
An honor to have you as a daughter

Fihona dad date!



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
11-28-2020, 09:46 PM

Finding balance in his life was always something he struggled with and that was even more apparent now that he was a father. He had fully dedicated himself to The Hallows and ensuring that this pack was cared for, but he still wanted his children to be the top, undisputed priority in his life. Figuring out how to find enough time in the day to do both was undoubtedly difficult, but he was more than willing to sacrifice his own free time and rest to do it.

Something else that had been lingering on his mind recently was the fact that when he came back to the den to spend time with his family it was pretty much with all of the pups together. With so many pups he didn’t want any of them to feel neglected or pushed aside so once he was done with his duties around the pack in the early afternoon, he went back to their home with a different idea in mind. He went to find one of his children to spend some one on one time with them. The idea alone already had a smile lingering on his lips and all of the stress of the work he had been doing easily melted away once one of his daughters came into view.

He came over to Fionha with his tail wagging gently behind him. He settled onto his stomach next to her, leaning down to give her forehead a lick with a gentleness that seemed out of character for a wolf of his size. “How has your day been, Fi?”



11-30-2020, 02:49 AM
She hadn't made it very far out of the den that day, or any day really. Still a bit nervous and shy to go exploring their home, she was happy to stick as close to their den as possible - where she was safe. Safe from the prying eyes of others, the cooing, all of it. If she could hide behind her parents, she was a bit more willing to stray from their small home, but usually it left her alone at the den with the fleeting company of a sibling. At any sign of anyone else, though, she was faster than the light at getting into the den where she wouldn't be seen. Today had been a quiet day, thankfully, and she didn't need to hide but a few times when others came around.

Today was a little different though. As she laid at the mouth of the den, playing with a little beetle that she'd found under a rock, it was a bit of a surprise to see her dad wandering up. Her tail immediately started to beat into the ground as she rose to meet the kiss on her forehead with a smile. Pressing herself into him, she rubbed herself against his legs and chest in a cat-like affection. "Hi Daddy! It's been good, and yours?" She asked as she leaned against him, looking up and batting her mothers eyes at him.



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
12-27-2020, 11:15 PM (This post was last modified: 12-27-2020, 11:15 PM by Ulric.)
He always smiled around his children as it was, but he couldn't help but beam happily when his little Fionha immediately got up to press herself into him and return all of his affections ten fold. She reminded him so much of Azariah with those big, ruby eyes and it absolutely melted his heart. "It's much better now that I'm here with you," he rumbled truthfully to her question, grinning as he lifted a large paw to scoop her up around her middle. He lifted her up to his face, nuzzling her relentlessly and making himself laugh in the process. He wished they could always stay this small, but he knew at some point they would get to be too big for even him to pick up. He was a massive wolf, but even he had his limits.

Once he was satisfied that he had tortured her enough with his unrelenting affection, he chuckled and finally sat her back on her feet, his tail thumping against the ground behind him. "You have my full, undivided attention for the rest of the day!" he declared with another wide, lopsided grin. "We can do whatever you'd like. If you wanna do some training or hunting or go exploring, you name it!" He was curious to see what she would want to do when given completely free reign. It had been so interesting to see what interests each of their pups was developing as their personalities began to emerge more and more.

Walk | "Talk" | think


01-15-2021, 11:54 AM
Fionha never didn't enjoy any affection from her parents. Being lifted and adored on by her father warmed her from the inside and she returned his affections with a smile and childish giggle. Her tail, wagging a mile a minute, would certainly be sore later if this kept up! Excitement was bubbling in her bones at the mention of doing whatever she wanted today. There were so many options, and so little time to decide! Idea after idea ran through her brain, but she could only settle on one thing. She wanted to learn. Anything he could teach her, she would soak it up like a sponge. She wanted nothing more than to be like her parents, so who better to learn from then the idols themselves?

"Teach me something! Anything!" She smiled a toothy grin, settled on the simple task of learning today. Of course, she learned everyday, but today would be different. Undivided attention from her father to teach her any and everything he had to teach. Family history, lessons he'd learned in his life, or even simple things like nature, she was all for it. She wanted to be smart and strong, just like her parents.