
seasonal skill prompt, idk season or year, also lazy



2 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! VengeanceCritical Fail!Critical Hit!1K
12-03-2020, 10:06 PM
Skuggie had been exceptionally mean as of late. The bird liked to grab Skadi's legs and pretend to measure them. When she inevitably found them to still be short, the owl would make a snide comment about Skadi's height. What always ensued was a bitter argument (at least on Skadi's part) about how unimportant size was and how it didn't matter anyway because one day she would be big like her pabbi so there, stupid bird, stop picking at that obviously sore subject. In the latest bout one thing had led to another and now the pint sized huntress was on a mission to prove she was just as ferocious and capable as anyone her pabbi's size.

Skadi, who lay on her belly in the tall grass, glanced over her shoulder. In the distance she could make out Skuggie's dark form in one of the trees. The owl, seeing the pup watch her, lifted a wing and gave Skadi a half-assed salute. Skadi, unaware of the significance of the gesture but aware enough to know the great horned owl was being sarcastic, scowled and stuck out her tongue. She didn't know any rude gestures beyond that one otherwise she'd have made them. What a jerk! How did she get stuck with such a pain? Her pabbi's owls were cool. Why couldn't their daughter be cool too? It was so unfair. Maybe later Skadi would see if one of the other birds wanted to ally with her and chase the mean one away. Surely she could flip one in the name of sibling rivalry.

Okay, focus. It was time to hunt.

The most plentiful animals in the Knolls were the bison, but her mother had told her to never go near them because they were fierce and would stomp her into a little fuzzy puddle. They were yet another animal added to a long list of untouchable animals Skadi wished she could go after. There were only so many squirrels and sparrows to chase. Thankfully, there were some deer headed through the knolls on the way to warmer lands and her mammi hadn't said anything about them, which totally meant they were fair game, right? If it wasn't explicitly off limits then it existed in a grey area Skadi was 100% going to take advantage of whenever possible.

Skadi huffed and turned back around. She sat up briefly to eye the browsing deer who were moving slowly across the knolls. They appeared to take turns eating although she could tell whether or not that was strategy on their part. Deliberate or coincidental, it was super annoying. How was she supposed to get closer if someone was always looking around for danger? Hello, danger needed to eat too! It was so unfair. Skadi found herself scowling at the trio. Every time one lifted its head she would stare daggers at it before hungrily turning her attention to one of the eating ones. Finally their coordination failed and all three picked at the grass together. Skadi seized the chance to slink a couple paces forward before quickly sinking to her belly again.

She lay there basking in the fruits of her patience for all of three seconds before the counter measuring her attention span rolled over and took her back to square one. And square one on an empty stomach with a stupid bird's smug black eyes boring into the back of her head was steeped in impatience. God, this was going to take forever. She was never going to get to rub it in Skuggie's face! This was the worst- oh hey they're were all eating again. Skadi shuffled forward several paces and the cycle continued. Again she was pleased and smug, and then, just as quickly, she was tired of waiting. Over and over the steps were repeated until she was no more than a handful of yards away. Okay, she decided, this was it. She was close enough for a chase. Skadi had seen chases before. She knew what to expect. It was go time.

Thinking fast thoughts Skadi sprung from the weeds and took off after the nearest deer. She was startled when, after seeing her, the deer didn't move. This caused her to falter warily. She made the snap decision that they were extra dumb and kept running. The deer moseyed away. None were eating and all were watching her, but none seemed particularly impressed with her. Well, that was just their loss! She'd kill them all if given the chance!

Finally she got close enough to one to warrant a reaction. It lowered its head and threatened her with its antlers. Her progress stalled and scowled at the deer. One of her ears flicked back in Skuggie's direction. She was going to laugh if this didn't work. Welp, that settled it. Skadi ran at the deer with her fiercest howl. Finally the deer started moving only this time they really moved. Quickly Skadi was left behind. She did her best to keep up as the deer fled and only gave up the chase when she could no longer make out the white of their tails. Only then and only because there was no point in continuing, could she admit defeat. She slowed to a halt. Somewhere behind her the owl was laughing.