
It's a nicer one[joining]



08-25-2013, 10:59 PM

This place didn't exactly remind her of home, considering it had been dotted with small plants and other small creatures that had various poisons in them. This could have been another type of desert, but regardless it was a warm feeling that she got warping off of it. Recently she had found herself losing everything, and now she was the only one left in her family. Her brother ran off with her son, her daughter and old rapist had been killed. Denki had left her to start his own life, so what else did she have to go off of. Yet, you know what, she didn't feel sad. The tears had fallen for days on end maybe her red eyes were even more so but the beautiful girl was not about to be broken. She was determined to make her life worthwhile. She didn't want to go down with a depressing look on her face. When she went to meet her maker she wanted to smile and tell the ones she was closed to that she had done what she wished to do. So as the brown female stood here on the edge of the border she held herself with pride but still at the respectable distance of these wolves. Rivaxorus was no stranger to packs, nor would she ever be.
Riv pulled back her head in a fine manner and let out a clean howl. It wasn't urgent, it was kind and it was simply a beckoning call letting those around here know she was here looking for a home. Lowering her head she blinked her white eye patch on the left resembling that of her relative family. As the large wolf flicked her pure black tail she gave a bit of a smile. Things were looking up weren't they. After all the death, things were settling down. Though she knew if she got too happy and settled down something bad could happen. She had already lost two past mates that she had loved dearly one female one male. Then even though she had promised to raised the child of a rapist Denki....had murdered them. Regardless it was a story she would rather bury. Unless someone, truthfully, wanted to know about it. In which no one should ever have felt like she had. Torn apart over and over again. Love, was a delicate thing.



08-28-2013, 08:29 PM

Cleaning the den in the southern forest of Seracia, that's what Loccian was doing when her ears twitched at the sound of a howl. It had been a few days now since her and Gerhardt had been sharing the den, and so far, even though it was awkward, they were okay. With a deep breath she would peel herself away, squeezing through the vegetation that covered the entrance, moving at a steady pace in the direction the howl came from. Calm wouldn't exactly be how she felt, no, Loccian hadn't felt that way in awhile. She was nervous, a bit shy. As the Ambassador of Seracia she could do a few things that made her above the other members in rank, help the King and Queen, accept or deny wolves at the borders.

In no time she approached the border, her grey gaze falling upon a brown and black woman standing at a respectful distance. "Hello stranger, I am Loccian, Ambassador of Seracia... how may I help you on this fine day?" She asked in a soft, friendly tone, dipping her head and stopping just a few feet from the woman, taking a seat, flashing a small smile.




08-28-2013, 10:09 PM

Rivaxorus found herself confronted by a fine looking woman. Though it looked as if she had been, estrange lately. Though what did she know, even though she had been a good judge of character she had been wrong here and there in many cases. Riv gave a friendly smile, she was shown respect so she would show it back. She dipped her head and flicked her pure black tail before her head and eyes raised again. "I came here in the hopes of finding a new home. My name is Rivaxorus you can call me Riv for short." She responded with a dip of her head. Rivaxorus was always kind at first to others. Her same tone, but when it came to those who messed with the ones she cared about or flatly were rude to her. Rivaxorus could have been a viscous monster to them, and she was a seasoned fighter at that.
"I used to live in a rather large family pack life is no stranger to me, especially kingdom life. I also am experienced in fighting, and protecting what matters most. Which is every single life in the family therefore the pack as a whole." Rivaxorus explained. She wasn't trying to sell herself out. It was simply explaining a bit about herself. Like something a student would give to her teacher. After all, Riv had been taught by a wolf and a white tiger on how to fight. Not to mention she had killed twice in her life perhaps just once. It hadn't been something she enjoyed, specially when it had been her birth father even if he did try to kill her.



08-28-2013, 10:51 PM

So far this woman was friendly, smiling at Loccian and dipping her head. She explained that she was here to hopefully to find a new home, introducing herself as Rivaxorus but saying the shewolf could call her Riv for short. It was always good news to hear that somebody wanted to join the kingdom, and what made this woman seem like a good person was her respect and friendly manner. She explained that she used to live in a large family pack, that she was not stranger to pack life, was experienced in fighting and protecting what mattered most... every single life in a family, the pack. "Well... this is a nice thing to hear Miss Riv. It is wonderful to hear that you would like to join our kingdom. We are a peaceful pack, many here are friendly, kind of like a big family."

Clearing her throat the shewolf would shift her paws, tail curling around her body as she gazed at the young woman. "As a Kingdom we listen to our King and Queen, we work together, putting the kingdom before ourselves." She paused for a moment before continuing. "Rank and respect is what makes us, you earn the respect of your members and become noticed by your duties, you will rise in rank. Mating does not need permission but King Maverick should know if there will be any pups. And if mating outside the Kingdom of Seracia, the children should be raised here." Hopefully that was it, Loccian felt like she informed the woman of what she would need to know but for some reason it felt like she was missing something. "Any questions?"




08-29-2013, 01:08 PM

Riv listened to the girl with interest moving her ears to catch every word of it. Though the question part and the king part made her think of her brother and her son. After all, she didn't know where those two were, definitely alive though. Her black tail flicked behind her. "Just one. I have a brother and a son who are somewhere out there. If they show up can you ensure them they can call this place their home? We've been separated for some time. They are both very good wolves though." She asked, lowering her eyes a bit. What would her other son Tanner think of her now, and would he have ever forgiven Hajime for what he had done? Riv wasn't sure, only god could tell on her terms.
Riv smiled and raised her head though after that. "That's all the questions I had." She stated. Well, things were looking up for the better, she shouldn't let her silly depressed emotion get in the way. Even though her heart had been hanging by a string this entire time.



08-29-2013, 04:20 PM

Ears twitched as the woman spoke, head tilting to the side the slightest. She mentioned that she has a brother and son somewhere in the lands, asking if they would be allowed to join if they showed up. Loccian smiled, giving a small nod of her head, til flicking. ?As long as they can serve the kingdom and will not bring danger, they will be welcomed here Miss Riv.? She gave another nod of her head, Maverick wasn't the type to split a family, if they were as fine as this woman then they would definitely be allowed to join, she was sure of it.

"I will accept you Rivaxorus, but I will call our King to also confirm. You are the first I am accepting since getting my new rank." She informed the woman, tail unwrapping from her body, lightly waving behind her. "You will be a clergy upon joining, and as you earn your place here and gain respect you will rise in ranks. Dame, Baroness, Contessa, Infanta, Marquess... all earned with respect, time, and hard work. If you stay long enough maybe you will replace me once my time comes, become an Ambassador." She couldn't help but chuckle lightly at all of this, for some reason a good mood coming over her.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to talk your ears off." She suddenly apologized, dipping her head to the brown shewolf.




08-29-2013, 11:31 PM

Rivaxorus took her time to listen to the girl. It was rude not to, even though she ignored others often. Most of the time it had been close friends she didn't want to hear stories from. This was something important though, after she finished Riv smiled and gave a small chuckled shaking her head. "It's alright Loccian, life is too short not to listen to others." That was the truth. Riv was already four years old, and for a wolf they lived only a third of the one hundred years a human did, not even that. It was a do or die for them, so that was how she saw it. Riv wanted to make her life's worth while she could.
"It'd be an honor to meet the king I will be serving. I am guessing the queen is unable to come to the borders at the moment?" Riv tilted her head. After all, it had sounded like the king had a mate. It could be that she was injured, sick, or even having pups. After all she didn't know. But, she was experienced, and knew enough to deduce a tiny bit. Though there were times when she was wrong, obviously.



08-30-2013, 08:25 PM

This woman was a nice one, kind and having a good side, at least from what she could see so far. Rivaxous would say how it would be an honor to meet the King, then asked why the Queen could not meet her. ?Ah yes, I will be calling him in a moment. Our Queen, Lady Epiphron had pups recently so she is taking a break from duties to tend to them.? She spoke with a small nod of her head, letting the woman know they did have a Queen but might not see her for a bit since she had children to take care of.

With that she would push herself up, lifting her head to the sky and give a short yet smooth summoning call for the King, lowering her head and flashing the woman a smile. It wouldn't take long for the young King to show up, he may have things to do in the kingdom but he still managed to show up quickly when needed.



08-31-2013, 08:57 PM

It had been a brutal night, followed by a tiring morning of patrolling. The King had almost been ready to sleep when daylight peeked through the den and beckoned him to get to work. The children had been restless during the night, yipping and twitching and laying all over him. As much as he adored them, he knew that they were getting a bit big and the den would need to be dug out a bit more to provide them all with adequate space to sleep. Still, duty called and so, with a yawn he ushered himself around the borders of Seracia, with the intent of finishing early and catching a nap. It seemed he would get his wish until a call rang out into the blue sky. Loccian. Pulling himself together as best he could, the russet man would arrive looking only slightly haggard and worn out, noting the presence of another - a female. Instantaneously and rather fluidly, he would dip his head to her, whilst greeting Loccian with a slip of the tongue. "Ambassador," Curiosity brimmed on the surface of his emerald eyes. "I am King Maverick, can I help you?" Loccian had more power than she'd ever held before, and he suspected she wasn't sure how far that power could take her, which is why she'd summoned him here. It was no matter, this was all in a day's work. With a smile he would rock onto his haunches and curl his tail neatly around his hips.




09-02-2013, 07:01 PM

Rivaxorus gave a boy to the king. As she looked him up and down and smiled at him. He was a beautiful male, he should have been proud of who he was. Of course she was sure by Loccian's attitude this place was a fine pack to be in. He was a fine brown color apart for a white appaloosa type marking on his hips. Her red eyes glinted in the sunlight. "Hello King Maverick, my name is Rivaxorus. I've been wanting to join Seracia and Loccian here said that it was alright but wanted you to confirm it. It's a pleasure to meet you, your eyes are a lovely shade of green by the way." She politely inquired with a wag of her tail. It was easy to see her canines through her large smile.
"I offer my services, I am a seasoned fighter and come from a large family who worked much like a kingdom. Although every kingdom is different I'm sure I can adjust in no time. Congratulations on your new children as well." Riv dipped her head, hopping she wasn't stepping out of her boundaries. Riv just was really friendly with everyone. No one deserved regardless banter, or other cruel acts unless they had sincerely done her wrong. Even then, actions across her can prove to her to gain trust back. Yet, she was the essence of respect when it came to others.



09-06-2013, 09:49 PM
ooc: sorry for such crappiness. /:

Upon his arrival Loccian would give a dip of her head to the King, grey gaze looking towards the light woman after he asked how he could help her. She would have answered for the young man but Riv did, and so Loccian would sit back down and wait, listen. She would go on to say how she was a seasoned fighter and came from a large family that worked like a kingdom, congratulating him on his pups. She couldn't help but smile, looking to Maverick to see what he would say.



09-08-2013, 06:15 PM

The woman quickly and eloquently introduced herself as Rivaxorus. She went on to explain her desire to join Seracia, and how Loccian had cleared it with her, but wanted his decision as well. It was understandable, as far as he knew this was the only time that Loccian had ever accepted anyone since her promotion to Ambassador. The tip of his tail twitched gently as he listened to the woman. She complimented his eyes, and furthermore offered her services as a warrior and explained a bit about her background - which seemed to mesh perfectly with Seracia. Lastly she congratulated him on the birth of his children. The King nodded when she was through, a smile upon his face. "You are very well-spoken, Miss Rivaxorus. It is my pleasure to welcome you into the Kingdom. You will start off in our basic rank of Clergy, but hard work and respect will allow you to rise quickly if that is what you seek." He paused, letting this sink in before continuing. "Your new Queen is Epiphron. Should you need anything you can call for myself or the queen, or even Loccian here. We are usually a very helpful community, so almost anyone can assist you if you request it." This was perhaps what he loved most about Seracia. "Do you have any questions before I take my leave?" He rose to his paws as he said this, allowing his tail to furl out behind him neatly.




09-08-2013, 06:40 PM

Rivaxorus happily gave a dip of her head and a smile after being accepted by the king. It made her happy such wolves existed. After all those she had met, she had learned her fair share of things, and she had lost her fair share of things as well. "I will certainly try to not call for you unless it is sincerely needed. I do not wish to plague others with my problems." She only spoke the truth after all. "I'm certain that I can adjust in time. If I have future questions I can ask the other members, or Loccian. I'm sure you and your mate are busy." Rivaxorus noted with a dip of her head. She stepped Across the border with pride. As she looked at the two and over at Loccian. Her new family, she wondered if her broken heart could truly ever be cured.
"Do tell me if I ever bother the two of you. Sometimes I find myself saying things that I don't mean." She laughed a little bit. Things were like that at home with Denki. She would go too far, she would be rash with decisions but he had always been there to hold her back. Though the time had come for her to move on. She wagged her tail, was it too much of her to be prolonging this joining factor?


09-08-2013, 07:14 PM

beginning to the end

In the underbrush of a nearby shrub was a familiar pup. Lightened emerald eyes watched from his hiding place as he saw the goings-on of a new member being welcomed. Faolan's curiosity of such things had driven him to his chosen spot of secrecy. However, his upbringing of not interrupting adults in mid-conversation kept him from just popping out of his hiding place. Now that he thought about it, eavesdropping was rude, too. With guilt beginning to pour over the boy's head like syrup on pancakes, Faolan decided he had to reveal himself.
He pulled in reverse from his place in the bushes and then walked around its base. His head was lowered with ears flattened against his skull, tail tucked in between his hind legs as he made his way towards the grown wolves. Faolan slowly looked up at the large red King before turning his gaze to Loccian and the newcomer. He stood beside Maverick as he quietly said, "I am sorry for interrupting, King Mav. I accidentally eavesdropped on your meeting and I didn't mean to." Faolan raised his head to look up at their faces, not sure what to expect from them. "Papa's not too far from here with Jen and Ara, but I felt like exploring and came across your meeting." Looking up at Riva's new face, he nodded in her direction and shyly said, "Welcome to Ser-Ser-" His brows furrowed and he sounded out the rest, "Serrrraaaaaciiia." Faolan's tail began to wag a little as he felt accomplished from conquering the large word.

Puppy Talk

we are alive