
Ulric x Azariah first litter!



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
10-01-2020, 03:53 PM

Bird and I are proud to present the first of what is sure to be several Azaric litters! We haven't really decided on how many pups we want to take for this litter - we're just going to see what kind of interest and applications we get and figure it out from there! I'll be happy to pay for any extra pup passes we might need so no worries there. They are due to be born on October 27th so get those applications in! We'll try to pick the players in about two weeks so that there is plenty of time for you to get your profiles in order. If you're interested in one of these babies keep reading!

How are they going to be raised?

When they are born, Ulric and Azariah will both be living in the Hallows and will probably be living there for a majority of their first year. I would still like to build a pack with Ulric at some point, but I'm not entirely sure when or if that will actually come to fruition. That could certainly be a turning point in their development somewhere along the line if that does happen. Either way, both parents are going to be very attentive and loving. I imagine that there will be plenty of new parent goofs along the way, but they mean well, I promise! Ulric will of course be extremely protective of his children and will want to keep them as a tight knit family as much as possible. I completely understand and support character development and the fact that plots might pull them elsewhere eventually, but I would like for them to at least stay with their parents until they're a year old. I'm also not against "bad" things happening to them - whatever you feel like is fun for you to play or what would be good character development then go for it. For alignments, I would expect them to be somewhere in the neutral to good range - evil alignments would be a stretch. They're most certainly going to have hard working and loyalty values instilled in them early on!

What can they look like?

For the most part, any natural color is going to be fair game. Black, gray, white, any shade of brown, and some reds or russets are very easily in the realm of possibility. The only un-natural color that would realistically show up is maybe yellow from Ulric's father Ganta, but otherwise these guys should be in the natural color realm. Patterns though are pretty free game! Bridling and tri color patterns are really big on Azariah's side while Ulric comes from the appaloosa spoted side of the Adravendi tree. Any sort of speckles, spots, brindle, merle... That's all definitely in their family trees. Mutations are rare, but not out of the question. If they do have a mutation it would most likely be long hair (from Ganta). I wouldn't rule out something like elongated fangs either - I'll probably give something like that to my boy. Height and build could be literally anything! Ulric is 45" with a heavy build and Azariah is 34" with a medium build. Their family members have been all over the map size wise so whatever you want them to be is definitely possible. You'd have a 25% discount on height from Ulric all the way up to 45" if you wanted.

I've made a few designs that you are welcome to pick from! If you have an idea and just want me to help you make it or if you want me to adjust something on one of the designs for your application I'd be happy to do that! Just shoot me a message on discord. I also made a color reference sheet when I was designing these so if you want an idea of what colors to go for you can use it if you're planning on making your own design. Link! If you decide to make your own design, I would like that design to stay with the character if it ever gets readopted so that no art made for them goes to waste.

How about names?

Names are kind of up to you, but there would be a strong preference toward English, Gaelic, or French names. My pup is going to be named Ezra Fortis Adravendi and Bird's will be Everlyse Marie Adravendi. Obviously there's a preference toward full, three part names and they will have Adravendi for their last name. (PS Bird and I both really like names with meanings!) As a side note, Azariah knows a LOT of different languages and she is teaching Ulric how to speak Latin so if you want to take the route I did to use a word from Latin or another language as one of their names that's a good place to start.

What do we expect from you?

We both completely understand that life gets crazy and you may not be able to post like crazy all the time, but I'd at least like to see them posted semi regularly and be involved with the family and pack. I really don't like readopting pups, but if it gets to be like six months after they were born and you've only posted them two or three times then I'll probably see about reclaiming them. If you know you're going to have some kind of extended absence and know you'll be back just let us know! We'll figure out some kind of reasonable IC reason for them to be gone.


<b>Out-of-Character Name:</b>
<b>Character's Name:</b>
<b> Gender:</b>
<b>Adult Height:</b>
<b> Alignment:</b>
<b>Appearance Description:</b> 100 words
<b>Personality:</b> 150 words
<b> Intended plots</b>: (Optional)



Master Fighter (290)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

By the skin of my teethSnake EyesVengeanceMammoth HunterHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
10-01-2020, 09:51 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2020, 11:41 PM by Dunkan.)
Out-of-Character Name: CloudyNight
Character's Name: Jane , Rosheen or Emily
Gender: Female
Adult Height: 35in
Size: Large
Build: Medium
Alignment: Lawful good
Appearance Description:

A cloudy day can be seen through the female’s frame as in there you won't find anything different from greys and some blacks. It resembles a rainy day or a clouded winter sky. Both her face and limbs are shaded in dark grey ashes that besides the much lighter parts make it a beautiful mixture. The brighter grey covers the rest of her anatomy with the exception of the darker speckles that covers her thighs and shoulders. Her eyes almost a pale blue with some darker flecks around it. Her size will be generous but not quite as her father, bring it large but not surpassing the 35inches of height. And her build will likely be on the medium side. Her voice will be soft but confident.

Despite her apparently monochrome coat and colors this wolf will held a very extrovertive and optimistic way of seeing life, good or curious comments would be common to be heard from the youngling’s mouth. She will enjoy seeing others smile and if she is able to make that happen she will and no one will stop her.Their won’t doubt when it comes to sharing what she thinks over a certain situation, and sometimes maybe if not cared for could lead to the making of her someone who can be way too honest with what she thinks over something or someone. And of course, she won’t mean ill if she ever tells a truth that no one wanted to be spoken for, but she wont be able to help it and even less if keeping it to herself could be a bad thing on her own terms.

On the other hand, she is open-minded always happy to accept when she did wrong to never find excuses to save herself. And if possible she would learn from her mistakes and try to dont do them again. She will learn as she grows that she is far from perfect and that regardless of what others could say she won’t let anyone define what she cant or not do. She will know herself well enough and will try to lift herself should something could upset her.

She loves her family above anything else, seeing them as valuable treasures she must need to protect and be there for them. Sides wont exists if she is forced to pick, and that pick will certainly be her family, those who’s own blood are hers too.

But despite her optimistic manor, there would be times in which she would find it hard to break the ice. Not because of being afraid of what others would think but just because she won’t know how to approach.

Intended plots: I want her to stick to the pack and be a helpful paw to her family and packmates. She of course due to her age can be molded and thus nothing is set in stone. I want her plots to be organic but not to the point of getting herself in danger.
He has a male Jaguar Named Urasa and a female red tailed hawk named Kaira ,They are always around him unless told otherwise
He wears a lion skull with mane and claw bracers.



2 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
10-02-2020, 06:43 AM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2020, 01:17 AM by Abilene.)
Out-of-Character Name: Half.A.Wyrm
Character's Name: Joanna Lyne Adravendi
Gender: Female
Adult Height: 35 "
Size: Medium
Build: Medium
Alignment: Lawful good
Appearance Description: [Image: oki9lAe.png]  

[dealing with this later]

Personality:  [reserved, calculating, cool, gentle]

Joe's a girl of a few words. Casual conversation is something that she tends to avoid, as he words can be interpreted as... Abrasive to say the least. She has a strategy for whenever a stranger tries to strike up a conversation: respond with a blunt observation of their demeanour or appearance. It's not exactly a reliable strategy, but at least there's typically three fixed outcomes she can easily prepare for. She much prefers sitting on the outskirts of a larger discussion, happy to listen and chip in occasionally.

And boy, is she ever the listener. The girl has a great memory and absorbs information like a sponge. She can make a quick judgement with ease, and can be quite the creative thinker if given the right environment.

Despite her questionable social skills, Joe means well. She doesn't see the point in unreasonable hostility. She's quite understanding and patient with others, and she's happy to help anyone if needed. That's not to say she can't have a mean streak, she's just very slow to anger.
[Image: Untitled_Artwork_4.png]

Abby is completely blind as of this thread. The curse will lift on the first day of winter.
Abby has a common brush tailed possum companion named Bell. She’s Abby’s guide dog until her curse is lifted. If she’s not mentioned assume she is close by/present.



7 Years
Extra large
10-02-2020, 11:22 AM (This post was last modified: 10-07-2020, 02:23 PM by Torin.)
Out-of-Character Name: Lolaf
Character's Name: Emile Aidan Adravendi
Gender: Male
Adult Height: 35"
Size: Large
Build: Medium
Alignment: Neutral good
Appearance Description:
[Image: kRbK6FF.png]

Emile is built more like his mother than his father, though he will stand an inch taller at 35 inches as an adult. His musculature makes him look more lean than bulky though he isn't delicate like his mother, instead he simply appears to have a healthy fat to muscle balance while not being too bulky. It's definitely a body built for running over pure power.

Emile's pelt is short and coarse but a sight to behold nonetheless. Though his parentage is less obvious from an outside observer a keen eye may be able to see some of his grandparent's lineages coming through. The base of his coat is a sandy brown color, which is broken only by two other colors, dusting the top of his form is a white that from his head, coating his left ear and down his back to the tip of his tail. This white is broken by the original sandy coloration his holds in a brindle down his back, giving the man subtle stripes. This white also marks his paws, up to his hocks on his read paws and just below his ankles on his forepaws. Additionally a rather distinctive blaze runs up from the top of his nose to his forehead where it branches to the top corners of his eyes, in a marking one might recognize from his grandmother. Under his eyes is a line of a deeper brown color.

Emile sees the world through a pair of inquisitive forest green eyes.

Personality: Emile is not an easy book to read, it's not that he's apathetic or emotionless he simply doesn't show his inner thoughts well. In fact, he struggles to express his needs and desires. That might have more to do with him struggling to express himself at all, which is due to him having a stutter as a small child. Though he may learn to overcome his verbal ticks as time goes on his confidence in his own ability to express himself will forever be affected by his early self-conscious years. His voice will be more familiar to his family, whom will be bombarded by his endless inquisitiveness as a pup. Emile will be generally more interested in learning from his parents and following them around than in romping around with his siblings, though he will of course like all pups play with them as well.

As he gets older Emile will be interested in learning healing, especially from his mother at first though he will seek training wherever he can get it. The boy will be highly empathetic and this will drive him to aid those in need how he can. That being said he's not particularly motivated by any kind of moral compass, nor will be one to judge most of the time. He'll abhor those who go out of their way to harm others but also understands the world is an unfair place and sometimes it's not possible to do no harm at all.

Intended plots: Especially within the Hallows I'd be interested in seeing someone try to help Emile lose his stutter, as well as help him learn healing. As it stands he'll be inclined to stay close to family but not against branching out. Despite it all he's not unfriendly so I could see him integrating himself into pack life early. The usual, y'know make friends, settle down, maybe one day have kids. Probably gonna go intellect healing with this one.
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Witches HutSilver Medal 20201K
10-07-2020, 11:02 AM (This post was last modified: 10-07-2020, 03:21 PM by Magnus.)
Fionha (white, fair) Aisling (dream, vision) Adravendi
female - 34" - light - intellect/healing - neutral good

Fionha is a petite girl, hardly weighing more than a feather as a pup and even still as an adult. Her bones are built light as if air fills their cavities and she were meant to fly. Her features are soft and her fur is plush, something she tries to keep. In a lot of ways, Fionha compliments her mother with her grey and white complexion. Like a cape, a light grey blankets her from the bridge of her muzzle, to her cheeks, down her forelimbs, and across her back until just before her tail bone. Near the end of the cape-like marking, the grey breaks off into a few spots, scattered around her waist and down the fronts of her rear legs leaving her lower rear limbs and tail entirely white. Inside the grey is some faint striping, but only enough to make the fur look naturally highlighted. A few spots appear on her forelimbs as well, this time white as socks claim the dainty girls petite paws. The lower half of her face and her underside are also white, somewhat matching the pattern her father has, only in reverse. Dark patches with little freckles encompass both of her ruby red eyes and a little bit of dark grey tips the tops of her ears.

Fionha is definitely a wallflower more than a social butterfly, that's for sure. A quite and shy little thing, she isn't the most willing to go out and talk to others. Comfortable most around her family, she can even still be a bit shy with them. Never one to act out or not do what she's told, she really is a perfect child, though some could say she needed to get out more. Her comfort zone is her safe place and she's hardly likely to ever step out of it. It takes quite a bit of pushing to get her to do anything, really, but she's definitely eager to please her parents. She'd do anything they asked, honestly. She's certainly not a princess, but she definitely doesn't like to get dirty or play too rough. Not one to like drawing attention to herself, she would prefer to hang back in the shadows and watch rather than being in the limelight and getting all the attention. It's not something she'll really grow out of, however, but maybe something she can learn to work with as she ages. She's a quick learner, taking up any new skill with ease and becoming adept at it in no time. She prefers the company of herself to others, and can often be seen talking or even singing to herself when she feels confident that no one is around. Otherwise, Fionha is a very shy and timid girl, often with a soft voice to match.

I cant see her wanting to leave the hallows for any reason really, but that could change once she ages.. I dont really have any ideas for her besides letting ic take over! She'll be super close to her family tho.

Magnus has a silver horseshoe septum ring, poorly cropped (long) ears, and bright blue crystal goat horns that may not always appear in his art
Commission ShopPlot with me!



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
10-12-2020, 09:50 AM
First of all, thank you so much for all of the interest!! Y’all made it really hard on Bird and I so we decided not to pick and to just bump up the litter to a full five pups xD So congratulations to Cloudy, Lolaf, and Skelle! Welcome to the family <3 They’ll be born on the 27th!