
Curiosity Conquers Fear

Solo Seasonal - Hunting



Expert Fighter (210)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Overachiever
Snake EyesCritical Observation!1KCritical Hit!
11-15-2020, 10:42 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2020, 10:59 PM by Tyrfing.)

Tyrfing had been looking forward to his release since the day he was old enough to comprehend the outside world. He felt an indescribable draw towards the knolls and impatiently waited for the time where his parents would set him and his siblings free to run amok among the outdoors. He managed his way through the talk about when to be home, what to do, what not to do, and then burst out from the den flying upon his purple striped legs out and over the hills. With so much to see and do he couldn’t fathom having a time limit at all - he’d barely be able to scratch the surface of adventure before needing to turn back to find his way back. It didn’t seem fair, though Fin didn’t make a habit of going against his parents’ word.

The first thing of importance he saw was one of the most curious sights his young eyes had fallen upon. A bunch of weird, leggy creatures with long fat faces and paws that didn’t look anything like anyone in his family. They snorted rather than barked, and they towered over even the largest wolf he’d seen. It was remarkable, and Fin was driven to investigate further. His instincts told him there could be danger, though his interest was inescapably piqued. Closer and closer he crept, his jaw falling open in wonder and awe.

His tiny heart pounded hard in his chest as he pressed forward, circling the small herd to see their curiosities from every angle. The fur along their heads and necks was much longer than a wolf’s, blowing in the autumn wind and drawing Fin’s bright purple eyes. Hidden along beside one massive specimen was a very small one - still it towered over Fin, but compared to the other long-leggeds it was small. He remembered being taught of prey animals and how they didn’t often birth this late in the year, and squinted across the knolls at what he assumed to be the infant. If babies weren’t typical for the season, then the Gods had surely given to him a great gift on this day of his release. It was not very appreciative to waste it, so Fin supposed he must take advantage of the opportunity.

He shuffled further through the grass towards them, watching and waiting with as much patience as he could muster. It felt like forever before the young one wandered away from it’s parent, and for a moment Tyrfing was worried he’d spend the whole of his allotted time outdoors just watching a stupid long-legged baby with nothing to show of it. Though surely if this autumn-born infant was a gift, the Gods would will it within his reach as well. It was that knowledge that kept him quiet and still, until the moment came when he saw his opportunity.

The bold pup dove forward, unable to suppress his excited barks and yip as he tore as fast as he could across the hills towards it. The baby lifted it’s head from it’s grazing, staring down at him frozen with eyes wide in alarm. Fin nearly made it, his jaws prying open and aiming to come down upon its foreleg above the hoof before suddenly it kicked into gear and booked it away, galloping faster than Fin could possibly imagine himself sprinting. He chased and chased and chased, feeling beneath his paws the stampeding of the nearby and now-alerted adults as they charged him.

While Fin liked to think of himself as fearless, the sight of a herd of rampaging long-leggeds was the most terrifying moment of his young life. He abandoned his chase, squealing in fear and skidding to a stop before diving into a nearby bush. The horses continued onwards past him entirely, though he didn’t poke his head back out from the foliage until the vibrations of the ground told him they’d calmed.

He slunk out from hiding, crouching and stalking back towards the herd once more. The lion hearted pup was more than prepared to begin round two, but this time maybe he could manage his stealth attempt even further towards the foal before the adults caught on. If he could land his bite before the baby wisened up and noticed he was there, he surely could take down the creature. There was no doubt in Fin’s mind.  He weaseled closer and closer, already considering how best to tell his tale to his parents’ and siblings when in the distance a voice rang out. Familiar, commanding, and not a voice to be messed with. The pup rose to his full unimpressive height and huffed his annoyance towards his would-be-prey. As soon as he got home, he was going to very firmly explain to his mother that he was mid-hunt and would appreciate a five minute warning next time.



table art by nightauctor
[Image: Tyrfing_Chibi1.png]
Tyrfing has feline paws (with an extra toe on each foot), small horns, and amethyst saber fangs. These features may not be visible on all his art.
He has a black-chinned hummingbird companion named Coach and a mini emperor penguin named Private, and unless otherwise stated, assume the hummingbird is with him at all times.