
Change of Scenery. Change of Heart?




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
08-27-2020, 03:00 AM (This post was last modified: 09-06-2020, 06:03 AM by Resin.)

She'd spoken with Sirius, but she hadn't yet told Tamsyn of her full intentions. It would be a difficult decision for the General, but no matter what she chose, Resin would continue to love her. They day started as they all did lately. The pair of women woke in one another's arms. They both them went off to their respective duties. Tam went to train and do General things and Resin went off to train and patrol. Today, she'd cut that patrol short. She had something in store for her little woman.

Resin had hunted pheasant with a little wolf and its mother. She brought that pheasant back, plucked it, rubbed it with some stuff that Iolaire said would make it taste good, then roasted it over a fire. Resin wasn't a big fan of cooked meat, but she would eat it. Today she wanted something a little fancier than a bloody haunch of boar. With the roasted pheasant, she had a skin of berry mead that Io had made. All that was left now was to call her lover to her side.

Raising her muzzle, Resin released her standard long, low call. There was no urgency in it. There was simply invitation. She hoped that Tamsyn could abandon whatever she was doing to come be with her. There was a lot to discuss. The decision that Resin had made could end them even though they were so newly together. It was a worry, but it had to be done.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-28-2020, 10:04 AM

Tamsyn had spent most of her day doing a bit of maintenance and work on the training grounds and the Baracks. It wasn't exactly fun work, but it was pretty satisfying to look at once she was done. She had gone though and retraced the separation between each of the "arenas" as she called them and made sure the sandy surface of each was nice and even. She even went though with a long stick to rake over the surface to even them out. She knew the next high tide would most likely disturb a bit of her work, but it would help make sure that the divided training areas would continue to be in place. It felt easier to maintain them than start completely over if they all washed away entirely. The Baracks didn't need too much help - mostly just clearing away over grown brush that had creeped in and making sure nothing was falling apart.

She had moved back toward the grassy plains and was in the middle of washing sand off of her paws in a stream when she heard her lover's howl calling for her. It made her head lift and ears perk with interest. A smile immediately pulled at her lips. She certainly wasn't expecting Resin to call for her, but it was a very nice surprise. She was starting to get more comfortable with the idea of being loved and wanted, but that didn't mean that she wasn't any less excited by her howl. Tamsyn quickly finished cleaning up and gave her fur a quick shake to neaten it up before taking off at a quick trot to head back to their home. Even though she could tell from Resin's howl that there was no rush in her tone, Tamsyn still couldn't help but hurry to get back to her.

When she arrived, she looked at the meal that Resin had prepared with surprise. Her mint eyes widened as she took in the pheasant breasts that had clearly been prepared far more carefully than she was used to and they smelled absolutely wonderful. "What's all this then?" she asked with a grin as she walked over to Resin to give her a gentle kiss. Those kisses still hadn't lost any of their luster and she was still just as eager to share them as she had been the first day they made their lives together official. "Are you trying to butter me up or something?" she teased, not really knowing now close she was to being right. She settled in beside Resin, blissfully happy to be with the woman she loved and enjoying this absolute surprise of a meal. She couldn't say she had ever had cooked meats before, but she was very excited to try them. It was more just the fact that Resin had prepared it that made it more special to her.

"Talk" Think



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-03-2020, 06:23 AM

Tam soon arrived and wasted no time in coming in for a kiss, which Resin returned fervently. Raising one paw, she braced the black lady's chin as their lips melded. When the kiss was broken and Tamsyn settled in beside her, Resin made sure that their bodies were touching. She couldn't get enough of the woman beside her. Her love questioned her about the meal and asked whether or not she was being buttered up. The scarred woman gave a dark chuckle and grinned at the smaller lady. She found she was smiling more and more where Tamsyn was concerned. "Yes, actually. Eat first though." Resin transferred a piece of the seasoned pheasant into a stone slab before Tamsyn. She repeated the action with her own. The skin of mead was placed between them so that they would both have access. She motioned for Tam to proceed and began to eat her own meal.

Resin hoped that the meal would put Tamsyn into a receptive mood. The prospect that she was going to relay to the woman was one that she might find unfavorable. Afterall, Tam had worked very hard to get to where she was in the Armada. Perhaps she wouldn't want to leave it all behind. If that was the case... then Resin would have to let her go. It wasn't as though they would be terribly far from one another, but being apart would create a rift for sure.

Once she had finished eating her pheasant and sipping some of the mead, the ashen woman pushed her big body away from the fire a bit. She became overheated easily with such a thick coat. The joys of northern breeds. Resin waited until Tam was finished eating as well before she spoke. "I'm getting old and losing my taste for war. I want to end my days somewhere peaceful. Somewhere where others are being helped rather than hurt." Black ears flicked forward as she searched her lovers face while delivering the words. "I want to leave the Armada. I want to start my own pack. And I want you to come with me." There. It was said. Now Tamsyn had only to say yay or nay to either break or bolster the maned woman's heart.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-03-2020, 11:54 AM

Tamsyn raised a curious, suspicious brow at Resin when her lover admitted that she was actually trying to butter her up and immediately wanted to ask why, but she followed her instructions and focused on the food instead. Her tail wagged excitedly as the seasoned pheasant breast was placed in front of her. She was curious to see what it tasted like with the additional preparation - and hoped it wouldn't spoil her into wanting all of her meals cooked this way as well. She smirked a little to herself at the thought but dug in anyway. The meat was delicious, though the texture of the cooked meat was very different from what she was used to. The mead made her wrinkle her nose as she sipped on it, but not in an entirely unpleasant way. Mostly she just enjoyed the fact that Resin had taken the time to surprise her with something like this and being able to share something special like this was wonderful.

Once she was done she turned her attention to Resin to see what it was that had prompted this whole affair since she was supremely curious. When Resin explained that she was loosing her taste for war, Tamsyn's brows lifted with surprise. She had always thought of Resin as being a warrior and had always imagined that she would feel most comfortable in battle. She thought back to the conversation they had about her feeling her age and Tamsyn could see why Resin would want to step back from her life of war a bit. In a way Tamsyn was kind of glad. It showed that Resin was taking care of herself and wanted to care for others in the process. The idea made her smile a bit. She wanted to keep Resin around as long as possible so if this was her way to do it then Tamsyn certainly wouldn't complain.

Resin's declaration that she wanted to leave the Armada to start her own pack was what actually shocked her. She blinked with surprise as she processed this new information. She remembered when the two of them had hid in the hollow of a tree to get away from a storm ages ago Resin had said something similar, but Tamsyn had honestly thought maybe the scarred woman had reconsidered or moved on from the idea. A lot had changed since then - Tamsyn felt like she was a completely different wolf than she had been back then. She was pretty sure that all the changes and growth she had gone through since then were all for the better, but she also had to recognize the fact that the only reason she had gone through so much change was because of the Armada and the wolves around her that had helped her learn and grow. Resin was certainly one of those wolves, but so was Sirius, Zee, Natha, and everyone else that had allowed her the opportunity to help them learn as well.

As much as she loved the Armada and everything that it had done for her... she knew she loved Resin more. From the beginning of her time here Resin had been a constant in her life and had immediately given her someone that she could relate to. She had never really believed that she would find someone that she loved and would love her in return. She couldn't possibly give that up. After a long, thoughtful pause, Tamsyn replied, "The first time you mentioned starting your own pack I asked you to take me with you... And that was even before I realized how much I love you." She got up and moved so that she could face Resin and gently rest her forehead against hers - knowing how much this sort of affection meant to her. "Now that I'm actually yours do you really think that you need to ask?"

She leaned back just enough for her mint eyes to meet Resin's single golden eye again, a little smile creeping across her lips. "Of course I'll come with you... I want to be at your side for the rest of our days."




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-03-2020, 11:47 PM
Happiness had always been just out of reach. There were times when she was content, of course, but actual happiness had been sparse in Resins life. As Tamsyn settled herself before her and pressed their foreheads together, she felt happiness. The dark womans words were a relief and Resin released a breath that she hadn't realized she was holding. She would go with her. They could start their own pack together. She would never have to worry about Tam going off into dangerous situations. She could keep her safe. She could know that all of the best decisions were being made. Together, they would make them.

As was her way of late, Resin raised one paw to set it ever so gently on Tams cheek. Adjusting the height of her lovers muzzle, The scared woman stared deeply into Tams minty gaze. "Whatever did I do to deserve you?" She kissed her then. It started off as a gentle brushing of lips, but soon she wanted more. With her paw still serving as a perch for Tamsyns chin, Resin deepened that kiss. She poured her love and emotion into it. All of the love, respect and admiration that she held for the little black wolf, she worked into that kiss. She wanted Tamsyn to know just what she did to her.

Now that their dinner was over and the hard part had passed, they could move on to other things. "I sent Meadow away for the night. Let me show you how much I love you, Tamsyn." Resin rose fluidly and extended one paw to help her lover rise. She wanted to make love to Tam for the first time and she wanted top be as open and raw as she could with the woman. It was the least that she could do for her. It was only because of Tamsyn that she was capable of such happiness. And for that happiness, Resin would give Tamsyn all of herself.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-04-2020, 09:58 AM

Tamsyn felt the familiar presence of Resin's paw on her cheek and easily let her love shift her muzzle to be in line with hers as her heart fluttered excitedly in her chest. It didn't matter how many times Resin did that - it still made her world spin every single time. She smirked a little when Resin asked what she had done to deserve her, but before Tamsyn could start listing off all of the dozens of reasons that she could have given to answer that question her ability to speak was stolen with a kiss. Her eyes fluttered closed and she melted into the show of tender love and affection that overwhelmed all of her senses in an instant. She returned every bit of emotion that Resin gave her and then some. This woman had changed her life in so many ways and now they were going to embark on a whole new adventure together. The idea of spending the rest of her life with the woman she loved felt like a wonderful dream, but when their lips parted she was reminded that it wasn't a dream. Somehow she had managed to go from the terrified, helpless wolf that had been put on the brink of death to where she was now. She was loved, strong, appreciated, and had someone that she could call hers. It didn't feel real.

Her ears perked forward with interest when Resin spoke again to tell her how Meadow was gone for the evening. It took a brief moment for her to realize what was going to happen, but as Resin stood it clicked in her mind. Her ears flicked back shyly and an excited, nervous flutter rolling through her as she got to her paws as well. A strange mix of eager, happy energy mixed with anxious uncertainty as she leaned into Resin's side for a moment and nuzzled into the thick fur at her neck. Her scent was calming and it helped her to remember what Resin had told her about not caring that she wasn't experienced in any of this. Tamsyn just wanted to be able to show her love as well, but she would learn with time. They would have so much more time for her to learn and experiment - this was just the beginning.

Gathering up her courage, she padded forward into their den, slipping into the shadowed darkness of their home. Moving into the chamber they shared, she turned to face Resin and looked up at her expectantly. Her ears were still folded back and showed how uncertain she was, a trait she wasn't sure she'd ever out grow, but a smile lingered on her lips as she gazed lovingly at Resin. She trusted this woman with every fiber of her being and this was no exception.




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-06-2020, 06:02 AM

As Tamsyn rose, Resin could see the nervousness rise within her. She waited until they were in the den before she said anything. The tension was thick, but she was hoping that she could kill it in one blow. Moving forward, the woman tilted her head, looking down upon the dark female and her vibrant minty eyes. "You're so very beautiful, Tamsyn." A kiss was placed upon the corner of her lovers mouth. Just a soft peck. "I'd like to show my love to you in other ways, but if you're not ready, you've but to say it. I'll never force you to do anything that you don't wish to do." That could be said for anything. If she wished to experience love making, they would do it. If she wished to abstain for now, they would do it. If she wished to choose Sirius over her, then she would leave the woman here. The choices were hers to make. It was a heavy decision, so she didn't want Tam to rush into it blindly.

Whether they had sex or not, they could at least cuddle for a while. Stepping onto the fur covered palette, Resin drew Tamsyn down with her, pulling the woman into her embrace. Resin began to groom her lover with tongue and teeth. She started at the edges of Tamsyn's face, gently licking and dragging her teeth through the fur that framed the woman's lovely features. With her muzzle, she tilted Tam's chin upwards so that she could untangle and smooth the fur at her throat. This part was a game of trust. Resin never let anyone come close to her throat. Not after she had almost been killed by a bite there. Teeth drug lightly over the pulse point in Tamsyn's throat and a low tone rumbled in the maned woman's chest before she worked her way down the side of the smaller woman's neck.

With one big paw, Resin lowered Tam to the furs until she lay prone. She continued her onslaught of practiced teeth and tongue, working through the fur on the black female's chest. Periodically, she would raise that golden eye upward, gauging Tamsyn's reactions to know that she was okay. Resin didn't want to push her too far. She knew and accepted that Tam wasn't well versed in the arts of love and affection. She didn't want to make the woman uncomfortable, but she wanted her to know that she didn't have to hide anything. Anything that Tamsyn was apprehensive or unsure about, they would get through together.

It was when Resin had reached the fur of Tamsyn's lower belly that she stopped her ministrations. She was glad to have gotten so far, but this would be Tam's last chance to call off the whole act. The funny thing was that, even if Tam learned something from this, Resin didn't like to be the one in Tamsyn's position. She enjoyed making love to a woman, but she didn't enjoy the same attentions directed at herself. Either way, she wanted to know Tamsyn this way. She wanted to taste her lover and commit every caress, kiss and lick to memory. Breathing lightly over the thinner fur of the prone woman's belly, Resin shot her a smoldering look from down below. "Tell me what you want, Tamsyn."

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-06-2020, 10:50 AM

Tamsyn's ears flicked up to catch Resin's words before falling back down against her head shyly as a bashful smile pulled across her face. She'd never thought of herself as beautiful. The wolves she grew up with certainly weren't as ostentatious as some of the wolves here were, but even by their standards she was very plain. She had been the only one in her litter to have a solid black coat and she had always thought that the only thing she had going for her was the unusual hue of her eyes. Then the scars came and marred her appearance and served as a warning for everyone around her that she was damaged goods, that she couldn't be controlled. She wore her troubled history on her skin and that had driven everyone away from her back then. Now... Now it seemed to only draw others closer. She shared her story with anyone that wanted to know, feeling the need to explain her submissive tendencies, the way she needed to analyze things before doing much of anything, the way she had to force herself not to flench away when someone touched her. But Resin never questioned her actions. She had immediately accepted what she was Tamsyn felt like with her she could truly be herself. When she was around Resin she thought that maybe she was beautiful. Even if she was only beautiful in Resin's eyes, that was all she needed.

When Resin gave her the power to stop whenever she wanted, Tamsyn immediately wanted to tell her no and that she wanted anything and everything that the larger woman wanted to give her. However, she couldn't deny the nerves that still fluttered in her stomach. It wasn't that she didn't trust Resin, but the aspect of the unknown made her hesitate. She had no idea how things would go and for someone like her that wanted to know how everything would go and what would happen in all aspects of her life it was a hard thing for her to just relax into the moment. She simply gave a small nod of understanding, but didn't really answer one way or the other for now. She still appreciated her love's willingness to make sure she was comfortable with their time together even if she was fairly certain she would never actually tell her to stop.

Tamsyn fell into the fur covered pallet with Resin easily. This much was at least familiar to her as she snuggled into Resin's larger form and felt that familiar presence of her body against hers. It was one of her favorite feelings and there had been several days since they began sleeping together that she hadn't wanted to get up in the morning because she just wanted to spend all of her time pressed into Resin's side. A smile pulled across her lips once her love began to groom around her face and her eyes didn't quite close, but they grew much more relaxed as she enjoyed the feeling of the careful, tender licks and teeth that moved through her fur. When Resin lifted her chin, Tamsyn didn't put up any sort of resistance, easily giving access to her most vulnerable places to her lover. There was a slight hesitation in her breathing as Resin worked past the scar that cut from her cheek to the beginning of her throat, but she managed to resist the tensing that her body tried to do on its own. It was a spot that she didn't think of as often these days and for the most part was tucked away where most couldn't see it unless she turned her head, but feeling Resin's teeth graze past the tender skin still made her heart skip a beat. If it had been anyone else she would have pulled away, but this was Resin and she trusted her with her life and so much more.

As she continued on down her neck, her breathing began to shift from a relaxed, quiet movement of air to something that matched the excited patter of her heart. When Resin rolled her onto her back she gave a soft, surprised gasp, but that constant, wonderful grooming that Resin was showering her with made that gasp leave her in an uneven, shuddering sigh. She dipped her head so that she could watch Resin move lower and lower down her chest and on to her stomach. Her body stretched and shifted under her touch as if laying perfectly still under her licks and nibbles was a completely impossible task. By the time her lover stopped and looked up at her right above her belly Tamsyn's breathing had shifted into a light pant and her whole body was tingling with something that she was quickly learning was called desire. That reflected in her eyes as she looked down the length of her own form and found Resin's single golden eye. Even just the look that Resin gave her sent a small shiver down her spine. Any nervousness that had once been lingering in her had been replaced with lust and excitement and a desire to know what came next. "I want you," she replied simply, her voice breathy and soft. She wanted her in this moment and always.

- fade -




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-12-2020, 11:47 PM
Resin was gentle and she was patient. The scarred woman listened to her lover and was attentive to her needs and desires. This was Tams first time, so she did her best to make it as spectacular as possible. Not only once, either. Resin worked to bring Tamsyn to the height of pleasure several times during the night.

The pair eventually slept, curled in one another's embrace. Resin had sweet dreams that night. Dreams that involved the smaller woman beside her. Love had never come easy to Resin. She was a hard woman and, despite the image that she portrayed, was rather judgemental. Few were good enough for her affections. Tamsyn, however, had swooped in and laid siege to her heart before she was even aware of what was happening.

Love was a weakness. When you loved another, then there was always at least one way that you could be wounded. The maned dame had been massacred by love in the past. Not once, but three times. Hopefully this time would be different. She was willing to try. Already Tamsyn was the owner of her heart.

With morning coming, Resin woke first. She could still taste the black beauty on her lips and grinned a bit as she looked down upon her. Carefully, she extracted herself from Tams limbs and padded softly to the door. She was careful not to wake her lover as she crept out into the pre-dawn to hunt some breakfast. About an hour later, just as the sun was tinting the land with shades of orange and gold, Resin returned with a fat piglet between her jaws.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-13-2020, 01:46 AM

The night had been like a dream. It was everything she could have possibly imagined and more - so, so much more. She hadn't really understood what pleasure felt like and it hadn't been a part of any of the conversations that she had been given as a young woman from her mother. No, those had been strictly about how these things tied to having children because that's all that had mattered to them then. There was no pleasure in that life... but this life, this life was full of pleasure that she had never imagined possible thanks to her lover. She had slept more soundly than she ever had in her entire life that night and continued to sleep well into the morning, not stirring at all when Resin left to hunt.

When she blinked her eyes open, it took her a moment to realize she was alone. The very noticeable absence of her lover's larger form around her was very much missed and it made her lift her head with a groggy frown. Only a few moments later though she heard the sound of paw steps and her mint eyes shifted to look at the entrence to their chamber, a smile immediately pulling across her face as she gave Resin the biggest, silliest grin you could possibly imagine. "There you are... I-" she said, a yawn stretching her jaws and cutting off the rest of her words. Tamsyn giggled and let her head lay back down on the plush bed so that she was looking at Resin side ways. She finally noticed the prey that Resin had brought for them and she added, "You should have gotten me up, I couldn't have helped," she insisted, even though she was still half asleep.

She pulled herself out of the bed with another yawn, climbing to her feet and going herself a shake before she padded over to Resin to place a tender kiss on her lips. Her kisses had quickly become far more familiar throughout the course of the night, but that didn't make them any less thrilling for her. The feeling of love and affection were still very fresh and exciting and she couldn't help how every moment with Resin felt dazzling. "Thank you for getting breakfast," she told her as their lips parted, giving her love a thankful smile.




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-13-2020, 03:32 AM
Having dropped their breakfast at the hearth, Resin watched as Tamsyn woke. The sleepy little smile brought one of her own and she began to move towards the woman as she rose. Tam, more comfortable with herself now, kissed Resin and the big dame kissed her right back. Pulling back, she searched her lover's face. "There are things I would discuss with you after breakfast."

Resin ushered Tamsyn forward towards the young boar. It would be tender and succulent. There would be just enough for them to share without waste. Resin settled down in the main chamber. She would let Tamsyn eat her fill first. Only then would she eat.

Once the pair were finished, Resin lapped the blood from her lips with a dusty blue tongue. She had been deep in thought while she hunted. Tamsyn was new to lovemaking. She didn't even know what it was like to lay with a man. How then could she know for sure that she wished to remain with a woman for the rest of her days? It was a slightly touchy subject, but she had to speak her mind.

"I am not opposed," she began, black ears flicking forward, "to having an open relationship for a time." She wondered what her lover would have to say to that. "If you'd be open to it, I'd urge you to sleep with a man. I want you to know what you'll be missing. I don't feel that it would be fair to you to stay with me without knowing what you're missing out on." It didn't bother her to think of Tamsyn laying beneath a man. That wasn't the kind of wolf Resin was. Personally, she would miss the touch of a male, but she could go without if Tamsyn had the desire to be exclusive. That lone golden eye shifted from one mint eye to the next, waiting for Tam to sort through her thoughts and form an answer.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-13-2020, 11:56 PM

Tamsyn's brows lifted curiously when Resin mentioned that she had some things to discuss and her overly worried mind started to reel when what it could possibly be about. She thought of all kinds of things from something to do with the pack Resin wanted to create to a sudden change of heart about them being together and she hated the mystery that looked over while they ate. She almost wished Resin either hadn't mentioned anything at all until they finished their breakfast or had just gone ahead and told her now, but that wasn't the case. She tried to not dwell on it too much and instead enjoyed the food she had been given. She ate till she was comfortably full and left a good, Resin sized potion for her lover to eat.

She licked her lips clean and waited for Resin to finish eating as well with her paws crossed and form stretched out comfortably. The brief period of quiet let her mind wander again, but once Resin finished and actually told her what was on her mind, Tamsyn was confused at first, showing in her expression with her brows pulling together. She had never heard of an open relationship before and wasn't really sure what Resin meant by it, but once her lover mentioned her sleeping with a man it clicked. Open as in not exclusive. Her eyes widened with shock at the idea, but she didn't interrupt. She listened to everything Resin said and really tried to understand where the idea had come from. Tamsyn opened her mouth to respond, but ended up closing it with her ears flicking nervously while she tried to sort though her thoughts. She didn't want to rush into an answer since this was clearly something Resin had really considered before she brought it up and Tamsyn wanted to do the same.

If she was being completely honest, she hadn't once thought about anyone else or considered the fact that she might be "missing out" on being with a man since she met Resin. Perhaps it was different for her since she had never experienced that aspect like Resin had. She wondered if it would really be worth it... She loved Resin and would be perfectly content and happy to only be with her, but... she knew Resin wouldn't just bring something like this up without ample reason to. The idea of being with a man like that was... nerve wracking at best. She wanted to do everything she could to make them both as sure about this relationship as possible, but even just the thought of it made her anxious. If she had been nervous to be with Resin last night then she could only imagine what she would be like with a man.

When she looked at Resin's face she knew what her answer would be, even though she was still very uncertain. "If... If that's something you want and if the opportunity ever presents itself then... I'd be willing to try it." She couldn't promise that she would actively seek it out and she couldn't even promise that she could fully go through with anything if she did end up in that situation, but she'd be willing to try if it was something that Resin wanted her to experience. She was one of the lucky ones out of the women she grew up with that didn't have to experience having a "mate" that forced them into doing these things, but that didn't mean that she trusted most men either way. Finding someone that she trusted to be with so intimately or figuring out a way to make herself relax enough to go through with it was going to be a challenge.

A thought crossed her mind and it made her ears fold back with a mix of uncertainty and doubt. "Do you... want to leave our relationship open even after I've done that? Are you going to miss being with a man?" Really what she wanted to know was if she was going to be enough for her lover in the future, but she didn't have the confidence to say that out loud. She knew Resin would be honest with her either way so she tried to prepare herself for either answer.




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-15-2020, 05:33 PM

She instantly felt bad for suggesting that Tamsyn lay with a man. Resin just felt that it was a big decision. She wanted her to be sure. Ears tucked back against her skull and she reached out, pulling her lover close. "I don't mean to pressure you. If you're not comfortable with it, don't do it. I just want you to know that I'm okay with it if you do go through with it." The last thing that she wanted was to make Tamsyn feel bad.

Another thought rose. Tamsyn had mentioned possibly wanting children. Well, if she didn't lay with a man, that wasn't happening, now was it? If she was serious about procreating, then it was something that she would have to do. Better if she got a taste of it now. Eventually, if Tam decided on it, they could choose a donor together. The joys of an all female relationship.

The black beauties next question brought Resin's brow furrowing. "I will miss laying with a man, but it's something that I can do without. I've gone without for years." Pulling back, she searched her lovers face. "You are what I want. You, Tamsyn. You are what I need." Gently, she placed a kiss between the woman's eyes. "I love you, Tamsyn. You have my heart."

Resin looked forward to spending the rest of her days with the smaller woman. Together they could do great things. Tam had already agreed to go with her, so she would be ranked second only under herself. Rank didn't mean much to the scarred woman, but other wolves respected it, so she would lightly instill it in the pack that she planned to create. If she hadn't been completely sure of Tamsyn, she never would have chosen her. Nor would she have decided to let her rule beside her. Yes, she would miss sleeping with a man, but she would trade it in a heartbeat for sleeping with Tamsyn.


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-16-2020, 04:38 PM

She put up absolutely no resistance when Resin pulled her close to her. She had never really seen Resin's ears fold back the way hers did so often and it made her mint eyes linger on her face with even more attention and concern than before. When she began to speak and express that she hadn't meant to pressure her it made Tamsyn's expression soften and a small smile pull onto her lips. She knew that most of the pressure she felt was more from herself than Resin, but this cemented that fact. She didn't really respond other than to nuzzle into the thick fur around Resin's neck and just let the woman's presence calm her. She knew that there was no real pressure for her to go through with the suggestion, at least not from Resin's side of things, but she still wanted to do everything she could to make Resin as confident in their relationship as she could - for both of their sake. If experimenting with a man to make sure she would be happy to just stay with Resin for the rest of their lives would make them both more comfortable then maybe it was something she should seriously explore.

Tamsyn looked up at Resin's single golden eye while she waited with a bit of nervousness for her answer to the question of if Resin was going to miss being with a man. At first her heart dropped as Resin confirmed that fact, but soon that worry was relieved with her lover's sweet words. She brought her heart back into her chest and then sent it straight off to the moon. The pure relief and joy and love was written all over her face as soon as she heard Resin tell her that she loved her. That was all she really needed. The sex was fun and perhaps if the opportunity came up she would take the chance to try her luck with a man, but at the end of the day she loved Resin and Resin loved her. They had each other's hearts and nothing was going to change that. "I love you too," she replied softly, emotion thick in her tone as she did her very best to keep her tears in check, even if they were happy tears.

She was so excited to see what their future would hold and how they would grow and evolve together. She was nervous about leaving to go to Resin's pack once it became a reality, but she was still very much on board and would give up anything to help make this dream come true. She loved Resin's desires behind the pack and she couldn't wait to see it come to fruition. There was no doubt in her mind that it was going to be wonderful. Perhaps once they were settled into their new life there they could discuss more of their future and how a family might fit into that picture... but that was a conversation Tamsyn wasn't sure she'd ever be fully ready to have. Many other things needed to settle into place first before she'd even begin to consider that possibility, but it was one that lingered in the back of her mind all the same.

She continued to think back over their conversation and the suggestions that Resin had made and the desires she had even as Tamsyn leaned up to press a sweet, tender kiss to Resin's lips. After a moment of thoughtful silence, Tam told her, "I know you said its something you could go without, but if you ever wanted to sleep with a man you could. I'd be okay with that. I want you to be happy and satisfied, even if being with a man turns out to not be my thing." She smiled a little and gave Resin another kiss before she added, "I trust you."
