
Let The Shadows Fall Behind You




5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-29-2020, 10:07 PM (This post was last modified: 09-29-2020, 10:09 PM by Meadow.)

Today is a day for cleaning. Meadow bustles around her hut made for healing all the while cleaning and organizing everything as she goes. Taking down old herbs that have dried completely, the small healer and her companion, Rigel, hang new bundles of herbs from the ceiling. Salves are made, balms replenished and plants ordered. Around noon, the earthen hued wolf pauses in her work, moving outside the hut to take a break and enjoy the day.

There is a slight breeze that runs its fingers through her fur and cools the heat of the day. Moving to the side of the hot sprig that bubbles close to the hut, Meadow eases her small frame into the hot water and allows the spring to relax her tense muscles. Even in the heat, the spring feels luxurious and her eyes slowly drift closed as the healer sinks deeper in the water. A smile on her maw, she allows herself to drift along, listening to the sounds around her.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



2 Years
10-04-2020, 07:30 PM

The pull of water had lead her along the banks of the source creek for the sunset falls. The moist soil there held all sorts of useful plants, even moss and lichen that could be used by the healers, though it was best kept fresh and moist and there was plenty at the bottom of the falls, so she left that be. The strange golden-red berries though, well on their way to ripening tugged at the back of her mind. Theo had told her they were Salmonberries, and the healers back home had often kept a stash, bitter as they were, so she set to collecting them, gently placing each berry she picked between her teeth into a small scrap of hide she had grabbed just for this purchase. One day, she would get herself some sort of bag, but she didn’t currently have anything to offer for one, so she would make do until she either caught something with a hide worth trying to figure out how to make into something useful, or found someone to sell her one.

With the bush picked clean, she gathered in the edges of her makeshift sack, carefully placing her paws as she picked her way down to the healing dens by the hot springs. Resin had offered to pass on her offerings, but there was no point hiding away. These were her packmates, and as much as she didn’t want to be a bother, she equally did not want to bother the leader either, and at least if she had gotten something they wouldn’t find useful, they could tell her directly, and hopefully Theo would remember the next time she tried to gather the same thing again.

The sulphuric scent of the hot springs stung her nose a little. It wasn’t overbearing, but it was certainly a scent that took some getting used to. The Avalon looked about, poking her head in one den then the next before finally falling on the wolf that was sitting in the hot water. Her head dipped, tail waving mid-height along her back as she placed her berries to the side. "Uh, sorry t’interrupt..." she said a little shyly. "I’m Percy, I found some salmonberries an’ thought y’might have use fer’em."

"Percy". "Theo".

this city’s gonna break my heart
[Image: 9Fr76Pv.png]



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
10-06-2020, 05:16 PM

Meadow was relaxing, deeper and deeper into the waters, only her head is peaking above the bubbly spring now. The smell of the hot spring hides the scent of the approaching wolf but the sound of rustling draws her attention away from the moment of leisure and has her pushing her body up to get a better look. A black and brown female catches sight of the small healer and comes toward the soaking Meadow. A smile appears as the wolf speaks, giving her name as Percy, and Meadow immediately clambers up out of the water to better greet Percy.

Dripping wet but not wanting to shake out her coat and get Percy wet, Meadow opts to stand there, smiling brightly but looking like a drowned rat. Sure, her fur is soaked but her spirit is not dampened as Percy offers her the salmonberries that wrapped carefully in a scrap of hide. Dipping her head is gratefulness, Meadow brings her head back up and says, “Thank you so much Percy! My name is Meadow and I promise to put these to good use. Are you interested in being a healer?” Meadow asks the question since Percy seems to have some knowledge of plants.

Deciding that she should take the berries inside and store them, Meadow offers, “Would you like to come in and see the healing hut I made?” Tail wags slowly, proud of the structure she had made. Hopefully, she isn’t coming off as too boastful or anything. Ducking her head sheepishly, Meadow adds, “Well, I did have some help. Rigel helped me with ties and stuff.” The great horned owl that is sitting nearby on the roof of her hut hoots his agreement. Guilty smile hangs on her lips as Meadow corrects herself, “Okay. Rigel and I built the hut.” Shooting a glance to the owl she asks it, “Happy?” and Rigel hoots cheerfully is acknowledgement.

Turning back to Percy, Meadow giggles and says, “Owls. There is just no pleasing some of them.” before the giggles turn into a soft laugh as Rigel hoots his annoyance at her. Eyes sparkle with humor as Meadow smiles warmly at Percy.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



2 Years
10-09-2020, 01:00 AM

The Avalon may have allowed a momentary look of terror to cross her face when Meadow asked if she was interested in becoming a healer. "No Mam." She answered emphatically. "Sometimes I can’t even remember I’m in a pack or Theo’s name." she tipped her head up towards the squirrel that was perched on her shoulder. "’E reminds me, lets me know what’s safe ter pick an’ what might be useful... I think we did it... before..." She had to shrug, it was all fuzzy, even with the stupid mushrooms the grey woman had told her to eat, and that in itself came with its own series of separate headaches.

Her tail took up a ready wave at the mention of seeing the hut however. "I’d love to!" A hut? And her owl helped her? Percy was quite impressed. Theo might have been pressing himself into the thicker fur over her neck at the sight of the owl, but Percy paid him no mind, opting instead to share a lop sided smile with the lighter woman. "Squirrel’s either ‘pparently." Maybe that was just companions in general?

"Percy". "Theo".

this city’s gonna break my heart
[Image: 9Fr76Pv.png]



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
10-17-2020, 03:46 PM

The look of momentary terror that crosses Percy’s face as Meadow asks if she is interested in being a healer, is all the answer the small wolf needs. Offering a sympathic look as Percy speaks, Meadow nods in understanding. The healer says, “I am sorry. If you ever need anything, I will be glad to help!” A smile appears as she looks to Theo and offers the squirrel a wink and dip of her head in greeting. Rigel hoots his own greeting, not moving from his perch atop the hut. Instead, the owl fluffs out and turns his head to look around, keeping watch over them all.

When Meadow talks of the healing hut and Percy agrees to see it, the earthen hued wolf’s eyes light up with delight. The healer really is proud of the creation that she and Rigel had made. Her banter with Rigel brings a lopsided smile to the darker wolf’s features and Meadow offers a bright smile in return. Looking to Percy, the small wolf says, “The hut is right over here!” before taking the bundle of berries in her mouth and heading toward the large hut that Rigel sits on top of. The outside doesn’t look like much, just stretched, tanned hides and a doorway marked by two beams and hanging furs.

Pushing her way past the furs, Meadow steps to the side to hold the fur aside and allow Percy to enter. Beams crisscross the walls, anchoring into tree trunks that form a circle around the perimeter. There is a hole in the ground in the center of the hut. It has been lined with rocks of various sizes and, situated around that hole, are six beds of fur. Each one is thick and plush. In the back is another bed, also made with thick furs and next to it is a tree stump lined with containers and herbs. The ceiling is high and even a tall wolf would be comfortable in this space.

Lanterns hang at irregular intervals from the ceiling and interspersed are herbs that are tied in bundles and in various stages of drying. The sweet smell of herbs hangs in the air, meant to comfort and relax those that visit. Meadow moves off toward another tree stump crowded with herbs and places the bundle of berries on it before turning to Percy and saying, “It took me some time to make the hut. I hardened the beams with fire before installing them. The hole in the middle is where I put hot rocks. I keep a small fire smoldering at all times outside to heat various large rocks. Once I put some in the hole, I pour water over them to create steam. In the winter it will warm the hut and help all those with breathing problems.”

Looking around the hut for a moment, Meadow then turns her gaze to Percy and asks, “Do you like it?” and offering the wolf a small smile.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm