
This Is What It Feels Like



6 Years
09-11-2013, 11:05 AM

The day was dry and cool, a shrill wind rushing over the lands and sending a chill through the mid sized gal. Fall put her nearly at two years old, just one more season to go. When winter hit she would come of age, her body would let her know of her physical maturity and she only wished too it meant that she would automatically become a skilled warrior.

Life was never that simple however, and so she found herself here. She needed to learn and the best way to do so was through practice and by practicing she also gained experience. Her initial spar, against her brother, had seen her a loser and Azalea was determined to work up to make sure that never happened again. Besides, she could only go up from here.

Dead grass crunched under foot and Azalea cast her amber eyes skyward. She wondered when the snows would begin to fall, if they would come early or be late. She wondered what winter would mean for her, what would change. The auburn headed she-wolf was a creature still finding herself and over the last several months she had changed vastly. No more was she soft child but a grown woman (or nearly woman) who knew the power in her body and her words. Generally she lived on the edge but when she was in the right moment, she could talk words far beyond her wisdom.

Azalea moved to one of the small ponds that dotted the location, leaning down to lap up the water. Thirst quenched she called out to the word, a low howl. If anyone was in the area they would hear her and, hopefully, one would come to meet her. She was about to spar for the second time in her life, so that maybe next time she was faced with a real challenge Chrysanthe would not have to fight for her.



09-11-2013, 02:27 PM
Fall was known as the season of change. As Allen Walker padded across the plains that clearly served as a battlefield for the land of Alacritis. Blood covered some of the grass that he walked over, and the brute slowly shook his head. He was glad now that he had left his king back in the den, away from this horrible, sad scene. Hajime would not need to see a place such as this -- it was not the paradise he would be leading the two toward.

Allen's ears twitched as he came to a pause next to a small pool of water. There was a faint breeze blowing, ruffling his fur in a gentle caress. Ah, nature's warmth. Ah but nature could both be loving and cruel.

In spring gentle breezes would caress the land in a soft warmth, abundant with flowers and fresh grass for the prey animals of the world. In summer the sun would turn harsh and it would be harder to hunt by day unless you staked out at a water source. Fall brought an abundance of different foods, some herbs, and mushrooms. The leaves would change colors and create the most beautiful scenery all around.

Allen took a deep breath, lapping up the clear water. He didn't want to think about winter. Winter was a season of sorrow... and of loss. But it wouldn't be like that this time. He was certain the paradise he searched for with Hajime was close... they merely needed to press onward once dusk fell.

Suddenly a warm, low howl. The voice of a female, requesting the presence of someone nearby. Admittedly Allen was a tad curious. The brute looked over his shoulder back the way he came. Surely Hajime would be alright in the den for now. Turning towards the source of the howl and began to pad onward, ears perked forward.

A bit of time passed before Allen found himself approaching a white femme with a brown head. She was pretty, as well as a bit smaller than him, which was typical of a female. Allen came to a stop and dipped his head respectfully to her before speaking in a soft tone.

"Greetings miss. I hope you don't mind my coming to answer your call." He lifted his dark green eyes to her amber ones. "But first things first, yes? I am Allen Walker, and, if you would so please, could you give me your name?"



6 Years
09-11-2013, 05:21 PM

The male who came to meet her gave a great nod of his head, a greeting and words followed to accompany it. "Greetings miss. I hope you don't mind my coming to answer your call." She smiled lightly, knowing instantly that this was a wolf she could easily befriend. He was a bulky character, the height of her brother but with broad shoulders and a different color pallet. His eyes were a forest green, dark and heavy.

He was a mixture of earth tones, tone, brown, and a russet tone similar to that found on her aunts. He was taken in quickly and efficiently so that when she replied, she hardly missed a beat. "No, not at all," She couldn't help the enigmatic smile that came over her face. It was so easy to be friendly to a kind soul. "But first things first, yes? I am Allen Walker, and, if you would so please, could you give me your name?" Azalea nodded to his words, doe-eyed as she looked up at him. "Of course, I am Azalea Adravendi and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Allen." Now she was dipping her head and for that rare moment she truly seemed like a future alphess.

Her eyes ran another quick sweep over the pink nosed brute before splaying her legs playfully. "So, Allen, have you come to spar with me or are you just passing through?" She questioned, tail waving. He didn't seem like he had come to fight her.



09-17-2013, 12:29 PM
A warm smile graced Allen's muzzle. She was likewise polite, giving her name and a warm response to meeting him. "It is indeed a pleasure on my side as well, miss Azalea." Allen allowed his dark eyes to scan over Azalea for a moment. She was a lovely she wolf, with a hood marking covering her head. It gave her a simple, yet unique look. The male let his gaze flick back over to her eyes, his smile widening to a grin as she splayed her legs out in a playful manner.

Ah there was temptation at her words and, giving into the moment, Allen's tail began to wave playfully behind him. "If you are looking for a friendly spar then I would be happy to oblige. It never hurts to brush up on one's own fighting skills." The brute was going to be as careful as possible, though without holding back too much. After all -- they should both give it their all... right?

The brute lowered his body to the ground some, splaying his digits out to get a better grip on the ground. His ears laid back against his head and he tucked his tail, narrowing his eyes with a playful smile on his face. Taking one last moment for defenses he scrunched his neck and floofed out his fur to make it a bit harder for her to get a good grip.

"The first move is all yours, miss Azalea."


Rounds: 0/3

Attack: -

Current Defenses: Lowered stance, ears and tail tucked close to the body, narrowed eyes, scrunched neck, floofed out fur



6 Years
09-19-2013, 11:56 AM

"It is indeed a pleasure on my side as well, miss Azalea." He smiled lightly, the large male reminding her too much of her brother... well, without the judgmental look. They were both too nice to be here, to be hanging on the edge of a fight. They were going to spar, at least she assumed he would not turn her away. Somehow, drawing blood on a willing victim seemed cruel.

"If you are looking for a friendly spar then I would be happy to oblige. It never hurts to brush up on one's own fighting skills." Azalea nodded, her face suddenly rather serious as the male slipped into a defensive position. Eyes ran over him, hitting in key places to note where his defenses were the best and where she anticipated him to have the most ability. "Yes, friendly, just don't take it too easy on me! I do love a challenge."

He had lowered himself, providing a lower center of gravity, fur raising and tail tucking. Preparing for a fight though he still held a smile on his face. Azalea remained as she was, front legs already set wider apart and bent slightly. She shifted her weight to her hind end, feeling the ground below her paws. Hackles went up and her tail went out straight, streamline with her spine.

With a jolt she rushed forward, ears folding back, eating what little distance stood between them. The little wolf was off center, lightly to the right of him (her right not his). At the last moment she feigned left, head twisting around to grab where his neck met his torso. Her front dug in, the right one shifting out to grip the ground as she swung her hind end around, trying to get it out of his reach.


defense: lowered body, hackles raised, ears back

attack: attempting to bite his neck near the start of the shoulders


09-28-2013, 09:55 AM
Allen smiled warmly at Azalea as she spoke. He wasn't going to hold back, but he was going to avoid having blood spill. If there was any it would only be minor wounds. That would be the case in a real fight, only this time was a friendly spar. He took notice of how her eyes gazed over his body, preparing for her attack. Allen couldn't help but feel excited. Azalea was likely, or so he hoped, would be his first friend in Alacritis. While he remained loyal to his King, Allen also knew there were times when a wolf needed to do things his own way. Besides... it never hurt to have friends. 'Speaking of Hajime... I do have to wonder what my King is up to. I'll have to hunt him down later.' Ah but right now was not the time to think of his King... he had more current things to focus on.

Azalea too set her defenses, legs set wider apart, hackles up, and, if he was right, she was coming on for a more direct attack. The brute shifted his own weight to his back legs. He was going to attempt to dodge Azalea's attack, or at least he was going to try. His gentle smile had turned to a more serious expression, though light and happiness still shown in his eyes. How long had it been since he was able to have a good natured spar? Perhaps too long. Yes... too long indeed.

Allen was not startled by her jolt foward, coming into his left side. What distance they had between them was gone in a matter of seconds. But she surprised a bit by feinting in her attack, a bite attack going off near his shoulders. Allen attempted to spring forward to miss her attack, but the jaws found their hold, grounding him again. He briefly glaced at the femme -- her back end was turned away, trying to remain out of his reach. She was a sharp one for sure. Allen saw only a few options... but then he saw the one that might be the easiest, though it could backfire on him as well. Allen shifted his left foreleg, attempting to sweep it under Azalea and knock off her balance. If his attack suceeded she would have to release her grip on his shoulder, hopefully, and he would be able to bounce back and get in an attack before she would be able to get to her paws and reset her defenses. Of course there was also the possibilty that she pulled him down with her... which he was really hoping wouldn't be the case.

At least he was keeping what defenses he could; Keeping his fur fluffed, ears and tail pinned and body lowered so it would be a bit harder for her to pull him down. Though not impossible, it was unlikely she would succeed in that.


Rounds: 1/3

Defenses: Fur Fluffed, Ears pinned, Tails pinned, body lowered and slightly widened stance.

Attack: Sweeping to catch her front paw to try and get Azalea to either lose her balance or make her release her grip to straighten herself off.

Ooc::: Just to be clear I'm not trying to god mod. xD Allen is just really confident in his idea for a plan. I know it could go either way though. After all, no wolf is perfect. ^-^