
For To Make a Lead Weight Float



2 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
12-15-2020, 04:37 PM
Abby’s paws met cold water and she paused, muscles tensing in anxiety. The journey so far had been... an experience. She’d followed the river as planned, and only managed to get herself lost a couple dozen times. She still sported bruises from the times Bell had maybe waited too long to warn her about the tree in front of her. She’d and her companion had been living of the herbs Abby had found and the unidentified, small objects that Bell’d feed her on bad days. Every time she felt the crunch of an exoskeleton or the tickle of legs at the back of her throat she thanked all the gods in the world she couldn’t see what she was eating.

But now her journey was reaching its end. She’d be in a better place, right after she crossed the river. What kind of better place was largely dependent of if she crossed successfully or not.

The idea of swimming in the dark ignited wild, instinctive anxiety in the pit of her stomach as she shifted from foot to foot, unsure if she really wanted to follow through with the plan. Bell patted her shoulder with an oddly shaped paw in reassurance as she moved to wade deeper. Abby stopped again. It certainly was going to take a while to inspire the confidence she needed to cross the river blind.
[Image: Untitled_Artwork_4.png]

Abby is completely blind as of this thread. The curse will lift on the first day of winter.
Abby has a common brush tailed possum companion named Bell. She’s Abby’s guide dog until her curse is lifted. If she’s not mentioned assume she is close by/present.