monochrome woman's scent till he finally found her. As soon as his pale gaze landed on her a smile immediately pulled onto his lips. Being away from her even for just a couple days had felt like ages. He quietly slipped up behind her and let his side brush against hers as he dipped his head down to nuzzle her cheek. "There you are, beautiful," he told her softly, chuckling under his breath as his tail began to wag. He'd love to shower her with all kinds of love and affection right this moment, but he knew that there was something that had to be done first.

Ulric nodded back toward the den with a smile, adding, "Come on, there's someone I'd like for you to meet." He turned and led her back toward his family, walking back into the clearing with her at his side. "Azariah, this is my niece, Nausicaa, and my mother, Roza. Of course, you remember Meme." Looking toward his mother and nieces again he added, "This is Azariah." He hung back for a moment so they could all do their own introductions and he gave his mother a subtle, pleading glance - quietly telling her that he really, really wanted this to work out.




5 Years

08-25-2020, 01:57 AM

The days had dragged on, even a couple of days was hard to handle. Azariah had tried to pass the time, studying the plants of the mangrove and plucking the ones she thought could be helpful, but still seconds felt like hours. Tinkling excitment caught her attention first - the excited chatter of fae folk sounded almost like tiny wind chimes - then his scent greeted her nose, and his familiar form slipped up beside her own, causing an excited shiver to roll over her body. "Here I am, handsome." She laughed softly and gave him a kiss. The woman returned his affections, giving him a lick against his own cheek. She burrowed into his neck and inhaled him, finding the scent of others, and her excitement grew ten-fold. By the time he told her he had someone for her to meet, she was practically dancing on her toes. She had only met Meme a short time ago, but she liked the girl, and was more excited (and anxious) to meet the other members of Ulric's family.

Nerves threatened to creep up, but she swallowed against them, more than ready to meet his family. It had been all she thought about since he left with Meme. As Ulric introduced his niece and mother, Azariah dipped her head and smiled warmly. "It is so good to meet you!" She gave a wave of her tail, hoping they felt the same. "I hope the journey was not too much. I have been gathering herbs for any lingering soreness from the trip. Well, the ones I know here, anyway. I have had them steeping in water, so it should be ready if it is needed." Her smile only grew as she gave her offer, perhaps they would take it perhaps not. It was entirely up to them, tonics rarely were appetizing. She did find this one to be rather appealing, valerian root was a good seasoning. Meadowsweet and white willow were flavorful if a little earthy thanks to the bark. It was all very helpful for fatigue and relaxing road weary muscles. She wanted her first meeting with his family to go well, but she also understood how much travel could take out of a wolf.

Walk. "Talk." Think. "Umbra."

Click character icon to see their profile.
Discord Bird#1780 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!
Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3



8 Years
Athena I
08-26-2020, 08:05 PM

Philomena's disappearance weighed heavily on her mind and the loss intermingled with guilt. She kept wondering whether she could have some something else, something more. She worried that the example she had set by leaving after Ganta's death was what had given Philomena the feeling that she could leave as well when things were too tough for her to cope with. It was all things that had swirled around in her mind and fed on her own insecurities since she had heard from Memento and Ulric that Philomena had actually left them. Just when she had been beginning to feel as if she was piecing a tiny sliver of her family back together, she lost a huge piece of it. It had kept her quiet for most of the walk back to the mangroves. She couldn't even bring herself to worry or be upset about being back in the lands that were sure to spark so many memories of her past - which was probably a blessing in disguise.

When they arrived in the mangroves she looking around at the hauntingly familiar trees. Her gaze shifted to Ulric when he instructed them to wait here so he could go to find Azariah. Right - Azariah. He had told them about her on the way here and she wanted to be happier than she felt to meet the woman that had obviously brought Ulric so much joy. She wished that they were meeting in better circumstances. This woman didn't deserve to have their first meeting soiled like this. She settled on her haunches with a sigh as she tried to push away the sadness that kept weighing on her. She looked to Meme and Nausicaa and felt a small smile pull at her lips. She still had her two granddaughters and she continued to remind herself of that. She would always have a small piece of Philomena as long as they were around. She leaned toward them to press her nose to each of their cheeks in turn, knowing that this all had been just as hard on them as it had been on her - if not harder.

Moments later she heard the sound of paw steps coming toward them and she looked up to see her son and the monochromatic woman at his side. The look on her son's face finally broke through to her because it was the same kind of happiness that had been on her and Ganta's faces back when their love had been fresh and new. The sight of them together brought a smile to her face despite everything she was feeling and her tail wagged gently behind her. The enthusiasm and thoughtfulness in the woman that she felt was sure to be her daughter in law at some point immediately warmed her heart and she could already feel herself falling in love with her. It wasn't difficult for her to grow attached quickly, but so far she didn't see any reason to not be attached to Azariah. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Azariah," she insisted as she pulled herself to her feet and padded closer to press her nose to the younger woman's cheek. She was always overly affectionate with family and as far as she was concerned Azariah was family now. "I would actually really appreciate that. These bones don't travel as well as they once did."

Talk Abbey Others



5 Years

09-07-2020, 09:07 PM
Azariah felt the smile nearly split her face in two as Ulric's mother rose to give her a kiss on the cheek and welcome her. Monochrome tail waved behind her as she listened to the wolf who would one day be her mother-in-law accept her offer of relaxing tea, which by now would be plenty steeped and ready to drink. She could only hope Umbra found something to sweeten the mixture, as willow bark could be bitter. A thought which had her outwardly explaining the small warning, "It may be a bit bitter if my raven companion hasn't found anything to sweeten it with. I promise it will help, though! It's definitely worth it, I did my best to make it appealing." Suddenly self-conscious, Azariah was glad she had tried the herbs before she had come, otherwise she could have had a completely different reaction. Anxiety grew, but rationality got the better of her this time. Roza would not mind a small bit of bitterness if it meant she could fully relax...She hoped.

Click character icon to see their profile.
Discord Bird#1780 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!
Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3