Svala headed back to the lake, seeking a little rest and relaxation after she was forced to shelter from a violent storm. She'd enjoyed the lake the last time she was there, of course it had been evening then and now she had arrived in the middle of the day. It was a gorgeous day though. The sky was blue and only a few clouds drifted by.
Svala found a good place to rest and do a bit more crafting. She'd started a nice fire and it was about ready. She had a number of marsh mallow plants in her mouth which she set down and sorted. She'd rinsed the dirt off the roots and now it was time to separate the roots from the rest of the plant. She carefully got to work chewing and severing the roots from the stalk, leaves and flowers. She planned to make a decoction of the roots as well as a tincture. Taking what she had she divided her gathering in half and set aside the tops. She'd dry those later and see if she could find another use for them.