
Beachfront Property




3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
09-15-2020, 07:29 AM

Percy was doing his best to explore as much of these eastern lands as he could, and so far had been handsomely rewarded for his efforts. The endless variety of the changing landscapes had been more than enough to capture his attention for the time being. Hot springs and black sand beaches and beautiful falls. What more could a young wolf ask for? The previous day he'd taken to exploring the twisting tangle of streams that made up the delta he currently found himself at the heart of. He'd rested last night upon the inner island, grateful for land elevated enough to dry his coat and clean the mud from his paws.

Waking up there was a marvel in of itself. The delta teemed with life, high on the rush of the summer season. The vegetation grew thick and the air rang with bird song and rustling underbrush as other creatures skittered about their business. Percy's one track mind was bent on exploring every inch. Maybe he would wade back through the marsh to dry land the following day, but he was content here for now. Maybe a meal first, to start off the day, he thought to himself. Percy headed towards the island's edge, onto the open sand. There were a few sandbars between him and the wide expanse of the ocean, and gods, wasn't that a sight? He began to scout around hoping to find some fish caught in the receding tidal shallows. If he got distracted by a weird looking clump of seaweed or an especially pretty rock from time to time, well... Still a win.

"Talk" "Listen" Think

Perseus' siblings may enter into any of his threads, regardless of tagging!
Note: Perseus also has a glowing mutation visible in low lighting.



4 Years
09-15-2020, 08:00 AM

As tended to be the case, Cicero had followed her siblings wherever they went. Most times she was right on their tails. This time it was in the same general direction. She'd ended up wading through muck and getting wet and dirty. It wasn't what she wanted to do with her time, so she found her way onto a beach. At least sand was a little less blech than muck and mire.

With a growling stomach, the little, dark lady got to work. She inspected the various tide pools and found one that would suit her needs. Being Cicero though, she couldn't make it easy. She needed to experiment. How malleable was the mind of a fish? She'd set about digging a channel in the sand that stretched from one sandy edged pool to a place several feet away where she sat. Cicero collected a pile of rocks, placing them near the head of the channel. Then her experiment began.

One at a time, the young woman threw the rocks into the tide pool. They made an audible splash each time. In a panic, a few of the fish escaped into the channel that she'd dug. Ooh, interesting. Again and again she tossed rocks, leading the fish closer and closer to her awaiting jaws. In time, she had not one, but two fat fish sitting on the sand beside her. Well... it had been time consuming and somewhat boring, but she knew that fish were stupid.

Blinking silver eyes, Cicero shielded her gaze from the sun as she noticed a large shape moving across the pools. Ahhh, "Hey, Percy!" the tiny lady crowed. Maybe he'd want to eat one of the stupid fish with her.




3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
09-22-2020, 09:20 AM

Hearing his name called out was a bit of a shock but his brain caught up quickly. Perseus' ears perked up, recognizing his sister's voice and he wheeled towards the sound. A dopeish grin split the man's features as he began to bound towards her, paws kicking up sprays of sand as he went. "Heya, Cis!" Where the heck had she come from? To be fair, Percy wasn't always the best at keeping tabs on everyone, but he knew most of his siblings were more or less... ya know, around. Still didn't make it any less awesome to see Cicero here. He skidded to a stop in front of her, trying not to spray her with too much sand. "Isn't this little island somethin' else? I was about to explore a bit after getting something to eat. Wanna come with?"

About then his eyes drifted to his sister's surroundings, and he noticed two dispatched fish already laying there beside her. Percy snapped his gaze back up and offered her his best pout, quivering lip, doe eyes and all. The full package. "Did I mention eating? So hungry. Been wasting away for days. These might be my last moments, Cissy." Lip quivering intensifies... She wouldn't just let her favorite brother fade to nothingness, now would she? Look at him, he was practically skin and bones! And even if he wasn't, he'd sure try his best to sell it if it meant a low effort meal.

"Talk" "Listen" Think

Perseus' siblings may enter into any of his threads, regardless of tagging!
Note: Perseus also has a glowing mutation visible in low lighting.



4 Years
10-04-2020, 03:05 AM

Cicero had been about to offer her brother a fish when he began to put on his show. All of them were so dramatic. Star was the only one that lacked the overabundance of melodrama. Even Cicero herself could be over the top at times. It just ran in the family, it seemed. As did screwing with each other. As Perseus cried about hunger and wasting away, she was already hefting a fish in her paws. With accuracy honed by years of throwing things at her siblings, Cicero aimed straight for Percy's face. She sent the fish sailing through the air, intending to knock him out with it if she was lucky. Hey, none of them ever took it easy on her. Why should she take it easy on them?

That was another thing about her family. They were eaters. They ate everything. Drank everything. Consumers to the core. She knew that one fish wouldn't be enough, so she chucked the second one at him as well. She didn't even like fish. Hopefully she could find something else in the pool. "Better eat before you waste away." She used a stupid voice while saying 'waste away' but they were all pretty immature at times. Picking her way to the pool once more, Cicero peered inside with her silver eyes. Hmm... Ahhhh. At the bottom of the pool was a bit, soft shelled crab. That was something that wouldn't be scared down a chute, so there was only one course of action. Wiggling her obsidian rump, the small wolf dove head first into the tide pool. Teeth locked around the crab and she pushed off the bottom quickly surfacing once more.

Back on land, she gave herself a shake and pranced to lay next to her jumbo sized brother so that they might eat together. With paws holding the crabs legs down, Ciss used her teeth to pry the top shell off. She then began to consume the sweet meat.
