
Take Me, Save Me


09-11-2013, 04:31 PM

Dawn broke out across the south, the sky turning pink, pastel purple and blue. The cool breeze here was far warmer than the north. The air easier to take in great gulps as the white ghost dashed across the lands. Body was bruised and scratched from her desperate race to flee. She had found an opening, a chance and took it. While Isardis and the higher ranking wolves went to the battlefld she had slipped away from Glaciem. She had to get away from there, she wasnt one to be claimed and then left unattended. Not that she could complain since it allowed her to escape. She had no idea where to go but only far away. She had passed by Valhalla. They did not need more issues with Glaciem.

She was not sure how long she had ran, maybe a whole day and night since it was now dawn. Sides heaved heavily, body gasping for breath. She stood there, back arched as if she would hurl up food but none came. Unknown to her was she was well past the borders of Seracia. Sure she had been searching for a pack here but being already half blind the white female could not even scent the borders or anything as her body demanded she take in as much air as possible.




4 Years
09-11-2013, 06:23 PM

Hot on her tail the youth would seek, hounding the foolish woman like a beast to her prey; determination seeping contracting pores as The King?s daughter would haunt. Her father had grown wary of the woman?s disappearance, for Keita had been one well known to saunter The Pines and rare to venture far. Satis was a newcomer to Alacritis, a fresh arrival as she had sought to rediscover her father and his infamous pack. Though she didn?t require any warm welcomes, no reassuring smiles and greetings were neccisary. She had found a purpose, and it would be right down to business.

The woman hesitated at the borders, coming to an abrupt halt as her dainty paws would shift uneasily; a low whine escaping her lips as she became aware of her loss. The fool had wandered too far, would she be ripped to shreds, or would her arrival be welcomed? Nape would be cast backwards, jaws raising to the heavens as a melodious demand for attention would climb her pipes. Seracia was hide-out for Glaciem property, it would be wise they should comply with the woman?s duties.

Keita would now be prisoner, regardless of her willingness or realisations. She had made a foolish mistake.


09-11-2013, 07:14 PM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2013, 07:20 PM by Aeil.)

Aeil was patrolling the borders of Seracia when it happened. After covering more than half of the land owned by her pack, she saw a white blur in the distance. The gray she-wolf increased her pace from a walk to a brisk trot, only going up to a canter as she tried to get closer at a quicker pace. As she covered more ground, Aeil only hoped that whatever the furry blur was, it was all right.
She was relieved with that idea when she came close to the white wolf. Her blue eyes scanned her form from far off and noticed a few bits of branches, leaves, and burrs clinging to what was once a lovely bit of pelt. Aeil's nose immediately picked up the scent of Glaciem and her ears flattened slightly against her skull. What was a female of the known harem of Isardis doing here?
After she got within speaking distance, Aeil slowed her gait and cautiously padded near the white female. She watched as the unnamed she-wolf was trying to catch her breath, taking in deep gulps of air and looking as if she was about to throw it back up. Alarm was slowly rising in Aeil's eyes and she looked around to see if anyone else had come with her. There had been a female, one that had strange markings across her face. That was what Aeil saw in the distance, so the details weren't too clear. Even so, the higher ranks had to be known. She took that opportunity to toss back her head and howl for both healer and Royal being. Surely they would be within a canter's range!
Her tail flicked idly behind her as she lowered her gaze to the female in front of her. "Miss?" she asked, voice soft and light, filled with concerned. "Are you all right? What-where...what has happened?" She asked, confusion slightly evident in her words. "I just called for our healer and Royal...They should be here soon." She looked back up to the strange female that stood on the other side of the borders. Her ears completely flattened then as she saw the fire burning in her eyes. Aeil didn't like the thought of what may come.




09-11-2013, 07:45 PM

She was out collecting herbs when her ears caught the sounds of howling, one of her pack and another unfamiliar. Brows would come together, paws moving swiftly over the earth, herbs held gently in her jaws. She wasn't really worried or confused, just figured it was a wolf looking to be accepted and a member was there to watch them till somebody came to question them. So with a wave of her tail she continued on, moving at a steady pass, the distance between her and the source of the howl closing. Just a few yards away and she could see Aeil beside a white woman gasping for air, another wolf standing near the borders watching, waiting. With her gaze on the oddly marked wolf she would approach the two, setting down her herbs and pulling her gaze away to look at the struggling woman. "Are you alright? What's going on?" She would question them, the scent of Glaciem strong on the white woman. Her head would lift, her gaze going to the oddly marked woman.

She pulled away from the two women, taking a few steps towards the borders but stopped about six feet from it. With her head held level she would give a wave of her tail before speaking. "I am Loccian, Ambassador of Seracia, what brings you to our borders stranger?" She could smell Glaciem on this one too, was she hear to help her pack member back, or was something going on? Her voice would be calm yet hold a questioning and demanding tone.


Awesome table by Lu <3


09-11-2013, 09:10 PM

A rustle behind her alone with a howl had her spinning around with deep threatening snarl. Forest green eye zoomed in on the odd looking wolf. She had scented her before. No doubt her being here ment she was an Overseer. But the other had stopped and would not come any closer. It was then she realized something. One she was in pack territory and two someone was approaching. There was concern as the other came to her. The half blind female was still heaving, trying to get her breath. Had she really ran that far and hard? Her one eye looked up at the other, making sure her own posture was respectful. Good the Royal and healer, the more the better. Then she could try to get them to help her, shelter her.

" from Glaciem. Claimed..ran away...that one take me prisioner.." She replied as much as she could through pants. Body slumped to the ground, legs unable to hold her up any more. Another came to join them with some kind of plants in her jaws. This had to be the Healer. Internally she sighed with relief. But before she could reply to the Healer, she had stepped away to address the Overseer at the borders. Fear raced up her spine as she watched. She would not put it past anyone with high ranking in Glaciem to just leap the borders and attack. A soft whine of warning slipped from her."They..are not to be trusted. Please...dont let them take me back.." She said in a hoarse voice, throat now raw.




4 Years
09-11-2013, 09:18 PM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2013, 09:22 PM by Satis.)

Company was quick to seek out the troubled prisioner, the oddity watching with curiosity as Satis awaited the sounds of squeals and roaring as flesh was torn from limb. But it never came. Alas, Keita had been greeted by apparent concern, the distance between herself and the fool preventing any other clues. Satis wouldn?t risk her own ass to save the skin of the idiotic woman. Pity, really. The marked demoness would coil as a silver beast would venture towards her, stance squaring as the war-machine would broaden her shoulders and pin her ears; defences raised as she attempted to show her lack of weakness. ?The woman who trespasses is of Glaciem property, she has attempted to flee the rule of her king and it won?t be allowed; I am Satis, Overseer, and I seek only the orderly return of what is rightfully ours,? femine voice bore a low husk, golden gaze studying the woman half-heartedly. She would fight if she had to, but so close to pack borders was simply asking for trouble.


09-14-2013, 04:14 AM

Aeil's gaze had never left the female that was across the borders. She stood with her ears flattened against her skull, not approving of how she spoke of the wolf that was still regaining her breath. Her blue eyes moved back to the female next to her, making sure that she was getting the modified amount of oxygen to recover from the long run. "Property?" Her brows furrowed, before she protectively moved to stand in front of the white stranger.
Such a thing was not something Aeil believed in. "How can you consider a wolf - a living and breathing thing - to not have a say in what she chooses to do with her life?" Her eyes had maintained a stony gaze, one that was rarely seen in the female's history. She looked at the funny-looking female on the other side of the border, tail flicking idly behind her. "She has just as much right as you or I in regards to her own choices." She kept an ear pricked behind her for any sudden sound or movement from Keita. Aeil had heard the stories of Glaciem and how their kingdom was run. Quite frankly, she was astounded and wasn't impressed.



09-14-2013, 07:17 PM

He'd been all too nearby when the hellish cry had been issued. From experience alone he knew that this was no ordinary call. On impulse he would move stealthily through the trees, putting forth extra effort to conceal his russet bodice. A woman sprinted forth, into Seracian territory looking petrified. He almost showed himself when another came, the one who had called. Thankfully enough she remained on the vagabond side of the border. Aeil was the first on the scene, followed quickly by Loccian. It was time he show himself. Alas the women began speaking, the first saying she'd escaped from Glaciem, the second saying that she owned this woman and was requesting her return to the kingdom. A growl would rumble in his chest as a reproachful grimace painted his face. He would rise to his full height and slip from amongst the trees, pacing forward to stand among them. Head and tail were aloft, the latter waving like a banner.

?Madam Overseer,? he would greet her, a darkness to his tone. He had been warned of the new ruler, Isardis, and his regime. It was a harem if he'd heard correctly - a breeding factory. This woman must have fallen prey to Isardis' reign. It was pitiful, but the King could do nothing. Though he loathed the idea that Satis seemed to to think of her as property, it was not practical to go to war over the soul of one dame - as much as he might like to. ?Take her if you must, but do not harm her within my eyesight or that of my Kingdom's.? He would not stand in the way of Glaciem retrieving an escapee, but he would not allow them to carry out their discipline so near to his homeland. If the woman fled again, he would see to her return. He had no qualms to pick with Glaciem so long as they didn't give him any - even if he loathed their way of life. He would cast a glance to Aeil and to Loccian, knowing they might not approve of his decision.




09-16-2013, 11:16 PM

Since Loccian had approached the white shewolf after Aeil, she did not catch the first part of her sentence, ears flicking to the side when she mentioned how the oddly marked woman wanted to take her back as prisoner. Right away she felt sick to her stomach, was this woman a bad seed, a trouble maker looking to escape her punishment in her kingdom? No one would dare do that, Loccian wouldn't allow it. Her hoarse voice saying this wolf couldn't be trusted didn't make her think any different, even the plea to not let her take the white wolf.

Her thoughts were changed though when the oddly marked woman spoke, saying this trespassing wolf was Glaciem property. Glaciem. An ear twitched at the name, remembering the news she had heard about the new pack, how they ran. The annoyance bubbling beneath the surface was only growing the more the wolf spoke, saying how the wolf tried to escape her kinds rule and it wouldn't be allowed. Her name was Satis, Overseer, and sought the return of their property.

He gaze would grow cold and hard as she stared at the woman, thinking about whether she should wait for Maverick to make an appearance or deny the woman her catch. The woman was in her Kingdom after all, so she was now theirs. If she denied would they get butt hurt and try starting trouble? No, Loccian couldn't do that to this Kingdom, she wasn't that way. She wanted to protect it, help it. Unfortunately it would mean handing the woman over to this beast. She didn't like it one bit.

Ears would flick to the side at Aeil's voice, head turning to gaze over at the two. The woman didn't seem to happy with the way Satis called the trespasser, voicing her thoughts on it but remaining by the woman. Loccian understood what she meant, and felt the same way but they couldn't do anything about the way others thoughts, some things couldn't be changed and would remain engraved in the minds of a few. She was sure that if the tables were turned, those wolves wouldn't feel any different. She was glad Aeil didn't make a move on Satis, possibly caused trouble. Hopefully things would be fixed soon.

And there it was, Maverick's voice breaking the tension. Loccian would turned to look at the young King, dipping her head respectfully to him along with a step back to allow him to address the issue. Much to her disappointment he would freely hand the woman over, Loccian's tail flicking in irritation. Her body and face would remain calm though, what could she possibly do that wouldn't result in a fight? Nothing. She had to deal with it.

She would not meet Maverick's gaze, simply watch the oddly marked woman for a second more before turning and walking over to the weight, now prisoner. ?I am sorry, but you will have to go with her.? She would say softly, only for her ears to hear. The grey shewolf would sit down, her body acting as a barrier so the woman was out of view of Satis. With a paw she would gently push the herbs forward, body barely moving, a gentleness coming to her gaze and voice. "At least I can help you with something... eat these, they will numb most of the pain you may receive once your out of our Kingdom's sight." Again her voice was soft, only for the woman's ears to hear, but since Aeil was close she would also be able to, Loccian was okay with that The others just wouldn't be able to hear. "I'm sorry..."


Awesome table by Lu <3


09-19-2013, 08:23 PM

She would sit there, slowly able to regain herself. She would listen to Satis, lips pulling back to show her razored pearls as a growl slipped from her throat. But she would silence when the two females spoke to the Oveseer. She was greatful beyond words towards them. But this would not end the way she had planned. With the appearance of a russet male with white huanches, she assumed was alpha she was denied protection. Spine would stiffen as she closed her eyes. Breathing was back to normal, but now she took a deep sigh. Before she could stand the silver female padded back to her and the dark grey female. Her one green eye fixed on the silver one as she listened to her."Thank you for your kindness. You've done all you can and I will never forget it." She whispered softly in her irish accent. She lapped up the herbs in one swift movement, praying that they would kick in fast. No doubt she would have to fight soon or else subcome to any punishment Glaciem sought fitting."My name is Keita...i will earn my freedom..please..dont forget me. I would be honored to call you friends and maybe just maybe one day, packmates." She whispered.

For once Keita had felt the bonding of packmates. A feeling she had been longing for. The feeling of belonging,of knowing someone had your back without a thought, the ability to finally trust someone. All those things she did not, could not find in Glaciem. She had had hope once, till she saw she was no more than just a prize among other trophies to Isardis. Standing up she would dip her head to the females before her gaze landed on the King of Seracia. He seemed kind and fair, and she did not blame him for his choice. He had a pack to protect. She would dip her head and bowed gracefully to him before her one eyed gaze hit Satis. Stiff legged, tail held out like a rod, head held high, she would march over to the Overseer. Her eyes narrowed with burning hate."We will honor this pack's wishes and take our issues back to Glaciem. There, this issue shall be dealt with. For after all this is pack matter, thus should take place there." She would growl out in a cold voice. With that she cast one last glance at Seracia, perhaps one day this could be her home, if she lived and got away.



4 Years
09-19-2013, 09:31 PM

The wench was a fool, a spoilt fool. Glaciem could boast of some of the greatest forces of protection, it?s feminine numbers within the pack enough to give this silver con-artist the affection she seemed to so crave. She had brought herself to the gates of her home, offered her body to her king, swayed with obvious pride. Not once had anybody treated the idiot wrongly. And yet now the pathetic little pup had gone running to strangers, her brain obviously absent as The Land?s Alpha would approach and so wisely deny her safety. She hadn?t deserved it. Refuge was for the abused and the thrown down, not for immature diminutive?s that couldn?t accept the realities of their duties. Useless.

However Satis would remain somewhat neutral on the matter, her presence one of duty and not one of particular passion. She could have laughed at the grey woman?s (Aeil) idiotic words. One had to earn rights and respect, she was dreaming if she thought every wolf was born an equal to the last. If they were she would not stench of submissive rank, it was obvious she had no real place within her pack. Perhaps due to her scattered intellect? The silver duo were not of her interests, and the vixen would waste no energy replying to their childish whines. Instead a dip of understanding would be presented to their marked leader, ?As you wish.? Is all the woman had to say, they were terms she would respect. Not quite stupid enough to risk being outnumbered by the Seracians, and so close to their borders.

The woman would present herself, drowning the marked ladies ears with pathetic words of a false authority. Sharply Satis would snarl, taking a commanding step towards the pale woman?s dwindling physique. ?I suggest you stop before you guarantee your own maim, Prisoner. You hold no authority here! You?re a disgrace to The King that has offered you his life?s protection,? she would pause, voice rolling to a sinister hiss, ?Now move.? Her words were chilled, a conformation of chastise as she would aim to push against the Pathetic?s right shoulder; to guide her from the view of the pack where her punishment would undoubtedly be delivered.


10-01-2013, 10:04 AM

With a heavy heart, Aeil watched as Keita was then removed from Seracian property. She wished that there was something she could do, but knew that she couldn't without causing a big problem for Seracia in the long run. Instead, she flattened her ears against her head and glared at the retreating back of the soldier with dislike. After watching the way her prisoner was being handled, she vowed to never touch Glaciem soil for as long as she lived.
Once the two wolves were out of sight, she turned and looked at Maverick. Her blue eyes burned with rage, but her voice was soft as she said, "I hate to see her leave like that, Maverick...How can they treat wolves the way they do? It''s not right." Her tail flicked in annoyance as she looked back out to the now vacant plains across the border. "I know it wouldn't have been right to harbor an escapee, but, it still felt wrong to let her go like that, knowing what could happen to her." She felt helpless, but maybe in the future, Keita would be free and be able to flee without worrying about being punished.
