
Angel like you




5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
12-27-2020, 10:14 PM
Settling into her new home had been easy enough - mostly thanks to Iroh. He had been her piece of familiarity in an otherwise unfamiliar world. Since autumn was quickly coming to an end and winter would be setting in before they knew it, she knew she wanted to get some adventure in before the weather made it miserable to do so, but she also wanted to do something to thank her Iroh and give them an excuse to get away for a bit... so she came up with a plan. It took a bit of work and planning and even a bit of scheming with Sarabi to make it happen, but as she led the way down to the grove where they first met it was hard to contain her excitement so she wouldn't give away the surprise.

"Come on, come on! We're almost there!" she said with a grin as she trotted a head once they got within a few feet of the clearing, her tail wagging happily behind her. It was the first time she had ever thought to do something not entirely for herself, but it was becoming more and more apparent that love did some incredible things to her priorities. Once they walked through the trees and into the berry bush filled clearing, her surprise came into full view. There was a camp fire already set up and ready to light and a tent made of four fairly long sticks that had been stuck into the ground and had a long piece of fabric draped over them. The fabric covered the top and three of the sides, leaving one side open to face the fire. Sarabi had already been here and had their tea pot and all the accoutrements laid out perfectly along with a nice selection of things to pick from for dinner - a couple of fish, a haunch from a deer, and a bowl of sweet berries along with a couple of bottles of mead.

She went to stand next to the little campsite she had prepared and turned to face her love, giving him a proud grin. It didn't feel like much considering how much he had given her thus far, but perhaps it would be a start. "What do you think?"

Walk | "Talk" | think



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
12-28-2020, 10:39 AM
Iroh wasn’t sure if he should pinch himself or not, living with Elise was everything he’d ever dreamed it would be. Waking up to her beautiful blue eyes every morning, getting to hold her until they fell asleep at night. Introducing her to the quirks and legends that Aerie held so close. When Elise asked to take a trip before the winter set in Iroh wasn’t about to deny her. He tried to stay out of her way, but didn’t miss when Sarabi and his teapot went missing. Sensing something was up he tried to keep his nose to himself until the moment they left.

The Abraxas man teased her lightly as they went, but he could see her excitement building and it only made his heart beat faster. They were shoulder to shoulder until the very last bit where Elise raced forward to present her surprise. Iroh trotted forward but was stunned to a stop when his blue and lavender eyes beheld the sight she’d prepared. He blinked back both surprise and joy, nearly overwhelmed at what she created for them.

He couldn’t have hid his smile if he tried, and the grin took over his features as he shuffled forward to close the distance between them again. Everything was prepared perfectly, they could have tea and dinner, and enjoy some time alone together. If he hadn’t been sure before he certainly was now, he loved this woman. Iroh was astounded by her work, but he couldn’t help his attention as he focused on her. Nothing could compare to Elise.

”I’m speechless, everything looks so perfect.” His words were a whisper as he nuzzled against her ear and shifted slightly to give her cheek a kiss. Already Sarabi was working on lighting the fire, and the tea would be ready to drink soon. He shook his head incredulously, hardly believing she’d done all of this for him. ”Have I mentioned recently how much you amaze me?” Iroh chuckled softly, only barely holding himself back from grabbing hold of her right that moment.
Where My Demons Hide



5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
12-28-2020, 11:14 AM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2020, 07:39 PM by Elise.)
The look on Iroh's face when he saw what she had prepared made every little bit of work she had put into the surprise absolutely more than worth it. It made her grin even wider and her tail wag more excitedly to know that it had all paid off and she had actually managed to surprise him. She knew that there were some pretty obvious things that would tip him off - like Sarabi's absence and the disappearance of his tea pot - but for the most part she thought she had been pretty subtle about things so at the very least her plan to make it a surprise was a success. Her heart gave a now familiar flutter in her chest as he came toward her to nuzzle against her ear, a grin crossing her features when he told her that everything looked perfect. "I'm so glad you like it. I wanted to do something for you... for us. A little get away where it all started." It was sappy and certainly played into her love of romance, but it was the truth.

She chuckled as well when he asked about if he had mentioned how she amazed him and she lifted her head to give him a light kiss in response. "You might have mentioned that a few times," she replied with a teasing wink before turning to walk over to where their tent for the night was set up, her tail brushing his shoulder and chest temptingly as she went. It was no secret that they couldn't keep their paws off of each other in their usually daily lives so she had to assume that there would be no exception made on tonight of all nights. It was late in the afternoon by this point, but there was still perhaps a couple of hours before darkness really set in and the stars would be out to play. She settled down inside the tent that was lined with a fur that she had snuck away from the pile they usually. slept on. It wouldn't be nearly as plush as the bed they usually slept on, but it was certainly better than the times they had slept out under the stars during their chance meetings before they began to live together.

Once Iroh had joined her, she leaned into his larger frame and settled into his side comfortably while nuzzling into the fur on his neck. Being with him and enjoying his touch had quickly become a warm, familiar feeling for her, but that never stopped the flutter and excitement that would almost always immediately stir in her stomach. He affected her like no one else and even though she knew their relationship was still fairly new in the grand scheme of life, she still hoped that this electric feeling would never fade. With a smirk on her lips she brought her muzzle up to his ear, giving it a teasing lick as she whispered, "There might be more surprises waiting for you after dinner."

Walk | "Talk" | think



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
12-28-2020, 01:06 PM
He adored the excitement she showed at the revelation of her surprise. The way her smile brightened and her ivory tail wagged at her hips. Elise poke softly, but her smile was obvious in her voice. She knew exactly how to make his heart race, especially as he basked in the thoughtfulness of her efforts. She thought up a romantic getaway all on her own, for the two of them to enjoy. Elise joked back with him, and he wagged his own dark tail as she chuckled along beside him. Even though their closeness was no longer a novelty she still managed to rush the beating of his heart and release butterflies in his stomach. ”Just a few?”

She pulled away from him then, but he knew she had every intention for him to follow after her. He paused long enough to watch her lower herself to the ground, on a familiar fur. Iroh still found himself taking a moment to appreciate the way her hips swayed and accentuated the gentle curve of her. Though she’d brought them back to the place it all began, they would be living in near luxury compared to the times they’d met before. Iroh didn’t mind sleeping in the dirt under the stars, but this set up would be so much more comfortable for both of them.

Massive paws carried him towards her and Iroh was quick to curl himself around her. He very nearly wrapped one massive arm around her shoulder, but was reminded of the dinner they had yet to enjoy. Instant gratification was one thing, but there was something special about taking their time with the evening before fully indulging. Iroh leaned against the rust marked woman as she tilted her graceful neck to whisper into his ear. Dark brows raised as a mischievous grin took place over his features.

”Are there?” he pressed her as she hinted not so subtly at what might be in store for the rest of the night. Iroh didn’t stop his imagination as it ran away from him, but he was also realizing how distracted he was going to be while they ate. He was forced to shift slightly as he kept the illusion of cool. ”Now I feel bad, I didn’t get anything for you.” He feigned his guilt as he pretended to suddenly be very interested in the bowl of berries. He clasped one gently in his claws and offered the sweet fruit for Elise to take from him.
Where My Demons Hide



5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
12-29-2020, 01:01 AM
She grinned and giggled at the interest he showed at the tempting promise of what would come later in the night and her tail brushed against the ground behind her. Perhaps that was the benefit they had from building their relationship off a natural physical chemistry - they were almost always eager to be all over each other and not just when they had a special evening laid out ahead of them. Iroh had a way of balancing her wild side and the slowly building domestic side of her seemingly without trying. He kept her more than satisfied which wasn't an easy task given the fact that she had become quite the temptress by the time they met each other. He gave her a stable home while still somehow giving her enough freedom to not feel smothered. All in all she felt like she had gotten incredibly lucky with who she had fallen in love with.

When he mentioned how he felt bad for not having anything for her she smirked pressed her nose to his cheek. "Oh I'm sure you'll find a way to make it up to me," she assured him. "Besides, this is all a thank you for being so wonderful to me." She was quickly beginning to realize that spoiling him was one of her favorite things, whether it was physically or with more grand gestures like this. As long as he treated her well she would be more than happy to return that to him ten fold. The berry he held up for her was met with a grin and let her sapphire eyes linger on his as she leaned forward to take it from him. She was savoring and tempting in her movements, letting her tongue lap up the berry from his claws with a pleased hum. Perhaps she was laying it on even more thick than usual, but tonight was a special night, wasn't it? A celebration of them and their time together for no other real reason than to enjoy each other as much as possible.

At that moment Sarabi approached them with the tea that had been being prepared in the background while they were too distracted with each other to notice. Once it was laid out in front of them and bowls of tea were poured, Sarabi left them and Elise watched Iroh's companion leave with a thankful smile. She had thought to warn her ahead of time what the intentions for this evening were so she wasn't at all surprised that she took her leave as soon as all the pieces were prepared and set. Turning her attention back to Iroh, she grinned and nuzzled into his neck while they waited for their tea to cool a bit. There was something else she wanted to talk about during their evening together, but hadn't decided if she was going to ask him about it before or after all their activities. Since there was some time to kill... "So, Iroh..." She let one of her ivory paws gently trace absentmindedly over his foreleg that was closest to her as she spoke, her gaze watching him curiously. "What's you're thoughts on a... a family? A family for us, I mean." With winter just around the corner and their opportunity to start their family coming with it she felt like it was something they should discuss sooner rather than later. She didn't know what he'd want - if he wanted to try this year or the next or if he wasn't interested in that sort of thing at all so it was certainly worth asking about.

Walk | "Talk" | think



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
12-29-2020, 06:43 PM
After he’d found Elise Iroh no longer had the grand desire to go out and find another conquest. She was always on his mind, and when she agreed to be his he truly felt complete. She satisfied him like no other, in his physical needs but more importantly his emotional needs. Still Iroh couldn’t conceal the excitement he had for the promises of their night together. He wasn’t sure he would ever tire of being close to her, nor did he want to. This feeling of elation he had simply being in her presence was one reason he’d wanted her so bad. If she could continue to give him those feelings at chance encounters what kind of life could they build together?

He didn’t feel like he was trying to tame a wild spirited woman, instead the relationship felt natural and easy. As they grew they grew better together, like they were meant to be. These thoughts didn’t linger in his mind for very long as Elise kept teasing him, reminding him that there would be plenty of ways to show his appreciation in return. For now she was the one who wanted to spoil him. ”You act like I could treat the one I love any differently.” Iroh chuckled and leaned into her touch. ”I’d do it a million times over without thanks, but I do adore the surprise. Everything really is amazing.” He reminded her as he watched her, with undivided attention, as she enjoyed the offered berry. They were barely touching, but the night was already beginning to heat up.

Sarabi seemed to sense as much and bothered them for a quick moment as she readied their tea and made her retreat. As far as animals went the mandrills were very open with their sexual activities, she didn’t mind in the least, but she knew how the wolves seemed to appreciate their privacy. She was gone soon enough, and Elise took her opportunity to snuggle in closer as the water cooled. Iroh grinned and wrapped his head around hers in an almost embrace. He didn’t move as she spoke softly, sounding a lot like she’d been planning the words to come as she ran one claw down the shorter fur of his foreleg. He didn’t hide the shiver that raced up towards his spine.

Dark brows raised curiously at her question, this was one he really hadn’t expected. It seemed like yesterday she’d let him bring her home, and she was worried about losing her freedom. Iroh wasn’t blind, he’d seen what family life could be like. How much time did Riva and Pyrrhic devote to their children? Iroh however, was well aware of the duty he would be expected to carry out for the Abraxas name. That had been one deciding factor in asking for her commitment.

Before he answered Iroh leaned forward to kiss her sweet lips gently. ”I know I want one. With you.” He told her honestly, however unfinished he was with their honeymoon phase. Iroh was content to be just the two of them, but wasn’t this where all their affections should lead in the end? Or was it the beginning? ”I have no intention of rushing you if you don’t feel like you’re ready.” He whispered against her ear as he tried to hold her more securely in her arms.
Where My Demons Hide



5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
12-29-2020, 07:43 PM
She knew her question probably came as a surprise and the lift of his brows confirmed that suspicion. She had never really pictured herself as a mother, but she had also never imagined that she would settle down with one man for the rest of her life either. Being with Iroh had changed her desires and perspectives on a lot of things and having a family was one of those things. It wasn't that she was necessarily wanting to rush into it, but she also didn't really need to put it off for ages either. She supposed Iroh's response was really her deciding factor for when or if she would want to take that step and soon enough she got it. His gentle kiss brought a smile to her lips. Searching his gaze after he spoke she knew that he spoke nothing but the truth, not that she really expected anything less of him. She mostly just didn't want him to give her an answer that felt like he was just saying what he thought she would want to hear. Of course he had been nothing but honest with her so far so she had no real reason to think he would do that, but it was a big topic and a big decision. She just wanted to be sure.

She certainly didn't feel like he was rushing her by any means one way or another, but she still appreciated him saying so either way. Elise smiled and settled into his embrace when he went to pull her closer to him, giving not an ounce of resistance as she formed to him and nuzzled into the thicker fur around his neck. She let the topic simmer in her mind for a moment while she left a trail of licks and nibbles along his neck, starting at the base of his throat and working her way up to his muzzle. When she reached his lips she pressed her muzzle to his in a lingering, savoring, loving kiss. As selfish as she was when it came to his affection and attention, she knew that if she was going to share him with anyone it would be their children. Being with him and his family made her think back to the days when she lived with her parents and siblings and reminded her of how important all of that had been to her. It also made her realize that as far as she knew, she was it. She had cousins that she had come across, some of them more closely related to her than others, but her siblings seemed to all be gone. Her father had a litter before hers, but she had no idea what had happened to them. She thought about her father and how important family and lineage had been to him and knew that now that she had the chance to continue that on it would be an insult to him to not do that for him.

When her lips finally parted from his, she blinked open her eyes to peer up at him with thoughtful, half-lidded eyes while a grin pulled at her lips. "I'm ready... Whenever you're ready and you think it's a good time for us, I'm ready." Her grin grew as she spoke, her paws tracing his shoulders and claws brushing against his skin. "I know it's sappy and it sounds crazy, but... As long as I'm with you I feel like I can do anything... including raise a family."

Walk | "Talk" | think



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
12-29-2020, 08:56 PM
Iroh always expected to have some kind of family of his own, to be a father when he’d never had one. With Elise that was possible, he could provide for his what hadn’t been provided for him, not that it seemed the Abraxas of old put much weight on a complete family structure. Iroh adored Elise, and there was little he wouldn’t do for her. Waiting was no great hurdle for him. He’d become content with waking up next to her, and having her all to himself. He knew that expanding their little circle would mean a lot less alone time. Surely they’d get their fill while making their little family though, mostly. Or not. The thought was hard to ignore when he had her here, pressed against him so tight. The feeling of her fur against his as her chest rose and fell with each sweet breath.

It was easy to pull her closer, Elise didn’t put up any hesitation in allowing him to hold onto her. There were few moments when he felt close enough, and right now he wished that there was a way to hold her closer and tighter. Elise didn’t let him focus on the feeling as he felt the prickle of her teeth against his neck. With intermittent nips and kisses she worked her way back to his lips. Iroh could believe that the topic was finished, especially as she pressed her lips to his own. He could forget everything beyond the realm of her kiss and the feeling of her body against his. He let himself get lost in her, it was as easy as breathing.

They had all night, but he still felt impatient as she pulled away slightly. He blinked open blue and lavender eyes as she spoke again. With one massive paw he gently stroked the soft fur at the back of her neck, and returned the grin that blessed her features. She was ready. Elise knew just as well as he did that this was where they were meant to be. She continued in a whisper, and only brightened his grin. They could do anything together, including this.

Iroh’s grin took on a mischievous hint, ”Does right now sound alright?” He teased her, but didn’t take her words for granted. He felt the same way. Iroh would conquer the world if she wanted him to. Still, his tone was teasing and a deep chuckle rose from his chest as he gazed down adoringly at her. ”Or maybe after dinner.”
Where My Demons Hide



5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
01-01-2021, 05:37 PM
She knew his expressions well by now and it was easy to pick up on the mischievous, suggestive glint in his eye when he questioned if now was a good time to start their attempts at being parents. Elise's grin took on the same sort of look as she giggled with amusement, giving his nose a teasing link. In reality she knew that every time they enjoyed each other it was technically as valid attempt toward getting pregnant as any other time, though she knew it was far less likely when it wasn't her season. She'd never turn down his advances either way though - he was far too intoxicating for her to do that. When he reminded her of dinner, she was incredibly tempted to ignore the food waiting for them for a while longer so she could satisfy a different kind of hunger instead, but a slightly stronger part of her relished the idea of teasing and tempting him for a while longer instead. They had such easy access to each other on a daily basis now so wouldn't it be more of a change of pace to make him wait?

Elise chuckled and gave his jaw a few tempting nibbles before starting to slip her way out of his grasp. "Oh yes, we certainly can't forget about dinner!" she exclaimed, getting to her paws with a quick shake to even out her fur. "What would you like to start with? Deer or fish?" She gave him the option as she sauntered her way over to where the meats were laid out and waiting for them, intentional with her movements to show off for him a bit as she went. A little sway of her hips, the flick of her tail, the questioning glance over her shoulder - it was all intentional and put to use just to tease and tempt him and show off what he had earned when he made her his. Just because they officially belonged to one another now, she didn't want that security to dull the enjoyment she got from putting on a bit of a show.

While she waited for his answer, she pulled over a flat stone that was sitting a little ways away from the fire to bring it closer to the flame, placing it so the fire was nearly licking the surface when the breeze blew it a certain way. She hadn't personally tried cooking meats like this before, but she head heard of others doing it and figured that a special meal like this would be a good enough reason to give it a whirl. It didn't take long for the stone to get warm, though she did add a bit more wood to the fire while they waited. She also picked up one of the bottles of mead and brought it over to their tent, placing it between the bowls of tea. "Just in case you'd like to have something to drink once we're done with our tea... or perhaps add some to our drinks," she told him with a chuckle, remembering when they found each other again at that beach party a while back.

Walk | "Talk" | think



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
01-02-2021, 12:29 PM
Elise returned his expression, just as mischievous and lustful as his own. He couldn’t help the grin that played on his features as she licked his nose teasingly. A deep bubbling growl rumbled from his chest, the feeling of her teeth on his jaw making his eyes roll into the back of his head in pleasure. She distracted him enough that he hardly noticed she was leaving him until she pulled away from his grasp while reminding him about their meal. Had he not enjoyed the build up so much he might have gotten himself to his feet then and grabbed her, the temptation was real. However the chase was just as much fun as the destination.

”Fish, I think.” He answered absently, not hiding how much he was distracted by the subtle sway of her hips or the curve of her waist. Iroh made himself comfortable since he was going to enjoy the show. He took in the soft look of her well groomed fur, the playful glint in her bright gaze, and the careful way she thought about every movement and made them for him. He was surprised when she didn’t immediately bring the platter over to their tent, and watched curiously as she warmed the stone before bringing a bit of liquor closer.

He watched just as intently as she made her way back to the nest and lips lips curled into an expectant smirk at her words. Like the night at the beach, spiked tea to warm them up on a cool Autumn night. She wasn’t the only one he’d enjoyed that night but she was the only one he couldn’t stop thinking about. The one he truly wanted. ”I could agree to that.” He offered deeply before taking a straight swig of the liquid. With an amused chuckle he poured a bit into each bowl.

He couldn’t help his blue and lavender gaze returning to Elise, and he didn’t hide the way he couldn’t stop admiring her. ”You’re making dinner hard to wait on,” Iroh rumbled teasingly as he stretched his paws out and tried to settle the eager building in his belly. ”You shouldn’t stop though.” He winked as he exaggerated the way he admired her beautiful form.
Where My Demons Hide



5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
01-03-2021, 07:50 PM
With Iroh's dinner order taken, she gave him a grin and turned back to where she had set up her cooking surface. She was certain she wasn't going to do this perfectly, but she was sure that neither of them would really care. Dinner was really more of an after thought at this point with their anticipation at the main event for the night dulling the attractiveness of all these meats and berries. Even with all the time she had spent putting this meal together, she couldn't really say she was disappointed that it wasn't getting much attention. She would much rather have Iroh's roaming eyes focused on her anyway. She soaked up his attention like a sponge and was always hungry for more. His words about how she made dinner hard to wait on made her peer back at him over her shoulder with a grin, chuckling at him when he insisted that she not stop. "I wouldn't dream of it, my love," she replied before looking back down at the meat that she had laid across the flat rock that was now plenty hot. Her tail flicked occasionally while she watched it cook, almost too distracted with making sure she was giving him pleasant, shifting angles of herself to admire to really pay attention to what she was doing.

A fish that she had removed the scales from was laid out in front of her along with a fairly thin strip of steak from a deer that she had "borrowed" from Aerie's food store. She could fend for herself pretty well, but bringing down a whole deer on her own might be a bit of a stretch so she was willing to get her supplies where she could find them. She hummed thoughtfully and dipped her chest down toward the ground while her tail curled over her back, pretending to get a closer look at the sizzling meats to give a thin cover up for her actual intentions. The smirk that remained on her lips certainly gave her away, but she was still enjoying the charade of it all. Standing up again, she carefully used her claws to scoop one edge of the meats and flip them over so they could continue to cook on the other side while she turned to go back to where Iroh was laying, sauntering across the few feet between him and the fire.

Giving him a lustful grin, Elise took a long drink from the bottle of alcoholic liquid, feeling the warm burn of it begin to tingle and spread through her limbs with each swallow. As if she needed any other encouragement to be loose and playful with him... Setting the bottle down again with a chuckle she brought her muzzle to his with a firm, insistent kiss that she let linger on about as long as she dared. Any longer and she might have abandoned their dinner all together. It took a good bit of effort to get herself to leave his lips, but eventually she did with a love drunk glance and another amused grin before she went back to collect their dinner. She wasn't sure how long it was supposed to warm by the fire for, but it was certainly as long as she could stand giving her attention to such a task. Picking up both pieces of meat gently between her teeth, she brought them back to the spot where they would surely spend the rest of their evening and laid out the fish in front of him before setting out the deer steak in front of where she would lay beside him. "Dinner is served," she announced with a flourish of her paw and a light giggle before she settled down beside him again, heavily leaning into his side and trying to ignore how delectable his fur felt against hers.

Walk | "Talk" | think



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
01-03-2021, 09:58 PM
Elise played her hand to the fullest, he let her know it to but that just made it all more fun. She looked over her shoulder at him, mischief playing in her eyes as she answered him. He watched as the light from the cookfire played over her rust and ivory fur, and she made sure to accentuate every little movement as she focused on their meal. Or played like she was cooking, because her little grin and the way she looked back at him at opportune moments gave away where her focus was distracted. After she gave the flesh a flip her attentioned turned to him and the bottle he was babysitting.

Iroh shifted, unable to keep himself still as he committed to enjoying the show before the main course. When she indulged in a kiss Iroh very nearly forgot about their dinner altogether. He followed her as she pulled away, and after savoring the passionate moment only barely allowed her to return to the filets. He sighed wistfully, and very obviously didn’t and couldn't take his eyes off her. She presented their food and none too soon returned to his side. She leaned against him as he did to her.

The food was by far and away secondary on his list, but she had gone through all the effort to feed them tonight. He carefully nibbled at the fish, all while unable to look away from her. He should have paid more attention to the flavor, but the needy feeling he’d been trying so hard to repress wouldn’t be held back much longer. Iroh finished the rest of his fish, and very quickly returned to his hunger for Elise. He refrained from pulling her closer, but didn’t hesitate to nuzzle into the fur of her neck while she finished her meal. ”Ready for dessert?” He asked with a low rumble in his chest. His teeth against her skin making it clear he didn’t mean the berries.
Where My Demons Hide



5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
01-05-2021, 07:57 PM
Elise had a difficult time focusing on the food in front of them, no matter how delicious it was. It could have been the most spectacular meal in the world, but it still paled in comparison to how much she wanted Iroh. Even still, she finished her food since she did bother to finish preparing it and she was quite enjoying this steadily building, static tension and desire that having to wait to enjoy each other was causing. The whole time they ate she occasionally stole a glance toward him, letting her tail brush against his hip or shifting a bit to rub her shoulder against his. She knew she was being an awful tease, but this was what she loved - the game of it all that made everything that much more fun. Sure, she liked being with him just for the pure fact that she got to express how much he meant to her and how much she loved him, but the thing that had gotten her so infatuated with the affection and attention that she got from being intimate with others was the game of pulling them in and tempting them with a skill that she hadn't really been able to figure out in any other part of her life.

As soon as she finished up the last few bites of her meal, she lifted her sapphire eyes to his and smirked at his question over the "dessert" that came next. A quiet, pleasured hum left her when his teeth found her skin, her head tipping to the side to give him full access to her cheek and neck while a grin with a flash of teeth pulled at her lips. He wasted no time and she was grateful for it. Tipping her muzzle up to his ear, she left a lick there and replied, "I've never wanted anything more." With a chuckle she rolled onto her back beside him, tucking her front paws against her chest and peering up at him with an expectant grin. He had been so good about playing her game and being patient while she had her fun and now he got his reward. She stretched out for him and gave him full access to every inch of herself to enjoy however he wanted. "You take as many servings of dessert as you want... No need for moderation tonight," she reminded him with mischievous amusement still shining in her eyes. They were living the absolute hight of young love in this moment and she was thriving in every moment of it.


Walk | "Talk" | think



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
01-07-2021, 01:44 PM
Iroh knew he could have her at any moment he liked, but they were both enjoying the teasing lighthearted build up before divulging in carnal desires. The taste of the food was not what he would remember most by any stretch, however grateful he was to Elise for setting up and preparing. Her tempting and teasing were too much to ignore, and he obsessed over every subtle touch and caress as the pair finished their meal. This was what drew him to her in the first place, back and forth banter and teasing as they figured each other out and gave in to the natural pull they felt towards one another. Iroh didn’t ever want the feeling to end.

Now they knew each other so much better than that first night she joined him for tea, but it was a night he wouldn’t ever forget. Elise taught him a lot, about himself, life, and most importantly about herself. Iroh’s grin increased as the dainty she wolf reacted to his touch. She leaned back to afford him much better access to the sensitive skin at her throat and jaw. He traced the curve of her neck with his teeth as her muzzle sought his ear and she echoed his sentiments. Was it blasphemous to know that she was the only thing in the world that he wanted?

Elise pulled away only slightly so she could roll back onto the plush fur to reveal her pallid belly. Iroh didn’t allow her to get too far as he wrapped one massive arm around her ribcage and savored the feeling of her in his embrace. She submitted all of herself and encouraged him in taking all of her. ”As many as I want?” The dark coated Abraxas chuckled deeply as he leaned forward to taste her in a passionate kiss. Delaying gratification only made the indulgence so much more delectable. ”I’ll never moderate my love for you.” He murmured against her lips as he held her tighter and more completely to enjoy the night.

Where My Demons Hide