
Duct Tape & friends Fix all?




2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
10-09-2020, 08:01 PM

Naiche would have been willing to stay and keep an eye on Asla but that wasn’t going to happen at the very beginning.  First, she needed the healer and there was her dad and any other family that visited.  Naiche spent time in his own den, remembering those few moments, and remembering a hunt before he came that had ended with his sister's life.  He had finally felt confident enough to try again and this what came of it.  Asla could have died, and it was saving his ass.   He had a long sleepless night before he went to check in on Asla.

When no one else was visiting he would go in her den, at least no one besides Bas.  He expected Bas would be there almost all the time so no point in waiting for him to disappear.  Still, admittedly he hoped to show up with the other wolf gone.  Entering the den he kept quiet, feeling a pain in the pit of his stomach with seeing her leg.  His fault.

“Asla, I’m sorry.” It had been burning to come out, for however little it meant to her Naiche had needed to say it.  He didn’t move in far past her entrance, making sure he was actually welcome to go in further.  Naiche didn’t expect she was holding it against him, for all she pissed him off at times right now he didn’t expect any biting words. “Do you mind me coming in?”

The proud wolf looked a bit less so, at the moment his head drooped a bit as it was weighed down by guilt.  Naiche looked at Asla and saw how fragile she looked at that particular moment.  She would hate it if he ever suggested her fragile, probably even when her leg was messed up like this.

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
10-10-2020, 06:31 AM


Pain and deliriousness had consumed the girl from the moment she'd broken her leg. Her aunt Iolaire had kept her drugged with cannabis, willow bark and belladonna. Yes, the last was a poison, but even poisons could be beneficial when used correctly. Io had sent teas and tinctures home with Basilisk, trusting the young man to do right by Aslatiel. He had been administering the medicines regularly and so the injured girl had been mostly sleeping since it happened.

Today, Bas had given Asla her medicine then had gone off to catch them some dinner. She napped off and on simply because there was nothing else to do. It wasn't like she could get up and meander outside on her own. Relieving herself was extremely difficult and embarrassing and was something that she'd rather not have to do. She aimed to get strong enough to walk very quickly. No one wanted someone else to choose where they were going to pee.

Asla dozed, one paw draped over her eyes to keep out the light of day. She wasn't in so deep a sleep that she couldn't hear approaching paws. Unshielding her eyes, the cream colored girl looked towards the entrance, her gaze narrowed to keep out the bright lights. It was Naiche, surprisingly. She hadn't expected him to come visit her. His very first words were an apology. What was he apologizing for? He'd done nothing wrong. He wasn't the one to make the boar charge them nor was he the one that made the decision for her to jump on its face. His apology was silly and unnecessary.

Next he asked if she could come in. She could see the defeat in his form and that made her think that he was going to pity her. She didn't want pity. Rather than apologize, he could have thanked her. That would have been better. With a sigh, Asla rested her head back on the ground. "Sure."

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
10-12-2020, 07:46 PM

Naiche stepped in, looking at her quietly for a moment, assessing how she was lying and the shape she seemed to be in. The first words that came to mind weren’t the ones he had planned on, “Damn, this looks like it would be boring as I can imagine.” A soft huff through his nose.
“How long until you can walk again?”  Naiche’s left front paw twitched a bit, his normal like claws digging into the earth a bit, “I should of seen it and gotten out of the way sooner,” a bit of bitter anger at himself in the words.  

Stepping up so he was next to her he lowered his neck to lick just once at the top of her forehead near the ear gently. “Thanks,” humble sincerity in that. “You did a damn good job you know? I’m not sure you got to see the result but you fully blinded it, both eyes.” Perhaps that bit of news would mean more to her than the rest of it.  

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
10-12-2020, 10:51 PM


Naiche's comment about sitting still being boring had the injured lady's eyes rolling. Of course it was boring. Who would choose to stay in a den all day long, doing nothing but twiddling her non-existent thumbs? It was ridiculous. She hated it. She hated the pity that she saw in the eyes of others the most. Aslatiel didn't want anyone's fucking pity. Give her admiration for her deeds, but never give her pity. She saw a little bit of that pity when he asked how long she was stuck without walking. Asla's gaze narrowed momentarily. "My aunt said that it would be weeks before I'm even able to put weight on it. Months before I can use it as I did before. There's a chance that I could have a permanent limp." She studied his face, waiting for more of that pity. "She was confident in her setting of the bone, however, and so she says that the chance of a limp is slight, but it's still there."

His own guilt bubbled to the surface as he cursed himself and went through the list of 'would have-should haves.' Aslatiel shook her head lightly. "There was nothing that you could have done. Your field of vision was elsewhere. It would have been too late by the time that you'd seen it." Had she only screamed rather than acted, Naiche would most likely have his guts on the floor. She would trade her broken leg for that any day.

What he did next was a bit of a surprise. The golden wolf stepped up close and gave her a kiss on the crown of her head. A sly smile turned up the corners of Asla's cheeks. Ah, so he was the one kissing her now. Funny stuff, that. She didn't comment, however. He was being serious when he thanked her. The cream colored girl nodded in acceptance and listened as he spoke of how she'd blinded it. Aslatiel laughed aloud, galaxy gaze glittering. "Perfect. I'd bloody well hope so, too. Makes me feel better that I got in a nice jab before I was sent flying." The smile slowly faded and Asla reached out one paw to place it upon Naiche's. "I really am glad you're okay, Golden Boy. I'd break my leg a thousand times to save your life." Honest sincerity. A rarity.

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
10-15-2020, 10:01 PM

Naiche scrunched his nose up at her information on the length of time to heal.  The gold coated wolf seemed to put all his focus on her listening to how long the different stages of healing would work and the odds. “Well, while I hope for no limp the word ‘slight’ doesn’t imply being one that I see affecting you too badly.” He was looking Asla’s form over more critically now, “besides, even if you’d lost the leg your too stubborn to not still be an excellent fighter and hunter.  You’d just compensate.  By that comparison, a limp is nothing.”

It was nice she didn’t blame him for what happened, though he hadn’t really expected her to.  This was the devil on his own shoulder whispering how badly he screwed up.  If Naiche was to choose to believe he wasn’t guilty then he would need to reconsider the blame he shouldered on his sister for when his mom died, and he’d been quite zealous in his blame put on her.  Her words held plenty of logic to it but it was hard to wipe away emotion with something as mild as logic.

Her paw on his and her sincere comment was startling, not so much the words but the sincerity in them.  She really could be nice? Damn.  Well, what she had said was past just casual nice admittedly, but Naiche wasn’t going to think to deep into it.  “I better not need my life saved too often.  You’d start making me carry you back at some point,” said with light mirth.  “You started off as a pain who was also, unfortunately, a packmate and so I would feel honor-bound to protect.  Now you a respected packmate who I would gladly die fighting alongside.  Even if you occasionally act like an annoying sister.”  The last part had to be added, it was too weird to be completely somber with her, and to be honest it was true.  This moment of honesty and openness was a fragment in time and once Asla started looking for entertainment the old version of her would come back.  That or he would do something perfectly reasonable that would irritate her, because sisters did crap like that so of course she would.  She was guilty before anything even happened, it would in time.

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
10-17-2020, 10:45 AM


Naiche continued to speak, complimenting her prowess and speaking of her tenacity. Again the young woman flashed a grin. She gave a little wiggle of her shoulders and spoke dramatically. "Ohhh, Golden Boy... keep on with the compliments." Of course she knew it would get a bit of a rise out of him, but what other source of entertainment did she have at the moment? She couldn't even walk outside on her own. She had to be carried. This was no sort of life for her and so she had to get her jollies when and where she could. Surely he'd understand.

The yellow wolf was genuinely surprised by her sincerity. She'd meant it. There was no way she'd let a packmate die just to save her own skin. His comment about carrying her got a little chuckle and Asla shook her head. "You mean like you've already done twice? You're turning into a nice little mode of transportation, Naiche." Her humor faded away as he returned a bit of heartfelt sentiment of his own. The smile remained, but the bedridden wolf closed her eyes momentarily and gave the golden wolf a nod of acceptance and thanks. As for the sister comment, Aslatiel extended her kitten claws and made a show of shining them on her chest before inspecting them. "What can I say? I've had a lot of practice." She'd been a sister her whole life. Of course she knew how to be one.

A big sigh pulled from the prone lady before she slid down to lay flat on her side again, cheek against the furs. It hurt too much to sit up like that for too long. "I sure do hope someone kills that boar. I'd like to put its head outside my door on a pike." She didn't have a boar skull in her collection. Well, not a big one anyway. "I'm sure it'll be long gone by the time I'm able to hunt again or I'd do it myself." With no eyes it was sure to get picked off by predators quickly. What a pity.

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
10-19-2020, 10:48 PM

Yes, Asla knew Naiche’s triggers well.  All it took was one dramatic comment to get a familiar irritated scowling look and ears flicking back half-mast.  Naiche remained quiet for a moment as he had an inner debate within himself.  He didn’t let it show but he was glad to hear Asla still had it in her to piss him off.  She was injured but still full of herself.

“Yeah, exactly like the other two times,”  the first time he’d carried her was also because of a battle injury.  “Though the second I had no part in.”  That gave him pause and thoughtful.  Bet she’d like some of whatever it was that had made her so happy and useless at that time? Not like she needed to go anywhere now.  

“No, you won’t get to kill the boar for sure.”  Naiche somberly agreed, “I already have intent to kill it first.  It won’t be much sport considering its state.  I just wanted to check in on you first.”  Naiche remained silent a moment but then continued with a more somber and deep voice, “I’ve always been for quick kills.  However, this time I can make sure it's not a quick kill.”  Naiche could see who else wanted to help to make it easier to control the situation to make the kill last longer.  It disgusted Naiche in one sense, to torture something with no reason in regards to necessities but all it took was looking at Asla’s condition, looking at the hurt in his guilt and memories than to compound both into a ball of anger.  With that anger burning in him it wouldn’t be so hard to hurt it.

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
10-27-2020, 07:07 PM


At Naiche's fervent conviction that he was going to make the boar suffer, Asla's grinning face darkened. Purple galaxy gaze stared hard into his own golden eyes. "Don't change your nature, Golden Boy. Not because of me." She didn't want to darken his spirit by having him torture a stupid pig. Though she was a ruthless little beast, she knew why the boar had attacked. Perhaps the young pigs that they'd been hunting were offspring of the now blind boar. She didn't like what the stupid thing did, but she didn't blame it.

"If you are going to hunt it though, take someone big with you. Someone with experience." She would recommend her father first, Azure second. Someone that could both bring the boar down and keep Naiche safe. The yellow wolf was new to hunting large game. She wouldn't trust him out there alone. He could very well end up in a cast right beside her, or worse. He could end up dead.

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
10-29-2020, 12:24 AM

Naiche had expected to her be happy at the idea of him making the pig suffer.  How serious she was on telling him not to change was quite frankly shocking.  You know, Asla could be a better wolf than he ever gave her credit for. “I had thought you’d like the idea of its suffering.” The words coming out humbly as she was telling him not to follow through with his plans, “You're injured and stuck like this for a time due to saving me, I’d really like to find some way to help you now.  What can I do to make this time less frustrating?  As to the pig, I thought I’d ask Azure to come with me.”

He’d go back to being irritated at her later certainly but, right now he truly wanted to help her and make sure she knew he cared when it was important.  Next time she got drunk and wasn’t so damnably injured he could taunt her better. “and if you couldn’t guess, the offer is only till you are feeling better, after that it's same as usual.” He had to add it in, being purely sincere sympathetic just didn’t fit well with her.

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]