
Don't walk to close to the line...



5 Years
12-24-2020, 11:07 PM (This post was last modified: 12-25-2020, 11:27 PM by Addison.)

It wasn’t odd to see the small dark wolf wandering about as that was what the thief did best, picking away at the things others left behind shoving the various things she found in her journeys into the pockets that lined the inside of her black-skinned coat, days of walking on and on leading to nowhere would make anyone restless, even her but yet she did it so much it became almost second nature. Did she ever have an end goal in mind? A place to settle? Her cracked paw pads leading her in circles around the pack life, treading Offaly close or even over pack lines wasn’t an unusual occurrence, always seeming to leave her presence in the lines of the pack in some sort of way. Today she found herself in the southern lands, she never did like the cold much, she always stuck out like a sore thumb in the white lands blending in much better with the darkness that the overlying canopy and underbrush held, the femme continued on. Those ever so mysterious golden orbs moving over the dips and shadows of the terrain as she tried her best to adjust to the land that slowly grew darker and darker as night came around the corner, she would find somewhere to hide for the night if things came to that but for now, she stopped, her black nose raised to the air grumbling as her hind dropped to the ground, relieving herself that sweet scent stained the earth under her, grumbling as she shook, long pink tongue lapping over stained ivory’s as colding air hit them, cringing, ears falling back to her skull, pushing onward to a destination still unknown, long black nails dragged across the moist ground. Paws constantly lifting from the hard land, before being placed again, it wasn’t like anyone ever was actually around, maybe that’s why she had gotten used to the life of going wherever she pleased, the packs staying to themselves for the most parts and the ones she did run across seemed to come with no trouble, only the ones like her that lived with themselves ever really hostile, it was a ghost town for any not claimed by their others as they tried to fight for something so hard to get. Her steps almost perfect as she walked, only till she lost herself deep within the many thoughts that ran through her head, she tripped, stumbling over a rock that seemed to place itself in her path. Trying her best to catch herself as her paws widened for a few steps before falling into her chest with a grunt, scraping at the sensitive flesh and fur that coated her shoulder before she even had a second to realize what had happened. She stood, rolling her eyes at the stinging that fluttered over the now bleeding marks she had cursed herself with, looking down at herself with a huff as she examined the semi-deep cut that exposed the redness of her wound with the brown fluff scraped away, not too bad she thought to herself as her tongue pulled from its cave licking at the wound as her blood pooled in the spot of missing fur before dripping down her leg whatever not caught by her caught by the moss and plants below her. Her petite head picked her head back up grumbling at the stupidity of her actions as her ears flattened, letting her tired and aching paws carry her forward threw the hanging trees slower this time, in some sort of insurance that she wouldn’t fall again, leaving small drops of smeared blood in the thick mud as she walked with a clear trail behind her.

"Just my luck..."