
Get Thee Into The World


10-12-2020, 08:01 AM

"Come, my lady. Carefully now." A low, smooth voice called back to the lady in question. Pale, silver eyes looked to the obsidian man and a delicate nod was given. She was ready to be done with this treacherous place. The woman's paws were sore from the uphill battle. The slanted hillsides put strain on muscles that often didn't take such abuse. The bob-tailed fae released a soft sigh and continued on her way. This place had to end at some point. The less breaks they took, the sooner they'd be out.

Eydis had recently been released into the wild, as the elders called it. She had been schooled and trained and now she was to fulfill her purpose. Her sisters, not related by blood, but sisters just the same, had gone off in different directions. Each had a guide to lead the way and act as guard. The blue woman's guide came in the form of a male sheepdog, black as pitch. They had been raised together and so their bond was tight. There was no denying though that she was the lady and he was the servant. Despite this, Eydis didn't treat him harshly. In fact, she thought her treatment was quite fair. The Baron, for that was the Groenendael's name, held quite a bit of affection for his mistress. He wanted nothing more than to see her happy and fulfilling her purpose.

At the far end of the fjord, the land began to level out. By now, Eydis had had enough. The Baron found a little stream and the slate, snow and sky woman lay alongside it, her sore paws hanging into the flowing water. She had doubts about her journey initially, but the further they went, the more she began to rely on The One. He would lead her where she was supposed to go. Casting her silver gaze towards the dog, the woman spoke in silken tones. "Would that we would find some civilization soon. I could use a decent nights rest out of the elements, as could you." The black dog  came up close and lay upon his stomach nearby. Plucking one of her paws from the water, he began to gently massage the sore pads. The woman closed her eyes and released a soft breath of pleasure. She looked forward to the time where she wouldn't be forced into constant travel.

"Eydis" --"The Baron"



3 Years
10-18-2020, 01:16 PM

Today, Adelphie was full of energy, she did not want to laze around and waste the day away. She would stretch her long and doe like limbs before setting off into a light run. She enjoyed how the wind scraped against her body and the feeling of being free. She would tread fast but carefully, looking far ahead to ensure she didn't bump into any unwelcome guests. The lady would continue on her journey for what seemed like forever, her breathes becoming heavier and heavier to keep controlled. The lands slowly began to level out and she could see a small stream in the distance, just what she needed. As she made a sudden halt to the stream and lowered down her cranium so her tongue could lap up the water beneath her, she was totally unaware of the lady on the opposite side of the river with her dog. Taking a moment to gather herself, Adelphie would sigh, satisfied with the ongoing day. Rather unelegantly she would flop onto the floor to relax, before her ears twitched to hear the mumbling of others. She would look upon the two figures across the river, assuming they two were just travelling.
"Hello" She would call over, mismatched gaze fixated upon them, but made no hint of going right over to them, giving them the space they needed


10-19-2020, 05:33 AM

The pair, in their exhaustion, had let their guard down. The long haired, obsidian dog jumped to his paws the moment that he heard the voice sound. Spinning, his hackles raised and his head lowered. His thick coat made him look larger than he actually was. Warm, honey colored eyes turned hard as he scanned the opposite bank, looking for the voice's owner. It was a woman. A vibrantly colored woman at that. She was resting as well her stature eased the guards mind a bit. His midnight pelt smoothed and he raised his head once more, tall, pointed ears standing erect.

Eydis, confident in the abilities of The Baron, rose to her paws. She could feel them throbbing as she put her weight on them again and cursed herself for taking a break. None of this showed on the lady's face, however. Taking a step forward, the stately woman dipped her head in a nod at the female on the opposite bank. Clear, smooth tones crossed the waterway that stretched between the two women. "Greetings." Perhaps they could get some information from this woman as to their whereabouts and what else might lay nearby. The Baron, stuffy old thing that he was, piped up with an introduction. "This is the lady Eydis Adamaris." A step behind and to the side of the shepherd, the sky colored woman arched one white brow in amusement. He was obviously taking his job seriously. Stepping forward once more, her toes at the edge of the bank, the woman spoke again. "Do you know this area? Would you be able to tell us a bit about this land if you do know? We would be most appreciative." Silver eyes, lined in the deepest of blues, looked upon the amaranthine woman, hoping that she could give them something to go on so that they might plot out their next destination.

"Eydis" --"The Baron"



3 Years
10-19-2020, 12:27 PM

Adelphie remained in her relaxed state even when the dog before her became regal and alert. She would inhale the mixture of their scent and it seemed that they didn't belong to a pack though they smelt... strange. For now, the purple lady wouldn't ask any questions and as the silence engulfed them finally one would speak. First it was the lady saying hello, confirming they really were not meaning any trouble before the companion would speak. He spoke as though the woman before her had importance and he was there to protect. Interesting. " Lady Eydis" She would repeat, almost like a whisper, allowing the name to taste her lips. " You speak as though the lady held importance... are you runaways?" She would question, her head tilting slightly to the side. Oooo how interesting, perhaps they could tell her the exciting story! They were quick to question the lands and unfortunately Del was probably the worst person to ask, but atleast she could try. " I'm still exploring, mostly around these areas. So far I have only met members from one pack, they seem large and rather strong, I believe they're called Ashen Armada" If she remembered correctly, she wasn't paying much attention. She only came to these lands to learn more about her family, but at last she began to accept she probably wouldn't find anyone who used to reside in their pack lands, so many years had past. " Are you in search of something.


10-22-2020, 08:34 AM

The Baron seemed thoroughly offended by the idea that he and his lady were runaways. The dogs jaw dropped and he huffed a bit but Eydis cut in before he could reprimand the purple woman. There was a bit of humor in her voice and the woman's silver eyes sparkled. "No, not runaways. We were sent out into the world on a mission." A mission of great import, as the teachers believed. Rather than progressing, they felt as though the wolven race was regressing; returning to their baser instincts instead of growing and thriving. As a woman of impeccable breeding and intelligence, the duty had been given to her and her sisters to go into the world and promote progress.

As the woman said she knew little of the lands around them, Eydis tilted her head ever so slightly. "Unfortunate." But then she went on to speak of a nearby pack by the name of Ashen Armada. That was good. Perhaps they could start there. If they were a large pack, however, the possibility to integrate into them was inherently smaller. The lady, still not having given her name, asked if they were after anything in particular. The black dog shot his lady a warning glance and the blue laced woman chuckled. "No need to worry, Baron." She then looked back to the purple fae. "We're simply looking for a place to rest. A pack to extend their hospitality for a time. We've been traveling for quite a while and it would be nice to sleep in relative safety. Perhaps this Armada that you speak of might be courteous enough to let us stay there for a time." The shepherd narrowed his deep brown eyes momentarily as he looked upon the one that he served.

"Eydis" --"The Baron"



3 Years
10-22-2020, 02:30 PM

Upon inspecting the two before her, for a split moment she looked onto the companion who seemed somewhat offendedin what she had to say, but was quickly interrupted by Eydis. At times, Del would easily admit she would not speak before she spoke and perhaps sometimes she should. not runaways huh? AS the woman explained they were on a mission Adelphie would perk  up with intrigue, her eyes glistening with the thought. How exciting! " How fascinating, is this mission top secret?" She would question, head tilting to the side. Was she coming for revenge? to make the world a better place?

the woman would momentarily seem disappointed  at the thought Del knew very little of the lands. Honestly, she would have felt the exact same. " Yes, if you are looking for security then by what i've heard they will definitely provide that. However, i dont know about you but im cautious before pledging loyalty to a pack, you dont wanna be trapped... especially if you're on an exciting mission" Her voice would raise when she would mention a mission again.


10-27-2020, 10:09 PM

It seemed that the purple woman was looking for excitement. Eydis laughed aloud, giving her head a dainty shake. "No, nothing as exciting as that." The fae's short, bobbed tail swished back and forth with amusement. "It's simply the goal of my people to go out into the world and spread our knowledge. Boost the wolven race. Make them smarter. Healthier."

As additional information was added about the pack known as the Armada, the blue striped woman nodded in acceptance. "Perhaps we'll pay this place a visit, if only to rest for a time." She hoped that the pack in question would be friendly enough to offer them shelter for a time. Even a night would do. "Thank you for the information." Silver eyes closing, the lady gave her skull the faintest of bows. A sign of respect in her people. Meanwhile, The Baron stayed standing tall, keeping himself ready just in case the purple woman was going to try something. She seemed to eager for some sort of secret or sabotage. He didn't like it one bit.

"Eydis" --"The Baron"