
From one hand to another

Chimera & Siren



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
12-19-2020, 01:43 AM

The days had begun to blur together in a way that made it impossible to determine how long she had been here. The memories of how she had even ended up here in the first place were foggy at best, but she at least remembered wandering away from Ashen's territory after another sleepless night. At some point in her aimless strolling she remembered two large, shadowed figures approaching her and being in a fight with them before everything went black. She had woken up here in the deep darkness of what seemed to be some sort of cave, but it was oddly carved out and even - certainly unlike any naturally occurring cave she had ever experienced.

For the most part she was alone, just hearing distant voices somewhere beyond the entrance of the cavern or room where she was being held. A few brutes had become familiar figures to her though she didn't know their names. Whenever she questioned them they never responded, instead just dropping off a bit of food before leaving her alone again. One male - an imposing figure with dark black and gray fur - had informed her of her fate the first night she was here, but since then not a soul had spoken to her.

Occasionally she would hear fighting and scrambling from down the hall and she had to assume that perhaps there were other prisoners here besides herself that were more violent in their fight against their captors. She had lashed out the first night, but once it had been explained to her that she would be a slave and she had realized the position she had been put in she had decided that fighting would do her no good. No matter her prowess in fighting or the training that she had gone though, she alone was no match for the group of males that was holding her here - she was smarter than that. Instead she waited, trying to keep track of how much time was passing and ultimately failing in the process.

The sound of voices caught her attention and made her lift her head to listen and she realized that there was at least one voice that she hadn't heard before - perhaps two. She lifted herself onto her haunches as she peered out the entrance of the room she had been kept in all this time, curious to see the wolves that those voices belonged to. She hadn't noticed any new voices come into the caverns that weren't of the panicked, worried sort in her time here so to hear voices that were conversational in tone certainly caught her interest.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
12-19-2020, 02:48 AM
A low growl reverberated through the stone hallways as Chimera haggled over a price. It had been Sirens idea. Or at least she'd seemed excited by the prospect of having a hand maiden or whatever girls called their slaves. The dire boy just wanted someone to use. Someone to take ther brunt of his anger and frustration. He personally couldn't care less what she looked like or what she sounded like. The only real requirements were that it was a female and that it was intelligent and submissive enough to serve a princess. If it broke the rules, tried to run or complained, well... Chi would just have to break their legs.

The slave master and flunkies all stood around, observing and listening as the two wolves haggled. One of them got a little too close to Siren for Chimeras comfort and he snapped his jaws, lips pulling back to bare his teeth. "This one is going to lose his face if he's not careful." The young but massive wolf turned his attention back to the man. "Ten skins and not one more." Sending that the boy would be pushed no further, the slaver agreed. "We need to at least see it first." Only an idiot paid for unseen merchandise.

Chimera and Siren were led down the stone hall to one of the chambers. Torchlight flickered along the damp walls, providing the only real light. The two- toned boy stayed close to his tiny sister though his gaze flickered back and forth. This place was full of Silent Ones. He'd found that if he didn't acknowledge them, then they had no clue that he could see them. A useful trick.

Stopping before a door, Chi gave a nod and the wolf pushed it open. The light from the torches illuminated a patchwork woman. Again, Chimera didn't care what she looked like. Casting his working eye towards Siren, he asked, "What do you think? Is it to your liking?"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
12-19-2020, 07:46 AM
Siren couldn’t deny her enjoyment in being in Chimera’s presence. He had changed towards her so completely, she knew she was safe from all harm when she was with him. She was where she belonged. Even better was their goal for today. Somehow she’d gotten in her head she wanted a servant, someone to help her with her apothecary and to watch over her during visions. She was eager for the end result, but having to come all the way here in this dingy place was less than appealing.

As she grew her standards of living did as well, her days of living as a sand child were long gone. She’d embraced her title of Princess of Nowhere. If there was one thing she was sure of it was how beneath her a place like this was. Siren was turning into quite the delicate young lady, and now her long fur stayed brushed and laid in perfection, it was no surprise when one of the slavers took quite an eye to her. He was younger, likely in training to begin with but Siren cocked her head and wore an amused smirk as he quickly backed off from her brother’s warning. She winked darkly before the two of them were led deeper.

She wasn’t confident in their hosts, but she was excited to see their wares. She tried to ignore the auras that sparkled and flared around the slavers, but when they finally rounded the corner to their girl Siren gasped in slight surprise. Immediately she knew this was the right one.

The young woman was down trodden, her brokenness obvious, but surrounding her was a brilliant golden aura. The majority of Kleins had some kind of royal color to their aura, but a slave holding such a one made Siren sure of their choice. ”At least call her a girl, Chimera.” She brushed against his shoulder teasingly, but Siren was already smitten. The dainty princess approached slowly, head slightly tilted as she looked the pretty slave over. She would have honestly prefered a woman of pure coat, but the patches would quickly become endearing. Maybe she got a little too close, but the girl would have to get used to her presence anyway. ”Yes. I want this one.” She said determinedly, blissfully unaware at how easily the situation might have been reversed. Had she not had Chimera the possibilities were endless in where she might end up.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
12-19-2020, 04:59 PM

A stream of light cut through the shadowy darkness and it made her squint against the light, turning her head away for a moment while her eyes adjusted to the sudden intrusion. Blinking to clear up her vision, she turned back toward the new comers curiously and let her eyes trace over the pair that had been led to her now open doorway. There was a large male that seemed to be divided perfectly between black and white. He had an imposing air about him, but she could pretty easily tell that he wasn't a member of the group that had brought her here. Then there was a far smaller woman - even smaller than herself it seemed - and she was the one that fully approached her after the unnamed male asked if "it" was acceptable. At first she didn't quite piece together that they were talking about her until the small, pale woman corrected him and told him to at least call her a girl.

Her attention fully shifted to the woman in question as she came to look her over. When the slavers had informed her that she would be sold as a slave she hadn't known what to expect, but she had to assume that this was what they had meant. These were her... buyers? Was that the right word? After the life she had lived prior to coming to Boreas the idea of being forced into servitude wasn't necessarily the most frightful fate as it probably was for most. If anything this felt more familiar and comfortable than what she had been granted in Ashen. The freedom to do whatever she wished and train at her own pace was overwhelming. She did wonder in the back of her mind if anyone from Ashen had been looking for her or had even noticed her absence, but it was too late to think about that now.

As the admittedly beautiful lady made the decision that she wanted to chose her as her slave, Dalila made the small realization that this pair of wolves held similar notes to their scents as Venom. It was enough to make her look between the pair with a bit more curiosity, but she wouldn't speak this realization out loud just in case this was information that would turn them off of her. The sooner she was "bought" the sooner she would be free of this place so she was grateful to have been chosen. The last thing she wanted to do was ruin her chances before she got to know who it was she would be serving better. She gave her new lady a polite dip of her head, quietly saying, "Thank you," before rising to her paws to go with them.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
12-21-2020, 02:34 AM
The young man rolled his eyes at his sweet sister's chiding remark.  It didn't matter what he called her. The 'girl' would serve her purpose. Siren wouldn't be alone and he would have an outlet. "Call it what you wish, " he rumbled. "It's your pet. I'm just going to borrow it some times." Let them think what they would of that statement. He knew what his intentions were. Siren knew as well. He was surprised that his sister wasn't putting up a fight against his future plans but he was glad that she wasn't.

Siren moved towards the girl,  inspecting her before making her decision. His dainty sister gave the affirmation that this was the one she wanted.  "Good. Let's leave. This place stinks." Without another word,  the black and white wolf stepped away from the cell, making room for his sister and her pet to exit. As they did so,  he caught the same perpetrator from before leering at Siren. A second offence.

The group of canines made their way to the entrance.  "Head up. I'll be with you in a moment," Chimera spoke softly to his sister. He waited until Siren and her pet were out of the crypt before turning and lunging towards the ogling man. Teeth ripped into the flesh of the man's face. Snarling and yelping echoed through the stone corridors. The slave master laughed at his flunky.  "He did warn you."

Chimera stalked out of the crypt licking blood from his muzzle. "Let's go," he growled low, expecting the pair of them to follow. His mood was soured by the entire ordeal. He just wanted to get back to the prairie and brood.
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
12-22-2020, 08:12 AM
Siren was pleasantly surprised when the girl lifted herself to her paws in eagerness to follow Siren. The polite dip of her head and the gentle ‘thank you’ did not go without notice. Siren’s features didn’t often adorn the classic Klein smirk her family wore so well, but it found its way to her features now. ”Don’t thank me yet.” She whispered back as she flicked her tail and returned to Chimera’s side.

She ignored his earlier remarks, but knew what he meant. She was no stranger to the effects of his rage. She had been the object of his outlets for the whole of their childhood. Now that he had sworn off touching her in anger he still needed flesh to satiate him. Siren would pass that baton to the girl following her, but she would also pledge to increase her skills so her new pet wouldn’t suffer after.

Siren led her away, dainty paws suddenly outpacing Chi as he gave the command to continue without him. She was blissfully unaware of the eyes on her for now, beyond her innocence she was caught up in the thrill of the new girl. Ears perked and she looked back as the sound of violence reached them, the corners of her lips pulled back in light amusement. Perhaps the slave would realize the foreshadowing of her own future.

”I don’t want to keep calling you ‘girl” She offered softly as she caught sight of Chimera’s hulking frame returning to the light. ”What is your name?” She continued before Chi gave the order to go.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
12-22-2020, 01:33 PM

Dalila gave the beautiful woman a glance when she told her not to thank her yet. The statement brought her attention back to the male that she could already tell was the more brash and violent of the two. Though she hadn't witnessed him doing any such thing just yet, she could tell from his stance and the air about him as well as how he looked at the slavers and the dismissive way he referred to her. It reminded her a bit of some of the royal guards that would patrol the cave she lived in with the others of her rank in her youngest days. She wasn't unfamiliar with such treatment, though it did cause her to watch him a little more closely than she would the smaller fae at her side. As they were led away from the caves, her ear flicked toward the two-toned brute when he spoke and though she did give a small glance over her shoulder, she wouldn't question the command and would instead stay at her new lady's side.

It wasn't until she heard the yelping and pained howls that echoed from the crypt they had just left that she would pause and look back the way they came with her ears turned to listen. Yes, she was certain that her first assessment of the male was correct which made her even more curious about the pairing of this violent man and this seemingly innocent female. She pulled her pale eyes away from the entrance of the crypt when the soft words of the woman beside her caught her attention. Somehow her asking for her name caught her off guard a bit and it brought a soft smile to her lips. Before she could answer, the monochrome male gave them the order to go and she fell in behind him without a second thought.

Leaning toward the kind woman, she replied softly, "Dalila," she replied simply, adding, "Though the first lady I served called me by my second name - Vista. Whichever you prefer, miss."




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-01-2021, 07:33 PM

Mismatched ears flicked backwards as the girls talked behind him. His strides were much longer than theirs but the irritation at having had to tear into the slavers face made him refuse to alter his pace. "Keep up," he warned them. Chi wanted to be well away from this place and closer to home in case the man rallied his friends and came for vengeance.

Unlike his sweet sister, Chimera held no interest in the girls origins or even her name, really. He didn't imagine he'd use her name often at all. He might even forget it. It was much easier to just call her Slave or You. No doubt Siren would be sweet to the girl. He didn't think his tiny sibling was capable of being mean to anyone or anything. He, on the other paw... Well. The girl would most likely lose those good looks soon.

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
01-02-2021, 05:34 PM
Siren loped behind her brother, her tiny thin legs nearing a run as she tried to obey his command. Dalila was faster and better built, she could move quicker than the smaller girl as well. As long as she didn’t trip on her fur, Siren could keep up. Her movements were carefully placed and offered the illusion of grace. If she faltered Chimera would grab her, but she wanted no excuse to not carry her own weight.

”That’s pretty.” Siren commented absently as she focused on moving her paws. She wondered how long they were going to have to move like this. ”I’m Siren.” There was little use of saying her last name anymore. ”This is Chimera.” She couldn’t know what her brother would prefer to be called, but did wonder if Dalila would be saying it very often. She refrained from mentioning that she would be the one to patch her up after he’d done his damage. That promise would come later. For now the dainty girl kept her attention on her feet.