
Oh, Simple Thing, Where Have You Gone?




5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-30-2020, 02:57 PM

It is a hot day. The heat of the hot springs combined with the scorching day has led Meadow to retreat to a cooler area. That is why she finds herself back in the weeping woods, a place that is not only filled with wonderful memories but willows that provide perfect shady hideaways from the sweltering day. She sits under the canopy of one of the great, looming giants now, lost in memory while Rigel sits on a branch, eyes blinking sluggishly as he keeps watch.

This is where she had met Rigel, with the help of Mortis. They had been pretending to create a kingdom with the trees and the birds were their subjects. Meadow recalls how Mort had climbed the tree and called to the birds. To both of their surprise, Rigel had replied, flying down to greet them and join Meadow as her companion. A smile rests easily on her lips and a soft chuckle rolls out as she remembers. Rigel hoots at her and she tilts her head to look up at him.

The owl cranes his head to look down at her, wide orange eyes seeming to question her as to why she chuckled. Voice floats out as she tells him, "“Do you remember how we met here with Mortis?” Orange eyes blink and his head seems to dip up and down in a ‘yes’ confirmation. Longing slams into her as she remembers the simpler days with Mort and Indy. Since moving to The Hallows with Resin, Meadow feels like she has done some growing up. Sure, she is still a pup at heart but she also feels the weight of responsibility on her shoulders. She wants Resin to be proud of her.

Thoughts churn as she lays in the shade of the willow, contemplating things that have been and that are yet to come. A part of misses her friends in the Armada but she knows she is where she needs to be. Why does life have to be so bittersweet? A sigh escapes as Rigel hoots his sympathy from above. If only she could see a friendly face right now, someone from the Armada who could help cure her homesickness.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-30-2020, 11:13 PM

Naiche walked through the willows, hopping over the occasional water stream as he looked at the various tree’s for the one Pan would prefer.  Naiche had been here numerous times now, it was Pan’s second favorite place, the other being the mangroves. When they passed that ‘just right’ tree Pan would point and Naiche stopped to let the pangolin hop off and use its disturbingly long and sharp claws to start climbing up.

Through the sound of claws ripping into the bark, he heard someone talking and the name ‘Mortis.’  Naiche muscle twitched as he planned to move but stopped long enough to give Pan another check, turning then to head towards the voice.

Naiche wasn’t trying to be overly quiet but the ground was soft and helped the steps naturally make little noise.  Still, sharp ears or noise could give him away before sight if she was checking.

Either way when he spotted her, “Meadow, didn’t expect to run into you. How is the new pack?”  The words were friendly but he wasn’t so sure how he felt about a number of wolves leaving the armada and forming a new pack.  The armada was certainly not short on wolves but it felt wrong to leave either way.  It didn’t matter his opinion though as Sirius had allowed it. They were still on good terms at any rate, so it was nice to see her again.

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
10-01-2020, 08:50 PM

So lost in thought is the small healer that she completely misses Naiche’s approach. Looking at the ground between her paws, seeing old memories play out in the dirt, Meadow starts when the wheat colored wolf’s voice calls her name. Looking up to find him close by, a smile immediately appears on her face as the familiar scent of the Armada lingers on him. She says, “Hello Nachie. I was just escaping the heat of the hot springs. Care to join me in the shade?”

While there is plenty of room under the canopy for him to lay down on the cool earth, Meadow moves closer to the trunk of the willow to give him space. His question about the new pack has her saying, “It is good! A lot to still to be done but it is coming along. Resin let me build a healing hut near the hot springs for all those in need of help.” She is proud of her hut and that she now has a place to work from but even more proud of all that her sister has accomplished.

Rigel hoots his greeting to Naiche and Meadow looks to her companion with a smile before turning back to the wheat colored wolf. She asks, “And how are you doing Naiche? Not getting into too much trouble?” Eyes roam over his body, looking for any signs of injuries or scars. He seems alright but some wounds are not always visible on the outside. Meadow knows that all too well, remembering her breakdown in front of Askan, how she had been a hopeless puddle of nerves and emotions.

With a smile, she says, “Come, tell me what is new and good with you.” before waiting to hear all that has been going on with him.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
10-01-2020, 10:13 PM

Naiche made his way over to Meadow and the willow tree with a casual stride upon invitation. Reaching about the middle of her little inner sanctum of the tree he takes a seat for himself before laying down after another moment thought, “oh, yes I passed by there once earlier in the spring.  I imagine in the summer it must get rather hot over there."  The armada land certainly seemed better in his mind.  Though Pan’s favorite would surely remain all the areas with lots of trees.

Naiche hadn’t ever spent much time thinking on it but he really didn’t often just lay down while talking to other wolves.  If there were other wolves around it generally meant a good time to fight or work on something else that included standing. The time he could think of lying down around others was when he was injured.  Funny that, lying down once more around willow.

His mouth opened into a wide grin when asked about trouble, “No more than my normal.  I haven’t fought any lions recently at least.” There did seem to be a spot on his front shoulder where the fur was thinner.  It was the remnant of fighting with a condor, talons hadn’t agreed with flesh.  However it had been tended to, no smells of infection, and just now needed time.

“You seem happy with the hut so I assume its going well then.  Hopefully it hasn’t needed to be used much yet?” Naiche also wasn’t really one to go for casual chatter so this was also unusual, but he wanted to hear about how the new pack was doing so there was some point to this at least.  “Are the numbers growing quickly?”

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
10-03-2020, 01:04 PM

Eyes follow Naiche smile resting easily on her lips as the wheat colored wolf makes his way under the protection of the canopy. For a moment, she feels slightly guilty that she had not taken the time to get to know the wolf better before her departure from the Armada. While she had taken care of his wounds after the incident with the lion, Meadow had not actively sought him out to talk. Regret for time lost and things unsaid settle over her for moment but she does not allow the feeling to dampen her smile.

As he lays down and talks with her, Meadow understands that she cannot rewind time and take back what is lost but she can go forward from here. Nodding to his observation about the hot springs, she says, “Yes, very much so. But it is worth it. The water promotes healing and relaxation for those that need them.” Her question about him getting into trouble has Naiche grinning wide and she narrows her eyes at him, knowing he has gotten into trouble. His words do little to reassure her. That and the thinner fur on his front shoulder.

Eyes close as a soft laugh escapes and she shakes her skull in a disproving but amused way. Looking back to him she says, “Well, just don’t go and get yourself hurt too bad. Might get a scolding from Iolaire if you do.” Tossing him a wink, Meadow feels another pang of homesickness at the thought of her niece. While the hot springs are quickly becoming home for her, the Armada will always be the first place that welcomed her with open arms. For a moment, Meadow’s smile dims as she thinks of them all but quickly brightens so that Naiche will, hopefully, does not notice the momentary lapse.

His talk of her hut has her nodding in agreement and she tells him, “Well, it has gotten some good use already. But that is what is was made for, right? You should come and see it sometime! Not as a patient but as a guest.” Eyes sparkle with amusement at her quip and she giggles briefly before answering his question, “Yes, they are. It seems like there are many wolves that wanted or needed a pack like ours. I guess that Resin started it at the right time.”

Now it her turn for questions. With a slight tilt of her head, she asks, “And what news do you have about the Armada? Everyone okay? Tell me everything I have missed, please.” Her eagerness is plain to hear and wide, enthusiastic eyes watch Naiche with curiosity. She needs to know.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
10-04-2020, 01:27 PM

Naiche nodded at Meadow’s point of the waters being good for healing and relaxing.  He doubted the water was overly relaxing in the heat but in cooler weather, it would be.  As to healing, he hadn’t been aware of it helping that but that would certainly be helpful to her.

“I’ll do the best I can,” said in return to her warning of not getting to injured.  “I do prefer it being the other who takes the damage.  However, I can’t get stronger without a few risks.” That latter was true enough but really the best reason to fight was it the rush of excitement it gave him.  Never had he known how wonderful fighting could be until he had joined the armada.

“Well for the sake of a new pack I hope it doesn’t seem too much use all the same.  I’ll be sure to make time to visit it."  What news did he have to offer? “I’ve ranked up from student to warrior.  I am hoping to raise in rank considerably more.” Yes, he was young for it but Naiche would not allow that to stop him. “Sirius is expecting pups any day now!  I’m hoping I can help with their training.”

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
10-04-2020, 06:44 PM

The small healer talks and, to his credit, Naiche slows down and listens to her. Life in the Armada is fast paced with all the learning, helping others and patrols that take place. He is a fighter and Meadow knows that the life of a fighter is always full of turmoil and fights. Many wolves thrive off the adrenaline and excitement that life brings. To ask him to slow down and talk… well, Meadow thinks it is very kind of the wheat colored wolf to humor her. Perhaps it is the homesickness that makes her even more eager to talk to with him; all the small wolf really knows is that she is thankful for Naiche taking time of his busy life to talk to her.

Her warning is answered and she nods sagely, seeing another glimmer of the warrior in him and she wonders if this is too low key for Naiche. A smile is on her lips as he speaks of her hut and visiting and she tells him, “I would like to show you around Naiche. Maybe I could introduce to Askan and some of the other fighters. I am sure you would have fun!” Briefly, Meadow thinks how they might be better company for the wheat colored wolf than herself. They say birds of a feather flock together… so maybe that means all warriors have a secret code or something that lets them speak through their fighting. She will have to ask Askan about that sometime.

As he shares the news of the what she has missed, Meadow feels tears prick her eyes but she stubbornly wills them away. She will not cry in front of Naiche. What would he think of her? Instead she tells him, “That is wonderful Naiche! How are you liking the responsibilities that come with the rank? Where do you see yourself going? With ranks I mean.” As he speaks of Zee and Sirius expecting more pups, her smile grows and she dips her head for a moment, saying, “That is great to hear! I am sure you will be a great teacher! Maybe that will help you reach the rank you want.” Meadow is not an ambitious wolf, instead content to let her skills do the talking. Helping where she can, the small healer doesn’t care about what rank she has, as long as she can practice her healing arts.

Not wanting Naiche to grow restless, Meadow lifts her head and moves to stand, saying, “I know you have a lot to do, so what if we walk the border and talk? You can patrol and I can keep you company? I promise to stay on this side of the border.” Her smile is bright and, while it is true that Sirius had said the border is open to her, Meadow still does not want to cross it without permission. Naiche is a warrior for the Armada and she does not want him to think she is stepping on his toes by just hopping into the territory. She will walk in the weeping woods and he can walk in the Armada land, they will talk, he can feel accomplished and Meadow can feel close to her old home again. Win, win… right?


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
10-05-2020, 09:28 PM

“Sure," Naiche offered casually as he imagined other reasons to visit regardless. "At some point I’ll certainly be making a trip over.  Tam helped me improve myself in a number of ways, I’d like to meet up with her again for a start.  I’m sure at the time I could check out your place and meet the other fighters.” A quirk of a grin, “I could spar the lot of them to teach them what goals to set for themselves.” The humble fellow that Naiche was.

“I knew I wanted warrior position and I was confident in it for the most part until Sirius mentioned potentially teaching.” Naiche rolled his shoulders in a semblance of a shrug, “that had me nervous, but Tam gave me some advice and so I’m even enjoying that part as well.   As to where I’m going I would like to make it up as high as I can go, Reaper.” Why settle for less than the highest you can get?  Sirius would have one of his kids take over leadership and that was fine, Naiche didn't need to run a pack.  However right underneath that seemed a perfect thing to strive for.

Naiche stood up, feeling more comfortable already that he could more freely move as they talked.  “Patrolling sounds like a great idea and I’d be happy for the company.  Maybe we’ll get lucky and something will come and attack.” The last comment was said with a grin, either as a joke for Meadows sake, or hoping for an attack?  Meadow would have to guess at that part!  “We’ll need to pick up Pan on the way out, had you met him? He’s in a tree near where I entered, at least I assume so.”

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
10-06-2020, 04:49 PM

Words flow easily from them and Meadow listens with kindness to everything Naiche has to say. Soft smile grows as speaks of meeting the other fighters and sparring with them. Dipping her head in agreement, she thinks that maybe they might have a thing or two to teach him as well. Keeping her attention on Naiche as he speaks of becoming the Reaper, her eyes widen slightly at that piece news but her smile is huge, warm and happy. Meadow has no doubt that Naiche will reach any goal he sets for himself. She tells him, “I am certain you get the position you seek!” before standing and offering to go on patrol with him.

Naiche seems to appreciate the idea of patrolling and the small healer’s eyes round in shock as he mentions something attacking them. Meadow can’t seem to stop the words that blurt out, “No! That is not okay!” Looking around them she tells their surroundings, “We do not want anything attacking us! Thank you!” When she returns her gaze to the wheat colored wolf, her eyes narrow for a moment, inspecting him closely. Is he being serious or was it just said to put her on edge? His grin doesn’t help her decide but, when he speaks of Pan, Meadow completely forgets about the comment.

Tail wags and Meadow says, “I have not met him! What is he? I really like his name. You have met Rigel… right?” Looking up at the owl, Rigel hoots his greeting and swoops down to circle around their heads. As she moves to follow Naiche so that they can collect Pan, Meadow sticks close to the wheat colored wolf with Rigel circling overhead. Her ears strain to listen for anything that might want to jump out and attack. Okay, so maybe she hasn’t completely forgotten his comment. A bush rustles nearby and Meadow wheels toward it, heart thudding painfully against her ribs, ready to fight whatever is trying to attack them.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
10-06-2020, 08:23 PM

Naiche just grinned larger at her comment of not wanting anything to attack them, “Oh come on, where’s your spirit of adventure?” but there is some laughter that couldn’t be hidden.  Fighting some predator sounded fun to Naiche but could clearly see it wasn’t something Meadow would enjoy.

Naiche looked up to Rigel, “No, this is my first time to see him.  Does he talk a lot?” Naiche didn’t care for overly playful or chatty companions, they tended to be irritating.  An owl was sure to be better than some though, at least it wasn’t some type of monkey or chattier bird.  Naiche had a tendency to talk other wolves in regards to their companions versus to the companion directly.  Why should he acknowledge them?

Naiche could just about hear Meadow’s heart beat the way she seemed to get worried about the bush.  Sniffing the air Naiche smirked to the bush, “It’s alright Meadow, I can take on the terrible beast.” That said as a cute oddity popped out.  Naiche had learned he hadn’t been the only one ignorant about pangolins. Pan was trotting over on his back legs, hunched over, clawed hands curled inward, his long tail held out at a mostly 90 degree angle, and with scales all over his body.

“As to his name, well I can’t take a lot of credit for a special name. He’s a pangolin, so mostly I just chopped off part of his species name.  He seems ok with that.” Naiche never promised to be imaginative after all.
Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
10-06-2020, 10:36 PM

Frowning at Naiche, Meadow says, “My spirit of adventure is alive and well. And it is going to stay that way.” Just because they are going on a patrol doesn’t mean that they have to fight something. Right? Eyes suspiciously narrow at him and she sticks out her tongue, blowing a raspberry before laughing loudly. Rigel hoots to Naiche before taking flight and Meadow tells the wheat colored wolf, “Nah, he doesn’t really talk. Just hoots every now and again. Although I can kind of tell what he wants to say through the type of noise he makes. I think it is so cool how you can’t hear him when he flies. Owls are awesome!” A huge smile is on her face before the bushes start to move.

Jumping toward Naiche, almost slamming into him in her mad scramble to put distance between the incoming beast and herself, Meadow ducks her small frame behind him as he promises to take on the unknown atttacker. Damn right he is! He asked for this! A strange creature pops out of the bush and moves toward them and a small scream escapes as Meadow tries to climb on top of Naiche. Terrified, never having seen anything as strange as this, the small healer doesn’t take the time to notice just how pretty it is. All she sees is its clawed hands and scales, figuring it to be some type of small dragon.

When Naiche doesn’t appear the least bit worried about this oddity, Meadow stops trying to clamber up him and listens to his words. This is Pan? Well, now that she looks at it, it is kinda cute. Maybe she had overreacted. Just a little. Looking between Naiche and Pan, Meadow smiles and says, “Hello Pan! I was totally not terrified of you.” Looking at Naiche she adds, “Well, maybe just a tiny bit.” With the pangolin and Rigel in tow, Meadow moves toward the border so that Naiche can start his patrol. Looking to the wheat colored wolf she says, “Got any other surprises you want to tell me about?”


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
10-15-2020, 10:33 PM

Naiche nodded at Meadow in response to her owl, watching it fly off, “I prefer those that are quiet so it sounds like I’d be fine with Rigel.  I got lucky with Pan, I hardly ever hear him make any noises.  I don’t know if it's normal of his species or just him.” Pan for his part seemed perfectly balanced and content to just roost in his spot.

Naiche thought it was all hilarious and amusing at her scrambling from little Pan right up until she tried to climb on him.  Naiche could have jumped out of his own skin as Meadow surprised him with that. “Damn it. Mead..”  A deep sigh of relief when she calms enough to quit trying to use him as a ladder.

Naiche lowered his front end as if in a play bow, though it appears the motion is only to make it easier for Pan to climb up to his normal spot with feet on Naiche’s shoulder and hands curled up with knuckles resting on the wolfs forehead.  Climbing up for the pangolin could be far easier if its claws wouldn’t do so much damage if used. “Don’t worry, if we ran into anything I could make sure you stay safe.” Ok, he couldn’t take on a bear alone but he was pretty good at distracting them for her to run away and he would follow when relatively safe.  “So the vicious creature you were fleeing from by the way tends to eat only ants and termites, you should be safe.”

Hm, any other surprises?  Naiche took a few seconds considering that question, “Who knows?” The gold wolf gave her that sly smile as he headed back towards the pack land so they could patrol over there.

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]