


09-08-2013, 07:42 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2013, 07:45 PM by Sendoa.)

She had thought that it would be simple to wait until her nephew called upon her to spar, but it seemed that ever since leaving his presence the thought of warfare had been on the forefront of her mind. With a twitch of her lip Sendoa would raise her muzzle to the sky, calling forth Taurig from wherever he was haunting, intent upon battle. It would not be fancy or well thought out, just two titans clashing for the mere pleasure of it all. No serious injures would be given out, and no life-threatening damage would be done. No, they were both far too valuable for friendly fire to take them out of commission. And so she would prepare herself, lips tightening against her fangs, paws setting themselves in a wide, even stance, tail flagging out behind her like a knight's banner. It was time to see what the boy was made of.




5 Years
Extra large
09-08-2013, 07:52 PM

He had told his aunt that he would go looking for her for their spar and he was going to keep his promise. He was actually going to look her for later that day, but it seemed his aunt was just as excited to get on with a spar as he was, if not more so as he heard her voice ring out across Glaciem, calling him to him. He already knew for what; the spar. Adrenaline rushed through his veins as he veered his patrolling course to suit it to the destination of his aunt. The organ in his chest beat at a frenzied pace, thumping against its confiment as he charged through the forest, powerful ebony limbs propelling the titan through the foliage towards his aunt. His first spar since having left home and it was with his seasoned warrior of an aunt. It couldn't be anymore perfect.

Ears were flattened against his skull, icy eyes narrowed to lessen the amount of damage they could receive, onyx plume streamline with his spine, nape bristling, muscles tensed with anticipation as he got closer, her scent becoming pungent in the air around him. He was nearly there. With surprising agility the titan would avoid a large tree trunk, clearing it with ease as he burst into the clearing where his aunt stood waiting for him, already set in her defenses. Taurig wasted no time, charging straight at her, opting for using his large mass as a bulldozer to see if he could barrel her over first. Chin was tucked towards his chest, gaze intent on her figure, looking to barrel his right shoulder straight into her chest and knock her off her paws, essentially disorientating her long enough to pin her down. But of course it wouldn't be so easy. Sendoa wanted to push him and he wanted to be pushed.



09-09-2013, 08:48 AM

She had predicted that he would come with enthusiasm, but as the silver and ebony frame of her nephew came rocketing onto the scene, he realized just how eager he was. It seemed he needed no explanation, no verbal cues. Instead, the boy very clearly launched his assault without a moment's hesitation. She watched his body conform to his battle-stance, moving like a bulldozer in her direction. He aligned himself so that his right shoulder was aimed at her chest, an easy enough move to dodge. With intent she would sweep herself to the right in one fluid motion, purposely putting herself right in his line of travel. Jaws splayed open, seeking the ebony marking around his muzzle. Incisors would calibrate themselves to offer only a quick snap and nothing more sinister.

Due to the close proximity between her face and his, emerald vision would narrow to tight slits offering only vague figures and no real details. Her tail swept out behind her like a banner in effort to keep her balance. It was likely he would not be able to stop his momentum, and if that were the case he would certainly go barreling into her as he had first desired to do.




5 Years
Extra large
09-09-2013, 06:14 PM

He wasn't trying to make any kind of fancy attack that would confuse her or anything. He was being pretty direct, making it more than clear that his intention was to barrel her over with his sheer size. To his surprise, instead of dodging his attack, Sendoa swept herself straight into the line of fire. It took the charging titan by surprise, but he recovered quickly, lessening his speed by a notch. On any other occasions he would've poured the speed on to increase the force behind the impact, but he didn't want to seriously hurt his aunt, this was after all just a spar. And to top that off, their first spar. He didn't want to go easy on her, but at the same time he didn't want to go full force either. He needed to rest his aunt out, see how far she would push him in order for him to gauge up to what level he could go to.

His aunt's jaws would snap towards his tucked muzzle, essentially clamping over it but quickly releasing him, throwing him for a spin but not breaking his concentration as his body closed the last few inches between them, his shoulder ramming into her chest with explosive force. Talons dug into the soil to keep himself from falling with his momentum, muscles taut, tail streamlined for added balance, hoping that the force from the impact would at least send his aunt stumbling, giving him sufficient time to pin her.



09-09-2013, 06:24 PM

She wondered what he would think of her blatant attempt at putting herself in the line of fire. She wasn't worried, for though her nephew was a bit larger in every aspect - he wasn't so large as to use her like a ragdoll. She, after all, was a sizable lady. So as his force came into her she absorbed it as much as she could, sending a single back leg out behind her to add balance. Her tail flagged protectively, curling and whipping in multiple directions in order to ensure that she would not topple over. Her jaws met their mark, delving in only millimeters (if that) and then releasing him half a second later.

However, as his force kept coming at her, she had no option but to recoil backward - both instinctively and mechanically. Her weight would shift onto her powerful back legs as they coiled behind and beneath her. One of them would lose it's traction upon the earth, sending her reeling momentarily. So he knew how to use his brawn, but did he know how to use his brain? In attempt to keep herself from falling onto her vulnerable side or even her back, the aunt would draw herself straight down as she felt herself stagger, so that her paws tucked neatly beneath her girth. At the same moment her head would fling upward, aiming for his left front foreleg near the ankle. If successful, she would bite down with the intent to hold on, and - if allowed - would rise up once more and attempt to off-balance her nephew.




5 Years
Extra large
09-09-2013, 06:41 PM

If his aunt was purposely throwing herself into the line of fire when a titan of his size was barreling straight at her, it was because she had something in mind. There had to be a reason linked to him learning something in order for her to do something like that. He wasn't exactly sure what it was, but he had a feeling that he would find out soon enough. The force behind the impact would absorb into her sizeable mass, mostly being dispersed, though she wasn't able to completely absorb the impact. He couldn't see it, but he could feel the shift in her stance and he could only assume that she had thrown a leg back to steadily herself, though it didn't do much as far as helping her keep her balance. The impact was just a bit too much to handle as her frame recoiled backwards, subsequently causing her to loose her balance, but instead of falling, Sendoa folded herself against the ground, limbs tucking beneath her mass. So much for falling and pinning her.

But Sendoa wasn't done yet. She would reach out and up, jaws looking to take hold of his left leg and use him as an anchor to hopefully knock him off balance in order to regain hers. Crown would lower, his own jaws snaking out to meet his aunts, looking to grasp down on her muzzle, essentially holding her jaws between his own, halting her advance from reaching his forelimb and subsequently bringing him down. Icy gems would narrow to slits in case she decided to move her jaws, minimalizing the danger that could be done to his eyes, ears flattening against his skull, limbs splayed evenly beneath him, muscles tensed as talons dug into the soil for traction, determined to keep himself aloft.



09-09-2013, 07:09 PM

She hoped he was remembering every counter move she gave. It was as important, if not more so, to remember moves that opponents used and to accommodate one's own style to fit those maneuvers. That was perhaps the most essential thing she intended to teach him, that and the fact that actions have consequences and moves have counters. These things he would have to know, accept, and use in order to be a phenomenal warrior.

But she couldn't very well explain all of that in the heat of battle.

She would focus in, feeling her heart beating hard and fast on her folded front limbs. Most of it was adrenaline, but there was something else there, something primal.. something exciting. As her jaws sought his limb, her ears would tuck protectively and her eyes narrowed until she could just barely see out of them. There was a flash of pearly whites, and then another as his own incisors delved down toward hers. She barely caught this movement in her emerald stare, and didn't honestly have time to react to it, at least not totally. In an effort to teach him something, Sendoa would twist her head at just the right angle to bring his fangs down onto the side of her own. Their jaws clashed like the antlers of great elk, jarring her back considerably and completely diverting her attack upon his leg. Her head careened away from his leg and into open air, forcing her to scrunch her neck to avoid her muzzle being plowed into the earth beneath her.

Now was her chance, and she took it. Instantaneously she would raise herself back onto her paws, her hind limbs rising first in order to ensure that, if he moved forward (as she almost expected him to do) while she was getting up, she wouldn't fall as a result. She brought her head back into line with her spine, a low growl in her throat almost daring him to prove something to her.




5 Years
Extra large
09-09-2013, 07:41 PM

He was a titan and knew how to throw his weight around, but that didn't mean that he was just a stupid hulking bulk of muscle. He wasn't too na?ve, but he wasn't exactly the season warrior. He was more of the go-off-of-instinct kind of warrior, hoping that his own gut would tell him how to react or that somehow his body would just be able to respond. He'd still been training back when he was in his birth pack and he was glad that he had someone here that could continue to further his training. He wanted to become a superior warrior, just like his aunt Sendoa, to excel at his profession and quite possibly be the best. But of course even if he became quite the warrior, that didn't mean that he was going to become prideful like his father. Sendoa warned him against it and he was going to be smart to heed that warning. He had already seen what pride could do to a wolf and he wasn't keen on having a repeat of his father's episode.

Adrenaline coursed through his system, oxygen filled blood flooding his veins, providing him with the necessary energy while at the same time sharpening his senses. His countermove against his aunt's grasp worked, effectively deflecting her aimed bite at his leg. Her head snapped towards the right, exposed for only mere seconds before she scrunched her neck, avoiding having her nose buried in the dirt while at the same preventing an attack from his jaws. And then she was lifting herself back up, her hind limbs the first ones to return to a normal position, leaving her front half still lowered towards the earth. She probably expected him to move forward and Taurig wasn't one to disappoint. He would move forward, but not exactly head on. He would sidestep to his right, keeping his left shoulder aligned with her own left, haunches flexing as forelimbs were bent as he intended to now push his left shoulder into her own all the while his right forepaw swatting out to catch her closest hind limb, hoping to maybe offset her balance just a tip to tip her over onto her side.



09-10-2013, 12:47 PM

It was a slow process, getting back up, mostly because she didn't want to topple over at his slightest movement. She took her time, allowing her back limbs to stretch out so that the blood could flow adequately, all the while preparing her front limbs to rise off of the ground once she felt she was stable. It seemed he wouldn't hesitate at all, which she was proud of, as he decided it best to move forward. But surprisingly, and much to her pleasure, he would shift his stature so that his left shoulder would meet her own, apparently hoping to push her back or at least down. She knew what was coming next, it was no surprise as his paw swiped at her hind limb, but fortunately with her weight still distributed on her powerful hips, it did little damage except to tip her slightly to the right. Her tail also swept right to keep her balance if he continued his assault, whilst her jaws extended down his left side (her right) and sought a sensitive target where his flank met his hip bone. (here, where it points to the flank) If her jaws met their mark, and she sincerely hoped that they would, they would close down just enough to leave shallow puncture wounds - after all, she certainly didn't want to impair her own nephew. She hoped that he would think she was more focused on keeping her balance than launching assaults, but there really was no telling what he was expecting from her. She wanted to push him, to make him realize that while he had trained and trained, there was always something new to learn. She wanted him to remember this battle, and any more that would come after. She wanted him to remember her.
