
There's a small rock in my heart[isar]


09-05-2013, 06:59 AM

These were urgent matters in the back of his mind. Oddity could not conceal himself, and he could not betray. He paced back and forth in the autumn weather, his mind was thinking of so many things. After his time spent in Glaciem, he wanted to do more for his king. It wasn't that he was too ambitious, it was the thought of never having a line to carry on his own name. It was two things maybe, but perhaps the chaos of the world could have drawn him to this attention in the first place. Oddity's bi colored orbs looked at the fading moonlight as the sun started to come up. Should he call for such a matter, before he did something reckless. That would be a good idea, in the end he could either lead to his demise or his unsettling. He had been all about surviving, but now he was all about impressing. What had happened to him at this time? How did the odd male change, as to be so distant but not from the rest of the world and those around him. His life blood was pledged to Isar, if he made one wrong move the albino beast had a right to tear out his heart from the foundation and return him to the great blackness.
Oddity stood on his last limb here, strands of his mind were the only thing he could follow. As the boy raised his head, he beckoned his master with a howl. What Isar did was up to himself. In the end his demise could either come sooner or later, yet his plan was one he was eager to obtain, eager to train for. It would make for larger territory, it could benefit Isar in every way, but he still could refuse. Oddity could be a threat if he gained power, even though his undying loyalty to the man was the same. His tail flicked as he pulled back his lips in a shiver. The worst that could happen was that Isar could refuse, but that would only build his anger. He might just end up getting himself killed in the end. So he just waited, his eyes moving from the shivering eagerness to a calm political aspect.




09-10-2013, 06:33 PM

The call of his assailant would carry the king onwards, paws gliding effortlessly over the withering vegetation that struggled to hold out against harsh elements. What did Oddity seek? The unknown tickled the kings fancy, mind rolling over possibilities as the man?s dark form slowly rose in the distance, now illuminated by the first golden rays of morning. Perhaps the loyal warrior had brought him another gift? Morning was the Kings favourite time, due to his pale skin one had to be careful to avoid harsh sunlight. Lips tweaked as he approached, somewhat disappointed to find the ebony all alone, though not particularly surprised. ?No more gifts, Oddity?? a mock frown creased his features, ?That?s unfortunate.?


09-10-2013, 08:07 PM

Oddity could feel the slight fear rising in him, then again maybe that feeling as well just didn't exist in him. His bi colored orbs looked over the king, no gift? Well he had been trying, at least he wasn't in any mind to betray the man. Oddity rather enjoyed being ruled by Isardis. He had given him a personality and a mind of his own. The boy dipped his head to his king. He didn't care what happened, but either way his bones were aching for a fight. His tail flicked back and forth until the lord had finished speaking. "So sorry my lord. I've been searching for a bit but it seems females around these days aren't very easy to convince." He stated his lips parting slightly at the thought.
"I have no intention of betrayed Glaciem. So I was wishing for your blessing on the matter of challenging Jupiter for Ludicael. If I were to fail I return straight here, if I do win however, I can use Ludicael for your devices." Oddity said, he got straight to the point as he looked over to the side. His scar moved with him as he hoped Isar wasn't thinking about punishing him for the thought. "I feel I'd be more of use that way." Oddity spoke the truth and that was that. Doing nothing but searching for females was a bit of a drag. If he had ludi he could do as he please. Yet still use it for Isar's use. The thought was rather enjoyable.




09-10-2013, 09:55 PM

He would chuckle weakly as the dark warrior took his light words so seriously, somewhat pleased by his abilities to tug the ebonies strings. ?Ah, but who says they have the right to convincing?? lips tweaked with amusement, tongue sliding momentarily from his lips as he mused over the thought. Though Oddity?s next words were unexpected, the smirk fading from his lips as the king would hiss; not with rage, but confusion, thought; mind bubbling over the man?s words as he pondered whether or not to take them seriously. Really? This little soul wished to overthrow the sunburnt queen, and for his King? A bemused chuckle rose alongside the return of his cunning smirk, tail flicking behind him as the albino angel came to terms with the creatures wishes. ?But you see, by allowing you the freedom to challenge, should you succeed, I risk losing the fluency of my pack,? he wasn?t a fool, ?How do I know you will keep your word, hm? I do not appreciate betrayal, should you fail to return to me or to serve me you will face the consequences.? He swayed lightly, suddenly blissful as ruby eyes would bat, ?But as you so fancy, ebony. Go and satisfy your bloodlust, but do so wisely; do not claim that I had sent you.? If anything, the battle could be entertaining.


09-10-2013, 10:21 PM

Oddity watched the king, his attitude didn't seem very happy on the idea. Oddity didn't want to betray the king so he had no need to worry about that. The boy gave a grin, Isar hadn't said no though. So he could go and challenge, but he wouldn't say a word involving Glaciem. That way he'd be safe from the harm in the first place. "Isar my king, I have no desire to betray you. The only other desire I have on this account is that if I do win...I get breeding rights within my new pack in exchange to being loyal to you. I will expect my children to be raised to be loyal to you and me. But if a decision were to be made, they choose you over me." He explained, his bi colored orbs glinting towards the albino male. That was Oddity's only wish in the reality of the world. To have his own constraint on power, without causing Isar such trouble.
"And if you do agree and I am to betray you, remind me that I have already given you permission to tear my heart out from my chest. I am a man of my word." Oddity was serious about this. His training would actually pay off for once. If anything happened and he lost he would come back here and simply serve as he was suppose to. He flicked his tail, waiting for his king to answer him.




09-10-2013, 10:44 PM

He watched his assailant curiously, pondering his wisdom in accepting. ?We will discuss the terms once you are actually able to prove your ability to win this pack, but should you succeed; the queen becomes mine, yes? All others I couldn?t care less for,? The fiery temptress were a sight to behold, and her power was as evident as her beauty. Was Oddity really capable? ?And none of my current members go to you, you start afresh.? Their meeting would draw to an end, ?Do not shame me, if you lose you must claim no loyalty to me within her hearing, I do not fancy my reputation tarnished. I hope you know what you?re doing assailant.? With that the angel would begin to turn, neutral upon the matter, though still somewhat doubting. The queen was a queen after all, she would not be an easy defeat.


09-10-2013, 11:45 PM

Oddity's tail continued to make its constant flick. The game of life was turning out to be more fun than he realized. The killer had obeyed his father and now he was the one who had survived. He had found someone to serve, and the urge to want to rule on the off chance of producing young. He didn't mind finding his own, after all if he kept rogues who actually trusted him, perhaps then he would have his chance. Oddity watched the male and he dipped his head. It was a deal, but he wouldn't force Jup, that was all on Isar's end. All Oddity would do for the sake of not tarnishing Isar's name was ask her to meet with someone if he won. After that it was up to the king to gather the female he wished for.
"Yes my lord." With that Oddity turned the other way, he would find a place to train. Train, Train, and Train, until the day came in which he felt that he was ready for the challenge. It would be something of a tough matter. But he felt no pity in the back of his mind. This was something that was dear to him. Just the thought made him more orientated into winning.
