
What Desire Makes Foolish People Do




7 Years
Chrono I

11-05-2020, 05:38 PM

She had been dreading the feeling of seeking out Allegro after the last time they met. Well actually since she sensed the changed feeling in her body. She knew it wouldn't be hard to call out for him now that they were practically neighbors but she was dragging the announcement by the neck and honestly wanting to just not tell him at all and birth the pups in The Hallows and keep them secret.

She knew Allegro would have been a great father, and she expected him to be joyful over the surprise news but there was a part of her that worried about the other side. That he wasn't ready to father children with her being so early in their confirmed relationship. The thought of her disappointment to Tyranis still plagued her. And she was willing to abort his pups back then. Not so much now. Losing Nuada and Rain had been so difficult for her, she was surprised by now she hadn't found a man to sire even as a single mother. But maybe it was the thought of losing them again that held her back.

She'd come around the neighboring lands of Abaven, not wanting to make a scene with the whole pack before letting out a quiet call for the handsome brute who fathered her pups. The thought of Noir shoved into the back of her memory for now. She wouldn't want to worry Allegro about that until the pups came out blue.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
11-05-2020, 08:29 PM
Walk | "Talk" | think

The days since he last saw Aranea felt like they had drug out much longer than it had actually been. He didn't want to cling to her or be over bearing so even though he did occasionally linger near the borders of The Hallows or in the territory that stood between their two packs, he hadn't called for her yet. He felt like there must be a reason that she hadn't done the same and he had slowly began to worry that perhaps he had done something wrong or that she had gone through a moment of clarity after they parted and had decided that it was all a mistake. Maybe he was just a little afraid of facing that possibility so that's what had kept him from going to find her to find out for sure. He was very inexperienced in the ways of relationships so all he could do was do what he thought was best, but what did he do when he didn't know what was best?

As he was lingering around the border of Abaven musing over all of these things, the woman that had been heavily at the forefront of his mind called out from him from the direction of the Moontouched Cliffs. It made his head pop up in response and a relieved grin spread across his face. Without a moment of hesitation he took off at a quick pace to find her, running though the bit of territory claimed by Abaven and heading up the grassy slope that led to the cliffs themselves. Soon enough he spotted the wolf that had caught his heart and he slowed to a loping jog until he was finally standing in front of her, panting lightly from the sprint to meet her while his tail wagged gently behind him.

At first Allegro wasn't really sure what to say, but actions came more naturally so he leaned forward to press his nose to her cheek, leaving a kiss there before taking a step closer to nuzzle into her neck if she allowed him to. "I missed you," he admitted after a moment of catching his breath, pulling back to see her face again with a quiet hope that she would feel the same rather than that insecure worry in the back of his mind coming true.



7 Years
Chrono I

11-05-2020, 08:57 PM

When he came to view her face would turn gentle with a slight warm smile to his presence. Though as he loomed closer her feelings started to overwhelm her. Her face leaned into his kiss and as he nuzzled her, her eyes clenched as she held her breath, still leaning into his form.

As much as she wanted to agree to how he felt, the surging emotions of her past hit her and pumbled her like a boulder. And as he would lean back to want her gentle eyes back at his, he was instead met with tears and devastation. She would struggle to get words or even sounds out of her throat and would fill the air between them with nothing but silence.

"Allegro, I’m sorry- I-" even if he went to comfort her it wouldn’t seem to change her emotions much and it may have appeared that it was something she had bottled up until now. What she called him for and what she wanted to be so easy to say was nearly impossible of her. The fear of his rejection or his hatred not something that was reasonable to think of him, but all that ran through her mind as she felt a reoccurred shame as she did with her first litter. It wasn’t something she could help and it would be sad to admit that she was mentally unstable to the thought of more children that she craved.

She wouldn’t be able to get anything out as the moments passed, her breathing labored as she attempted to calm herself enough to get out the news. But in time it would come, "I’m pregnant." and she wouldn’t look up into his eyes to find a reaction, making it more apparent that something was wrong at least. Only his mind could think of the possibilities, but there was no way of knowing other than her speaking about the wrong she had experienced.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
11-11-2020, 04:32 PM
Walk | "Talk" | think

The visible distress on her face and the tears that were starting to gather in her eyes made his gentle smile fade from his face so that worry and concern could take its place. He started to say so many things and couldn't get any of it out as she began to break down, his ears folding back against his head as he floundered and tried to think of any possible way to comfort her. He didn't know what had happened or what was causing this, but he wanted to comfort her so badly. "Hey hey hey, it's okay..." he said softly as he inched closer to carefully pull her against him as he settled onto his haunches. If she let him, he would wrap his foreleg around her shoulders and hold her close while she let out all of these emotions that had clearly been building up for some reason. The actual reason for all of this didn't even cross his mind as a possibility until she finally spoke again.

"I'm pregnant."

The words didn't really click in his mind. He heard her, but they didn't register with him for a moment. It left him blinking with confusion and speechless again. She was pregnant... She was pregnant. A lot of different emotions rushed at him all at once, but eventually the initial shock faded into worry and a fear of suddenly facing the possibility of being a father. Over all though, as the thought really settled into his mind, an undeniable joy overshadowed all of those other emotions. He knew he had family within Abaven, but no real direct family and certainly no love or children of his own. This had all gone far faster than he would have ever imagined, but if he said that he wasn't excited he would be lying.

A grin creeped across his face and he gave Aranea a squeeze in his embrace. It was obvious that this revelation had upset her, but he hoped that perhaps his excitement would help ease her worries about things. He gently lifted her muzzle so that he could lean down to bring his lips to hers, leaving a lingering, tender, loving kiss at the end of her muzzle. After a long moment of just letting his actions speak instead of his words, he leaned back enough for his eyes to find hers again while he grinned happily. "Aranea, that's... that's wonderful! Please don't worry. We'll figure this out together, okay? Whatever you want to do, I'll be with you every step of the way."



7 Years
Chrono I

11-12-2020, 06:25 PM

His reassuring words wouldn't upset her anymore but it was sad to say that they didn't help either. Still his company and support was warming to her whether she showed it or her own mind and body wouldn't let her feel it.

She leaned into him as he offered the support, pulling her in and letting her know that he was there for her. The overwhelming feelings she hadn't shared were dwelling inside and she wasn't sure how to handle them or help herself. "I don't-" She'd break between a gentle sob, "I don't want to lose these too Allegro." Though she was willingly giving into his kisses and hugs, she couldn't make herself look into his eyes as he tried. She felt it would have made the emotions worse seeing him try so hard to comfort her. And though she had been mostly quiet and observant through their encounters and maybe even a little happy and relived, he was probably unaware of the depression demon taunting her from inside.

Thinking of being a mother again was something she thought about often and maybe everyday after her abandonment of Tyranis and loss of her children. But it was the thought of something happening to them or someone taking them away that threw open the door to fear of loss. She may not have seemed happy at all in this moment, but that wasn't really the case at all. If Allegro could know what had happened to her or looked into a pool of her past, he would understand.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
11-12-2020, 06:53 PM
Walk | "Talk" | think

He wanted to help and comfort her so badly, but he couldn't tell what was going on in her head as she leaned into him and continued to sob. He couldn't quite get her to meet his gaze, but he wouldn't force her. If she just wanted him to hold her then that's what he would do. It made him feel increasingly helpless since he had no idea how to be a good partner or father and was now suddenly faced with the possibility of being both of these things. It was scary and overwhelming and exciting and he couldn't quite separate one emotion from another right now.

His mismatched ears perked forward when she spoke and his brows lifted with surprise. Lose these too? She had been a mother before? He was already aware of the fact that he didn't know much about her past, but this just emphasized that fact. He couldn't tell from how she spoke of her children if they were gone from this world or just gone from her life - or perhaps a combination of the two. It also made him wonder about the father of those pups and where he might fit into the picture of her life. He'd be lying if he said that he wasn't entirely overwhelmed and confused by this entire situation, but he tried his best just to take this one thing at a time. The biggest concern and thing he wanted to focus on was the fact that she was pregnant and they were going to be parents. Whatever happened in her past could be addressed at another time. For now he just needed to focus on this change in his life so that he could make sense of it.

He nuzzled the top of her head and continued to hold her close to comfort her the best he could. He wished it was possible to just make everything wonderful and perfect for her even though he was certain that wasn't possible. "Aranea, I... I don't know what's happened in your past, but I promise I'll do everything in my power to make your future everything you want it to be." He gently rubbed her back with his forepaws and left a few gentle kisses around her ears. "I want to have a family with you... and love you and these pups if you'll let me."



7 Years
Chrono I

11-20-2020, 07:40 PM

Whatever could have been going through Allegro's mind was unknown to Aranea, and whatever doubts he may have had he was keeping well hidden. The news would have been troubling to any young couple or wolves not entirely expecting to have pups. And Aranea herself was thinking that through her season there was something wrong considering she had slept with multiple males without the consequences. She couldn't say it was a happy thought, but knowing that she was a failure as a mother already there was a part of her that was relieved she wouldn't ruin more of her own litters. But now here she was, a complete wrecking ball in Allegro's arms.

Still she couldn't deny the hidden joy through her mess and tears, though it would probably be later before celebrating. She'd try to compose herself enough to make her words legible. It wouldn't take long but she would still have a broken inhale between her sentences at least. "I want- I need you to be there for them. I can't protect them like you could." It was more a value of her self-worth in her emotions opposed to her physical ability. And though Tyranis  probably could have protected Nuada if he had taken them both, his treachery and abandonment is what made her the way she was today. But she knew Allegro was a much different, kinder, and wiser man than Tyranis and maybe even herself now. She felt she could trust their children in his care. And if anything, they wouldn't be left to die like Nuada in her own paws. "But I have- I have an obligation to The Hallows."

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
11-23-2020, 12:20 PM
Walk | "Talk" | think

Allegro felt like he was playing a game of catch and Aranea continued to throw him curve balls. The romantic in him had hoped that this would give him a reason to be a part of his family in Abaven despite the animosity she seemed to have toward the pack itself, but when she told him that she needed him to protect them while still having an obligation to The Hallows he realized that wouldn't be. At least not yet. It was difficult to hide his disappointment, but he did his very best because this wasn't about him - not really anyway. Yes, he was part of this decision because these were going to be his children as well, but he wanted this. He wanted to be a father. In his ideal vision of the future, Aranea would be there by his side as well, but he wouldn't force her. He could never bring himself to make her do anything she didn't want.

He considered for a moment if it would be worth leaving Abaven to be with her, but that thought hurt him more than he had expected. During all the time he had spent away from his family, his only real motivation for healing and getting better was to be able to return to them. To leave them now so shortly after coming back, even if it was just to move next door, felt wrong. Besides, he didn't know anything about The Hallows. He was sure it was a wonderful pack if Aranea had taken to it so strongly, but what if they ended up moving at some point? Abaven shifted lands from time to time, he imagined they could do the same. They were next door right now, but that could change. Did they even have the space for him to join? There was too many unknowns and he didn't like it.

He was quiet for a moment while he tried to piece together a good solution, his paw idly rubbing her upper back while he was lost in thought. There didn't seem to be one solution that would solve everything, but he desperately wanted to make Aranea happy. Whatever he could do to make this easier on her he would do even if it wasn't exactly what he had hoped for. Refocusing on her, he finally replied, "If you want... If the pups live mainly in Abaven... we can ask Theory to give you access to the pack lands to spend time with them, so that you can continue to meet your obligation to The Hallows. I know she would not have an issue with that - family is very important to her. I'll protect them and if... If you ever decide that you want to join us in Abaven permanently then I'll do whatever it takes to make that possible for you." His ears flicked uncertainly as he added, "My mother disappeared when we were very young and was absent for the most part... I don't resent her for it, but I don't want that for these pups. I want us to be a family."