
Throw me in the water

for Twig



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
11-22-2020, 04:11 PM
Life was remarkably good as of late. Corvus definitely wasn't about to complain. He had known in advance what Theory planned to do - their move to the lands he'd grown up in - but he was no less happy to return to familiar lands when it was finally announced. It made sense, especially with The Hallows allowing them passing to and through the Hot Springs, and Corvus thought it a good decision for all of them. There were a few new faces, and a few that had become scarce, but in all his years that was one thing Corvus knew couldn't be avoided - some wolves might not stay here, even if this home was perfect for all the rest of them. He understood that, though he hoped that no others were suffering due to any of those changes. If he found out anyone was, he'd do anything in his power to make sure they were okay.

But today? Today was about Twig. Their relationship was blossoming, slowly but surely, but that was how Corvus tended to do things. Maybe that had something to do with his often often wavering self-confidence, but either way, he didn't like to rush headfirst into things. Especially things that were already good. Why threaten to upset the balance? Corvus didn't care to do that, but he did want to take some time today with Twig, and he'd prepared something special for her. Well, to the best of his ability. Hopefully she wouldn't be disappointed; the mere thought of that made his heart beat a little faster in his chest. Trailing after her scent, he decided against being patient and let out a low call for her, his voice lazy and cheerful, far from a frantic summons.



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-24-2020, 06:28 PM
Knowing her nephews weren’t her tiny little boys anymore was doing Twig more stress than she thought. She was unendingly happy that they were finding their place in the world and growing well. She thought about Tempo all of the time though, and hoped that maybe he had found the path that he needed to. The Memoire woman could have sat and worried all day about what was to come, but she took comfort in knowing she had Corvus to share them with. Whenever he could the Destruction man offered up his time and effort to ease them in any way he could. Even if it was just letting her air her grievances.

He was good at knowing exactly when she needed a little of him in her life. As she tried to emerge from her dark inner thoughts his voice was on the breeze and she was eager to meet him. Corvus wasn’t far from where she lingered in the thicket so she turned and hurried to his side. Not because he’d asked for speed but because she wanted to. Twig could truly relax in his presence, and even if the progress of their relationship was slow she was content as everyday she felt closer to him.

A grin played on her pale features as her dainty paws carried her to his side. She nearly pranced, with her tail wagging slowly at her hips as she bumped her shoulder against him playfully. ”Looking for me?” Her voice was light as she greeted him, hesitating not to offer a kiss on his cheek.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
11-29-2020, 05:56 PM
Corvus knew he was delayed in the whole relationship department. Truthfully, Ignis's confession hadn't helped things any - he felt like it had stalled his own thoughts on the matter for awhile, making him doubt he even knew what love was. But Twig had to be it. He was sure of it. Even if his relationship didn't look quite like anyone else's, that was fine. Even the little display between Poem and Sparhawk at the meeting had made him wonder if he was doing something wrong, but he tried to ignore those feelings of inadequacy. Twig would tell him if he was doing anything wrong, wouldn't she? He hoped today might give her a glimpse into just how much he cared for her... if she was doubting it at all.

He felt his nerves grow as she came into view, but dissipated slightly as she leaned in to kiss him. "I was," he answered easily. He didn't hesitate to return her affections, leaning to nuzzle her shoulder gently, lingering there for a moment. "I have a surprise for you," Corvus started carefully. "But, you have to agree to something first. If you hate it, you have to tell me. Promise?" He watched her expectantly, hoping she wouldn't be disappointed, but most of all he hoped she would tell him if he didn't like what she'd prepared for her. That was the most important part of all. If she agreed, he twisted around to lead her through the thicket, as excited as he was nervous.



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
12-02-2020, 05:14 PM
Twig didn’t mind the slowness of pace when it came to the relationship she shared with Corvus. He was worth every moment of waiting, and she’d never dream of rushing him. Twig was still elated that he reciprocated the feelings she held for him, and now that they both knew how the other one felt she would take baby steps with him. He returned her affection and confirmed her teasing suspicion and she leaned into his touch as he nuzzled her back in returned greeting. The excited vibrations that filled her when she was around him had yet to subside. Twig felt like nothing else when they were together.

So far there was nothing different from their usual reunions, but his next words were quick to alert her. Corvus had made up a surprise for her? Her features brightened considerably and she laughed lightly as he offered one caveat. ”I promise.” She returned with a shy grin and giggle. ”I don’t think I’ll have to though.” Twig could honestly say that she would love anything that Corvus did with her in mind. She loved him, and that fact was only further cemented in her mind every day they were together. Easily the girl followed after him as he led her forward, excitement filling her. This was obvious in the way her tail wagged with excitement and her features shone brilliantly.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
12-12-2020, 09:25 AM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2020, 09:26 AM by Corvus.)
It was possible that she not like his surprise for her, even if unlikely. That lingering worry always had a home in his mind, reminding him that things could go awry. He was not perfect. He could fuck up and do something to make Twig's feelings for him change. Again - unlikely, but possible. He had to be -careful when it came to her, even if just slightly, knowing that there was always that possibility of ruining things. Today he felt especially worried of that, even as she assured him that she wouldn't say she hated it. He shook his head, though was still smiling. "The point is, you can - and should - if you really do." Saying yes just to please him sounded horrible to him. He truly wanted Twig to be happy, whatever that meant, with him or without.

They made their way through the thicket, finally stopping after a good little trek through the underbrush. Before long they stopped at the mouth of a den - not Corvus's den, but a new den he'd carefully dug out in the entrance of an old cave. If it could even be called that, with how small it'd been when he started. The digging had taken awhile and he was glad he'd started before fall hit and the cold started. Not that these eastern lands ever got terribly cold, but digging in even-semi frozen soil wasn't ideal. The mouth of the den was small, hardly big enough for him to get in and partially obscured by vines from the thick plants above, but the den inside was much bigger. He'd carefully dug out enough room for the both of them to sleep comfortably, even lining a few sections with small pelts he'd managed to steal and properly clean, which had been a feat in of itself. He wasn't terribly crafty, instead he was more of a practical wolf, so figuring it all out had taken him considerable time. Digging out the roots from the thicket above had been its own challenge, though they provided good support for the roof's den.

"So," he started once he was inside, feeling his heart rising in his chest. He swore it was beating in his throat, making him feel a little nauseous. Would she like it, he wondered? They'd never discussed moving in together but it seemed like a good idea. He'd enjoyed the few times they'd fallen asleep together and he didn't see why they couldn't do that more often. And with Abaven's move, it only make sense that he relocate. He also knew his handiwork wasn't perfect, but he'd tried hard and truthfully the space was pretty comfortable with all the work he'd put into it. "We can live here. Together. If you want," he explained hastily, looking visibly nervous as he awaited her reaction.



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
12-16-2020, 11:15 AM
Unconditional. That was how Twig loved Corvus. She was ready and willing to go at precisely the speed at which he was comfortable, and thus far hadn’t been disappointed in that fact at all. He wasn’t flawless, but he didn’t hide that fact either. Twig loved him for who he was, how honest he was with her, how sweet he was, and she loved being allowed to stare at his handsome face. ”Don’t worry, Corvus.” She assured him, bouncing up to offer another sweet kiss. ”I would never lie to you.” She bumped her shoulder to his as best she could before she stopped next to her guide.

He led her to a cozy little den that had both the smell of fresh earth and Corvus all over it. Her eyes widened in surprise as she made her guesses at the surprise before he could speak. A grin already formed on her dainty features as her heart beat excitedly in her chest. She followed him through the entrance and was greeted with a comfortable interior. Twig wasn’t sure she would have been able to ever dig out a den so nice. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness and studied with awe what he’d done, Corvus spoke up.

Twig’s attention was returned to him, his hesitation and nerves obvious now. The Memoire girl leaned in closer, snuggling into his warm fur as he revealed his whole plan. She didn’t make him suffer any longer than he already had so answered with a prompt, ”Together.” She agreed, her pearly teeth flashing in a smile before she leaned in for another kiss, this one much more thought out than her usual quick peck on the cheek. ”I’d love to share this den with you.” Twig barely pulled away as she spoke, ”I love you, so much, Corvus.” She couldn’t help the tears that pricked at her eyes, finally they were from happiness instead of sorrow.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
12-26-2020, 04:53 PM
Corvus wanted this simple life with her, the one they had begun to carve out together, slowly but surely. This was precisely why he'd retracted after his conversation - and subsequent confrontation - with Ignis. That had all been... too much for him. And though he hadn't lied about his feelings, it was easier to push them aside in the light of Ignis's inner turmoil. He didn't want a life like that. He'd dealt with enough thus far, from the countless deaths and disappearances Abaven had faced, to the volcano's explosion and the pain it had caused them all. All he wanted now was peace, to help Abaven continue to flourish and to ensure his family and all generations to come.

It was immediately obvious that she loved it, which pleased him beyond belief. The slight chance that she might reject him weighed heavily on him and he felt all that weight shift off his shoulders all at once, his expression brightening drastically. "Good. It'd be a shame for all this to go to waste," he teased with a chuckle as he leaned into her, basking in her warmth. This was it, he decided. This was what being truly, deeply happy felt like. Corvus decided he'd let himself bask in it for the time being and let all his other thoughts float away. "I love you more, Twig. More than I thought I could ever love anyone."



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
12-31-2020, 08:47 AM
Being brought back to Abaven, meeting her uncle, and subsequently helping to raise her cousins who she called nephews was enough excitement for the rest of her life. If she could do something to keep Abaven this peaceful and homey for the rest of her life she wouldn’t hesitate. That wasn’t how life worked though, and she could see a future with Corvus fighting to preserve this perfect peace.

Had she not loved the idea of moving in together and taking the next step to their relationship she would have told him, but that couldn’t have been further from the truth. He’d put his heart and soul into their new home and Twig adored it. She sighed heavily with contentment and leaned further into him, wanting nothing more than to embrace him here and fall asleep in his arms. He replied to her softly, admitting his feelings and opening up his heart for her.

”I don’t want anyone else.” She returned truthfully, and hesitantly, just in case there was any doubt left, she lifted her lips to his. She was gentle and careful, but with every hesitation there was passion as well. Corvus made her feel like no one else did. Heavily lidded eyes slid closed if he’d accept her affections, and while he offered the next step in their relationship Twig felt the desire to as well. ”Corvus,” she whispered as she pulled back slightly to take in his forest green gaze. ”Be mine? Forever?” Now it was her turn to fear rejection, this was an incredible step to take, but he was the one she wanted to move forward with. He was worth the risk.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
01-03-2021, 01:38 PM
Abaven and Twig were his future, he could see that now. However much work it too to ensure things remained this way, well, he'd do all of it willingly. It'd all be worth it to curl up here with her at the end of the day - or wherever they ended up, even if this den didn't remain theirs forever. He wasn't oblivious to how unpredictable life could be and that life could change drastically from year to year, but he had no doubt now he'd fight to keep Twig by his side, as he'd fight for all of Abaven She was part of that picture now, now part of his family as much as any Destruction was, albeit in a slightly different but equally as important way.

For now, though? He didn't want to work very hard at all. He felt he'd earned that, at least for today. Lying with her and basking in her company sounded splendid, especially here in the den he'd dug out for them. He was just glad she hadn't found it ahead of time, but it wasn't too surprise with the fact that he'd chosen a secluded spot hidden in the thicket. Her question made his heart skip a bit, though he was flooded with undeniable love. "Forever," he promised without hesitation. Right now he knew he wanted her forever and would fight to keep it that way if things ever changed. Slowly he pulled her closer to him, moving gently, giving her plenty of space to reject him if she decided to. Today was a day of firsts and he wanted them to come together in a way they hadn't yet before, a way he'd been fearful to but now wanted more than anything - so long as she did too.




Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-08-2021, 03:19 PM
If there was anything life taught her it was that she needed to live it vibrantly in the moment because you’d never know how much time you’d have. Twig arrived at Abaven fairly young, here to help her ‘nephews’ and quickly think of the pack as hers. This was her home and she wouldn’t be convinced of anywhere else. Corvus was here too, and maybe someday the two of them would contribute their own pups to the family. The thought wasn’t far from her mind as Corvus leaned into her kiss and returned to her deep affections of his own. He accepted her word and returned it with a promise of his own. Forever.

Twig let him pull her closer, and pressed herself against him as she never had before. Twig always took their relationship at whatever pace Corvus was comfortable with, so as the pair of them both eagerly jumped into the next stage the Memoire woman couldn’t contain her bright smile. She welcomed and returned his advances, there was no better way to spend their first moments in their new home. Their new den, their new life.
