
Archer Adopts



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
OverachieverCritical Observation!Halloween 2020 - Witches HutBeevent1K
09-13-2020, 01:36 AM
Hailing from a pack known as Pookastone Scowle, Morganna’s branch of the Archers are a superstitious lot, with a heavy focus on Irish folklore. They believe in the fae, puca (often represented as a mid-moult snowshoe hare), kelpies, etc. They are a polyamorous pack, led by two women and their consorts. There are a lot of regular shenanigans, but for anyone interested I can go into deeper details as required.

Naming conventions only really apply to the girl children. Being a superstitious lot, it wouldn’t fly to name a girl something that didn’t end in ‘A’, Morganna, Kara, Elenora, Matilda, Sedna... Archer women whose name doesn’t end in A tend to die before they reach their first year. They wouldn’t tempt fate. The women in this line are generally encouraged to raise hell. Assertiveness, boldness, and arrogance are common traits. They carry natural coat colours, mostly on the black phase spectrum, with silver, chocolate and ginger often making an appearance, but also occasionally carry timber markings from Renier’s line. They tend to be of average height and build. There have been no mutations in the line as yet (though I would be open to the possibility). Male Archer’s are pretty enough, mostly brawn, but a bit short in the brain’s department. Eyes stick to natural shades, anywhere from grey to peach and orange.

By the time they become yearlings they are expected to be able to stand on their own four paws, they are expected to have a basic grasp of hunting, navigation, fighting and healing. They tend towards Chaotic alignments, with evil only showing up in those few on the lawful side of the spectrum.

Archers tend to function best in pairs, with littermates often making up two halves of a whole. Incest is not present, though to outsiders the closeness of Archer siblings can come across as ‘unnatural’.

Currently on offer:

Matilda Archer’s first litter x 2 (and their father)

It is a tradition that an Archer woman’s first litter belong to her alone, ensuring the continuance of the name, and ensuring the children are raised without too much outside influence to soften them. Matilda, much like her mother before her, set out for a series of one night stands to muddy the lineage of her first (reluctant) litter. However, she could only bring herself to sleep with one man, after a night of sharing fermented apples in the Orchard. She left the man as soon as he fell asleep, and once her children were born, she left them with her mother and abandoned the pack. These children would now be yearlings. Their slate is blank, although Morganna would have never lied to them about who their mother really was.

Also up for grabs is their father - appearance and personality completely open. Does his arrogance rival her own? Does he think he has some claim to her because she carried (and stole) his children? Or is he just a true romantic and hopelessly in love? Open to any and all suggestions.

Sedna’s younger siblings x 2

These children would have been yearlings in Spring, but why are they here? They would have seen their sister challenge their mother, would have woken one day to find her gone. What is their motivation for leaving the Scowle?

Activity requirements
Please try to keep active, after a month of inactivity I may reclaim the character if it has less than 100 posts. I am a hoe for drama though and may opt to kill characters off instead of readopting them out. If you need a break, just let me know and we can sort something out.

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<b>Out-of-Character Name</b>:
<b>Character's Name</b>:
<b>Appearance Description</b>: 100 words
<b>Personality</b>: 150 words
<b>Intended plots</b>:
<b>RP sample</b>:
[Image: mangomouse.jpg]