
When the tide comes in [joining]


08-23-2013, 12:39 PM
The light on this land was beautiful against this majestic birds green eyes. The four and half foot tall bird stood on the borders of Amenti. The giant odd shoebill looking into the territory standing nearly like a statue. His huge beak looking like a tree's trunk apart for the sharp tip to it. Able to tear flesh and crash through a skull if he wanted. Though he clicked his beak to make his strange thumping sound to notify the alphess wolf here that he was here. Arkada was seeking acceptance into Amenti because it seemed like the most corrupted pack here these wolves weren't filling their life purpose of trying to become a bird. Yet, he was feeling nice to forgive them and see how they lived. Because perhaps they were following their own rule? That was always a possibility. Arkada shook his head a bit and ruffled his feathers. Standing firm on the edge. He couldn't exactly show being submissive due to his size but yeah he wasn't going to be rude about it at all.
"Such an interesting place to live for such wolves. It intrigues me." Arkada said in his African Irish accent. Hitting the tongue on his beak so that the words were conveyed clearly. No one ever said he was a normal shoebill, he had adapted after being pushed over here by a hurricane. He wasn't exactly a shoebill who was nice and kind apart to their own young. On top of that he loved to fly long distances unlike others of his kind. So standing there with his long legs, he waited kindly to be assessed to. They had an odd way of judging potential members. Though he wasn't a wolf, so he was certain this would be an odd adventure.



11 Years
Athena I
09-02-2013, 09:54 PM

ooc: soooo due to liquid time Alena is way prego at the moment xD Just so everyone is on the same page.

I ivory paws carried the heavily pregnant female along the edge of the Amenti territory, her violet eyes scanning the area around her for any sign of other life. As she got further and further along into her pregnancy she had taken to patrolling the borders as a way to pass time. She didn't feel like it was a good idea to venture from the safety of the pack territory, but she couldn't content herself with sitting still in the den all day so this was her compromise.

She had seen lots of things in her lifetime, from wolves of all shapes and sizes and even a snarky snow leopard, but what she came upon was something the pale assassin had never seen. She stopped in her tracks a long ways away from the huge bird, taking the sight in with surprised eyes. All the birds she had ever seen were small, edible even. This one stood on the ground and was still quite a bit taller than she was.

Shaking her head, she padded over to it, peering curiously at the large-billed avian. The fea stopped several feet away as she spoke, "Hello. I'm Alena, Captain of Amenti. Is there something I can help you with?" she asked politely, never forgetting her manners. Alena wondered what a huge bird like this would want with a pack of wolves or perhaps it was just passing through.



09-04-2013, 06:03 AM

The bird was approached by what these wolves would call a captain. She seemed to be very filled with the offspring of her own. Many times the bird thought that live birth was quiet a hassle. Too much blood, as to when their own females lied eggs that hatched without having to deal with all that. He figured it would hurt less as well. As he tilted his head, he clicked his beak a bit and dipped his head. "Greetings, my name is Arkada. I am in wish of joining with Amenti to offer my services." His legs folded a bit, he didn't wish to make her feel uncomfortable in front of such a beast. After all, the way things were, she had done nothing wrong to birds yet she was following the amendments as far as he saw. A nice wolf, one that could be praised but he was not in the position to do so at the moment.
"I have fought plenty of wolves in my five years of life. This beak comes in handy at that, plus I can fly to add my light weight makes it easier to jump out of the way of jaws. While I don't fly as much as the average bird does, I do so more than most of my kind anyway. I may not be the best companion to have around but I can offer my loyalty and my life to protect those who are within this pack." Arkada's eyes looked over her. Their green glow shining against the sun. They were an odd color for a bird, specially a shoebill such as himself. This encounter could turn out good or bad, that was how he saw it. He was not afraid to kill, and that was what made him such a strange asset to his religious views on this world. They weren't too insane to him, as much as they were to others.



11 Years
Athena I
09-05-2013, 07:23 AM

Alena was surprised by the bird's request to join her pack. She had heard rumors of other packs holding animals of different species as members, the horse that resided in Valhala and the bear that used to live with the old form of Glaciem coming to mind, but a bird? She judged by his voice that this was a male bird, and she listened to his reasoning and what he considered his skill set. She took it all in and considered it quietly. Her violet eyes roamed over him, taking in his huge beak and wings. She had no doubt that his beak could be a deadly weapon if it was used correctly and the assassin could think of many ways that having a member that could fly could come in handy. Not to mention the fact that every member, no matter the species, was valuable for the sheer number of members, which Amenti was lacking at the moment.

"If what you say is true, which I have no reason to believe it is not, then I think you will be a valuable member to this pack. As far as I am concerned you are welcome here in Amenti." She dipped her head in welcome and stood, a soft smile on her muzzle. "The rules in Amenti are simple. Do not, under any circumstances, cause trouble with the packs we are allies with. That is basically your only limitation. Otherwise, we only ask that you work to benefit the pack with whatever skills you may have. Medusa is our Madame, basically the alpha, and I am second in command. Any rank or honor within the pack is earned, we will not simply give out higher ranks. She paused, her voilet eyes meeting his shining green gaze. "Any questions?"



09-05-2013, 09:42 PM


Arkada looked at the fae, she was handling this remarkably well for him being a bird of such stature. All wolves ought to learn a thing or two about this pregnant female and her behavior. He ruffled his feathers with the delight of it, her children would surely be granted a sure pathway into the haven of the bird sanctuary. After all, there were different things in the world, and access was one of them. He lifted himself fully to his feet. High ranks for him? He doubted such a privilege would be granted to a bird. Yet he would just accept the thought. He opened his wings and used one to place it on the ground. "I give you my thanks, I needn't ask any questions. I also offer my lords blessing to your coming children. May they live fulfilling lives." He stated though he couldn't smile since his beak was always in a smile anyway, a creepy one at that.

Arkada stepped across the border, he had now pledged his loyalty to this pack. His loyalty was strong as was his views. "I wish I could apologize for my religious banter, but I was born and raised into a paticular family." He granted that fact on his own. Even though he could be a deceitful, and uncaring godly assassin to the world. One of his kinder minds was when he respected those who respected him. That was the biggest thing he could ever ask for.




11 Years
Athena I
09-05-2013, 10:42 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2013, 10:43 PM by Alena.)

Alena was surprised by Arkada's offer of protection from his lord for her pups, but she dipped her head in thanks none of the less. Even though she had no idea who his lord was she was sure the offer was not given lightly as she didn't want to offend Amenti's newest member. "Thank you, Arkada, I appreciate your blessing."

She smiled as he stepped into the territory, officially accepting her offer to join Amenti. She was proud to say that he was her first accepted member as captain. Sure it was odd to have a bird as a part of a pack, but nothing she had ever done really went with the normal way of things. She saw many ways that he could be a valuable asset to the pack, she only hoped the rest of her pack saw it that way.

She waved off his almost apology with a little wave of her forepaw. "I don't mind it. To each their own, yes?" She smirked as she thought of all the strange creatures she had met in her time since she came to Alacritis. Arkada was probably one of her favorites so far though. She sighed and stretched, arching her aching back. Being pregnant was a lot more tiring than she had ever expected it to be. "I hope you'll excuse me, but I need to go rest for a bit. I hope you'll make yourself at home, eh? We'll have to talk again soon. And welcome to Amenti." Alena dipped her head and turned back toward the middle of the territory, toward her den. She hoped to see Arkada again soon, though she was sure she would. The large bird was hard to miss.

-exit Alena-

ooc: short and sweet xD Def need a thread with him after she's done with the whole pup mess. Maybe with him and the pups? Hmm.
