
Lost Without...


09-05-2013, 01:54 AM

Sand pelted paws skimmed the ground wearily. He had been traveling the lands of alacritis for months on his own. It had been a long time, or him it seemed, since he left Valhalla with Morgan. But his mate...he hadn't seen her in a long time. He knew not what became of her, and couldn't even remember when she had disappeared. But the knowledge and feeling of losing her forever to the unknown frightened him. They were childhood sweethearts, and not too long ago had confessed their love for each other. Lovatt had even wanted to adopt her children as his own, even though they hated their mother he was always there trying to calm the hostile situations but never knowing why they acted like that towards her.

All he knew now as an utter feeling of loneliness both emotionally and in his soul. He had left the life he knew in Valhalla to be with Morgan...but it seemed he was abandoned to. So what did he have now? His long time love had left him behind. Did she find someone else? Maybe eloped with another man? No...he couldn't believe that. They had always been in such deep love there was no way she would do that to him. He recalled talking to others about Morgan, and how madly in love with her he was. But as of late...all he could feel was confused, conflicted, beaten to the point of emotional exhaustion with all the stress that had caught up to him from looking for her. He felt...lost. He wanted to return to Valhalla, to the place where he was accepted and where friends were. A place where he wouldn't feel lost...but he had left with Morgan for a reason. But now that she had vanished...what now?



09-06-2013, 10:31 AM

A pale form weaved her way through a new and unknown land. It was foreign to her, but not to far from home. She had again been gathering herbs. Yarrow, lavender, and others. Each time she found something, she repeated it name and uses to herself. A game that Erani had taught her and had become very useful. Today was no different. Jaws delicately held the place, careful to not ruin them before returning home. Their strong scents filled her nose, wiping out any other smells, putting her on high alert. Ivory audits swiveled in every direction, listening carefully, eyes continually swept the land, in search of danger and plants.

It was a place where the desert and forest met. If one blinked they would miss it. It was here that she spotted the form and earthen colored wolf. Slowly she approached, sensing his distress. Eyes roamed his figure, but he had no outer wounds that she could see. Setting her herbs down in a safe place where they could be retrieved later, she returned her mismatched gaze to the stranger. "Hello." She stopped a respectable distant from him, her gaze showing gentle concern. For a moment she thought he looked familiar. Rich chocolate and striking blue eyes. She mentally shook herself. It was doubtful that she knew this wolf. But she couldn't help but wonder.

OOC- If I remember correctly, Rayne and Lovatt met briefly when we first moved to this site.


09-07-2013, 03:24 PM
It had been months since the fight with Eve, since she had seen her love. There was never a time when the chocolate male wasn't on her mind, in her thoughts, in her dreams even. Since Eve took away their dream she couldn't bring herself to face him. She was afraid of what he would do, what he would say even though she knew she shouldn't.

The scent of any pack was long gone by now. She was tired, dirty, and ready to face the music. Her pelt had lost most of its shine and she looked skinnier than usual as she hadn't been doing much hunting and when she did it was only ever a small rabbit. Just enough to keep her going. The only thing that still shows who she really is, are her eyes. Still the beautiful icy blue, still strong and loving.

Morgan had started her search for Lovatt only a few days ago. All she could do was hope that he hadn't already found someone else to love. If so she would be happy for him, but that doesn't mean she would be nice to the woman. Her search had started before the light even touched the land, and now that it was she had finally found his scent...along with that of a Valhallan female. She was happy to find him, however not so much that she was near but she didn't jump to conclusions.

It was only another twenty minuets before she actually found them. A smile came to her maw as he came into view. She didn't attempt to hide from the other ivory woman, as she wanted them both to know she was there. The woman that was there wasn't a young wolf either, so it made her a bit nervous about seeing her love again. Then she saw it, the loneliness and look of abandonment or betrayal. He still loved her. If he still loved her after months of being apart there was no way he would leave her over what she had to tell him. "Lovatt..." her voice came out soft, as if she were afraid everything would shatter if she were to speak any louder.


09-12-2013, 10:26 PM

Chocolate features would look up at a scent, familiarity of it vague but memorable. Turning, he caught sight of a white figure stand nearby, a gentle "Hello" came from her lips. He full turned and greeted her, his mind telling him that he had met her before though he couldn't recall when. Nodding politely, he turned his attention to her as he then struggled to hide away the feelings he had. "Hello there. Have we met before? I'm Lovatt...and whether I am mistaken or not, I feel that we have met at one point a long time ago." He did well in hiding the distress, the pain, the hurt in his voice over his lost love. His eyes however, were a whole other story. He then would open his maw to speak again to the white woman...then another figure would catch his eyes.

His eyes would widen, jaw drop and he suddenly forgot how to breath. Standing not far from him...a ghost? No. Her words...his name. For long moments, all he could hear was the pounding of his own heart. The sound of his breath, his legs became shaky and it was as if his whole world began to turn around. He tried to speak, his throat producing no sound each time. Without meaning to his body fell against Rayne, the stranger he had just met some time ago. His legs seemed no longer able to support him. "M...Morgan...?" He whispered.



09-24-2013, 12:45 PM


It seemed as though the brute thought they had met before too. She tried to think, to recall allege faces she had met before but it was fuzzy. "I'm not sure, it's a possibility." While his voice remained neutrals, his eyes showed endless sadness, as though he had lost someone dear to him. She was about to ask if he was alrigh but another had joined them. A pallid she wolf. Suddenly it had hit her. She had been in this position before. She knew these two wolves. They had met when she first arrived here. How strange for them to meet again in a similar way.

Being a healer she didn't miss the scars that covered her belly, already healed and the hair returning but it was obviously a brutal wound. It became clear that the pair had been looking for one another for sometime now. Stepping away, she left the pair to be reunited. Dainty paws carried her away quietly, returning to the duty of gathering herbs for her collection.



09-27-2013, 05:43 PM

The woman nodded quietly as her lover stuttered out her name. She was forcing herself not to burst out in tears and run to him while the Valhallan woman stood watching. She felt terrible for leaving him, and she knew nothing she could do or say would be able to give him that time back.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw the other woman move silently away and for a moment she looked in her direction and smiled a silent thank you. The moment she could no longer see the other ivory wolf, she herself took off at a quick trot. She didn't stop moving toward him until she had her face buried in the fur on his neck and chest.

Inhaling deeply she took in his sweet scent. She hadn't realized how much she had missed his touch and scent until she had it again. But she couldn't, and wouldn't tell him that as it was her fault they had been apart. She could feel the sting of tears as she shut her eyes to keep from crying. "Lovatt, I...I'm sorry."

With her words came the tears. His name had been spoken clearly, but as the last two words came they got lest understandable. She hoped he wouldn't move away from her, she hoped he would return her affection. To contradict those feelings she also wanted him to pull away and demand to know where the hell shes been.
